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Everything posted by ElDosEquis

  1. It's the power challenge. They both are alpha in their relationships and have never had to deal with someone as devious and cunning as the other. IF they were together, they'd be trying to burn each other down and not with a Bic lighter and some newspaper. It would be with gas and a flare gun....
  2. When I re-watched the segment about her getting 'painted' I thought about the medieval queens who had people powder their smelly bodies as they stood there with arms extended. I had to laugh at the tramp stamp too. I wonder if that was before or after she became the Mrs.?
  3. If you don't eat, you don't have to puke it up later on?
  4. Notice the pronunciation of Munchausen isn't very clear when it's spoken to mock the disease, but when it's applied to yoyo she is able to fucking get every single syllable correct. Craig Ferguson's jab at the 'queen' about the pronunciation and origin of the word was perfect. He was dismissively polite and gave her a pat on the back with an "it's all right". The way someone with manners does when they need to sit next to someone that smells like shit for a few minutes.
  5. How's about the "I'll have your back if you introduce me to your record producer hubby"?
  6. Both try to make a point of thinking what they do/say has importance in the niches they have invented? One is a diva and multi charting entertainer and the other is a world renowned expert and victim of disease? Both Number One in their respective fields? I can see one talking about 'playing' at some club in Europe and the other talking about the same city, except they were there for a 'consult'?
  7. There is a pejorative term for women like her. I don't particularly like it, but it fits her to a tee. I don't have anything invested in any kind of relationship with her and there is no way that she'd ever want me as a friend or associate. (She'd never sink THAT low). She will go on doing what she does, whatever I say or think really doesn't matter in the long run.
  8. Michael Mando played a character called Vic (the Dick) in another series called, Orphan Black.
  9. I FUCKING LOVE FERGUSON. He has a new show coming out in a few days....I may have to get drunk tonight just to watch him put up with MoFoYoFo...THANKS!!!
  10. No, But I DO want to get the sweatshirt...... 1 505 503 4455
  11. I posted once that they do so much traveling, the CLD doesn't have time to catch up with them? Or when you keep so busy, you don't have time to be sick? LOL, it's "A PORTION OF THE PROCEEDS" that will go to the LD foundation, a few thousand bucks? They can't listen to 'music' but remember, rap really isn't music.
  12. The EJ persona -all that fluff for a three song set - shows that it's just a vanity thing for her. The reason that gay men are fans of Liza, Cher and other women singers is that they enjoy the talent and in Liza M's case? The tragedy of her mom and the drama in her life... I just have a problem with the term "My Gays". I know it's used as a kind of joke/punchline in some cases, but It demeans a group of people and suggests that you will use them for your own benefit.
  13. All across america, office furniture stores are getting orders for cocobolo desks. Someplace in the ABQ today, someone is going to pull up next to a yellow Hummer with spinner rims and laugh their fucking asses off, then start to yell, "PILL GUY" at the driver?
  14. She collects people that will tell her what she wants to hear and if you come to her with something she doesn't want to talk about? She really tried hard to distance herself from the group and the 'accusations' that she was the one that spoke to yoyo about the kids.....she is a superficial person that really isn't hard to figure out?
  15. One of the BIGGEST fallacies of going to a doctor is the stupid idea that they, just like an episode of some medical drama on TV, will be able to look at a patient and say, "your optic nerves are inflamed, you have athlete's foot". What this woman didn't say is that she showed up to the first doctor with some symptoms that, on their own, look like something totally different. Most General Practitioners are that general doctors who, look at the 'general' health of a patient. Not everyone is going to show the same symptoms, with the same severity to one illness. ​Unfortunately? Modern medicine isn't voodoo, reading tea leaves or some magic way to heal people. Sometimes it takes time to figure out what ails a person?
  16. Months, weeks, days, hours...........counting down. Bring back Betsy Kettleman!!!!!
  17. It's what gay men do for her? She is the kind of person who surrounds themselves with people who she lords over. She collects people - yes people - and discards them just as easily? She's another idiot that thinks in the 'her gays' frame of mind.
  18. I can only imagine that this cementhead wakes up, goes about her day and goes to sleep angry. I can't even imagine the bitterness surrounding her. EVERYTHING is someone else's fault and had they not done it to Brandi, they would have done it to someone else. The fucking work she puts into hating and being evil would serve to elevate her how far above a 'TV housewife'? Don't even want to think about how the poor kids are being poisoned.
  19. When I read 'cartoon recovery graph' I immediately thought of Porky Pig doing his "De-de-de-de-that's all folks!"
  20. The Gigi, Un-Gigi and Non-Gigi look more Russian than Middle Eastern.
  21. The coupon was only good for any PS surgeon east of the Mississippi and was worth 1/20th of one cent.
  22. I wonder how many Cu--y necklaces sold, to the cementheads that thought Er-yucka was cool?
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