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Posts posted by ohjoy

  1. I have to admit I am still really skeptical about properly integrating a capella with a full orchestra.... so... hopefully Kevin isn't just caught up in his own enthusiasm. The way I'm imagining this now is probably PTX opening the song with no instrumentation then the orchestra coming up behind their vocals. Of course then they're redundant/unhearable for that part, unless the orchestra goes quiet/low key later in the performance.

    Pretty nice guess on the actual performance -- I was able to still hear Avi (and Kevin's cymbal percussion) even amongst the orchestra, but as far as the structure of the performance this was pretty on point.

    • Love 1
  2. I thought they showed Will still alive and alone after Simmons was rescued?


    I think Will died a long time ago and the Inhuman took his form. It would explain the lack of aging.

    I think Will died when Simmons was rescued -- and the Inhuman took his form. (To me that explains why he would check for bullets in a gun that Will had already explained to Jemma had only one bullet left (the one bullet that was fired while Jemma was escaping). Will would know that there were no more bullets, but the Inhuman wouldn't.)


    But I can see where you're coming from, Fogh. :-)


    To open the portal and save Will, who is the Inhuman, FitzSimmons needs the monolith HYDRA has.

    To open the portal and get the Inhuman, who is Will, Hydra needs FitzSimmons.


    Everything is connected!

    You're very right -- they do need each other.

    • Love 1
  3. I'm still of the mind that Will was possessed/consummed/otherwise killed at the time that Fitz was pulling Simmons back through the portal, so the grand irony here might be that SHIELD, in an effort to stop HYDRA's masterplan, is actually the one to achieve HYDRA's masterplan because they can't just let Will die over there. (Not that they should take that stance, I'm just saying that's probably going to be their undoing.)

    And if HYDRA would just sit around and wait a little bit, SHIELD would basically destroy themselves and they'd get everything they ever wanted. (Probably won't go that way though -- something tells me Ward's endless vendetta against May (dude, your foot healed ages ago!) might sabotage HYDRA itself.

  4. All the talk about hand rubbing reminded me of Oliver's nervous tic. Have we seen him do that at all this season?

    Actually yes, I noted it in the premiere, when he and Felicity realized the bombs were coming in on the train. He gets up from his seat and joins the group standing behind Felicity, and he's doing the hand tic when everyone goes to suit up. (Sorry, I have no gif-making abilities). Since the train epiphany happens after his (very justified) "everybody hates me and we should never have come back here," I'm guessing the tic is a delayed reaction to that as he's trying to work with team again.

    But I haven't seen it since then.

    ETA: Did this episode finally break quarks? I was particularly looking forward to her analysis of Laurel this week.

    • Love 6
  5. While I would very much like this to be an "It was all a drreeeaaammm!!!!" situation with Gemma's version of the events not quite syncing up with reality, I think that's a very slim chance, for the simple fact that AoS would be taking their "ground-breaking" hour of television and an episode or two later going, "Yeah, that episode's pretty much pointless because Simmon's just imagined most/all of it and that guy wasn't even there (or was dead long before she left)."


    That just doesn't seem likely to happen.


    That being said, EH did a wonderful job in the episode, and Fitz broke my heart in the 20 seconds he was on screen. It's just too bad that they couldn't have written a story arc that actually coincided with the weapon-bearing PTSD-struck Simmons we saw when they first got her back. I was really looking forward to that story.

    • Love 1
  6. He's really only even an iota tolerable if you pretend he came on the show in 3.19

    I think that's a very winning mindset -- I pretty much refused to acknowledge his presence before then, and flatly ignored Felicity's supposed relationship with him in that particular ep (easy to do when you know it's definitely going to be ended in a matter of days), and I actually quite enjoyed him in 3.19. If they had brought him in like that, at that point, instead of all the crap that they did with him leading up to that point, I would have really loved Ray. That's pretty much the only reason I can look forward to him on LoT: I'm essentially expecting a character reboot. (And the idea of goofball Ray of the late S3 being any sort of taken with Sara Lance is intriguing to me. *hangs head in shame* )

    • Love 2
  7. So after watching parts of the second and third parts, I feel bad that I ever had a fleeting moment of "I could totally ship Lucas and Maya given the chance."


    Why was that "chance" these absolutely ridiculous episodes while they're all still in middle school???


    I'm now wishing that they all figure out that these feelings will come and go and they are all better off as friends. I could see Riley and Farkle further down the line (much, much further down the line -- and even then I'm probably still on the Farkle/Smackle train), but I feel like the show just did this to explain to me how none of these couples should be endgame. They're all kind of miserable when they're not just friends. Riley looked miserable and kind of confused dating Charlie, Maya looked miserable and kind of confused dating Lucas, Lucas looked totally confused about everything, and Farkle looked miserable watching his friends be miserable. Even Zay was like, "This is a bad idea, and I don't think it's gonna work." (Side note: the one thing this 3-parter did that I did not think was possible -- get me to like Zay. Thanks for making him a character instead of just a wise-cracking sidebar.)


    Sorry Charlie (heh) -- it's a shame Riley's not seeing how adorable you are, but she's not, so... this is just going to get more and more awkward while Riley attempts to date a boy she's not that into, and Maya continues to see ways that Riley's personality actually complements Lucas' (it's not always opposites that attract), and Lucas continues to do whatever the girls tell him to (really wish they'd let him have a voice in the discussion, but I guess boys aren't allowed to have "I Choose Me!" moments like girls). Yippee.

  8. I don't care if they are in love, or are BFF`s, I`ll take FitzSimmons any way I can get them. They're always a highlight. 

    MTE. Fitz holding her hand as they walked around trying to get her reacclimated to everything was so sweet, regardless of the overture. They make my heart swell.


    I may have been reading too much into it, but it seemed to me what actually overwhelmed Simmons at the restaurant was the dark colored wine being poured out right in front of her. From the camera angle (focused on her face, but with the wine pouring in the foreground) it seemed to be the last straw -- maybe a callback watching to someone die on the alien planet -- and she broken down after that. And it seems in keeping with the fact that when we saw her on the alien planet she was very aware that whatever was hunting her would be drawn specifically to the bloody cut on her face and was quickly trying to cover it up.

    • Love 3
  9. OK so did anyone else get Damian has a daughter anvils from the Anarky scene? Got me worried for a second about Felicity. He's so against it, he must have experience right? Then he took the idea and ran with it for Laurel. Weird.

    Augh, I did not even think about that until just now. I would so prefer that Damien not have any tear-jerky family backstory, especially not one related to any of our regular characters. Can't we have a villain who's just a villain? A creepy, sinister villain with distractingly beautiful eyes? That's all I'm asking.

    • Love 3
  10. I had my own laugh during Felicity's speech because my friend HATES the "become something else" line, and I knew it would drive her nuts to hear Felicity say it.

    I have to agree with her. I loved the line as part the standard intro for years, but the moment they started mucking around and sticking different versions of it and implied references to it within the show itself they ruined the line for me. Putting words in Felicity's mouth to give Oliver a lightbulb moment was kind of the last straw.
    • Love 3
  11. The "Carry On Wayward Son" intro from "Fan Fiction" was the best and most pleasantly surprising development of the finale.

    Jensen and Jared brought it in the acting department. And honestly, so did the woman who plays Rowena. Although I can't stand the sound of her voice, the actress did a wonderful job.

    • Love 10
  12. For me, 1, 8, 19, 20, and 23 are the only episodes of which I'll rewatch more than 75%. There are also major moments in 5, 9, and 16 that I'd like to revisit (though less than 75% of the episode). 19 is probably my favorite whole episode of the season, followed by 1 (with major points off for the last two minutes) and then 8. Of course, Those ranking's might change after I rewatch those eps.

    (Full disclosure: there were so many episodes this season that I either FF'd through or skipped entirely that my list includes all but four of the episodes I've actually season. Being able to sit through only half of a season's eps sort of makes my rankings damning with faint praise.)

    • Love 2
  13. ++ Castiel

    ++ Ellen

    -- Gabriel


    19 - Castiel

    17 - Death

    17 - Bobby

    17 - Ellen

    15 - Jody

    15 - Rufus

    05 - Gabriel

    05 - Kevin


    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters




  14. I also hope that the show lets Oliver and Felicity be like Chandler and Monica (long-term stable relationship), but I fear that they'll end up more like Ross and Rachel (on-again/off-again). 

    That is also my hope (and my fear) -- I am totally in for the long haul as long as we have Chandler and Monica (although ultimately I'm still holding onto my Westley/Buttercup image). But if they go to Ross/Rachel, for any reason really, I am so out.

    • Love 1
  15. I admit to being pretty "meh" about the finale on initial viewing; I've gotten a bit more positive as I've read reactions and been reminded of moments I really enjoyed.

    • I was very amused by Oliver's repeated "put the bow down, Nyssa" gesture when they dropped in on TA+. Even after Diggle punched him to the floor, he was still like, "seriously, don't shoot anybody." It just struck me as humorous.
    • As an out of pocket scene, I really like the way the Lance family drama scene was played. Very well done on both parts. In context of the activities going on in the current episode (or even the season) though -- ugh. Ain't nobody got time for that.
    • I confess to not being into Felicity-in-the-ATOM-suit (I had more of an "aauuugghh -- of course she magically knew how to fly it and get it to match her proportions exactly" reaction than most did) -- but I get the symbolism (now), and whoever called them "adorable little puppies" was on point. THEIR FACES --  the relief and joy was so evident. Adorable indeed.
    • LOVED Oliver's goodbye with Thea. "I was thinking -- Red Arrow?" "I already told everyone to call you 'Speedy'." My heart. I always love brother/sister moments with those too.
    • I keep hoping that Malcolm's comeuppance (read: beatdown) factors heavily into Season 4A, and then he's gone for good once LOT (they really wanted an acronym for "bunch of random DC characters", didn't they? ;-) ) starts and Sara's character is firmly established as being alive.
    • Speaking of LOT: "Ray go boom." Heh. Just when I was starting to tolerate like him. Hopefully he'll get to have a personality of his very own on the new show.


    It could have been much, much better -- but I guess it also could have been worse. Against my better judgment, I can't quit this show just yet. Although:

    antonelamastromarino asked:

    HI Marc I enjoyed the season finale, but I expected more. I will give it 6/10.Tell me, how is that Oliver didn't bled with those shots? And even being an olicity fan, I didn't like Felicity in the atom suit,sorry. And no kiss at all with oliver? Awesome ending with the palmer's explosion. Don't get me wrong, I love Arrow, I will keep watching, but it seems like all of you (the producers) are so focused on the new spin off, that you all forget about the mother tv show. See you on October !
    To answer your questions in order:
    – Nyssa explained to Oliver that his League armor protected him from the bullets.
    – Sorry, there wasn’t an organic place to put a kiss.
    – And please don’t blame the spinoff on creative choices on Arrow you disagree with.  We all recognize that Arrow is the mothership and work tirelessly every single day to maintain its quality.

    Has the man never heard of a pop-kiss?! 'Cause Felicity's comment about having something to do with saving Oliver (in addition to the league gear) was the perfect place to put one.

    • Love 6
  16. ++ Ellen

    ++ Castiel

    -- Gabriel


    19 - Castiel

    19 - Ellen

    17 - Rufus

    17 - Jody

    17 - Bobby

    17 - Death

    11 - Gabriel

    09 - Kevin


    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters




  17. This round continues to be impossible. I didn't want Henriksen and Cain gone already, but who was gonna go in their place?

    I might start voting crazy, just for the fun of it. :-)

    Death --

    Bobby ++

    Gabriel --

    19 - Castiel

    19 - Ellen

    19 - Rufus

    19 - Jody

    17 - Bobby

    17 - Death

    13 - Gabriel

    11 - Kevin

    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters




    • Love 1
  18. -- Bottom 3


    19 - Death

    19 - Bobby

    19 - Castiel

    19 - Ellen

    17 - Jody

    15 - Rufus

    15 - Gabriel

    11 - Kevin


    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters




  19. man, I had to miss most of the whole week and now Henriksen and Cain are already gone. :-( :-( :-(

    -- Bobby

    -- castiel

    -- Rufus


    21 - Death

    19 - Bobby

    19 - Castiel

    19 - Rufus

    19 - Jody

    19 - Ellen

    15 - Gabriel

    15 - Kevin

    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters




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