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Posts posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation/Live Chat thread for S06.E14: Twice as Far. This thread will open Friday March 18th, at 5:00 pm.


    The thread will close at 10:00 pm, after which you can head on over to the episode thread S06.E14: Twice as Far.




    ------------> Post NO Spoilers (Comics, Talking Dead or Otherwise).

                       Take it to the Comics thread or the Talking Dead thread.

    ----------> Have Respect for each others' opinions, Always Be Civil and Enjoy Yourselves! <----------

  2. Episode synopsis: Two separate groups leave Alexandria for supplies, and while both worry over the future of the community, they will face immediate danger.
  3. Episode synopsis: Sean has a massive growth protruding from his side and skin so stretched it's tearing apart, forcing his mother to change both of their lifestyles before he can be approved for surgery.


  4. Episode synopsis: The nine remaining chefs take part in a breakfast challenge, during which their team must make a vegetarian, meat, seafood and sweet dish for surprise judges Suzanne Tracht and David LeFebve.  While the winners ride all-terrain vehicles in Palm Springs, the losers prepare fresh-squeezed Orange Juice for a special brunch service featuring celebrity diners Flo Rida and Jeff Dunham.
  5. In the end, when he told the murderer "You're right, we're nothing alike" I personally take that as Lucifer realizing he wasn't jealous because he wants to sleep/have Chloe's romantic love (the way the murderer wanted with the dead shrink's wife).  I think he realized his jealousy is more, "Chloe is my puzzle, my friend and I just don't want to share her attention with someone else."


    That is exactly what I took from that scene - that Lucifer is experiencing some strange emotion that he thinks is jealously, but unlike most humans (and TV tropes) the specificness of what this jealously addressed is what you said - a person who is taking attention away from him, from a person who he likes/respects as he does Chloe.


    Oh, and totally knew Danny was shady. His insistance on burying the Palmetto case was totally a red flag.


    The most interesting part of the episode is Lucifer cutting Maize off.


    I thought he would give her a smackdown, not a complete firing...Man, this is a problem, because I don't think she will react well - and I bet she calls Amenadiel for some help....Oh boy.


    Glad though, that Lucifer quickly figured out that Dr. Canaan (really, Amen, you couldn't be more creative in your name choices?) was the genuine Angel Article.

    • Love 1
  6. All I've got to say, is that if the casting department wanted to get an actress/actor who would SOOOOO fit into the world of Gotham - Lori Petty is that person. She was awesome. And loved that they gave her makeup that was echoing The Joker.


    Bruce is once again an idiot, but he's a teen - he's learning. This arc with him living with Selena on the streets, actually reminds me of Batman Begins, when Bruce Wayne was in that prison and the harsh existance, and basically learned some valuable skills to be Batman. But I will say that his impulsiveness needs to be tempered somehow - because right now, it's caustic and just plain stupid.


    Oh Penguin - why is it that I HOPE that you relapse, and basically nail Dr. Strange to the wall in retaliation...


    Sad that Jim and Leigh's relationship is so cold - echos Barbara and Jim.


    Oh man, what hell is Nygma gonna unleash???

  7. Man, if they actually chose the shape of that symbol based on some lighting choices back in the pilot, I am giving the writers *major* kudos on trying to do their homework and tie things together.


    So being the nerd I am, I just checked the Pilot episode (I have season 1 DVD's) to see if it really is the symbol on his grave...


    Holy crap - yup, it IS!! I always thought it was an X marked on the grave, but it's not. It's the rune. Whoa. Good job writers. Nice call back.

    • Love 2
  8. Okay, I am a terrible person, but I was praying for Maggie or Carol to ice Red there!! There was something so offputting about her, that I just couldn't with her....I just wanted Carol or Maggie to take her out.


    I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed about Carol. I was wavering on whether she was playing their captures, or truly messed up and upset over how many people she killed, and the threat to Maggie's kid.


    So torn.


    But because I am terrible, I was cheering at the final smackdown that Carol and Maggie laid down on those assholes. Maggie particularly was messed up in terms of the violence, but Carol was just overall messed up.


    And I love Rick to death. Only this show can portrays a zillion stone cold killers, but Maggie, Carol and Rick taking some heads shots seem totally right to me...

    • Love 11
  9. Does Dr. Linda believe he is the devil?


    I don't think she truly does. I saw it as she just "learned the lines" and the specific mythology aspects from Amenadiel, and he explained to her why this tactic of actually acknowledging Lucifer as the Devil (or as Samael) would work to get him to finally open up and bare his soul. She really doesn't believe he is the true Devil.

    • Love 2
  10. Yea I can see what you mean there. It would definitely be one tough conversation.


    I'm thinking he'll be on that ship. Then they can just cut to the chase.


    I think most of us assume he IS on that ship, and I will say, if he was, that would be pretty awesome actually. Not that I care about the reuniting of the Scully-Mulder family, but their long-lost son shows up in an alien vessel, just at the right time??


    I'm pretty confident we're getting a season 11, so yeah...its gonna be interesting. I want to see him show up in his Federation uniform, tricorder in hand, and diagnose and cure Mulder. Hee.

  11. Problem is... he got dragged in! Mulder needs his stem cells! So unless they're stored somewhere, they're going to have to find him some how.


    Yeah, but what makes me laugh is the assumption that William would voluntarily donote his stem cells to - let's face it - a complete stranger.


    Right now, stem cells come from mostly two sources: bone marrow (painful!), or brain (ouch!). Maybe other locations but would those cells be useful to save Mulder.


    I can see the conversation now..."William, my darling William. I am your long-lost mother. This is your long-lost father, who just happens to be dying and we need to stick a big needle into your hip/brain and save his life!!"

    • Love 1
  12. - Home Again and Founder's Mutation > MASMTWM.


    Omg, it took me forever to realize what MASMTWM meant.


    I was a total shipper. However, the William storyline was a complete waste of time. Still is.


    Completely agree. Never cared, never rewatch William-centric episodes (for the record, dislike Samantha-centric also), and also think it's a waste of time.


    Leave William alone. He's probably living a nice life with his adopted family, don't drag him into this mess!!

    • Love 1
  13. Question from a semi-casual watcher who has missed a lot of episodes over the years... I know Ichabod always calls Abbie "Lieutenant" except for the occasional "Abbie" in moments of danger/ distress/ emotion, but does Abbie ever call Ichabod by his first name, or is he always "Crane"?


    Always Crane. It always makes me think of X-Files, when Scully once called Mulder "Fox", and he laughed and was like, "No one calls me Fox, not even my father." M&S always call each other by their last names, even when in a relationship.I don't remember her ever calling him "Ichabod", because let's face it, it's a strange and odd sounding name and doesn't flow nicely.

    And he looks like a "Crane". Both literally and figuratively.

    • Love 1
  14. I wanted more Crane in this episode - and more Crane/Abbie - but I did LOVE the whole symbol/witness/tablet "connection flash" that Ichabod got of Abbie - omgosh I LOVED THAT. I started screaming like it was 1999 and I was watching the first season of Roswell!
    I don't think Crane has been sidelined this season


    The sidelining is different. Season 2, yes is was CFD, but Abbie was mostly there with Crane (and JN and KW and whoever else was around). This season, Abbie is driving the story, but Crane is not with her. He's absent from the screen completely, whereas Abbie was actually present on screen in S2. Pittura Infamate is the only example in season 2. This season, it's at least three episodes (ignoring One Life, because that was needed). That's what I mean by sidelining. And I notice, because I love TM, and I miss seeing him on my screen. He definately has less screen time, and that time is taken by Jenny/Joe.


    I wasn't blown away by this episode, and as others have said, I was a little nonplussed by what they were trying to do with Abbie and Danny.


    Neither was I. I liked the Abbie/Sophie togetherness and Crane discovering the secret of the tablet and symbol and the maggoty demon. That was cool.


    So Abbie's into Danny again? I have no idea what that final scene between them meant?


    Also, anyone catch how Danny said something like he was forced to tell Abbie that he loved her, because he needed her to get back into the FBI? I know it has something to do with that shady government guy, but man...if I was Abbie, I'd be pissed.


    I'm looking forward to Pandora wiping that arrogant smirk off THO's face. It will be epic.

    • Love 2
  15. Oh sure, there's stuff I hate about my job too. I'm just saying that even if you're groaning inwardly at every inane repetitive question, it still doesn't seem serious enough to make someone throw up their hands and go "THAT'S IT, NO MORE PROMOTION!"

    Quite honestly, it sounds like self-entitled diva behavior and neither Mison nor Beharie sounds like a diva. So I'm inclined to agree with blugirlami21above.


    Agreed about Mison and Beharie not being divas. But there is a reason why they are not out there. Does FOX not want to spend the money on them/SH? Most likely. Money is important, and let's face it, corporations will do what they can to squeeze that last cent. So why haven't they sent NB/TM on the road for promo? It could be that the big talk shows don't want them (not big enough of a name). It could be that FOX has already (long) decided that the show will be cancelled so why bother. It could be that the actors do hold some clout, and are able to say "Nah, not interested".


    Basically, NB/TM or the PTB at FOX decided to nix having excessive promos for SH. It's a business decision - what can you do?

    • Love 1
  16. Very confusing episode.  And not enough Crane.


    Completely agree. And it's happened so many times this season. And in context, him alone, or with Team Witness, not saddled with crazy wife and crazy son.


    I've noticed this for several episodes this season. I'm sorry, but last season, Abbie may have been "sidelined", but at least she appeared for a fair amount of an episode. Crane - nowhere near. Maybe it's personal - he wants to be with his family. But if anyone can say they are being truly sidelined (in s3), it's Crane/TM.


    This episode, Sophie provided the "Crane commentary" too.


    The only thing I really really cared about, was Sophie/Abbie interactions (I actually love Sophie), and whenever Crane was on my screen. Otherwise, didn't care less. Thought maggot producing monster was fun (well, the creepy maggot part of it).

    • Love 4
  17. I can't see the second one being a problem, unless either Mison or Beharie is ridiculously sensitive (or, granted, the asker was particularly offensive). Actors and show runners face that question all the time.


    Most intelligent actors who want to excel in their craft, I think, would rather have a variety of questions thrown at them, especially thought-provoking questions. They want stuff like "What's the hardest part of your craft?", "What challenges have you faced in the role?", "Who inspires you?", "What is the impetus of your character deciding to do X, or Y or Z.". Even political questions (though they have to tread carefully) or questions of a philosophical nature.


    To take a current Oscar winner who wants to be taken seriously. It's the same as someone like Leo DiCaprio, who has starred in a variety of roles, some complex, some dramatic, some action-ish, and at every promotional event he attends, all media can ever ask is "OMG, Like Titanic was the best!! What was it like to kiss Kate Winslet??" It becomes incredibly tedious for the actors.

  18. Huh?  What do you mean "Twitter?"


    I can't speak for MissAlmond, but if I understand the response, there was and is a lot of anger on Twitter over the show. Things like forcing KW on us, Orlando being let go, the writers room chaos, the mess of season 2, NB being pushed to the side, the cringe-worthy storylines.


    But I suspect - again based on Twitter - the question most verboten is one of two:


    "What the hell happened in Season 2"

    "When will Ichabbie happen??"

  19. In the below article,  there's a question someone asked about why LEADS on shows don't do PR...and this just sounds toooooo much like Sleepy Hollow to me.  I don't doubt that Nicole and Tom are like "We're done getting the word out for this show."  Lol. 




    Whoa - that sounds so like SH. Knew NB/TM didn't want to do promo/cons/etc. If they did - and wanted to get exposure - they would. Wonder what the verboten question was?


    And the way the question was worded - again, so SH.

  20. If the hand porn, eye porn, and long hugs are any indication, I think anything physical between Crane and Abbie will translate well. More than well.


    Personally, I would be more concerned about Abbie/NB being able to convey the sexual/romantic interest, than Crane/TM. You just mentioned exactly why. The hand porn, the intense hugs, the smoldering looks (even back in early season 1), the current wineing and dining - it all originates from Crane/TM. 


    It's up to NB to step up to the plate and reciprocate when Abbie's walls finally fall, and she realizes Crane is her soulmate/lifemate/perfect romantic match.


    But I'm not worried. Because once they pull the Ichabbie trigger, it will be perfectly fine.

    • Love 3
  21. Is there any good Sleepy Hollow fan fiction out there? I usually avoid all FF because it reads like 50 Shades of Grey (which began as fan fiction, I know). I'm jonesin for Ichabbie. Watching scenes of hand porn and head kissing over and over and over just isn't enough for this 'shipper. 


    Archive of Our Own has some really good ones. Personally, most of the fic was much better the first year of the show's life. My advice? Go here, and sort by Comments to get some really good ones. There is some duplication with FF, but AoS tends to have better stuff.


    In the early days, there was some really well done smut - like, really well done. Others have them married with babies, which does nothing for me. Others have the slow burn, but a bit more palatable. Some start good and then quickly lose their way. Some are just plain fun. And some make me go "the hell you thinking?"


    I can PM you some recommendations, if you'd like.

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