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Posts posted by Abmis

  1. 3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I really do think a lot of Chelsea's attitude was the sleepless nights and constant nursings. Now that Cole is a bit older, things have settled down. It's all good. 




    I think you meant Watson, but this gave me a much needed laugh this morning.   Thank you!

    I loved seeing Chelsea and Aubree at the Butterfly House.  That place is wonderful and I'm glad it got the publicity.

    The look on Lincoln's face when he gave Kail the thumbs up from behind the glass cracked me up.  So did Addie cheerfully announcing that one of her fingers got cut off.  I'm trying to quit this show because of the dark things going on behind the scenes, but the cute kid moments keep me coming back.  I with they'd show more of them.

    • Love 10
  2. Jenelle apparently didn't get the memo about each new baby daddy being an upgrade.  Hers have all been awful in their own way.  I think she and UBT deserve each other.  Too bad there are innocent children involved.   I'm pretty sure Jenelle's family picnic (if they even had one) consisted of gas station pizza eaten on a bird crap covered picnic table.  No picnic basket filled with sandwiches or fried chicken for her brood.  And forget about a table cloth.  Packing things would have been work and it's Mother's Day!

    I think it's very mature of Chelsea and Cole to realize that people aren't going to want to drive a 12 hour round trip to a wedding reception for a couple that have been married a year.  Moving it to Sioux Falls is a great idea, but Chelsea's sister is right about the tent in October being a bad idea.  There's an old joke about how you must be a South Dakotan if you've ever Trick or Treated in a snowsuit and it's true. 

    I admire Ali's determination.  How did the wheelchair get to the doctor's office?  Leah and Ali walked in but Ali was in it when they left.  Did I miss something?

    I love Isaac and Lincoln's conversations in the car.  How on earth did Kail produce those two funny, adorable kids?

    Shut up, Brianna.

    • Love 14
  3. 20 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

    To me, Aubree came off like a kid who got a little over-eager when showing off her pets for the camera. 

    I thought the same thing.  I feel like MTV set her up.  Aubree seemed like she was showing off for the crew and it seemed like they were egging her on.  She said something like "which one should I get next?" so she was obviously talking to someone.  As mentioned upthread the editing seemed choppy and I think MTV chose the worst moments to show.  We saw how sweet Aburee was when she met Pete for the first time and how she enjoyed sharing her sandwich crusts with turtles so I don't think she'd intentionally harm an animal.  I think she's a sweet kid who got carried away.  I'm glad Chelsea shut the producer down.  She'd already talked to Aubree on camera and any further discussion needed to be a private family matter.

    Ali is breaking my heart.  She's so tiny and she seemed to be having trouble eating the nacho or taco salad or whatever it was they were eating in the car.  Leah and Cory are doing better at facing reality but they still have a long way to go.

    Poor Jace and Kaiser.  Jace probably missed his friends and activities at home.  Not to mention Barb.  It's unfair for him to get pulled away from his home just to stare at the ceiling in the swamp house.  Apparently they can only do things that UBT likes such as boating and fourwheeling.   Kaiser flinched when UBT's big hand came at him in the backseat.  I'd love to see that poor child happy for a change.  Every time I hear Jenelle talk about her land I hear Gerald O'Hara's speech about the importance of land.  Jenelle must have watched Gone With the Wind because I highly doubt she read the book.

    I don't care about Kail's problems.  At all.  I only watch her segments for the boys.  

    How unfair was it for Nova to have to watch an ultrasound of a baby sister that might be put up for adoption?  We know she wasn't but Nova didn't know that at the time and I can't imagine what was going through her head.

    I've been gone for awhile because I've been recovering from surgery.  I sure have missed putting in my two cents worth on the show. 

    • Love 19
  4. 19 hours ago, Genevrier said:

    If I may, I'd like to point you toward footsmart.com. They carry a range of very nice, dressy shoes that are actually orthopedic. They don't run cheap, usually, but they have a variety of brands so there's a range. They carry every kind of shoes, but the dress shoes in particular have saved me from having to enter Bea Arthur-land (thank heavens). 


    ETA Apologies for going so far off topic. 

    Footsmart is awesome.   Every time I see Mechelle in her Bea Arthurs I wonder if she's aware that there are attractive orthopedic shoes available. 

    • Love 6
  5. I was surprised at Joy touching Austin's dad the way she did.  It wouldn't have been big deal among normal people but they're not normal. 

    Ben is growing on me.  I think he's a doofus, but I think ten years from now he's going to be able to look back and laugh at his young doofus self.  I don't think anyone else on the show has the potential for that much personal growth.

    Derick's teeth seem to be moving further and further to the side.  He needs to see another orthodontist for a second opinion.

    • Love 14
  6. 12 hours ago, Obsidian said:

    Since the family motto was 'Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last', Joy should have been the one Duggar to master her name. Maybe she spells her name J.O.Y. or JFOSYL.


    I think that's what they'd like us to believe, but I think away from the cameras it's probably more like: Jim Bob first, OfJimBob second, Yourself and your kind next and the heck with everyone else.

    • Love 10
  7. 1 hour ago, orangeiguana said:

    Good lord, what's the fascination with all that long stringy hair? And where did they find a trumpeter *quite* so dreadful?

    I finally broke down and watched the wedding and stringy exactly the way I'd describe Joy's hair.   It looked awful, but not as bad as Austin's mother's.  Mechelle's looked better than hers and that's saying something. 

    I only watched part of Jinger's wedding and have only seen clips of parts of the other Duggar weddings.  Do they never have a bride's/head table for the bride and groom, their parents, and the wedding party?   It looked like everyone was wandering aimlessly.  Do they usually provide chairs and tables for their guests to sit at and eat their meager refreshments?  Even the simplest weddings I've attended have had nicely decorated tables for their guests.

    I like Kendra more than I thought I would.  She was giggly, but at least she was having a good time and showed some personality.

    I wonder if Joy signed the marriage license with an X.

    • Love 24
  8. I'm thrilled.  I'm hoping that it's really over between Matt and Amber so Leah will never have to lay eyes on that POS again.  It always made me uncomfortable watching him and Leah together.  I didn't like him being alone with her and I didn't like the way he talked to her.   I'd love to know what Gary is thinking.

    • Love 9
  9. 4 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    Did she have like a reverse nose job or something? I don't remember it looking this much like Princess Vespa's "before" pic in Spaceballs. Maybe it's just the dumb faces she keeps making. 

    I think she's been telling lies and her nose is growing.

    • Love 17
  10. 16 hours ago, poopchute said:

    I don't understand how Catelyn STILL hasn't figured out how to talk a walk around the block.  It's really not hard?

    I wish she would get up and move around.  I think endorphins would do her a world of good.

    • Love 11
  11. When Farrah was putting the red lamp together I thought it was Deb at first.  I don't think that's the look Farrah is going for.

    I thought is was hilarious when Amber, Matt, and Leah were in the car and Amber was talking how she had to throw up.  Leah kept eating the pizza and Matt was chowing down on whatever fried thing he was eating.  I give Leah a pass since she's just a kid, and a sweet one at that, but shouldn't Matt have asked Amber if the food odors were bothering her and offered to get rid of the food?  I guess nothing gets between Matt and his paid for by Amber food.

    I think Bentley is over being on the show and would have rather been Trick or Treating with his friends. 

    Cate and Tyler deserve each other.

    • Love 6
  12. 8 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

    Heck. I thought Janelle had her legs pulled up with her knees under her chin until I realized those were her boobs! Yikers!

    I thought the same thing.  It looked like she was sitting like a little kid with her knees up under her shirt. 

    The whole thing with Barb and Jenelle turned my brain to mush.  Did Jenelle really mention UBT not being able to see his son due to a no contact order without Drew commenting on it or questioning it?  Not a fan, but Dr Phil would have been all over that. Drew has no idea what is really going on with these people.  Since we all know it,  I think any one of us could do a better job on the reunion show than Drew.  I refuse to call him doctor. 

    Nathan and UBT handling Kaiser's visitation schedule is not healthy.  Maybe a better way to do it would be to have Nathan's mom and Jenelle handle it. UBT is nothing to Kaiser, and has no right to be involved in decisions that affect his life. Jenelle sucks, but she's the mom and she ought to handle it.  That's what moms do.  Jenelle can lose me with whining about Nathan's mom having Kaiser so much.  Isn't she raising Nathan's daughter from a previous relationship?  If that's the case, it's nice that Kaiser's spending time with his half sibling.  Jenelle ought to understand that since she complains that Jace and Kaiser don't see each other enough except since she's Jenelle she doesn't get it.

    My heart aches for Barb and Jace.

    • Love 15
  13. 3 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

    Best part of the episode for me was UBT's countdown to what was sure to be certain death for anyone in his path. Only thing is he hopped out of that car full of rage and NOBODY MOVED.

    All that puffery doesn't work so well up against grown men does it? Janelle and Jace certainly cower in fear but not anyone who can see thru bullshit.

    I was surprised that UBT can count to five.

    • Love 19
  14. I don't have a problem with Chelsea not having the weddings filmed.  They aren't just her ceremonies, they're Cole's too.  Maybe he has family members who are uncomfortable with filming.  If that's the case, I applaud them for taking their guests feelings into consideration.  Or maybe she doesn't want Adam seeing them.  I can respect that too.  They have their reasons, and I'm fine with that even though I selfishly would have liked to see if any of the DeBoers I know were in attendance. I haven't had the nerve to out myself as a viewer by asking them if they're related to Cole.  I enjoy watching those two goofballs and I wish them much happiness.

    I think Javi and Jo ought to get together and make a pact to have Isaac and Lincoln wear sweatpants every time they go back to Kail's house.

    • Love 17
  15. 45 minutes ago, CerealKiller813 said:

    Leah. Stop lying. You know you are NOT for the commitment school would entail. Who would buy the kids their sugary drinks and canned creamed soups? And for the love of all that is holy, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE HER PUT ALI'S GEAR ON. You can't put on the arm and knee pads AT LEAST?? Also, did anyone else catch the kids faces when she came over to read? Like that wasn't a regular occurrence but for the cameras. 


    I thought the same thing about the reading and Ali's gear.  Ali wears her knee pads while swimming but not on the playground.  WTF?  After the fall she took on the swings last year, she should be wearing her helmet on the playground.  Leave it to Leah to try to bribe Addie with doughnuts.  How about a book or a jump rope or something?  Addie gets enough sugar.   I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I think Addie would benefit from a good preschool program if Leah can find one that's well there.  I think she spends too much time alone with Leah and could use the structure.

    I got choked up when Jace's little arm reached out to comfort Barb.  That poor kid.  Jenelle is so delusional.  If Barb only cared about filming  and MTV money she wouldn't be spending all day her feet making sandwiches at Wal Mart while Jenelle saves ruins lives.  She's smart enough to think about things like a retirement fund and health insurance for Jace.  I'm so sick of hearing Jenelle whine about wanting Jace back.  She can't get back what she never had.  Barb has been Jace's mom since the day he was born and Jenelle has no one but herself to blame for that.

    I really hope Kail doesn't come between Vee and Jo.  I have a feeling that when her baby arrives, if baby daddy #3 doesn't step up and doesn't have a family that will clean her house and watch her kids, she's not going to be so concerned about Isaac being alone with Javi.  She'll probably leave the boys with anyone that will watch them.

    I don't think I could stomach this show without Chelsea, Cole, and Aubree.  It's so refreshing to see happy people for a change.

    • Love 16
  16. I like to think of it as Jeremy distancing himself and Jinger from Josh.  He's been out in the real world enough to understand how truly repulsive Josh is, and if he's the least bit normal he won't want Jinger and their future children anywhere near him.  The Duggars seen to have an all or nothing policy so maybe he's making a statement.

    That said, I don't think Jinger should have to chose between Jeremy and her family.  I just want someone, anyone, to turn their back on Josh and call him out for the piece of crap he really is.

    • Love 5
  17. The look Lincoln had on his face when Kail said she wanted to squeeze him said it all.  I'd be scared too.  How on earth does she sit on her butt?  Can those implants possibly be comfortable?  I've wondered the same thing about Farrah.

    Adam couldn't even be bothered to join his own mother to eat lunch at school with Aubree.  Cole to the rescue again to help make her day special.  I loved it when she told him to pat himself on the back for building the crib.  Those two have such a sweet relationship.

    A trip to New York could have been very educational for Jace, but not with Jenelle in charge. 

    Addy's reaction to seeing Jeremy was cute.  That poor kid always looks so grubby to me.  Her hair is an awkward length and it just hangs there.  She'd look cute in pigtails or at least with a headband or some barrettes in it.  Her clothes look dingy like they've been passed down through generations of Leah's family.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think Leah can afford a trip to Wal Mart to buy her a few things.  The twinses always looked like unmade beds at her age, but at least they'd get cleaned up when they went to Corey and Miranda's.  Someone on Jeremy's side needs to do the same for Addy.

    • Love 11
  18. On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:04 PM, Fosca said:

    Actually, if it's a single-gene recessive, she has a 66% chance of being a carrier, and a 33% chance of being completely in the clear.  Adderall has a 50% chance of carrying the gene.  If Ali managed to have a child, that child would definitely be a carrier.  I suspect the genes are rare enough that it was just very bad luck that Corey and Leah had kids.  Are they related at all?  

    Hi, former biologist here!  <waves>

    Thanks for the information.  I first saw this on Facebook and wading through Leah's fans posts is exhausting to put it mildly.

  19. I love true crime and I've read Helter Skelter over and over.   I can't imagine the emotions that seeing the locations where the crimes were committed would bring. 

    The only famous location I've seen is Chelsea's house.

    • Love 5
  20. 1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    To me she's a junior Diane Downs. Wait till some guy she's got the hots for doesn't want kids. She'd dispose of them as quick as you can throw out a water bottle.


    I get that horrifying vibe from both Jenelle and Leah.  I feel it's worse with Jenelle but I get it from Leah too.

    Poor Jace doesn't even want to look Jenelle in the eye.  My heart aches for him.

    The cold soup from the can made me want to throw up.  Was Addy sitting on Leah's only pot?  Does it still have burned on midnight Ravioli stuck to it?  Did those poor kids even have anything to drink?  How about some crackers, bread, peanut butter, or cheese?  It's not like warming up soup and giving them sandwich ingredients is all that hard.   Maybe it was Gracie's night off from cooking.  Speaking of Gracie, I think she should have been wearing a lifejacket too.  Things can happen fast with three young kids and it's not like Leah is attentive.

    Good for Jo and Javi for going outside to discuss the Kail situation.   I hope they can continue to work together to make things better for kids.

    Chelsea and family are a breath of fresh air for me.  Leah ought to watch Chelsea getting Aubree ready for school in the morning and take notes.

    • Love 13
  21. I just watched this episode and I'm baffled.  Why would Jing and Baaaabe need a bunch of tacky used stuff when they are on the brink of getting wedding presents?   With over 1000 guests they were bound to get some beautiful gifts they would be able to use in their home.  Granted, none of the nice gifts probably came from the Duggar side, but I bet they got some nice things from Jeremy's side. 

    Jessa was overbearing and obnoxious.  If I were Jeremy, I'd have told her what to do with her coffee mug tree. 

    • Love 9
  22. I thought the same thing about Jenelle trying to have the same interests as every guy she's with.  She looked kind of embarrassed at UTB's comment about having butterflies in his britches.  That sure didn't stop her from putting his name on the land deed though.  When Mr. Abmis and I bought our place we managed to refrain from kissing and declaring our love at the closing.

    My heart aches for Jace and Isaac.  Jo and Vee are saints to put up with Kail's crap.  I think Isaac would flourish in their calm and seemingly happy home. When I was watching the show,  I  wondered if they were working or going to school.  I mentally compared them to Tyler and Cait from TMOG and there is no comparison.   Jo and Vee live in a clean house and actually interact with their daughter.  Whether or not they have jobs, they seem to live a normal life.  I'd love to see Isaac live with them, but I think he and Lincoln would be miserable being separated.  The whole thing is a big mess and I blame Kail.

    Leah's is a total mess and a crappy mother.

    I'm so happy for Chelsea, Cole, and Aubree.  It's so nice to see a happy child on this show for a change.

    • Love 15
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