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Posts posted by Abmis

  1. I love true crime and I've read Helter Skelter over and over.   I can't imagine the emotions that seeing the locations where the crimes were committed would bring. 

    The only famous location I've seen is Chelsea's house.

    • Love 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    To me she's a junior Diane Downs. Wait till some guy she's got the hots for doesn't want kids. She'd dispose of them as quick as you can throw out a water bottle.


    I get that horrifying vibe from both Jenelle and Leah.  I feel it's worse with Jenelle but I get it from Leah too.

    Poor Jace doesn't even want to look Jenelle in the eye.  My heart aches for him.

    The cold soup from the can made me want to throw up.  Was Addy sitting on Leah's only pot?  Does it still have burned on midnight Ravioli stuck to it?  Did those poor kids even have anything to drink?  How about some crackers, bread, peanut butter, or cheese?  It's not like warming up soup and giving them sandwich ingredients is all that hard.   Maybe it was Gracie's night off from cooking.  Speaking of Gracie, I think she should have been wearing a lifejacket too.  Things can happen fast with three young kids and it's not like Leah is attentive.

    Good for Jo and Javi for going outside to discuss the Kail situation.   I hope they can continue to work together to make things better for kids.

    Chelsea and family are a breath of fresh air for me.  Leah ought to watch Chelsea getting Aubree ready for school in the morning and take notes.

    • Love 13
  3. I just watched this episode and I'm baffled.  Why would Jing and Baaaabe need a bunch of tacky used stuff when they are on the brink of getting wedding presents?   With over 1000 guests they were bound to get some beautiful gifts they would be able to use in their home.  Granted, none of the nice gifts probably came from the Duggar side, but I bet they got some nice things from Jeremy's side. 

    Jessa was overbearing and obnoxious.  If I were Jeremy, I'd have told her what to do with her coffee mug tree. 

    • Love 9
  4. I thought the same thing about Jenelle trying to have the same interests as every guy she's with.  She looked kind of embarrassed at UTB's comment about having butterflies in his britches.  That sure didn't stop her from putting his name on the land deed though.  When Mr. Abmis and I bought our place we managed to refrain from kissing and declaring our love at the closing.

    My heart aches for Jace and Isaac.  Jo and Vee are saints to put up with Kail's crap.  I think Isaac would flourish in their calm and seemingly happy home. When I was watching the show,  I  wondered if they were working or going to school.  I mentally compared them to Tyler and Cait from TMOG and there is no comparison.   Jo and Vee live in a clean house and actually interact with their daughter.  Whether or not they have jobs, they seem to live a normal life.  I'd love to see Isaac live with them, but I think he and Lincoln would be miserable being separated.  The whole thing is a big mess and I blame Kail.

    Leah's is a total mess and a crappy mother.

    I'm so happy for Chelsea, Cole, and Aubree.  It's so nice to see a happy child on this show for a change.

    • Love 15
  5. I don't know why someone couldn't have explained to Isaac that Lincoln is going to have his own room at Javi's just like he has as own room at Vee and Jo's house, and that they are welcome to stay at each other's rooms sometimes.  Maybe he would have felt better if he'd been reminded that he has his own room at his dad's place.  They could have even suggested getting some Jurassic Park décor for his room at Jo's. I could see Jo going along with that.  I know it's not a perfect response, but maybe he would have been less sad and confused.

    I love that the camera kept zooming in on the "Love is Everything" sign in Kail's house when she was being a bitch about the carseats.

    When Leah is waving her arms or using her phone I can't concentrate on anything but her giant, sandpapery, man hands.  Those are some nasty paws.

    • Love 23
  6. 1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

    Leah and the cousin? took the girls to the park not too many episodes back and Ali fell backwards from the swing. She hit her head HARD! I gasped so much louder than her own mother. Ya would have thought she had learned! I think Corey can't comprehend life without his sweet Ali. If he admits that, it will break his heart.

    I feel the same way about Corey.  I think he, and from the sound of it his family, can't deal with the horrible reality that Ali's condition will probably shorten her life.  I can't imagine what they're going through and my heart aches for them, but I do wish they'd get some kind of therapy and learn to deal with it in a way that would help Ali. Denial isn't doing anyone any good, especially with idiot Leah as the other parental unit. Ali looks so tiny and frail next to Aleeah/Gracie.  It's got to be so hard for her to see her twin growing and doing all the things she wants to do.  That's probably why Corey encourages the bike riding.  I have a feeling he has a hard time saying no to Ali and that's why she plays t-ball, etc.  He's got to learn to accept reality.

     Ali looks miserable, but then so do her sisters.  Every time they're filmed doing something that should be fun they plaster smiles on their faces but they don't look like they're happy. It's especially bad when Leah goes into happy mommy mode and they have to pretend to be thrilled.  Even the way they play is weird.  They just kind of wander aimlessly.  It's a sad situation.

    • Love 20
  7. Cole with his DILF shirt and Isaac with his Man Cub shirt were just too cute.  I loved Cole's response that he wants a boy but that he'd love a girl too.  I hope Teen Mom OG's Tyler was watching. I want bubbles like Aubree's.

    Jenelle is scared to death of UBT.  I've never before heard her admit anything was her fault the way she did about the custody agreement.  That, and the way she's always explaining everything to him in a slow, overly calm manner makes me think he's a ticking time bomb and she knows it. His fake accent sucked and he's not funny.

    Leah is an idiot.  Poor, poor Ali.

    • Love 16
  8. 1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:


    I noticed Jenelle's case was handled in HORRY County. Ok, the kid in me laughed. 

    My inner kid laughed too.  Especially since at first glance I thought it was HORNY County.

    Leah makes my brain hurt.  I was pleased to see that the girlses buckle up their dollses.  Probably based on horrible experiences riding with Leah.  They're already better mothers than she is.

    Isaac makes my heart hurt.  How did Kail produce such a sensitive soul?  Was Lincoln at the graduation party?  I don't recall seeing him.  It would have been nice if Vee had taken ViVi and stepped away from the table while Isaac was Facetiming with Javi.  It was so hard to hear over ViVi's crying and Isaac is so soft spoken, it must have been hard for Javi to hear him.  I felt for Jo during that dinner too.

    Adumb is such as ass.  Why does he think Chelsea should notify MTV when he actually does something with his child?  Since when is she his PR person?  He's obviously neglecting the girls when they're with him and I hope Chelsea and Paislee's mom whose name escapes me use it against him.   Poor Paislee still needs a hairbrush. 

    • Love 11
  9. Derrick seems to be angry to me.  As in scary angry.  Granted, no normal person would ever marry into the Duggar family.  Anna is a pathetic doormat, Ben thinks he's the Rev Tim Tom of rap, and Jeremy has chosen to focus on what other men do with their penises instead of worrying about real world problems, but Derrick is the who one who I think is really off the rails.  I'm starting to feel sorry for Jill for living alone with him in Danger America.

    • Love 8
  10. 1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:


    Agree with all of this.  Sophia is lovely and LVP's dated look has got to go.  I was thinking when watching this how lovely she's look with a nice layered or sleek "lob."  If she did that and ditched the fake eyelashes, I thinks she would look 10 years younger.

    Lisa would also look younger if she ditched the high heels.  She can't walk in them, and the way she hobbles around make her look much older than she is.

    I think Sophia is going to look just like Maurico's mom (Estella?) some day.

    I hate Kyle's hair color.  The black color looked great on her and now it looks dull and average.  I don't think she's really 5'2''.  Maybe in heels, but I think she's probably really only 5' in her bare feet.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  I think she's doing a great job with her girls especially considering what a weird childhood she had.

    • Love 8
  11. 3 hours ago, charmed1 said:

    Dude. I thought I was the only one who noticed how weird his knuckles looked. I'm not a frequent bird flipper, so I'm ashamed to admit, I flipped myself off just to see if my fingers looked like Matt's. They didn't. Matt's fingers look like modern day cartoon fingers or snausages. Or steak fries. And yeah, the oversized jacket he probably stole from a bigger and better man's closet, doesn't help. 

    I sure hope he gives it back to Gary.

    Maci looked so nice without those brown ear lobe gauges.  The white earrings or gauges or whatever they were looked so much better.  I've never figured out why a thin girl with a bad hairline would want giant ear lobes but to each their own I guess.  From what I could see, it didn't look like the words on her paper matched what she was saying when she was making her vows. 

    I'm glad Ryan's girlfriend got the memo that it's important to wear real underwear when wearing a very short skirt.

    Over all, I thought the wedding was nice and I wish Maci and Taylor much happiness.

    • Love 5
  12. I don't think Catelyn has a clue about the actual expense of horse ownership or basic knowledge about horse care in general.   She'd need to buy tack and equipment, the horse trailer she talked about, and pay for ongoing needs.  No matter what kind of an arrangement she has for boarding she'd probably still be responsible for the additional expense of vaccinations, deworming, farrier and vet visits, having the teeth floated, etc.  I know people who board horses where they are charged extra if a stable employee holds the horse for the vet or farrier, applies flyspray, or puts a supplement in with the feed.  She needs to take some lessons at a reputable facility and learn about horse care and ownership before jumping in.   She's clueless, and either she, Nova, or the horse are going to get hurt. Climbing off my soapbox now.

    • Love 10
  13. As a first time wedding viewer, I have a couple more observations .  The whole first kiss thing creeped me out.  The whole family seemed into it and it's just so weird.    It's like they put a sexual connotation on it, and were mentally substituting it for more traditional wedding night activities.  It may have seemed sweet and innocent before the news broke about Josh, but I thought it was sickening.  I think JB is a big old perve and in his mind he was probably saying, "You may now deflower the bride." instead  of, "You may now kiss the bride."  Good for Jessa for keeping it private.

    On a less serious note, all the woman in that family are in serious need of conditioner, hot oil treatments, and scissors.

    • Love 22
  14. I'm another one who had never seen the weddings before.  I hadn't watched the show for years, but had followed it here off and on.  After reading about Cringe and Babe I started watching midway through this season.  The piano playing made it worth sitting through what was otherwise an hour of boredom.  Assaulted is definitely the best description of that.  I've never seen anything like it.  I was, however, disappointed that I didn't get to see the root beer float reception.

    Having never seen the courting and wedding episodes, I hadn't seen much of Derick other than last week's episode.  I wasn't impressed with him then, and I'm even less impressed now.  How nice of him to explain what a unity candle is because they are so rare and special and unique.  I had no idea that saying "I do" means you're married. Where would be without him to enlighten us? He seems like a pompous jerk to me.

    • Love 8
  15. I just can't get this episode out of my mind.  Watching a 17 year say he's relieved his education, if you want to call it that, is over make me so sad.  I have a 17 year old and he's having so much fun with typical senior things like homecoming, senior pictures, checking out colleges, etc.  His life is just beginning and they act like theirs is over.  Not saying all homeschooling is bad, I've seen it done very well, but it's heartbreaking to see how much these kids are missing.  The  way they act like they're above it all is annoying, but it still makes me sad.

    Thanks to the poster who mentioned the Counting On Facebook page.  Reading the posts there is both mind boggling and addictive.

    • Love 13
  16. I wonder if Chelsea is holding off on the big wedding until after the baby is born is due to the fact that Aubree was a preemie.  Chelsea's doctor may be advising her to take it easy or she just may have decided to keep the stress level down in hopes of avoiding another preterm delivery.  My youngest was premature and I'd never want to experience that again.  

    I hope they do film the second ceremony.  I know a couple of DeBoer families that I think must be related to Cole, but I'm too embarrassed to ask them because it pains me to admit I watch the show.   I'd love to try to pick them out of the crowd at the wedding.

    • Love 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Jel said:

    So why write a note? Did s/he/they actually plan to take her and ransom her for the sum of $118,000? Could someone have known (other than the Ramseys) that John got that bonus, so that amount would be in his account? Why exactly $118,000? Is there some significance to that number?


    I've always wondered if Patsy bragged about John's bonus and a lot of people knew the amount.  I read a comment somewhere by a poster wondering if the mother of one of JB's pageant competitors may of done it.   Kind of like the Texas Cheerleader case.  I'm intrigued by that idea.  Maybe it was someone who was on the very edge of Patsy's social and/or pageant circle.   Someone close enough to know details about the family yet enough on the edge  to be somewhat invisible.  I know I'm making a Lifetime movie plot out of it, but it pains me to think it was someone in the family.

    • Love 1
  18. 6 hours ago, torqy said:

    Like some others here I never followed this case much after the initial eruption. I had forgotten that there even was a brother. I only remember vague ideas that the parents may have been involved.

    One thing that I haven't seen addressed yet is what hold the Ramseys had on the City of Boulder. Did they own all of the outstanding municipal bonds? Yes they were wealthy (seemingly); did they have photos of the mayor with a goat? With a circle of "friends" that extensive, I find it hard to believe that someone who was jealous of/slighted by them didn't break the silence.

    At this point I am in the Burke Did It camp, only because any other theory seems even more bizarre and unlikely. That, and the fact that no sane person spreads crap around the house.

    Your last sentence makes me wonder about Patsy.  Was any of the feces ever tested for DNA?  The more I read and hear about Patsy the weirder I think she must have been.  I hate to think of anyone smearing crap around, let alone a grown woman but who knows what goes on behind closed doors?

    I always wanted to believe an intruder did it because what JB went through was terrible, and to me it's even more horrifying to think that she suffered at the hands of the people who were supposed  to love and protect her.  Sadly, I'm leaning more and more towards thinking Patsy did it.

    • Love 1
  19. I wasn't impressed with the cobweb evidence.  We have some kind of super spiders in our barn that spin webs that very difficult to break.  I can push them aside and they bounce right back.  I have to puncture them with a pitchfork and pull them down to get rid of them.  I always joke that I wish my clothes were as indestructible as those webs.

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