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Yikes. I've never been the biggest Cara fan (she CAN be entitled), but did production really need to have the cast (including Miz) shit on her immediately before announcing her the winner? Let that girl enjoy her win! She earned it! I loved Derrick sticking up for her. He's right. She has every right to walk around like HBIC if she wants, the male vets certainly do! It comes off as jealousy to me. If I recall, her only other first place win was Bloodlines, and production took every opportunity to shit on her then too, with all the Abe craziness. Does anyone else remember that painful aftershow? Whew! Why did this show treat Camilla with kid gloves, yet takes every opportunity to make Cara uncomfortable? The whole thing pisses me off on her behalf. Cara needs to take a note from Sarah and realize this show is never going to treat her like John Tomatoes and retire. You got the money, girl. Open your gym and be done with this. I might not like Devin as much as I thought I did. He needs to STFU, he's coming off obnoxious rather than funny, and I'm someone who REALLY wants to love him.
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I love Devin so much. Tony has really grown on me too. I really hope Tony finally makes it to the final. John might have it out for Tony in future challenges, but eventually the yellow fruit is going to find himself on the wrong side of the cool kids with all his “vendettas”. Cory, Nelson, Devin, now Tony... all these boys are going to keep coming back too - and they’re much younger. The Kaleigh situation was terrible. She was 100% bullied and while I loved the storm Devin started, I hated that Kaleigh paid the price for it. I’m back to not liking Kaylah again. She led the mean girls pack and was enjoying it. Disgusting. I also liked Cara Maria calling them on their shit. Cara’s been bullied hard in the past, so I liked that she wasn’t having it. Britni is drunk and trashy as ever on the aftershow right now, shocker... lol ETA - I just read a stat about how John hasn’t beat anyone in an elimination (aside from Riff Raff) since he stole Sarah’s money. Hmmm. Maybe Jeyme was on to something when she mentioned that curse last season.
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You're not the only one...and Nelson's 5k grenade vs. Melissa's pick teams or drink some cream were not lost on me either. The Challenge hates women.
First, I love Devin. I know he’s basically #NewGenWes, but I’m loving him more than I ever did Wes. He seems more strategic, and his commentary is gold. Team Devin till the end! I’ve never been a Tony fan until this episode. I was in stitches at his somber “I’m a changed man” lmaoooo. Tony “Changed Man” Raines. You heard it here. Shitty boyfriend material aside, he was impressive this challenge. Especially when seven? teams got knocked out by the stinky cheese. “There’s fungus amongus” hahahahaha. Tony’s performance might honestly go down as one of the greatest challenge moments ever. I loved everyone cheering him too. For the kids! Speaking of how many teams got eliminated right off the bat, I bet production really regretted their decisions with this one. Talk about anticlimactic. Without Tony, this entire episode would have been a waste. The last few missions have been really lame. Britni and midlife crisis Brad are disgusting. Did they really show us Britni riding his bug-eyed ass? Gross! I would have thrown pizza at them too! The season is shaping up to be the best Challenge in years, IMO. The daily challenges have been stupid, but the cast is dynamite, and they FINALLY got rid of Camilla. I don’t even mind John as much! I think the difference is the rookies this year. Bringing new people in from shows besides AYTO was a fantastic decision.
If there was ever a time I wanted this show to be rigged, this was it. I was hoping MTV would just give Cara the win because Camilla is a racist twat waffle. Booooo. And then of course there’s Jordan. Figures the two people who went out of their way to insult other people (and both became huge story lines) ended up winning the biggest prize in the history of this show. Although, I suppose it’s fitting for this cesspool of a cast. Cara was not looking good during her fight with Kailah. In fact, Cara has never looked more entitled and childish than she did this season. She might have come a long way as far as beasting though challenges, but her personality has regressed. I agree with her about the double standards, but everything else that came out of her mouth made me cringe. Dario was still enjoying his beauty rest during the reunion. Was he the only cast member who didn’t say anything? Britni is trash and I never want to see her on my screen again. Girl thinks she’s waaaay hotter than she is. She can have many seats. TJ is so painfully awkward. Good call not having him host the reunion.
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I've noticed a lot of random stray dogs popping up over the past few seasons (notably, there seemed to be a lot near the "shelter" last season), but this was the first time I've seen them run a final! Ha! One looked like she had a collar on though, so I'm wondering if those dogs weren't so stray after all. Anyway, props to CT for enjoying running with his "buddy", while Jordan is all 'EFF YOU, DOG". Ugh. But, this is also the first time I think I've noticed any interaction with stray dogs from the cast. In other seasons, the camera just seemed to focus on them for a second, like they're just part of the background :( Annnnnd...I was more amused by the quick dog cameos than I was this entire final, as you can probably tell. I'm rooting for the two underdogs, Derek and Tori, to come out the winners in the end.
And now we're not even hiding the fact there's going to be another redemption house, lol. At least Dario can get his beauty rest while staying there. Dario seems like he had one shit to give, and that shit is gone. I kind of love him for it. C.T to Camila : "Get off the paaaazzle so we can see the paaaazzle". LMAO. I also loved the shot of T.J laughing at team pink. Camila continues to be the worst, yet everyone has a problem with Kailah? Social skills or not, at least Kailah isn't an outward racist. Psh. Veronica was definitely the MVP this episode, but why is giving a challenge your all such an epiphany? That made me chuckle. I predict it will be CT/Cara that get sent to redemption house, but they'll slaughter everyone in the redemption challenge and be back for blood.
*Petty Post* Can we acknowledge how awful Britni's eyebrows are? Yeeeesh! Step away from those tweezers, girl. I hadn't paid her much attention until this episode, but her unrelenting love for Hunter has me disliking her AND the sperms on her forehead.
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We've all been crackin' on Corey, but out of three 'bros', he's the most tolerable. Nelson clearly has some rage issues, and Hunter seems like a misogynistic idiot. First, do you guys remember Nelson flipping his shit when Sylvia wouldn't hook up with him on a past challenge? And now this? What even happened? Derrick literally didn't do anything...at all. Then Nelson was trying to say Derrick came at HIM! LOL! Delusional. Then Hunter. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter. He reminds me of a typical Bro, thinking he's hot shit because he was a small town high school football star - and doesn't yet realize he's not shit in College. That's Hunter. The way he acted and said his life was over because his GF of a few months broke up with him was ridiculous. Then he attacked Kailah over nothing. Based off what Kailah said, I can totally see Hunter's disdain for her stemming from her rejecting him in favor of Corey. The way he talks about women in general is gross. He's the entitled type, and when a woman isn't on board, he flips out. I'm not a fan. Britni is an idiot for obviously being into him. Because it can't be said enough, fuck Camilla. She should have been kicked off before Nelson. I was so happy that Leroy made it across and didn't have to fall in the water. Poor guy does not like those height challenges! CT and Derrick for this win this episode. And Jenna. Jenna is awesome.
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My God it would be glorious if whatever money Camila won is forcibly donated to the NAACP or another similar charity. We'd get to see how much that bitch truly repents. Ha. A girl can dream. So much YES! She needs to have a consequence once and for all. She wouldn't keep doing the shit she does if everyone stopped coddling her psycho ass. Again, WORD. It's about TIME they decided to not invite her back! Although shame on MTV for waiting this effing long. How many people did she have to berate and abuse before it was the final straw? Maybe it wasn't even enough, because it sounds like MTV made this decision for Camila's own mental health, not the safety of everyone else. This had better be a permanent ban. I hope TPTB see the public's disgust with her on social media and take note. SMH.
Ding Ding Ding! A few seasons ago I think I said something to the effect of "Camila is the female version of John", in the eyes of MTV, anyway. She's been coming back every. single. season. and she brings the entertainment whether it be good, bad, or atrocious. Camila is very aware of those cameras and does what she thinks it takes to keep coming back, and MTV eats that shit up. She can also be a decent competitor, albeit a whiney, entitled, manipulative one, and she usually makes it until the end or close to, unless she gets kicked off first. IMO, MTV originally edited this episode to minimize the situation and to keep her coming back. Then Charlottesville and the world happened, not to mention the outrage by the fellow housemates. MTV found themselves with their thumb up their ass and had to scramble to save face, what with the anti-racism voiceovers and last second confessionals. They knew it was going to blow up on social media. Just look at the Jordan episode vs. this one. MTV edited Jordan's episode to make him out to be a monster (which was deserved), but I feel like MTV took steps to edit this episode to yes, show Camila to be the crazy person she is (because TPTB love it), but also to garner sympathy from the viewers. Her fake tears, her mentioning her upbringing...etc. Instead of showing us that, they could have left in the other racist shit she said. I call shenanigans.
Is it just me, or is Camila revealing herself to be more and more heinous each season? I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, and from what I read elsewhere, she said even worse things that weren’t aired. She’s been coming back each season more entitled than the last, and treating everyone awfully. I’m not sure who that bitch thinks she is, but she’s trash. I’m really disappointed that Cara has aligned herself with such a racist twat waffle – and for the record, I DO think she’s a racist deep down. Camila has shown herself to be an elitist who thinks she’s better than most people in general, so this just took it to a new level. She needs to go the way of Evan and Kenny and never be invited back. She’s a ticking time bomb and a risk to everyone around her. I’m glad that everyone in the house made it clear that they’re fed up with her. And MAJOR props to Leroy. He’s too good for this show. Sorry for my rant…I’ve been sick of Camila for a long time now, but she really struck a nerve last night and I’m aghast. I’m no longer just “sick” of her like I am of John, I’m personally offended she’s still on the show.
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I'm admittedly not a big Kailah fan, but I was loving her and Jenna as BFFs. They were endearing, especially since the rest of the people in that house are completely self-serving. If Kailah goes back in and serves it to the rest of them, I might just change my mind about her. Jenna will continue to be my favorite. She handles losses with such grace. I hope she does well in the redemption house. I too was thinking about Nelson's rage issues. His fit reminded me of him throwing furniture around last season because Sylvia didn't want to hook up with him. Nelson scares me. I felt deja vu throughout Tony's "I reap what I sow" bullshit. Dude clearly should not drink that much.
I find it interesting that production keeps pairing John and CM for commentary. They recently paired them during one of the specials and they were paired again here. I thought there was supposed to be some sort of rivalry between those two? I'm a long time believer that John has a thing for CM, but was too afraid of my boy Abe to peruse her - not that CM would reciprocate. Of COURSE John is shown in the previews giving his self-important toast at what one could only assume is the first night in the house. I thought my eyeballs were going to get stuck in the back of my head from rolling them so hard. I'm excited to see Devin again. He cracks me up. He's like NewGen Wes. I'll be watching. I'm a glutton for punishment.
I was thinking the same thing! I was cracking up when Cam referred to Landon as "Ole' Land-O" during her conversation with Naomie. I loved that Landon allegedly claimed Thomas showed up with a bouquet of flowers and professed his love for her and we got a flashback of him showing up with that single flower. Hahahahahahaha