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Posts posted by editorgrrl

  1. On August 8, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Lady Iris said:

    He was found to be a legit abuser? I never heard about that, gotta read up about that.



    My 1992 essay, "The Sexist in Me," launched a lifelong journey to "make it end" by addressing the ignorance, hatred and pain at the root of violence, transforming myself and educating others in the process. That piece described my pushing a then-girlfriend into a door in 1991. In later writings, I discussed my childhood of abuse, my adult violence against both males and females, my years of counseling and my conscious decision to change. I laid bare my healing process and took responsibility for my redemption. Though I stumbled on a few occasions into anger-driven beefs with other men in the years since that public confession, I never assaulted a woman again. Nor will I ever. Today I am an activist for women's issues, nonviolent conflict resolution, education and community empowerment.

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  2. On August 29, 2016 at 3:53 PM, ClareWalks said:

    I am starting to get slightly frustrated. The scale hasn't budged in 3 weeks. According to my app, I should have lost 5 lb. I've been eating MORE fiber, but I don't see how that would make me stop losing weight. I drink at least 100 oz of water a day. I thought I had my body figured out but it's a bit flummoxing. I don't want to lose a ton of weight but I want the scale to keep going down so my walking will get easier/faster.

    Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you do everything right but maintain—or even gain. Others you lose a whole lot in a "whoosh." So be patient.

    And have non-scale metrics, such as strength, speed, or endurance. Take measurements and progress photos, too. They'll show you the truth, even when the scale is being a lying liar who lies.

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  3. 9 hours ago, AKraven said:

    Speaking of The Vanishing Women:  Is that the longest running series in the history of series?!  I didn't realize it was still on until I saw ID promoting the finale.



    Producers delayed the final episode to help provide closure to one family—that of Timberly Claytor—as the trial for Jason McCrary, later convicted on a murder charge, loomed.

    The series, the first of its kind for Investigation Discovery, filmed in Chillicothe beginning earlier in the year and continuing intermittently through late July.

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  4. On August 26, 2016 at 2:30 AM, AwesomO4000 said:

    Baskin Robbins' Golden medly flavor ice cream—or something like that. This was one of their "flavors of the month" and it had white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate ice creams all mixed together with a fudge ribbon (not chocolate syrup) and a caramel ribbon running through it. There might've also been almonds involved.


    5 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

    Gold medal ribbon is a Baskin Robbins staple and Trader Joe's has their own version that is, dare I say it, better.

    Baskin-Robbins Gold Medal Ribbon® ice cream is vanilla + chocolate with a caramel ribbon: https://www.baskinrobbins.com/content/baskinrobbins/en/products/icecream/flavors/goldmedalribbonicecream.html. it was created for the 1980 Winter Olympics: http://www.baskinrobbinsmea.com/en/about-us/know-the-brand/fun-facts/

    The Trader Joe's version is called Golden Caramel Swirl.


  5. On July 15, 2016 at 7:50 PM, thuganomics85 said:

    Did Barak Obama himself actually say/record those lines in the press conference?  If so, not to shabby, Mr. President!

    Nope: http://www.vulture.com/2016/07/mr-robot-obama.html


    [T]he footage and much of the audio was plucked from existing news conferences, but the lines that are specific to the show were done by an (uncannily skilled) Obama sound-alike. Careful editing made it sound relatively seamless and look like his lips were moving in a manner consistent with the new words — though it's probably one of those things where, now that you've found out what happened, you'll go back and see all the inconsistencies.

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  6. On August 11, 2016 at 8:36 AM, benteen said:

    Apparently Esmail consulted with the guys who did the theme songs for the old TGIF Thank God It's Friday lineup for shows like Perfect Strangers and Family Matters to do the theme song.


    Mr. Robot Theme Song ("Imagine a World Gone Insane"), by Bennett Salvay and Jesse Frederick

    Used to be you could trust in the story

    Vilify the villains and celebrate the heroes

    You could believe in the guts and the glory ways

    Those were the better days

    Where did those times go?

    When the shimmering sky turns cold and gray

    Searching for that spark of light

    Just close your eyes and say the words

    "Everything's gonna be all right"


    Imagine a world gone insane

    Picture yourself high above

    Imagine yourself in a world numb with pain

    Where the crazies believe in their twisted love

    Deep in your heart, hope stays alive

    Stand up tall and surely you'll survive

    Imagine a world gone insane

    (Imagine a world)

    Gone insane

    Let your mind just drift away

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  7. 20 hours ago, DatFatShorty said:

    I remember she said people looked at her funny in Korea. Didn't she say a guy physically assaulted her in a bar because she was fat? 

    Whitney also said she dated a guy she met at a Korean Burger King: http://thetvpage.com/2015/01/11/big-fat-fabulous-life-whitney-way-thore-tells/


    She was once engaged.
    “We went to Korea together. We lasted a year there and then we broke up. That was a four-year relationship. [Korea] was very stressful. It put a lot of stresses on our relationship, and I don’t think we were equipped to get through it.”

    She bounced right back!
    “After the breakup, this Korean guy came up to me in a Burger King—of course!—and starts making conversation. I am thinking, ‘Does this guy want an English lesson or does he want a date? I am really confused.’  We started dating and he called me his ‘Burger Queen’ after that.  He would like to flatter me and give me compliments, but his English wasn’t expansive, so he would go into the thesaurus and say things like ‘I love you, my elliptical baby.’ And I am like, ‘Elliptical???’ And he’d be like, ‘I didn’t want to say fat, so I looked in the thesaurus.’”

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  8. 23 minutes ago, Red Bridey said:

    There's a McDonald's commercial (for Chicken nuggets maybe) with a little boy and a little redheaded girl in split screens which baffles me.   Does the little boy turn into the little girl's father?  I thought the kids were friends, but it doesn't make any sense any which way.

    Yes: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/AR6w/mcdonalds-chicken-mcnuggets-a-better-mcnugget


    A side by side frame shows a little boy growing up a couple decades in the past, next to a little girl in the present-day. He passes everything along to her while a cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" plays. The boy shows her how to play basketball, and throws the ball across the frame so that she can try. When he moves his stuffed dog toward her, it turns into a real Corgi puppy. They end the day at McDonald's, where the young boy passes his McNugget to her, and then slides on over into her frame where he ages and becomes her father. He grew up with McDonald's Happy Meals and continues the tradition with his own daughter.

    The father uses a joystick, rides without a helmet, and eats his McNuggets out of a styrofoam clamshell:

  9. On August 25, 2016 at 4:18 PM, elle said:

    What is going on in the Volvo commercial with the "Hey, Smile" song?  Did the man with the wedding ring get jilted?  Who are the other 3 people and where in the world are they driving?



    On a quiet ride home from a wedding, the bride's family reminisces together in a shared sentimental silence over photos, memories and a song that brings a smile to the father's face.

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  10. 12 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

    This might still be available, but for me where I am now, likely not gettable. Friendly's had (has?) this holiday ice cream roll. It is log-shaped with chocolate ice cream on the inside, vanilla (or chocolate chip) ice cream on the outside, and topped on the top with some frosting, a delicious fudge, and jimmies. You slice through it to get round slice servings. 

    The fudge is my favorite part. Friendly's still makes the Jubilee Roll, and sells some products at Stop + Shop (if you're still in Massachusetts): http://www.friendlys.com/ice-cream/rolls/01.jpg

  11. On August 19, 2016 at 0:39 PM, KellsBells said:

    I have a Paula Zahn-related question. I just watched an episode from earlier this year that I forgot I'd taped, and I noticed for the first time that, although she asks questions of people and people answer, they're never actually shown together. Does she interview people in person, or does someone else do that, they tape it, and then make it seem as if Paula's the one doing it? Because there's no talking over each other; no overlap at all, like most human interactions. 

    I watched a 20/20 last night about 2009 deaths in a sweat lodge, and it included archival footage from a 2007 interview with self-help author James Ray. The reporter asked questions via speaker phone, and the entire thing was filmed. Editors could then insert footage of absolutely anyone asking questions + "reacting" to the answers.

    So it's entirely possible that's how On the Case with Paula Zahn is made. Unlike Dateline, where Keith Morrison often talks over the subjects.

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  12. This was in the Quotes thread, but it applies here as well:

    3 hours ago, NutMeg said:

    Gore Vidal said, "The important thing is not the object of love but the emotion itself."

    And how right he is! I just spent a year on a (long distance, eventually fizzled) thingy, and the guy was nothing worth writing home about, but the sensations, anticipations, butterflies, etc.? Priceless. One month in the doldrums after 12 months of bliss? Totally worth it! 

    Knowing you're able to love and feel "that" is wonderful. Because, however not likely it may feel now, you'll get there again. And whatever the outcome, it will be great.

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  13. My speculation: the color red + Elliot = hallucination. In The Sixth Sense, red meant Cole was seeing dead people. In Elliot's Adderall-induced hallucination, the cement was mixed in a red wheelbarrow. Elliot talked to Tyrell Wellick on a red phone. The composition book in Elliot's bedroom at his mom's house says "The Red Wheelbarrow" on the cover. At the diner, there's a red drinking glass on the table. Hot Carla burns stuff in a red wagon.

    Edited to add some non-Elliot red: the paint thrown on Joanna Wellick + the ribbon on the package she received.

    The rest of the show is black + white with some blue + a little yellow. There are orange cushions in Angela's apartment.

    • Love 8
  14. https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20160822/union-square/ru-pauls-drag-race-stars-will-hand-out-free-ice-cream-union-square


    Drag queens competing in the upcoming second season of "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" will hand out mini cups of soft-serve ice cream and rainbow popsicles from a Big Gay Ice Cream truck in Union Square, on University Place between 13th and 14th streets, Wednesday from noon to 6 p.m.

    On Thursday, nine contestants will move north to the Flatiron District, where they'll give away some treats at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 26th Street during the same afternoon time slot.

  15. 3 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

    Has Baker's Bittersweet chocolate been discontinued?  All I can find locally is unsweetened or semi-sweet.  

    Semisweet and bittersweet chocolate are essentially the same thing: http://www.chowhound.com/food-news/53775/what-s-the-difference-between-bittersweet-and-semisweet-chocolate/


    The only FDA requirement is that something called dark, bittersweet, or semisweet chocolate contain at least 35 percent cacao and less than 12 percent milk solids (more milk solids, and it’s required to say it’s milk chocolate). Beyond that, labeling is entirely up to the manufacturer.

  16. On May 16, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Christi said:

    Advice please. ...what else is out there in tv land to watch? That is comparable to TWD in the beginning? I just have regular cable...nothing fancy

    I like Z Nation on Syfy, a "popcorn show" from the makers of Sharknado. It's way less frustrating than either TWD or FTWD. Also two UK shows: In the Flesh (reintegrating zombies back into society) and Dead Set (zombies in the Big Brother house).

    Back on topic: the biggest difference for me is that I gave up on FTWD after season 1, but I'm still watching TWD. Begrudgingly.

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  17. Telling Vanderpump Rules' Scheana Shay to 'eat something' is unacceptable http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1127442/telling-vanderpump-rules-scheana-shay-to-eat-something-is-unacceptable


    It's awful that people think it's OK to tell Shay she's too small, and that she's expected not to find it offensive. And we've noticed a double standard in some people thinking fat-shaming is wrong, but commenting on a slighter figure is fair game. We all have different body shapes, and what's really important is if Shay is happy and healthy, right?

    Scheana looks neither happy nor healthy in the Instagram post in question:

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  18. 22 minutes ago, Maya said:

    [Brandon from episode 3] didn't even seem overly concerned that the life expectancy for people with his condition [pectus excavatum] was 35–40 years! His wife did seem bothered by all of it.

    I wonder if these people are just really nervous, so come off as stiff and robot-like. I thought that might be the case with the wife of [Nate], the face surgery guy in the [first] episode. 

    Cynthia and Magali, the 27-year-old twins from episode 3, were low-energy, too. I just chalked it up to the difference between this show's ironically more "normal" patients and the self-obsessed attention whores on original recipe Botched.

    It may have been during the after show, but they plugged http://botchedbynaturecasting.com


    We are looking for people who were "born botched" or have become so by circumstances beyond their control. Were you born with an unusual birth defeat or abnormality? Do you have an odd, unusual, misshapen or over the top feature? Were you involved in an accident, act of god, animal attack or accident brought on by mother nature? Has basic reconstructive surgery not helped you aesthetically or functionally? If so, we want to hear from you.

  19. 11 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    It's like Swamp Murders shows lots of Spanish moss-draped trees, but one was a Mississippi River swamp up in Minnesota.

    I just saw "Goth Girl, Gone" (season 3, episode 8), where the body of Amie Riley was found in a Merrimack River swamp in Manchester, New Hampshire. Who knew New England has swamps?

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