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Posts posted by Abmis

  1. 12 hours ago, druzy said:

    By the way, if someone told me the Sheriff was knocking on my door I would think the absolute worst, like something awful happened to a loved one.

    I thought the same thing.   It happened to me a few years ago, and I still can't answer an unexpected knock at the door without panicking.  Those fools don't realize how fortunate they are.

    Did anyone else notice that when Jenelle was talking to her so-called friend Jamie she had a gage in one ear and no earring in the other?  I hadn't noticed her wearing a gage before.  I thought Barb looked pretty when she was being interviewed.

    I liked how Chelsea's family handled the pressure of being rushed.  They were stressed, but they didn't freak out.  I shudder to think what would UBT would have done if one of his stepkids forgot their bookbag. 

    I thought Leah looked nice in this episode.  Those puppies were so cute.  I hope they all ended up in good homes.  Addie looked so sad when they were giving the puppy to its new owners, and I thought it was so sweet when Ali kissed her cheek. 

    I also couldn't figure out Roxanne's blanket/poncho thing.  Does it get that cold in Florida?  Could she have the chills due to her Lupus?  I didn't get her whole argument about Javi.  Was she disappointed that he wasn't being deployed and wouldn't be getting hazardous duty pay that she had hoped would be trickling over to the coven?  I need to rewatch with captions turned on.

    • Love 8
  2. I've also wondered if Nurie will face charges for the accident.  Wreckless driving, careless driving, distracted driving, and overdriving road conditions would all be possibilities in my neck of the woods.   Is it wrong of me to hope that the air conditioner thing is a big story, and that the girls were really rocking out to a secular song on the radio when the accident happened?  If so, I hope the radio was destroyed in the crash and their parents never find out. 

    I can't imagine walking into a pregnancy center and being faced with volunteers whose hair and make up rival Miss Kitty's. 

    • Love 17
  3. 1 hour ago, Heathen said:

    The Plexus pimp's multiple grammatical errors made me think it was legitimate, not snarky, but only the author and Dog know. 

    Tadpole eyebrows are also apparently hereditary. 

    The Plexus pimp posted another comment apologizing for the errors and said they were typing one handed because they were nursing a baby so I'm pretty sure it was snark.  I thought it was hilarious, and I wondered which one of you guys was the clever snarker.  

    • Love 13
  4. In the restaurant scene with Leah, Gracie reminded me of Jace when he's alone with Jenelle and she's pumping him for information.  Gracie didn't make eye contact with Leah, and seemed to pretend to be very interested in the straw and lemon in her glass.   Leah needs to back off that kid.

    It was nice to see Ensley smile when she saw Kaiser.  That's the most animated I've ever seen her.  I hope they grow up with a good relationship because they're going to need each other. 

    • Love 16
  5. I wish Leah had tried something like these for Ali:


    When I Googled Halloween costumes for kids in wheelchairs all kids of things came up.  Creating a costume for Ali could have been a fun family project.  Ali could have had fun selecting one and she would have been a hit everywhere she went. 

    • Love 8
  6. If Jeremy's last name is Cow Fart, doesn't that mean Addie's last name is Cow Fart too?  It also makes Leah the former Mrs. Cow Fart.  I know I'm being too literal,but that was the weirdest flirting I've ever seen.   Leah needs to work on that.  She also needs to work on her parenting skills.  Calling Corey just proves to the girlses that  she can't handle them and that they can walk all over her.  Watching Ali walk is heart wrenching.  Thank God Jeremy was playing a game with Addie.  It wasn't Yachtzee but it does give me hope that Addie won't turn out like Jenelle. 

    I don't believe a word that comes out of Jenelle's mouth.  Not about what Jace said on the phone call and not about anything the counselor said.  

    Poor Nova so desperate for male attention.  Stella probably will be too.  That is not going to end well. 

    Watson waving was everything.  

    • Love 19
  7. 16 hours ago, MamaMax said:

    how cute would a verse or two of "This little light of mine" be??

    So would Jesus Loves The Little Children.  Especially since the part about, "Red, brown, yellow, black, and white, they are precious in His sight." would make Dillweed's head explode.

    • Love 13
  8. 11 hours ago, Kazu said:

    I am confused as to why we are watching where last season left off. This shit happened last August. Why didn't MTV just air this when the reunion aired?

    Me too.  I watch this show for the kids, not for the reunion drama.  They could have just tacked this crap onto last season's reunion and given us the regular stuff this season.  They've hardly shown the kids at all this season and what we've seen from the reunion has been horrifying.  Bring me Chelsea's happy family, Jo's gentle talks with Isaac, Jace happily hanging out with Barb, Addie's antics, Ali in her wheelchair happily pursuing art, reading, baking, photography, etc., anything but all this fighting in front of the kids. Okay, the one about Ali probably isn't going to happen, but I can dream.  While I'm dreaming I'll add Kaiser finding a safe and peaceful home. 

    • Love 14
  9. It's about time scouting catches up to 4-H by having both boys and girls in the same organization.  Good for them!  

    The more I read Dillweed's rants, the more he reminds me of David Eason who is married to Jenelle from Teen Mom 2.  I strongly suspect they both married their wives just to get on TV and they are both ignorant, arrogant, mean spirited jerks who post homophonic crap.  Granted Dillweed only has one baby mama, uses cleaner language, and doesn't have a police record, but other than that they are scarily similar. 

    • Love 7
  10. Derick had his oral surgery right after Izzy was born.  How the heck did they pay for that, and his on going orthodontic work?

    I'm not a Jill fan, but how can someone who is so emotionally fragile that they still cry about being frightened by a falling shower rack months after it happened, live with such an asshole?  His self-importance and constant need to always be right must be wearing her down to nothing.  She has no life skills, no education, and has had it drilled into her that she's nothing but a baby making helpmeet so I assume she just takes it.   In the episode where she hosted the bible study  at their house in CA, I thought she was such a cold fish to the woman who was crying about her problems with her husband.  Now I'm wondering if she was in shock that a helpmeet would dare admit that her headship was a jerk and was making her miserable.   That doesn't happen in Jill's world, not even with Anna.  I think Jill is miserable and doesn't even know it.

    I've thought for a long time that Jill wearing pants and possibly having pierced her nose was some weird way of Derick kind of pimping her out.  Same with all the recent bed and bedroom pictures.  I'm sure he controls what she posts on social media and is making her post those things.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe to try to impress that the college kids that he's a cool guy with a cool pants wearing wife.   Maybe the bedroom pics are to try to convince some one that he's desirable.   Epic fail on that one!  I do think his Pistol Pete years were the happiest of his life, and that he'd love to be a college kid again.   Other than that I all I can say is that there's something not right about that boy. 

    • Love 23
  11. 20 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:


    Glad it's another boy. Do the damn cleaning and cooking and babywatching yourself, Joy. Gideon (and, I hope, the next six boys you bear) can spend the time practicing to lead the holy army. 

    The name Gideon makes me think of the goofy youngest brother in Seven Brides For Seven Brothers.  Your comment makes me think that maybe Joy's going use the same plan for naming her seven sons but is working her way backwards.  That means the next one will be Frankincense.  Frankinscense Forsythe has such a lovely ring to it. 

    • Love 15
  12. 24 minutes ago, Mkay said:




    I don't see two "best buds" at all.  I see two frightened children on the verge of tears who are propped on chair together and are afraid to move.  I'm glad that  UBT is gone, but I won't be happy until Jenelle is off the show and the kids are all in safe places. 

    • Love 24
  13. 21 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

    Someone needs to dust off that interpretive dance clip. That simply could not be unseen! Flailing spindly limbs and greasy manbun.

    Yes!  If someone has a link to it please post it.  I've looked all over the internet for that and the toilet birth and can't find either one. 

    • Love 1
  14. 2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

    Hey, now! I'll have you know that Tyler Baltierra, MD was raised by a pharmacist. A street pharmacist.

    Darl Lynn Baltierra, D(S)Ph knows plenty about drugs. 

    Is that Butch's real name?  Wow!  When Tyler was ranting about sleep meds he reminded me a lot of Butch.  I've never seen that before.

    This episode didn't have enough Leah for me.  Besides Maci's kids, she and her real family (Gary, Kristina, and Emilee) are the only ones I really like on this show any more.

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