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Solid Muldoon

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Everything posted by Solid Muldoon

  1. C'mon, Marvel. You basically bought an hour of network TV time for an infomercial for The Winter Soldier? Anybody who saw Captain America or The Avengers was already going to come see it. The harder they pimp this movie, the more I worry that it will suck. Stop, already. You got my money! I've been reading comics for 50 years! I'll be there!
  2. An aluminum baseball bat is an awesome weapon, unless you are in a small room or tight hallway. Swing away, Merrill!
  3. So, what would be your weapon of choice during the Zombie times? I'd go with a framing hammer. Guns break and run out of ammo. Shotgun shells have a limited shelf life. Swords and knives break and need sharpening. And a crossbow is just ridiculous. (But looks very cool.) If I did use I gun, I'd choose a .22. Around the south, you can find .22 ammo at every sporting goods store, bait shop, and Walmart. Hell, they sell them at convenience stores. How about you?
  4. When Tyreese whipped out that framing hammer I almost cheered. That would absolutely be my weapon of choice during the zombie times. You don't need to sharpen it. You won't run out of ammo. It won't break. Boom! One shot. One kill. I'd raid a hardware store and get a tool belt and wear one on each hip. I feel confident I could wade through a horde with a framing hammer in each hand. "Come get some!"
  5. The canned goods don't bother me as much as the cigarettes and ammunition. They also have a limited shelf life. Especially shotgun shells. Remember the great bit in The Road Warrior when Mad Max pulls the trigger on his shotgun and it just fizzles? That is the likely result of using two year old shotgun shells. Moisture will seep in. Back when I was a smoker, I found an open pack of cigarettes on top of the boiler in the basement. It had to have been there for a year at least. I tried to smoke one and it was absolutely vile.
  6. I was a Nielsen Family couple of weeks ago. Most of my favorite shows were preempted because of the Olympics, but I did watch Enlisted. I did my part. Buy Bonds!
  7. Maybe their best episode yet. Stacy Keach makes everything better.
  8. The thing is, there isn't a "southern accent." There are lots of them. Texas is very different from Mississippi Delta, which is different from Georgia which is different from South Carolina... If you travel all the way across Tennessee you will hear three different accents in a day. There are also differences between urban and rural, Black and White, rich and poor, etc.
  9. There is another famous race of blue people in the Marvel Universe: Atlanteans. The Atlantean/Human Intravenous Treatment Initiative?
  10. Yeah, I don't think I ever want to watch an episode of TV that contains the words Coma Baby. Yeesh.
  11. The first one that popped into my head was Access on The West Wing. It was like somebody told some guys about a show they had never seen and then said, "Go make an episode." It doesn't even feel like the same show. And worst of all, it's boring!
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