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Everything posted by Pksbena1

  1. Tessa is adorable! I wish her all the best! 🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼
  2. We all have our opinions but I really like Trisha Trevino. I think she’s very pretty and a great performer! I love the seasons when she cheered. Those girls were gorgeous and great dancers!
  3. I didn’t either. Who is the girl wearing sunglasses?
  4. I totally agree with you about Shaina. I’m sure she felt Meredith, Kat, and Lily were the bottom three...and then.....she’s cut. To watch Meredith struggle constantly, and then, to be sent home over her....I would be so frustrated. As far as Julia is concerned, Kelli did not like her interview and (it seems) is looking for a way to make Julia look bad...no matter what Julia said, it was going to be twisted to make he look bad. I would of walked out of there frustrated as she was!
  5. Totally caught this as well. What difference does it make who Judy thinks is worse....
  6. Totally agree with you about Brooke. She’s always been one of my favorites. She always came across to me as a person with a great personality, great dancer, and a good ambassador for the team. She was called into Kelli’s office several times due to her weight but she took all the advice they gave her and worked with Jay to get it off. I think this showed great initiative and determination on her part....something Kelli loves. That determination got her on the squad and on show group her rookie year. She also appears to be friends with most of the girls she danced with in the 5 seasons she spent as a DCC. I see her as a person I would be friends with...someone down to earth, not high maintenance, and definitely not an attention seeker! Just one last note...another person I feel should have made the team is Grace Sells. She (along with Brooke) was called in several times due to weight. Grace (like Brooke) worked hard with Jay to get the weight off. However, Kelli said Grace had not lost any weight at all...something that’s hard for me to understand since they showed her working out with Jay. Grace never looked ‘big’ to me. I think she would of made a great DCC and a wonderful ambassador. Hopefully, she’s gone on to do amazing things with her life.
  7. I just went back and watched the previews for next time. Someone in blue is shown falling/fainting while in the kick line.
  8. I hope you are right about Julia. I am surprised Kelli felt what Julia said during media training wasn’t meant the way it came out. I agree. I think she was nervous and talked without really thinking. The fact that she was so petrified when she was called into Kelli’s office was alarming to me. She was so panicked. I felt so bad for her!!! And, after a major car accident.... Why does it have to be this stressful? TPTB know who they want. Put these girls out of their misery and just chose your team!
  9. I’m sitting here in astonishment. Meredith blew the media section completely...unless they asked her a lot more questions and didn’t show us. She’s beautiful....but c’mon. I’m SMH...
  10. Don’t know if you got to see when they announced the team, but it’s my favorite team announcement. The girls literally had no idea she was announcing the team. They were all so surprised! Season 4 was my favorite season. Lovely group of ladies who could dance well! I think Jordan Baum (season 3) was asked in her interview if it was the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders or the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. Can’t remember if she said she didn’t know or if she said Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader. I honestly had never thought about it until I saw that episode. I just know she didn’t answer correctly but she still made the team.
  11. My favorite rookie this season is Amanda. The girl is gorgeous and can dance circles around most of the rookies and vets. But, from what she said on episode one, she seems to be working towards big goals for her future. I believe this is a stepping stone for her. JMO....
  12. Wow! What a shame! She’s a great dancer and very pretty. She sunk herself without knowing it and she will NEVER (IMO) make it into training camp again. She will (probably) not be forgiven for her mistake. The thing is....this IS a stepping stone to your next career. No way can they expect you to make this your ‘end all’ career (yes, I’m aware that it is for some). I mean, most girls are ‘one and done’ or quit after a few seasons. Are they expecting girls to ‘retire’ at 25 and that’s it for them?
  13. No disrespect to Meghan F. She appeared to be very close to Brooke and Tobie both. Plus, she roomed with Brooke and Julie Jacobs...and later (I believe), with Brooke and Stephanie Heymann. I don’t know this for a fact, but I feel these DCC ladies probably tried to help her (as much as they could) to make the team. I think for Meghan...she just couldn’t pick up the steps. I saw the same struggles each time she was in training camp...memory mistakes. JMHO.
  14. For me personally....no one has come close to Nicole Hamilton. For me, she is the prefect representation of what a DCC should be!
  15. Deryn and Rachael both went to the Cowboy’s doctor (Dr Cooper). However, as far as who is responsible for payment (regarding that hefty doctor bill, including physical therapy), I’m not really sure.
  16. Well, she was making fun of her mouth and the way it curved down....something to that extent. Kelli didn’t find her to be photogenic at all. I took it as she didn’t think she was pretty. Maybe I misunderstood what she was saying.
  17. Wow! Watching Season 4 and Kelli just cut Margaret Martinez because she wasn’t ‘camera ready!’ Ouch. Basically, I would take that as you’re not pretty enough. She made fun of Margaret’s smile...I think she had a gummy smile. Margaret was poised and professional after she was cut. I feel bad for her though. As long as this show is on, she’ll be seen as the girl who wasn’t ‘camera ready (aka...not pretty enough).’ That’s hard....could really cause a person to have such low self esteem. I think it would of been better to not bring her into TC....
  18. After 14 seasons, I think we all know that making it to TC (for a second, third time...) does NOT guarantee you a spot on the team. I personally don’t think they should of taken Meghan into training camp in season 5. They knew her past...memory mistakes, slower to pick up dance steps. The only reason I can think that they took her into TC for the third time was 1) Meghan had been training with Kitty and Kitty felt she was ready/able to make the team or 2) for the drama. Sure hope it wasn’t for the second reason. I agree. I’m sure it was super hard for her to be passed over while everyone around her became a DCC.
  19. Yea...that’s why I question if she was really hurt. If she wanted to be a DCC so bad, she could of told K/J and did what Deryn did. Or, heal and come back next season. But, she did neither. Miranda just took not making training camp so hard. What did she say...she was the ‘almost’ girl....anyway, just my theory that Cerisa bailed b/c she felt so bad/guilty about Miranda so she decided not to finish out training camp. Like I said...my theory only.
  20. I own seasons 3-12. Got Season 13 for free when Amazon (?) had that one free day to download. Season 14...not feeling it. Season 1-2....would LOVE to own. Love those seasons. It wasn’t a reality show back then...it was about real women working hard to make the team with no drama....but, yes....Pluto 24/7 is my go to tv now!
  21. This is Season 4! My favorite season...gorgeous ladies and awesome dancers! ❤️
  22. This was never stated but I always got the feeling that Cerisa quit because Miranda didn’t make TC. Miranda seemed devastated not to make it. I often wondered if Cerisa felt so guilty, and felt it wasn’t worth losing a friendship over, so she dropped out. I mean, she didn’t even tell K/J that she was injured. I really think Cerisa had the DCC look. I could see her making the team if she was a great (not good!) dancer, had great social skills, and awesome high kicks.
  23. That’s right! Saw it earlier this week. Thank you!
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