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Eyeland Baby

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  1. I was thinking in their hats, but then I realized it’s more likely that they use teeny little buffs. Couldn’t find a pic though.
  2. I’m on my, I don’t know, fortieth season of Survivor and it ONLY JUST NOW occurred to me that the production team must have Survivor snakes. Like, recurring cast members, kept in transportable snake habitats so they can get footage of them slithering on the tribe signs and such for use in the episodes. All this time, y’all, and I’ve just been like “damn it’s cool that the camera people get so many shots of snakes and stuff” … wait a minute. This means there are probably Survivor bugs, too!
  3. If I’d known, I’d have been a stan all season love Niecy Nash!
  4. This is what I always tell people when they find out I’m a fan. And it’s the truth! I never would have guessed, for instance, that Angela would revert to middle school bullying tactics when faced with a little stress. Or that T’Kor, who seemed so self-assured and calm, would buckle under the anxiety that came with having to make a game decision and ultimately devote her game to Chelsie. People are fascinating. I agree with you about Cam responding to the energy and emotion levels of the people around him (how weird that we both get that impression without actually having seen him around people other than this season’s hamsters!).
  5. I haven’t related to a hamster this much since third grade. Leah, not Makensy.
  6. Oh no. Was one of those mentions mine from last night? what have we done?? seriously though after I read that button boy is preventing the voice from being heard on the feeds, I became concerned about the true identity of ainsley’s “protégé”
  7. Good point! Also, if a member of either trio gets to F2, they’re guaranteed the votes from the other two, but if an entire trio is on the jury they’ll have to vote for someone else.
  8. Oh no. Oh no. Is Jankie Frankie?? (Has this theory been floated already?) also I don’t know how no one else has come up with “Xwitter” before (first I’ve ever seen it anyway) and I think you’re brilliant. if Jankie is Frankie it’ll be especially disappointing because when Ainsley said its full name during the live show, I thought the acronym was Janie.
  9. I’m awfully fond of mine.
  10. Damn, Meet Me in Saint Louis is wild also, I forgot to quote it, but your Simpsons reference earlier made my day!
  11. Ooo, good read. Here’s maybe why he’s not doing so great at managing the slighted feelings: IRL, jealousy among a friend group is not the responsibility of the person who is not jealous. In Big Brother, one has to allow one’s boundaries to become a little more malleable and take more responsibility for the irrational or internally-based feelings of inadequacy or jealousy that arise in one’s “friend group” if one wants to keep those friends loyal very far in the game. Paul A. (yick) was unreasonably good at keeping his alliance members all convinced that they were his number one (will never forget Raven in the jury house, insisting that her relationship with him was the closest even as she sat in the jury house) and it hurt him at the endgame. Tucker isn’t used to being manipulative of the people around him, I don’t think, which is lucky for those people, because he certainly rolled high for charisma.
  12. Sing it with me: “Baaaaaat shiiiiiiit craaay zeeeeee” the BB house will bring that out in ya, I suppose.
  13. But that’s the thing! Nobody, including Tucker, knows when that bite is going to come! Every time he’s broken this cardinal BB rule (don’t risk your own game) we’ve all thought he was done for, and yet it’s worked out in his favor. How many times now? Two unused vetos? Agreeing to be a pawn for HoHs, I haven’t kept count of how many (I would be terrible at the days comp)… the first time he gambles and loses, we can all yell “moron” and laugh. But in the meantime, it’s like watching someone play BB roulette and it’s been more fun than any season since the Cookout, for me.
  14. Aw cmon, only two choices? How about this: you heard right and Quinn spoke wrong because it’s an easy mistake to make (the words are similar and the album’s name is Camp after all) a real fan would never make that mistake though so… I will keep it in my “things about Quinn that annoy me” column. Along with his hair. And diary room voice. And his apparent need to manage his image without actually being able to do so.
  15. I’m with you. I’m afraid when he’s inevitably voted out (barring more comp wins, which, let’s face it, are highly likely based on his performance to date) the season is going to get very boring. I think part of the reason folks online find him annoying is because he doesn’t seem desperate to be “good at the game” like the rest of the house does. He’s just good at it. He’s good at everything he tries, in large part because he seems to have a strong mind in the sense of focus and confidence and realism AND fairness and kindness. It’s so refreshing to me to have a player that I like so much. Can’t remember another one since… hmmm… also, the volunteering to go on the block is risky, but it can hardly be moronic if it’s worked for weeks on end.
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