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Posts posted by Jeeves

  1. 1 hour ago, BradandJanet said:

    The Rods weren't as important to the church as Jill and David thought they were. 


    37 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

    They never are.   

    I noticed on the flyer that Jill posted (copied above) about the tent revival that there were a couple of "Guest speakers" [preachers] shown, w/ photos, and then there was a pic of the Rodrigues family as a whole. Just "Special Music" by the Rod family. No reference to David as a preacher or speaker. IMO his preaching must be pretty mediocre, to not even get a passing nod on the revival flyer. 

    • Like 11
  2. 6 hours ago, Zella said:

    I've not looked into the property stuff for a few years, but Rogers is generally considered a more desirable residential area than Springdale and it's not uncommon for people to live in one of the NWA metro cities and commute to another. So, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they are living in Rogers, despite the restaurant closure.

    That's interesting information. No doubt because of the TLC slant on the Duggars as rubes from the country, I think of both those cities as small towns. But I looked it up. Springdale's population is north of 87,000, and Rogers is listed at 72,999 (you'd think they could have found one more nose to count to round that up). 

    Not big cities but not tiny backwaters either. IMO small cities, perhaps.

    • Like 5
  3. Nice to see you here again, @Zella!

    I mentioned above that my young cousin and her family lost their [rented] house and all their possessions in a tornado Thursday night, although they were in a safe room when it hit and nobody was injured. She put this up on Facebook yesterday:


    We don’t even know where to begin. We would like to thank everyone for the thoughts, prayers, donations,support, and help. We are so thankful that we have a community, family, friends, our [son's sports team] family, and communities surrounding us. We are so lucky to have made it out alive. I told someone the other day the things we have lost are just material and can be replaced, but our lives can’t and for that we are thankful that God had his arms around us. We are being asked what we are needing at this time, and we are working on getting that together. At this time we are at a stand still waiting on adjusters.

    Ah, insurance adjusters. I can't imagine dealing with them when you're claiming pretty much everything. Yikes. In the meantime their immediate needs are being met. 

    • Hugs 16
  4. 2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Jed & Katey celebrated 3 years last month. Katey did not look pregnant in the photo.

    Slacking off already. 

    Edited to add that this couple does not at all appear to be struggling with infertility and I would not make that remark if I had a reason to think they were. 

    • Like 4
    • LOL 9
  5. 2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I hope the birthday celebration was truly delightful!  Hope things are going well. 💐

    May I get some input on your view of a professional image? I’m picking an outfit to wear for my photo that will go on my website. I would like for it to be professional, yet modern.  I would have normally gone with navy or dark gray, but saw a lavender option. Idk. Maybe, it doesn’t matter.  

    I think if that suit looks good on you, go for it. If a pro photographer is taking the photos they should make it work with the background. Will you have the option at the photo shoot to change outfits so you have a choice when you see the pictures? 

    • Like 11
  6. 18 minutes ago, emma675 said:

    Y'all haven't lived until you've been called for traffic court jury duty. I didn't know that was actually a thing until I got called. We were all automatically assigned to a jury, then we sat around all day waiting for someone to request a jury decision instead of a judge decision, and the jury waiting room was a tiny interior room with no windows, wooden benches, and no cell service. Only one person requested a jury trial and this was around 4pm, so we were all incredibly cranky by then. It also didn't help that this guy was driving a red Camaro and was trying to argue that the light was yellow when he blew through the intersection, while the video clearly showed it was red. Longest day of my life.

    Wow, what a bummer for you. We don't have traffic court juries like that here. I'm surprised they exist because I think people who'd had your experience would rise up and demand that system be changed.

    Our state jury system was revised back in the 90's. It's now "one day/one trial" - and it's much more juror-friendly than a lot of other systems.

    • You are summoned, and show up on the appointed day.
    • If by the end of that day you are not sitting in a courtroom involved in a case (either already selected for a jury or in the midst of jury selection) - you are DONESO. For the next 12 months. 
    • If you're in a courtroom at the end of day one and are selected for the jury, then of course you must serve for the length of the trial and deliberations. If you're in a courtroom at the end of day one and jury selection isn't completed, and you are eventually not selected to serve as a juror in that case, then you are done with jury duty for 12 months.

    I've served on a jury on a civil case a long time ago and a DUI case a few years back. I was also summoned more recently, and ended up seated as a potential juror during voir dire in a serious personal injury case. I was excused for cause after asking to speak to the judge and lawyers outside the presence of everyone else. We went into chambers and I disclosed some personal history that I realized, after some thought, would have prejudiced my attitude to the point of making it unlikely that I could serve as a fair and impartial juror in the case. 

    BTW, here's a tip. If you're a potential juror, sitting in the jury box and being questioned, and you have something you feel the need to say that you don't want to spill in open court? Ask the judge if you may speak to him and the lawyers privately. The judge will likely take you, the lawyers, and the court reporter, into chambers (the judge's office next to the courtroom) and you can have that conversation there. 

    • Like 10
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  7. I bet their auto insurance premiums are going to jump up because (1) Dave ran a stop sign, causing a collision that totalled the other vehicle, and (2) Mahmo has piled up two speeding tix in a short time. Also, they already have some licensed drivers in the household who are males under age 25, which as any parent of teenaged boys can attest, are not cheap to have on your insurance. I assume they carry the minimum insurance to comply with the law but even that wouldn't be cheap, and certainly not with the latest incidents on their record when it's time to renew. 

    • Like 22
  8. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    I made it as far as sitting in the jury box. The judge came out and thanked us and told us we could leave. I never found out why. It was a drug case. I saw the original arrest in the paper but nothing after that. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    I wonder if the defendant cut a plea deal in return for giving up information. And then law enforcement/prosecution wanted to protect their source, so they kept the case resolution on the downlow. Just a guess, based on (a) the dangers of being a snitch and (b) the need to protect an ongoing investigation. 

    • Like 6
  9. @sixlets - I hear ya about the extended warranty junk mail! Last year I bought a used car (along with an extended warranty plan via the broker with a legit company). But omigosh for months afterwards I got that junk mail for extended warranty plans. Ugh.

    BTW the extended warranty/service plan I bought, has seemed legit so far. I haven't had to put in a claim, but one thing came up, and they were easy to connect with on the phone, my mechanic shop also found them easy to deal with, so I'm feeling okay about it. (The matter at hand cost me not quite $250 to fix, and the deductible is $250, so no point in making a claim.) TBH I'm a bit nervous about the transmission on that vehicle, and this plan will certainly save me $$$ if that goes out. 

    • Like 4
  10. 5 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

    Same here - how I ended up with a Suburu was me going to about 15 dealerships of many brands by myself where absolutely 0 salesperson would even acknowledge I walked in the door, let alone show me a vehicle. I had a large down payment and an old saturn to trade in, but they never learned that because no one spoke to me at all.

    Went in a second Suburu dealer and the salesperson apologized for being busy and asked if I could look at the vehicles for 15 min while he finished whatever. Had a test drive and bought the Crosstrek the next day.

    Husbands attitude was "go pick the car you like and buy it", he felt no need to be involved and he shouldn't need to be. But when I went with him when he got a new vehicle he was swarmed at the door by salespeople. 🙄

    I'm sad but not surprised that you were ignored at dealerships. Sigh. You'd think that in the 21st Century that kind of thing would be history. But, nope. I've gone to dealerships with serious intent to buy a car - and the clear title to my current car in my purse - and basically been blown off. One guy seemed to begrudge the idea of my having a test drive. IIRC he showed me one car and seemed to think I was wasting his precious time.

    My last three car purchases (two new, one used) have been through auto brokers. I did enough homework to be fine with the prices, and financing was handled through my credit union so the terms were good. 

    • Like 4
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  11. The last time I shopped for a new car was 2012. I knew what I wanted, and priced it out through the Costco auto program, and also IIRC through a buyer's service from Consumer Reports (I was a member at that time). Then I went to a local auto brokerage that worked closely with local credit unions. I got the car through them at the same price as the Costco/CR programs quoted me, and I didn't have to set foot in a dealership. The auto broker rep found the car I wanted, and it was delivered to the brokerage for me to test drive to decide if I wanted it. The broker rep worked with my credit union so I didn't have to mess with the dealership about financing. It was great.

    Sadly, that brokerage closed up its sales operation last year. I think their business was hit too hard by the pandemic and subsequent severe shortages of vehicle inventories (new and used). The guy I worked with there (also on a used car deal last year) has moved to another brokerage. 

    I'm not sure what the car buying landscape looks like, post-pandemic, but apparently the Costco auto program is still getting some good reviews. 

    I hope to never have to do business with a car dealership again. If I do, and need financing, I'll pre-arrange it with my credit union before setting foot in a dealership. 

    • Like 9
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  12. Just now, Snarkastikate said:

    I'm really sad about this.  For some unknown  reason she's got zero support.  Totally unknown medical status, her story is suspicious to say the least.  We'll likely never know what happened to her and that's that.  

    Well said. I'm sad too.

    • Like 3
    • Sad 4
  13. Just now, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Her breathing is so labored.  I'm worried about her. 

    I'm worried too. I rarely feel this way about the people on this show, but I'm SO hoping she loses weight. She's been through so much sh*t in her life, she's young and hasn't given up but she's obviously suffering with the asthma and the lymphedema. I hope she gets better and has a better life.

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