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SoDak girl

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Everything posted by SoDak girl

  1. Dear Amy Farah Fowler, pls don't lecture me on walking back comments when you belong to a party that regularly stirs the pot with their untrue filth. Zip it, Missy.
  2. Dear Amy Farrah Fowler, do NOT lecture me on optics.
  3. Not sure if I can watch those big puffed-up lips flapping with GOP talking points. uffda, I am getting too old for this crap.
  4. I am so glad to see Whoppi go nuclear on that idiot woman's head. The "judge" is a total joke, but she panders to all the folks who believe every word she says about orange anus-face. I live among these people, and they are people he loves, "the under-educated". God help us all if he wins another term. I am terrified over what is happening to our country. The damage that has been done will not be rectified until long after I am dead. I marched in the '60's and I am marching now. Good for Whoppi for calling her out. And a side observation, Meghan stirred the pot, and had a smug look on her face until Whoppi went after her. Hope her days are numbers. She is under-educated and over-employed.
  5. I saw the picture of the new first family. I'll break it down: An old orange man, shuffles when he walks if no one is looking, seriously mentally ill and on meds An eastern european whore as first lady 3 seriously intellectually challenged male heirs 2 daughters and 2 daughters-in-law who have been cosmetic-surgically enhanced to all look alike so the old orange man could have a run at them god help our republic.
  6. I just need to say this, and not on FB as I made a short statement this morning, and have not gone back to that subject since then. What I need to say is this: If you start your BS excuse for voting for the republican with the words "I voted for him, but I am not a racist " then YOU ARE A RACIST. If you hear that language from ANYONE and you do not say that is offensive and you cannot say that around me, then you are a racist. If you heard/saw that guy saying those awful things and still voted for him, you are a racist by not rejecting the language and the attitude, then you are implicitly giving the message to all that you are OK with that attitude. Same goes for misogynistic or homophobic or xenophobic or islamaphobic language, if you do not state that this is NOT OK, then you are that misogynist, or homophobe, etc. There is no gray area. It is all black and white and your white privilege cannot protect you from the guilt of that sin. This is soooooo awful. How do I explain it to my 4 year old grand-daughter? Just heartbreaking for all of us.
  7. Now to be really snarky, does anyone else think Melania Trump talking about bullying today is really, really ironic??? In a nutshell, this is the disconnect of that candidate and his team from the average citizen.
  8. I, too, am not managing this run-up to election very well. Trump is morally bankrupt and gives not a fig for me or my down syndrome niece, or my gay niece, or my sister who will likely not have Social Security, and I can go on and on. He is a terrible choice for our country and I can only pray that there are really enough people with good sense who will vote and resoundingly reject him. Having said that, I have to agree with the comments above regarding the Republican party and their complete lack of interest in representing anyone who does not hold their "family values" (term used loosely) as sacrosanct as they do. They are in a world of hurt, which was started about 15 years ago with the advent of entertainers like Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Glen Beck and the like. The leaders ceded over their party to these hate-mongers who spew racism, misogyny, homophobia, islamophobia into the air waves for people who want to be validated for having such a narrow-minded view of the US. It is a terrible problem that they have created, and now it is going to become our problem if Trump is elected. Just be sure to vote on Nov 8 and pray that whatever major power you may believe in will save our democracy.
  9. It was actually embarrassing to see BAB fumble around while asking a question today. She was looking at her blue cards and couldn't find her place, so you know that she had no comprehension of the question. Just absolutely has no reason to be taking up space on that panel. Aargh, I will be glad when this election is over so she can quit acting like she has a clue.
  10. KAC has not soul. I hope she doesn't receive the Eucharist with that mouth. As a practicing Catholic, I find her morally repugnant as she pretends to represent my faith.
  11. You have the BEST Prime Minister in Justin Trudeau. I loved that when a reporter asked him why he had some many women in his Cabinet, he looked at the reporter and said "because it is 2016 ".
  12. I am really tired of Paula and CCB. I have never felt the need to be re-baptized. Took care of it in my infancy and was raised to maintain the life. Tired to death of being beaten over the head with their brand of Christianity. I know this is off topic, but it just hit me today and I need to stop watching and wait for some sort of self-correct by the network (probably won't happen).
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