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Posts posted by ohjoy

  1. I watched this episode again last week and was struck by something for (maybe) the first time. I don't know how much this factors into Sam's assessment of his judgment capabilities or his belief in what War is telling him at that point, but it finally occurred to me that it was a very good thing that Sam did not give into his temptation to drink the blood of the demons that he killed in the store when he and Dean separated. Not just for the sake of his own willpower, but especially because since War was just messing with everybody, those weren't demons. He would have been drinking human blood. (Although I guess he probably would have figured out what was going on in the town much sooner if he had.)

  2. Do we need to vote on the name again?

    In the meantime...

    ++ Cain

    -- Alistair

    -- Lilith

    21 - Meg Masters

    21 - Azazel

    21 - Cain

    17 - Crowley

    13 - Abaddon

    07 - Alastair

    Goodbye Lilith. You were one seriously creepy child, but your plan to raise Lucifer was nothing short of convoluted.

    Exorcised with Our Minds or Smited by the Hand of Ipecac or [insert Here]:



  3. Wouldn't Dean's nightmare vision be for Lucifer to look like Sam? Or maybe that would be old hat to Dean nowadays, post-S5. Who knows, maybe it would be for Lucifer to look like Dean!

    I can totally see him as an hallucination using one form and then switching to the other, just for creepy effect. Thanks --  now I totally want to see Jensen and Jared play the same character in the same scene, opposite either Sam or Dean. That'd be fun.



    I might be going crazy too. I've had a rash on my left arm since yesterday.

    Hahahaha - so thankful I didn't have anything in my mouth when I saw that.

    • Love 2
  4. For the clone idea: I think it would be more likely that if they incorporate a Sara clone into the story, the clone will be the one that's alive, rather than the one that Thea killed. It just doesn't seem likely that they would jump through the hoops necessary to make the real Sara alive again story-wise when they can just say, "Someone cloned her. She thinks she's the real thing. Look how much story we can get out of that!"


    I personally have been hoping against hope that they're just crazy enough to have the Flash's timeline-altering shenanigans explode all over their entire universe of shows, and change up everything about Flash, Arrow, and this new show. As in, Sara could be truly alive again, but she never came back to Starling City [ETA: I mean she never came back the first time, after she first joined the league], which would basically reboot S2 and S3 of Arrow, in addition to S1 of Flash having its own repurcussions to deal with. It's a much less convoluted relaionship stall than the current S3 mess (regardless of which 'ship you're looking for), Ray could still become ATOM through a different (read: less "dead fiance" and more "scientific curiousity") set of circumstances, and all the universes could still be tied together, because they've all been affected by Barry's actions. (That being said, I'm well aware that the things potential ideas I've thought would be interesting to see on screen are light-years away from what MG, AK, and GB evidently consider to be "riveting tv".)



    Yeah, she did a virtual autopsy which at the time sounded odd but then Felicity isn't a doctor so sure, why not (though it would have made more sense to get someone who is to do it)  Still, by not cutting Sara up and dissecting her, one step closer to "plausible" resurrection.  Only mostly dead and all that.  The cold temp worked in Oliver's favor, maybe Sara's stint in the freezer did her a world of good too.

    Don't even jest! I swear, if MG actually did something like this and then crowed about "lampshading" or whatever nonsense to pretend he was clever enough to make "good story" out of an unfortunate trope, I might actually put my fist through my tv.

    • Love 1
  5. + Castiel

    -- Lucifer

    -- Balthazar

    32 - Castiel

    29 - Gabriel

    16- Gadreel

    03 - Lucifer

    03 - Balthazar

    01 - Naomi

    01 - Samandriel

    Molotov'd with Holy Oil







    Anna Milton

  6. The one time I got to see them live (during their first tour, after driving four hours to another city with a friend and then standing outside in snowing weather for an hour before the doors opened), I fell in love with Avi. He's just electric.

  7. Happy Birthday, Jensen!

    I thought this was cute.

    He was kind of a goober when he was little boy and we'll he's still kind of a goober.. Just a ridiculously handsome and ridiculously talented goober


    This man... I've seen lots of people who have gotten better looking with age, but somehow Jensen has just gone from freaking cute to frikkin' gorgeous over the years. It's just crazy, and I'd say unfair, but -- hey, at least we get to look at him from afar (or for some people, not so far).
    • Love 2
  8. I just have to say that I must really be in love with Dean Winchester, because I hhaaaatttee visible vomit on screen, but the whole "getting turned back" scene is still distractingly fascinating to me (enough that I can't get through the episode without watching it at least twice). Must be the residual of that hot machete action.

    • Love 1
  9. -- Lucifer

    -- Zachariah

    -- Anna


    29 - Castiel

    27- Gabriel

    17 - Balthazar

    15 - Lucifer

    15- Gadreel

    15 - Samandriel

    13 - Naomi

    09 - Zachariah

    03 - Anna Milton


    Molotov'd with Holy Oil






  10. Man, how did I miss a day of voting?

    ++ Castiel

    -- Lucifer

    -- Anna Milton


    29 - Gabriel

    29 - Castiel

    19 - Balthazar

    19 - Naomi

    19 - Gadreel

    17 - Lucifer

    15 - Zachariah

    15 - Samandriel

    09 - Anna Milton

    05 - Michael

    01 - Raphael


    Molotov'd with Holy Oil




  11. Marc G. is a mess.

    ITA, although tbh I missed a couple of letters out of the end of that sentence. Same difference though.

    It seems to me that MG thinks that the fans who agree with his vision of the show and how he's doing things are the majority, and because they like his style they will also like to see him lay the smackdown on the whiny pisspots complaining about stuff they don't like or get. So he does (or he thinks he does). And he's not the least bit concerned about being polite to those who dare question him, because he's already lumped the innocent questioners and intelligent critques in woth the crazy violent opposition, and responds to them all in the same manner -- which he thinks wins him points with the show's "true" fans.

    I'm clearly not one of those fans, because his responses just drive home to me that nothing I want to see on this show will be happening with any intention or quality as long as he's calling the shots.

    • Love 18
  12. ++ Castiel

    ++ Gabriel

    -- Lucifer


    27 - Castiel

    27 - Gabriel

    23 - Gadreel

    21 - Balthazar

    21 - Naomi

    17 - Zachariah

    17 - Samandriel

    15 - Lucifer

    13 - Anna Milton

    13 - Michael

    09 - Raphael

    05 - Uriel

    03 - Hannah


          Smited Into Oblivion

    +    Dispatched to the Outfield

    +    Only their wings left behind

        Exploded into Feathery Ash

          Torched While Falling to Earth

    +++Molotov'd with Holy Oil


  13. How about the title below? (Feel free to change/reset)

    ++ Castiel

    -- Hanna

    -- Lucifer


    23 - Castiel

    21 - Naomi

    21 - Gabriel

    19 - Balthazar

    19 - Gadreel

    17 - Zachariah

    17 - Samandriel

    15 - Lucifer

    13 - Anna Milton

    13 - Michael

    13- Raphael

    09 - Hannah

    09- Uriel


    Exploded into Feathery Ash


    • Love 1
  14. I would actually prefer all the humans to be in one group, so I guess this is fine with me.

    Metatron --

    Lucifer --

    Castiel ++

    17 - Gabriel

    17 - Gadreel

    17 - Castiel

    15 - Hannah

    15 - Zachariah

    15 - Naomi

    15 - Anna Milton

    15 - Balthazar

    15 - Uriel

    15 - Samandriel

    15 - Raphael

    15 - Michael

    13 - Metateon

    13 - Lucifer

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