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Posts posted by kia112

  1. I was actually cringing more during Jubilee's cello performance than I was during Olivia's...thing. But I played a string instrument in an orchestra, so my standards are probably a bit higher than Ben's.


    Ha! My roommate came in and I told her that Jubilee played cello for her talent.  She asked if she was good, and I was like, "Wellllll...."

    • Love 1
  2. when Jubilee played the cello they cut to a shot of Ben watching. He looked like he was really pleasantly surprised and a little in awe to me.


    Ben consistently wrote about being in awe of Jubilee in his People.com blog last week.  This week, after mentioning that she played the cello, he wrote, "Is there anything she can't do?"  I thought that was sweet.  He also explains why you guys saw little to none of his date with JoJo.

    • Love 3
  3. Ben is just bad ass. Hell I shifted uncomfortably in my seat a few times last night because I felt he loved me. Then I reminded myself it was the Pinot and he was talking to a person on TV, but damn he's good.

    This. Is. Perfect.

    • Love 8
  4. Also, during the cocktail party, Emily and someone else were talking.  It was asked, "Would you rather be first or last to talk to him?"  "Last, because you get more time" was the answer.  So are producers scheduling who talks to Ben and in what order?  Is it a rule that the last conversation is taking place, so no more "stealing" him away?


    Yes!  I remembered that because it is the same tactic I have whenever I want to talk to a musician after the show.  You never go first.  Rookie mistake.  I may be better suited for this show than I thought.


    I don't think the producers are necessarily scheduling them, because I've seen Sharleen mention that the night is not over until the producers say it's over.  That response gives me the impression that they let stuff go on until they feel they've gotten enough footage.  However, I think it's some kind of weird timing game because since you don't know when the producers are going to give that wrap it up signal, you have to keep a keen eye on who has already gone while making sure that you still get to squeeze in.  AGAIN, my tactic for timing to make sure a musician remembers me.

    • Love 3
  5. Uh, did Jubliee say she was a virgin and I missed it?




    Honestly, that interview response sounded so weird that, to me, it was obvious that a producer was like, "So, do you think Ben and Becca are going to have sex on their date?"

    • Love 2
  6. For me, Ben is killing the game with the conversation element.  He seems genuinely present and engaged in these conversations, asking real questions to get answers to completely valid concerns (asking Becca what was different this time since she got to the point of potentially fielding a proposal from Chris while being completely lukewarm about him; asking her what she thinks/if she feels any discomfort about his decision to not be a virgin).  However, when the women are answering, he's not sitting there with blank eyes and placid nodding -- he's thinking and doing relationship building.  I'm a sucker for hand stuff, so last week I was completely goo-goo eyed for him when he was in the hot tub/pool with Jubilee, playing with her fingers in such an intimate way, but still paying attention to what she was saying and thinking about how she perceives him.


    I'm very uncomfortable with the fact that I'm watching this show that I love to laugh at with new, Ben-colored glasses.

    • Love 14
  7. Was I the only one who noticed when he was talking to one of the twins and Olivia was lurking that he had his hand over his mouth and told the twin to "keep going" and "don't look." It was hilarious!


    I definitely saw that and rewound it a couple of times.  It sounded like a dumb story too (something about traveling and puppies) but anything's better than talking to Olivia again.  I loved that he couldn't keep the annoyance out of his voice when they started talking.  "What are you doing?"


    I was completely annoyed with Jubilee during her cocktail party talk with Ben.  "I'm just so complicated."  OK GIRL.  We spent all of last week on this.  Move on.

    • Love 5
  8. I cackled with glee when Amber was sent packing.  Could not stand her after last week.  I was kind of hoping that Ben would tell both twins that they could go to their rooms.  I don't see their purpose.


    This week was super boring (I missed the helicopter shenanigans), but I continue to be impressed by Ben having real conversations with these women.  I feel like I know more about Becca tonight than I did during Chris's whole season...she's still very boring and can go home any time, but at least now I know she's boring instead of just assuming it.


    Olivia, Olivia.  On one hand, I get the "I have no talent" feeling.  On the other hand, her crazy was showing through big time and Ben started to look equal parts annoyed and panicked whenever she showed up.  I halfway think he only picked her because he couldn't remember the other one's name at the end of the rose ceremony.  I kept calling her Ann.  Or Egg.

    • Love 7
  9. Ben was on Juliet Littman's podcast this week and she asked him about that conversation (among other things - definitely check it out, it was a fun interview). She asked if Olivia really sat down and went right into her cankles, or if she asked him at all about what was going on with him, and he said that he can't really remember exactly how the conversation went, just that he was really confused about why she was talking about her cankles.


    Thanks for the heads up.  I'm loving this interview and quickly becoming obsessed with Ben.

  10. No one who says "awko taco" deserves to find love.


    Her saltiness at not getting a rose really tickled me.  "I thought we had something!" Why, girl?  Have we seen him talking to her?  Truthfully, I just figured out her name this week.

    • Love 1
  11. But sometimes, it's really not.


    Says...who?  Which is my whole point.


    One of my favorite moments was Jami going on about how she now knows she can never expect anything from...humans...again after this experience.  So she's just done with mankind now?  OK girl.  I got a huge laugh out of that.

    • Love 9
  12. I'm also quite uncomfortable with all these accusations of racism. Amber ambushes Jubilee, she's being a mean girl; would it have been "racist" if it were a white girl the producers chose to do said ambush? The "soccer mom" comments really baffle me. Kaitlyn, for example, is white as white can be, I wouldn't exactly confuse her with a soccer mom.


    Depends on what and how she said it.


    I'm uncomfortable with people who have actually experienced racism, and see their experiences reflected in situations on this show, being told that it's not.  I saw some coded stuff here and there, but if I don't see it, I'm not going to tell someone else it's not there.


    I say this, even though I may risk Jubilee-levels of misunderstanding of my tone :)  I don't say the above to be snarky at all, just a troubling trend I've noticed.

    • Love 12
  13. I wouldn't want to talk to someone who ignored me, called me shallow, and then only tried to make nice because the cameras are on.


    Did she call people shallow, though?  I was talking through this episode, so I may have missed it.  I remember when she was talking to someone else (which, by definition means she wasn't ignoring them) and called herself complicated, which she described as the antithesis to everyone else's "happy."  Right?  Am I mis-remembering?  Her perceived complexity doesn't seem to be something she feels is superior to other personalities.  She was talking like she'd rather be anything but.

    • Love 5
  14. I hate Carter the more I see him. He's been useless to me since he was introduced and he's been nothing but a hating creeper for years. I'll never get over the fact that a few kisses from Maya had him waiting in her apartment while she was at Rick's, making up with him, only for her to come back and find him still there, drawing her roses. Then there he was...5 days after she and Rick broke up, proposing to her. IMO, he's been bitter since he dropped Maya. Which...I guess I can see it (but also, 5 days...), but get over it bruh. Go get another web series and get off of my screen. He does nothing but workout and talk about stuff that's none of his business. I could see it for him if he flat out told Zende that he's not down for being with Nicole while she's pregnant, but he's being so insidious about it. And to what end? Why can't he just say, "Yo, I was with Maya and she played me. She's ruthless and when she sets her sights on something, she doesn't care who's in the way. No matter what she says, eventually you're going to be in the way of her getting this baby"? (Side note, I don't actually believe that point of view, but something like that would make sense coming from Carter's character). But all of this, "He should be having fun" whining? YOU GO ON A DATE, SIR! OR START "ACTING" AGAIN OR BETTER YET, GO WHEREVER MUSHMOUTH AND DAYZEE ARE! GET. A. LIFE.

    Nicole couldn't have a better person in her BIL if she needed to have someone shit on. Rick clowns on his family with absolutely no problem; what's it to him to fire a virtual stranger? He was definitely nicer to Sasha than he's been to anyone in the past.

    • Love 6
  15. Amber's hair absolutely kills me. That slightly off-center part with those tragic growing out bangs and the terrible dirty blonde color. There's no movement to her hair and I think men are very attracted to hair that they view as touchable. Her face is quite cute but her hair reduces her attractiveness significantly. Jamie (?) the other bartender has similar hair in length and color but it's well-styled and comes across as being soft and touchable.


    I don't know why she continues to try to wear it straight on these shows.  My hair is not chemically straightened either and it's beyond a hassle to get it super straight and keep it that way in the heat / humidity.  I'm only wearing it straight now because it's winter and it will stay straight longer.  If she wants that look she needs to go for that full sew in because not only does the way she does it now it look unappealing, I'm sure she's doing no favors for the health of her hair.  I wish she'd just figure out how to wear it curly.

    • Love 2
  16. I'm already laughing. Where did magic bump on Nicole come from when she was in a body con dress yesterday? I guess it's the Sisterhood of the Travelling Baby Bump. It looks like the one Caroline had a couple of months back.


    It was there yesterday.  Mostly blocked by lamps and desks and the actress was shot from angles where you couldn't see it a lot of the time, but it was there.

    • Love 1
  17. Santa Baby was a close second, all for the line delivery on "Then how the FUCK did Santa get here??"


    That line made me 100% lose it.  I was laughing so hard I almost choked.  In addition, the "Your dad's back. Alright." line from "Birthday Party" didn't get enough love, in my opinion.

  18. This show...I don't know.  It's getting boring and when I can guess twists, something needs to change.


    The reveal two weeks ago that Raf didn't snitch on Michael?  When I saw Michael watching that video, I thought, "Raf probably paid him to do it."  Lo and behold, here we are.  Which still doesn't make Michael wronged, IMO, but whatever.  Last week was super boring and the first episode where I saw I'd only been watching for 20 minutes and I sighed and rolled my eyes.  When Wesley was an complete asshole and said that Jane wasn't one of them because she didn't share all of her personal business with her classmates and then she just spilled her whole story?  I figured it wouldn't end well because that's not a thing you say to people in order to get them to trust you; trust is earned and he did nothing to earn hers.  This episode when Jane forwarded the email to Wesley, again, I thought, "Yeah, she somehow sent that to Adam Rodriguez instead."  This week was also super boring and I'm so sick and tired of seeing Jane's quivering mouth, even though it's played to perfection by bae.  They need a midseason break and so do I.

    • Love 1
  19. I squealed when I saw Jason Weaver. The only thing that would have made it better is if he sang some young MJ or Simba.

    I quite enjoyed Ruby's elegance theme. I love that Empire exists in both the Blackish and Sleepy Hollow worlds.

    • Love 2
  20. Hell, I initially thought they had offed themselves via the baggie method- they were laid out so neatly side by side and all.

    As if "The world is too terrible, I give up, let's go together."


    OK.  So, I thought those two zombies were encased in glass somehow, which is why Blonde Girl wasn't threatened by them, initially.  Then she was startled when they opened their eyes, which made her trip, which made her break the glass and that's how they were able to eat her.  Was I totally off?  They were in baggies?

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