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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. The Canada Food Guide is killing you: ‘The obesity epidemic… really began with our dietary guidelines’


    A higher-fat diet — one that has more fat than the current diet that limits fat consumption to 25 to 35 per cent of total calories — is healthier and a better disease-fighter than a low-fat diet....


    Last fall the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation issued a position paper overturning the usual warnings about saturated fat and focusing instead on a “whole diet approach” and the dangers of highly processed food. It noted that, in hindsight, dietary recommendations that encouraged people to cut back on fat and boost carbs may have played a role in increasing calorie consumption and rates of obesity and metabolic syndrome.


    For the record, my 77-year old Eastern European mother spreads rendered fat drippings on bread (holdover from WWII lack of food), eats lots of dairy/cheeses, always cooks her meat well-done, eats smoked deli meats and bread, eats heavy Hungarian stews she cooks from scratch and is healthy as a horse. However, she eats like a bird (small portions).


    No one can win, eh?

    • Love 5
  2. Hey Everyone. Most of this discussion on the science, psychology, changes and cost of food, etc etc really belong in this thread:


    The All You Can Eat Buffet - All Episode Discussion.


    This thread should rightfully be for discussing Lupe and the events on the show. I'll be moving many of your posts to the Buffet thread as it belongs there.


    Also, I'm posting a link to an interesting article over there about the Canadian Food Guide, which "experts" are now saying is "wrong" and the "high grain low fat diets are actually causing many of the obesity problems of today. Further proving once again that the "experts" know nothing either and we can't win. :')

    • Love 4
  3. People. If you are going to debate the scientific and emotional realities of obesity, do it in a civilized manner. No sniping at each other. There are various reasons why someone is obese, from the typical "don't exercise/eat junk" to emotional/psychological to genetic and all in between. It's a combination of factors that if scientists and doctors could actually pinpoint with some assurdedness, this show would never exist.


    If you cannot discuss nicely, move on, or use the Ingnore feature. Thank you.

    • Love 3
  4. Negan is a psychopath who wants to leave other people's labor. People seem to forget it was Negan's men who first confronted Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha on that road. There was no avoiding this day. Negan and his people were always going to kill one of Rick's people and attempt enslave them.


    That's what kills me. That Negan is being so high and mighty, that Rick's group killed some of his people. Here is a concept, Negan. Maybe your policies and violence against other people is WHY they are killing your people. Ever think of that?


    Maybe everyone doesn't want to give up HALF of their stuff, especially when you wantonly kill. It's like last episode, with Morgan trying to justify to Rick, why he kept the Wolf alive and claiming that the Wolf saved Denise's life. Fool, if you hadn't LEFT that Wolf alive, Denise's live would never be in danger in the first place...

    • Love 12
  5. I'm banking that when BR returns to her own time, she'll finagle something to ensure Crane's "ancestor" (obviously Crane himself) is an American citizen. Don't ask me for details on HOW.


    Though the marriage of convenience, I would not be surprised.


    However Joe was rich, so he could have "bought" Crane's citizenship as a "gift" that he was never able to present. Don't tell me that rich people can't do that....

  6. LOL, you really didn't know??  I chuckle-snorted at how much I did not believe that.


    I sorta knew but didn't really know. I thought it was a plain baseball bat, not a baseball bat wrapped with frigging barbed wire....


    See, this is why so many hate spoilers.....

    • Love 9
  7. And anyway, it will be spoiled eventually, because I doubt they would leave the actors up in the air, only to let the poor bastard out of a job when it's too late to get casted for tv next season.


    During the airing, one commercial was for a new TV show called Ride with Norman Reedus. Granted, he could film it during the WD hiatus, but I side-eyed that big time. I feel the need for a poll....

    • Love 4
  8. Well, I got yelled at for mentioning in the no spoiler section, though showed up in the preview for this episode last week.  So, now that we know who is, I'm throwing these out there...


    Wise BMoore4026 to spoilertag the crap out of your post. Much appreciated. I have no idea WHAT Lucille was either, so that's why it's a spoiler.


    It's Glenn.  He's the only face you didn't see with the bat pointing at him.


    Goddamn you....you are right...

    • Love 3
  9. Jesus fucking christ, THAT'S Lucille?? My god.


    I honestly had butterflies in my stomach the entire time. Negan and his henchmen are pure evil. I was yelling at the TV, to just mow down those assholes blocking their path. With the first group, just take a machine gun, mow then all down and plow through with the RV.


    Sorry Morgan, but you will never convince me that ALL LIVES MATTER. Not Negan's group. They all deserve to die. I really need someone to find another RPG and just take out Negan's gang.


    At least Morgan redeemed himself slightly. Parallel with Carol not wanting to kill and being suicidal, and Morgan being suicidal and not killing. Carol has a 6th sense - she left at the right time, just like when Rick kicked her out and Terminus happened.


    Andrew Lincoln is such a phenomenal actor - the fear on his face in the final scenes - god he is amazing. Emmy please for this man.


    So we don't know who really gets killed. Cliffhanger, damn you show? It's definately NOT Carl or Rick. But man, this show...

    • Love 16
  10. Eveyone. We're getting close to episode kick-off, so just a quick reminder to watch what you post.


                                                      NO SPOILERS unless in spoiler-allowed threads.


    Let's have everyone be able to ENJOY the episode and discuss it to your hearts content tonight, tomorrow and all of next week and on.


    As always, respect and be civil to your fellow posters and enjoy the show and the thread conversations. Thank you.

    • Love 2
  11. I will forever maintain that "Slide to Unlock" is one of the greatest sight gags I've ever seen on television.


    And totally improvised by Mison, which makes me love him (and that scene) even more. Though him ranting at the kids about Paul Revere, before Abbie drags off "Cousin Steve" is a close second.


    What a great idea!  SH could next do "twist history" where Washington Irving moved a few notches up the ladder as "The Greatest Writer Who Ever Lived"  due to the agony he experienced listening to Betsy's tale.


    Have Crane 'discover a lost manuscript" written by Washington Irving, when in fact it's really written by Crane today. He could get some old paper, in his own hand writing in ink and quill, it would look ancient, then the show can tell us he gave the "author" that name, because as we know, he loves Washington, and also as a nod to Frank Irving. Then he can auction it off and make some serious coin. Twist the twist.


    I too have wondered what THO's plan is after he destroys humanity.  Is he going to create another race altogether or will he be content by having any of the other non-human species worshipping him?


    I'm not clear on it either. So everyone dies, the planet recovers and is only populated by...gods? So who is going to bring him his goblet with wine or cater to his every whim? Lesser gods?


    Also, the show never showed us where the other gods are? Abbie never ran into them the entire 10 months in the catacombs - unless they live in another plane of existance.


    I LOVED the scene of Ichabbie crossing the river, but I did like the flashback with Washington and the others in the boat too. Reminded me a lot of TURN.

    • Love 5
  12. The actual imposter is Nikki Reed (is that the right name?).  She's impersonating an actor.  At this level of ineptitude, it is a felony.


    Hee. For the win!


    And since they had a stuck Betsy and no way to get her back, (no idea why that would be, since, presumably he also took the flag with him... maybe the Founders all got sick of the way she read her lines too, so they decided to get a replacement while they could)... they, for some other random reason, did a sort of US Marshals witness protection thing in reverse... ie: had someone in the "real world" pretend to be Betsy for the rest of her natural life, leaving real Betsy to sleep it off.


    You'd think if they realized it was an imposter, they'd go back for the real thing, though your theory that the founders got sick of her voice holds true weight!


    I would logically go with: Washington knows BR was left behind, starts making plans to go back and get her, then Fake!BR appears, tells Washington that she managed to escape too, and Washington is satisfied and they all go their merry ways founding a nation. It never enters his mind that it's an imposter.


    Who knows. The fact that we are going to waste time next week on this "story"...*sigh*

    • Love 3
  13. I thought the letter was one she left before she went with Washington. Of course I haven't actually gotten myself to watch this week's episode, so I'm not even sure who this imposter BR is everyone is talking about. :)


    From what I understand (and correct me if I am wrong), BR was trapped in the catacombs, but another BR came back to the present with Washington. So an imposter came back out and took her place. The letter was written to Crane after the imposter came back, to basically throw him off the trail that this BR WAS an imposter.


    From Joe Webb's twitter.


    @JoeWebb13 Joe, did a fake Betsy come back from catacombs in 1700's? Or did C just not see or hear from her? But C said 1 letter. Confused.


    Joe Webb ‏@JoeWebb13 Apr 2

    Joe Webb Retweeted Tennie D. Weaver

    Yes. Right now, it's definitely confusing. But it will make much more sense after next week's episode. #SleepyHollow

    • Love 1
  14. I kept thinking "have they done something special to his eyes?" They seemed far more beautiful and mesmerizing than I remember. Thank you, those of you who posted the photos of Ichabod and Abbie, those were truly stunning shots.


    I think it was just the lighting and the angle and the windswept hair thing going on. Because his eyes are so light, they sometimes look almost clear, or extremely pale blue. In reality, one of his eyes is actually half green (a slight case of heterochromia).


    Two years ago, the show released these awesome black and white shots of the cast. One had Mison standing next to a seated Headless (it was an awesome shot). In the B&W, you can't even see Misons' eyes or the pupils at all - they looked pure white. I had never realized that in old B&W photos, that's why certain people's eyes looked ghostly, or that they had no pupils - because they were people with blue or green eyes and the photography at the time made then look like they had no eyes.


    Two things I just realized. First, that in a "normal" show, they'd have to do a murder investigation for Joe. He's a young guy who recently inherited a ton of money. He's now found dead by a gunshot wound. The gun was provided by Ezra Mills. Now hopefully it disappears and is unregistered and ballistics/forensics can't trace the bullet back to the gun that Ezra owns. Second, the investigation would probably be done by Abbie and Danny because of the above reasons - suspiscious death of a millionaire.


    Second, many people were upset over the BR "love letter" from the last episode. Except that letter from Betsy wasn't from the real Betsy Ross. It was from the imposter. So while everyone thinks Crane/BR is supposed to be in some type of romantic relationship, that's not the truth. He's always been pretty standoffish with her, and she for most of the season they were just friends. I think they ARE just friends. That letter is meaningless in that is it NOT how the real BR feels. Not that I care, but I just realized this.

    • Love 3
  15. I couldn't really tell whose portrait that was supposed to be that Crane drew in the cappuccino foam (do his talents never cease?). Frederick Douglass, Karl Marx, Che Guevara maybe? Hmmm...himself? Nah, not even close. :-P


    TBH, it looks like Charles Manson.





    I really don't know who it's supposed to be. Some elsewhere said Abbie. Whoever it is, the SFX guys need to be replaced, unless it was an actual coffee foam image done in the cappuccino.


    Which is pointless anyway because Mison is playing it as full-on loooove, while Beharie, true to character, remains watchful and noncommittal yet amused. And not for nothing, it would be nice for an obligatory hookup couple to actually have chemistry for a change. Wouldn't that be revolutionary?


    TBH, I always thought the writers were going to go with a slow burn. If CC's comments about expecting a season 4, then it makes sense. If there is a season 4, then that's when Ichabbie happens. I get it. I do. My problem is that we don't know for SURE there will be a S4 - so it makes it frustrating. If we all knew, then no one (okay most people) wouldn't have to feel impatient.

    • Love 2
  16. I'm going to give Lost in Austen another chance. I only saw part of one episode, and TM wasn't on my radar at the time.


    Watch it - it's decent. TBH, Tom Mison and Tom Riley (who plays Wickham) are the best parts of the series, hands down. Mison looks/acts very different, which give you insight into how good an actor (and chameleon) he is.


    Saw this comment on another site with regards to this episode - it make me LAUGH!



    • Love 7
  17. BR is so boring she puts herself to sleep.


    LOL. So true. Just a dull character. And her telling her story was so badly narrated - it's like, she has problems reading or something.


    You guys have covered everything I would say, but if you haven't watched it yet, just stop right after the coffee and donut scene.


    No, after doughnuts and coffee, fast-forward to the Ichabbie in a Boat scene and watch that in it's entirety.


    Which begs the all important question - how many of you have platonic friends who you brush crumbs off their lips, and drink and eat each others food? Just wondering, for statistical purposes....


    And BR awakens from her self-induced coma and is commenting on the fact that Crane's hair looks so clean?  Really? 


    I did laugh at that comment, because it would be true, wouldn't it? But then, BR's hair also look "clean", but rightfully, it shouldn't be either.


    Why do I think TM will still be found on your screen as a screensaver?


    Hee. You know me too well. I just want to see this talented person on my TV for much longer.


    One thing that I didn't see mentioned - I thought it was very interesting that Papa Mills cryptically said that he and August Corbin had a deal. In sounded to me, that the deal was that Erza wouldn't have contact with the kids, but who knows. Interesting comment, though.


    Why did you kill Joe, show. Why??


    Another opportunity they missed - having Crane recognize some of the dead soldiers. They didn't have to be famous names, but these were people of the same regiment as Crane - he SHOULD of recognized some of them, maybe even commanded some of them - but I guess he knows everyone already on the show, so that might be overkill. In this case though, it would have logically made sense.


    Not even sure I can watch the finale.


    I'm gonna watch, because hell, I've watched for the last 3 years, so what's one more episode? But just really sad that my ship won't happen (most likely), even though every encounter between these two screams otherwise.


    Like, here are comments by Zack Appelman. First, he mentioned that he and TM pitched an scene, where Crane and Joe would be drunk, and comparing literal scars they got on the battlefield, but the writers shot it down. COME ON!! Tell me that wouldn't have been an amazing and hilarious scene! *sigh*


    Second, this:


    “..I also think Joe ‘ships Crane and Abbie. Joe would totally dig having Crane as a brother-in-law, so maybe there could’ve been a whole fun side plot in season 4 about Joe being like, “I’m gonna make this happen. I’m gonna play matchmaker.” It’d be the romantic comedy side plot where Joe and Jenny try to come up with a scheme to get Crane and Abbie to fall in love. It’d be sort of like Much Ado About Nothing, Beatrice and Benedick. The friends have to trick them.


    Do you have any thoughts on how you want to see Abbie and Crane’s relationship play out?

    I think it’s tricky! I think they have so much chemistry, and there’s definitely a part of you that looks at them and goes, “Oh my gosh, you guys would be great together.” And I think, for me, whether or not I would want to see that happen would depend on how it was written and how it played out. But look: I think I was on the fence about it, and then for the last few episodes in the back end of the season, I’ve been watching the work that Tom is doing in those scenes, and I keep being like, “Oh my god, that guy’s in love.” Like that scene when he’s making her dinner, the Italian dinner with the candles. And then there was a scene a couple of episodes ago where they’re having a heart to heart. I see it less from Abbie to Crane, but I see it very much from Crane to Abbie. I don’t even know if he’s aware of it, but I think the guy’s head over heels. And I think Joe sees that, too … I know there was a lot of conversation about how Joe and Jenny got together so quickly and Abbie and Crane didn’t, and it’s like, well, they’re different people. Joe and Jenny are younger. I think they’re a lot more impulsive. And I also don’t think they’re mutually exclusive. I think the more love on the show, the better.’’


    Glad you see it, Zach. Apparently the writers do not. And yes, if you had lived, you would have made an awesome brother-in-law.

    • Love 5
  18. Plus, HalcyonDays, you've scared the shit out of me with the notion of time-critical banishment.   I'm cringing at every loosey-goosey comment here:  Don't say anything!  Don't risk it!  Redrum!


    Excellent. That's what I want everyone to feel. Don't mess it up for YOURSELF, just for a stupid spoiler!! Because you all KNOW you're want to come here and talk about the episode right away!


    So let me just ask this:  could the Live Chat stay open just a bit longer at the end?


    Sure, why not? Changed the time to 10:45, so more than 10 minutes after the episode ends. Just remember that the better more detailed discussions end up in the actual episode thread, not the Live-Chat. Live chat tends to be a few word reactions.


        Meanwhile, thanks so much for modding the live chat--it's SO fun and I know it's a little chunk of responsibility you didn't need to take on.

        [Oh, stop.   That was not just sucking up.]


    Awww....you're a sweetie and thank you for the sucking up compliment! Kidding, but a true felt thank you! :')

    • Love 7
  19. Dear god, Tom Mison, doing his "coffee presentation" thing, then the windswept beautifulness of this gorgeous creature, in the boat, crossing the River Styx..my god, why must you test me....? Wow. Just..Wow...

    • Love 14
  20. Thanks. I understand what showrunners want but they don't always get what they want, do they?


    Oh you are totally right. They HOPE that they can keep it under wraps - doesn't mean they CAN. Internet, forums like this, too many mouths blurting out what's going on. Sucks, but life.


    Of course, those are just my opinions and we can agree to disagree. Right?


    Absolutely not. No, my opinion is the right one......*KIDDING!!!* ;')


    I actually agree with you. Fact is, if they really didn't want to reveal Negan, then don't even make the casting announcement. Mentioning Negan does not mean he will appear in Season 6. No on-set (or otherwise) interviews, no mentions, nothing. Then they can keep it quiet.


    Can anybody tell me why I'm putting myself through this gut wrenching and clenching experience over a show?


    Because you are a glutton for punishment, just like the rest of us. *tapscouch* Sit by the rest of us, have a stiff drink ready and just enjoy the intense, gut wrenching, heart-crushing ride.

    • Love 4
  21. Well, it is starting to appear that we will not get confirmation about the cliffhanger ending or about the identity of the victim before Sunday night.


    Yeah, that's because the show doesn't WANT to reveal that until live-air time. That's what the showrunners want.


    Not really sure why Gimple/Kirkman/AMC think that they will be able to keep that tid bit of information quiet.


    Because all showrunners want the element of surprise AND suspense. It keeps the viewers guessing and hooked and willing to watch live: aka ratings. They try as hard as they can, however they are not always successful. There are creative ways to mislead the audience though....

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