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Everything posted by PatsyandEddie

  1. I'd rather watch Sharon have another adversary.I do get the natural foils aspect but those "battles" got so tired after a while ( like 5 mins ). Now Nikki and Sharon are pure gold IMO especially when you know that the two ladies involved are great friends IRL. It's still over Nick but I find it more entertaining. Jack and Victor will be fighting over who gets the dentures that day in the nursing home. They will end up as roomies!
  2. canuck, the only part of your previous post that I disagree with is that they need each other. Not at all IMO. But an absolute and resounding YES to the rest.
  3. Actually I thought the actor playing Jarl Borg did a great job of showing great fear when he first figured out what was really going on but then his pride took over and he put on his "game" face. IA that the absence of dialogue during some of these more intense scenes is a great technique. The actors need to work harder to to emote and both were fantastic.
  4. All of this! Watching Ragnar circling Lagertha was such a simple but seductive act! They still love and admire each other so I can see them sneaking off into the bushes at some point. TF's eyes had me at the first scene with him. Can't believe he used to be a simple underwear model. Oh wait...watching him slid into the bath with Linus Roache was pretty hot too. I wouldn't be surprised if Rollo doesn't kill Siggy at some point. She is playing too many people against each other and no one likes a rat for long. Floki is the dangerous one. He feels forgotten in the crowd around Ragnar and is very jealous of his affection for Athelstan. Plus he comes across as being a bit mentally unstable so he could explode. According to the site I found about the blood eagle, this was a tortured reserved for special occasions, such as payment for killing someone's father. Seems that at some point later in time,one of Ragnar's sons captures Aelle and kills him via this torture. I'll add my praise for Roma. I love history in general and yet I devour historical fiction. Even when I know the actual facts, the veering from truth doesn't bother me if it's done well and seems plausible.
  5. Book learning was only for interested noble men and those in the hierarchy of the church. The majority of the population were ignorant of anything outside of their own small world and they were extremely religious/superstitious. They would believe anything they were told by their overlord or their priest. Lagertha stabbing her drunken prick of a husband in the eye was totally unexpected and fantastic at the same time.
  6. ^^^^ Arya is awesome. She is my favourite female TV character right now. Lagertha is a close second. They don't take anyone's shit and can kick some ass.
  7. UGH I can't abide this woman. She is prissy, whiny and selfish. So many people risked their lives to save her family and yet she was unable to "lower" herself to actually work in order to help provide for the group.
  8. I got hooked from the first episode I watched.I learned of Y&R from a fellow college student I carpooled with. Then I noticed it was on the TV sets in the lounges and couldn't stop watching. That was 40 years ago. I have loved and lost many characters over the years but it was the loss of Jeanne Cooper that has meant the most. Such a powerhouse! As hokey as it is,I love the fact that the show now has a park named after her. I live in Canada and am eagerly awaiting spring. It's so damned late this year and it's been so depressing.
  9. Absolutely Trip! No matter what the actor's opinion is of the writing or their costars, the audience should be completely unaware of it until they read about it in a legit magazine or hear an interview. Doing otherwise is a profound sign of disrespect to the other cast members you share scenes with and is completely unprofessional.
  10. IA stewed. Several of the Y&R actors have acknowledged her for being professional and going with the s/ls as written. Not saying she hasn't tweaked a few things because she has admittedly done so. IMO, her more subtle style of acting is preferable because I'm not distracted by annoying mannerisms while she's speaking.
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