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Posts posted by Abmis

  1. 9 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

    I liked Chelsea from Teen Mom but I find her annoying that she says "I am stressed" in every episode and honestly her designs are boring and bland and I guess her favorite color is black since she puts too much black in her designs making it dark, I think she needs someone to teach her better design but I want to know how she got her design taste from? As for her husband, he turns me off, he seems like a creep or something so I do not know what Chelsea sees in him

    I normally like Chelsea and I don't mind Cole but she was unbearable last night.  I agree that she really needs to go to design school.  She kept going on about how bold her design choices were, but they were all black.  The cedar stuff on the outside of the house looks like when someone's father-in-law retires, takes up woodworking, and pushes all his projects on to family members who are forced to display them.  If I'd have been playing a drinking game and would have taken a drink every time she said farmhouse I would have needed an ambulance. 

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  2. 20 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


    Anybody else notice they parked in a handicapped spot at the Y?  Sure, not all handicaps are visible, etc., and handicapped people do work out at a gym, but seems to me if you go into a building to walk on the treadmill, you don't need to have the parking space closest to the door.


    Speaking from experience, the handicapped spots at gyms are often used by people who are recovering from knee replacement or other surgery and can't walk long distances yet but are there to use the bikes or pool.  

    I don't remember noticing if the place had a pool.   They've had indoor swimming in some episodes but I don't remember where they went.

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  3. Did John really tell Emmit's wife that he died looking up at the stars with his eyes closed?  I understand what that could mean but I don't think of John as being that deep.  

    When did Beth become such a hand?  The last time I remember seeing her on a horse was when Walker was trying to teach her to ride. She's always been scared of them and now she's suddenly useful on a roundup. 

    Mr Abmis and I laughed at Lynell saying Summer was attractive.  She probably never looked worse in her life.  I find it hard to believe that she would just sit and watch the branding.  Shouldn't she have gone all full blown activist and thrown herself on the fire or something?

    The dog shooting was way too much for me.  The whole having the president visit with without Rainwater knowing about it was pretty farfetched for me, but he and Moe handled it well.

    I did love the scenery and watching the cowboys work.  

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  4. 1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

    Jill posted pics of Phillip in a hat for Loudonville Farmers Equity.  Farming supplies, grain elevator, etc. Rumor on other sites speculate Samuel has also been working with Jonathan and Phillip. I say good if he is. Sammers will be 18 in a few weeks and surely he has learned enough algebra math and bible memorizing by now. Watch for Phillip's non worldly spring break trip to coincide with best friend Samuel's non worldly senior trip next spring.🙄

    No idea if they actually work at the farmers equity, but it seems like the type of place they might choose. A few degrees removed from Jonathan being the farmer Kaylee dreamed of marrying.

    If it is true, I hope bringing the Rods onboard at his job doesn't backfire for Jonathan.  

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  5. Another amazing episode.  I love how even in an episode with such serious and moving subject matter they throw in something that makes me laugh.  In this case it was Hokti's spirit guide apparently getting in on with Bear's spirit guide.  Nice to know that spirit sex lasts longer. 

    • LOL 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Abmis said:

    This episode was different but I enjoyed it.  I laughed so hard when Big told Kenny Boy to cover him and he uses a stick.  They were both still so out of it that it made perfect sense to them.  I got a kick out of Big having a Big Foot air freshener in his patrol car, too.

    I had been hoping that the Deer Lady would return.  I took her telling Big that Cookie had sent her as meaning that Cookie didn't blame Big for the accident and that he shouldn't blame himself.

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  7. This episode was different but I enjoyed it.  I laughed so hard when Big told Kenny Boy to cover him and he uses a stick.  They were both still so out of it that it made perfect sense to them.  I got a kick out of Big having a Big Foor air freshener in his patrol car, too.

    I had been hoping that the Deer Lady would return.  I took her telling Big that Cookie had sent her as meaning that Cookie didn't blame Big for the accident and that he shouldn't blame himself.

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  8. 10 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Even though he was in it for only a few minutes, Big was great with all of his reactions to everything that was going on.  Zahn McClarnon is a treasure!

    He sure is.  


    When his boots appeared on the screen I started yelling at my TV how happy I was to see Big because I knew he would save the day. 

    This episode is riveting.  The writing and the acting are fantastic.  I need to go watch it again. 

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  9. 7 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Cool seeing Tamara Podemski as Elora's aunt from another city (and who apparently had a thing with Big years ago?!)  Fun fact: she and Sarah Podemski (Rita) are sisters!

    Thanks for the info.  Now I know why I kept getting them mixed up.

    I loved the sense of community in this episode.  Even though it was serious, it was fun to see Big flirting.  

    Mose and Meeko got their bikes back!

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