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Posts posted by ohjoy

  1. I got caught up on the last few episodes last night, so I just had to bring this over:


    [snip] why didn't Malick just knock her out and take her with him? SquidWard could have thrown some fairy dust at her and made her his willing accomplice. Why not do that?



    Now I really wish that that had happened, if only because it would actually make the show mix things up.


    Whadduya know -- good guess! It amuses me that these complaints from the episode about the inevitability of the future turned out to be the predictions of a future episode.

    • Love 1
  2. Thanks! Didn't realize that Broadway had managed to connect Justin Guarini to Tony Vincent (both in American Idiot) to Misha Collins (via charity even to for Random Acts). Interesting.

  3. Ah, that's good to hear. I recognized him almost immediately when those commercials started popping up, but I hadn't seen anything about him since From Justin to Kelly. (Yes, I went there. And no, I didn't actually watch it. :-) )

  4. Man oh MAN would that have been an incredible turn of events. It definitely would have upped the "no one is safe" factor of Tommy's death x10. Especially if:

    -- Oliver had gotten to Laurel the same time he got to Tommy,

    -- Tommy had gotten to Laurel just after she died in Oliver's arms, and

    -- Malcolm Merlyn had actually died on that rooftop when Oliver left him to go find Laurel in the Glades.

    Lance would have hated the Hood for killing his only remaining (so he thought) daughter, Tommy could have gone full on evil from the trauma of losing both Laurel and Malcolm due to Oliver's action/inaction, Oliver could have still made the "no kill" rule out of guilt of destroying his friend's life, when Sara showed up that could have been a redemptive moment for both Lance and Oliver, the GA/BC stuff would have been more, epic, and untainted.... *Sigh* So many good things could have happened.

    • Love 4
  5. I will say that one scene in which I unexpectedly really enjoyed Laurel was when she was overseeing the prison inspection. When she told DD about the "anonymous tip" that resulted in his cell being searched, sarcastically mimicked his response with her own "Hmph!", and didn't back down from his threats -- I coulda used more of that Laurel, not the leather-, buckles-, and Ollie-lovin' Laurel. C'est la vie.

    • Love 14
  6. I was so distracted throughout the episode by Oliver's puffy coat vest... sorry, I mean, Green Arrow costume. Seriously, it puffs out at times and looks ridiculous.


    Okay, I know that was a while ago, but it took me all week to get though the ever-increasing page count, and that was one of the funniest things I saw.

    I tend to be mostly unspoiled (although even I couldn't miss the bts rumors leading up to this episode), so I almost fell for the fake out (I began to think something was going to happen to Quentin on his way to hospital instead)... until that insipid "love of my life" line. I was already scream/cry/laughing over the return of that stupid photo (which happened to be the only part of the flashbacks I actually caught -- I started FF-ing them after the season premiere and have never regretted it), but as soon as I heard that line I knew Laurel had to die. You don't get to say something that ridiculous TO SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT RECIPROCATE without imminent death.

    I really wish they hadn't gone there. It would have been more respectful of almost every main character on the show if Laurel's death scenes had focused on the relationships she actually had on the show (i.e. Quentin, Sara, etc.), instead of on the one she'd been head-cannoning for practically its entire existence. Sorry, there's no way you'll get me to believe that Ollie ever treated her in a way that justified her putting up with his lecherous behavior (toward every woman BUT her) and then pining after him when even that came to an end. That's some mad selective-memory skill you got there, Laurel.

    Felicity's absence was very noticeable to me, but when she did show up I was glad she hadn't been there until that moment. This ep really needed to slow down and think about what it was doing ('cause it definitely did NOT do whatever it thought it was doing) -- trying to cram Felicity into all that would not have made it better. I just knew the ep's goals were not being sufficiently achieved when I was constantly being distracted by the writing and the editing. Not good. (But maybe their one goal was to just get it over with -- in which case, brava.)

    • Love 12
  7. This is an interesting conversation. I've seen several variations on wedding/reception locations and invites. Where I'm from, the most typical is to have the ceremony and the reception on the same property (though usually in different rooms/buildings to reduce wait time for guests), with the same invitee guest list. But have been to weddings where the ceremony and the reception where at different locations and/or times; one friend actually had a ceremony/tiny reception for family and close friends (bride and groom came from large families, so that was still 80 people), and then did a full reception for everyone two weeks later after their honeymoon. I often see a smaller ceremony locale that requires a smaller guest list for the ceremony than the reception, so there are some people who are invited to the reception but not the ceremony -- I've never seen the reverse though (with fewer people invited to the reception than the ceremony).


    Basically, I think that however you want to structure your wedding ceremony/reception, go for it. I've seen a fairly wide variety.

  8. Yeah, I would definitely watch an entire music video of "We Built This Thingy" without the Xfinity interruption.


    Also, count me in on the mad-love for the Cookie Monster commercial. I've no intention of getting an iPhone, but that commercial is so stinkin' cute!

    • Love 3
  9. Cisco needs to share with the rest of the class a bit quicker next time.  Side note, he and Caitlyn were cute on the dance floor.  In a very only ever friends way.  I appreciated the distinction

    This is probably the bright spot of the episode for me. I love Cisco and Caitlin's friendship. Apparently Cisco REALLY wanted to dance. :-)

    • Love 5
  10. MTE xqueenfrostine. I was doing okay, until the last shot of Mack still holding that drink. I held on as long as I could, but it got incredibly dusty in my room right about then.

    And to think I didn't even like Hunter or think he was a good match for Bobbi when they first showed up. Now i'm going to miss them so much!

    • Love 4
  11. They so need to do a scene where Oliver and Felicity come out from somewhere and he has lipstick on his neck and her hair is all messed up lol

    I would love it even more if no one verbally commented on it -- just weird looks, smirks and eye-rolls between TA while discussing the case or villiain, with Thea and Dig trying to subtly point out the hair and makeup that needed fixing. :-)

    • Love 6
  12. Exactly. Admittedly my view of Vandal Savage was formed by the Justice League/JLU and Young Justice cartoons. But CC just does not sell the character to me. Vandal Savage to me should be an imposing genius mastermind, on the level of Lex Luthor at least, and as physically threatening as Deathstroke. This guy comes across more as creepy serial killer. Which is scary in its own way I suppose, but it's not what I think of when I think Vandal Savage.

    I too watched Justice League/JLU and Young Justice, and your description of what I expected of Vandal Savage is spot on. Of course, based on Justice League/JLU I expected a lot more out of Hawkgirl too, so I guess that's my fault. I just wish they had chosen a different backstory/mytharc for the show's foundation, as these two characters and their conflict on LOT are among the least interesting parts of the show for me.


    Definitely NOT the least interesting: Leonard Snart. A welcome surprise (and I love it if Mick turned out to be Chronos).

    • Love 2
  13. I have never shipped Riley with Lucas. He's a nice kid and all, but her perception of him seemed completely based in fantasy land. Early in the show I liked the idea of Lucas and Maya as a potential late-high-school development mainly because she wasn't imagining him as her big strong prince charming. Then the show had to go and ruin everything with this stupid middle school "like" triangle. IT'S TOO SOON! NONE OF IT MATTERS! I wish they would just drop and have them start high school after every single one of them having gotten over their feelings during the summer, but the show has made them so melodramatic about everything that I just know they want to milk the melodrama by dragging it out through high school in a tedious "everything is knew here and my feeling are changing what does it all mean" schtick. Quadruple UGH.


    So now I kinda ship Riley and Farkle. Because, again, that is where the melodrama is NOT. (Although he'd probably be the best and wisest of them all if he just stuck with Smackle for the rest of his life. It'd probably be less emotionally draining than dealing with the rest of these yahoos.)


    I'm also quite annoyed with this show that after two whole seasons the only thing that's going on with the kids is relationship drama. It's a very bad sign.


    ETA: I'll be honest that I was not a fan of Zay at all when he first showed up as the TBG, but he's grown on me over his last few eps -- again, probably because he's being kept outside of the melodrama as much as possible. Which makes him seem much more mature than he did when he first showed up.

  14. Fiona: Food is for new houses or babies but this is just pie for dessert. Wine is for dinner parties. Flowers can be lots of things depending on the color. These are yellow, multipurpose but not romantic. [Joan] can pick the gift she wants or have them all.

    Sherlock 's face throughout this (non)exchange was a thing of beauty. Absolutely no calculating, just silent assenting to each part as she went along. So cute.

    • Love 6
  15. I wish we had saved Rutger Hauer for DEL - he would have been perfect! Peter Weller? OR - is it secretly John Hamm???? (I wish he had made a surprise appearance with Sid's army!) Wouldn't Justin Timberlake be fantastic?? (Hey - a girl can dream!)



    - Wishful casting: John Cleese as the Dark Evil Lord. This show is just screaming for a Python to guest star, and why not? He could wear a tall, furry hat.


    I was absolutely sold on Peter Weller until I saw John Cleese mentioned. Now I'm torn. I know in my head John Cleese is the perfect choice, but my heart just keeps playing with the idea of Peter Weller's voice instructing Madalena on developing a deep, dark... fashion sense.

    • Love 2
  16. I decided to watch this show because I wanted to see Kristen Ritter's and David Tennant's performances together, and in that respect, boy I was not disappointed.


    The one thing I wonder about now, though, is what the dynamic would have been like if Kilgrave had ever succeeded? If he had managed to gain control over Jessica again, how much longer would he have been interested? I'm assuming he would have done a lot of the things he told himself he was anticipating, but then what? His obsession with getting her back had literally been the motivating force in his life for... the last year? (I'm sorry, I don't remember how long it had been since Jessica had walked away from him.) How long until the excitement of having her back wore off?


    Or would he be perpetually paranoid that she would somehow break free again, and spend the rest of his life enacting various psychotic measures to ensure that did not happen?


    It seems clear his only favorable option would have been for her to "choose him". No wonder he was so hung up for so long on the glimmer of hope of that she could actually want him of her own free will.


    (Side note: David Tennant's performance was nothing short of brilliant, to make me sit around contemplating the life someone as despicable as Kilgrave would have had if he had succeeded. The whole scene when he was deciding it was worth it to have his father inject a potentially fatal serum into the base of his skull (which required him to submit himself to the exact physical position that he had been in repeatedly as a child when he thought he had no control) because of how badly he wanted to control one person again -- that went so far for me in showing how much control Kilgrave had lost over himself, that even self-preservation took second-place to his obsession with Jessica. It made his downfall that much more fitting.)

    • Love 3
  17. Sherlock: Dear lord, I have never been so impatient to be attacked by a murderous ghost.

    I'm going to remember this quote for every time some well-meaning friend tries to pry into my love life. It'll be that much more fun to me out of context. :-)

    • Love 3
  18. I won't lie, I feel like him telling her BEFORE he proposes is a stipulation for me too. She needs that sort of information before making a life changing decision. I'd be happy to see where the story goes if that happens.


    I just had a thought. Oliver proposes, she says yes, then he tells her about baby mama. After the ensuing silence he goes "no backsies".

    To the first part -- YES, I totally want to see that happen.


    To the second part -- thanks for reminding me of my favorite Laura Hurley joke tweet ever, because I also wanted to see that happen:


    More joke tweets from Laura Hurley (no spoilers, just speculation)...

    Laura Hurley ‏@lah9891  16h16 hours ago

    FS:"Why haven't you proposed?"

    OQ: "I did. You said yes. Then you bumped your head & forgot."


    OQ:"No take backs."



    • Love 1

    Hmmmm - here's a question - if he starts to come clean but is interrupted by an accident (spec only) does that count? I don't know.


    It depends. How soon does he try to come clean? How long is it between then and the truth coming out?

    Does the accident result in a catastrophic event that Barry subsequently erases by turning back time or creating an alternate reality? If so, does he learn his lesson and attempt to come clean sooner than he previously did?

  20. @Dtissagirl, I'm honestly going the "forget everything that happened and fast forward through the fallout and get back to the normal IN CHARACTER Oliver/Felicity scenes" route. This season I'm here for Felicity and Diggle. I'm not going to miss that. 

    Me too, me too. Although since I came here before actually watching the episode it's going to be more of a "refuse to acknowledge this episode exists [i'm subbing Flash 2x08 for Arrow 4x08] and fast forward through the fallout" route for me.


    However, in my mind it would make miles of difference for me if Oliver came clean to Felicity himself, well before she had a chance to find/figure it out from someone else. She could still be angry, she might still break up with him briefly, but man oh man, if Oliver took that bullet in the chest by TELLING HER face to face BECAUSE HE KNOWS IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO (and not just because he's gotten wind of extenuating circumstance that mean she's going to find out elsewhere soon) that would be a huge help in providing some actual growth out of this STUPID, STOOPID storyline.


    (I'm still annoyed that the writers apparently think they can just sub in Felicity for their previously planned O/L storylines and it'll work the same. They're not the same people -- that's the whole point. If the majority of the audience had wanted to watch those O/L storylines, that's what we would have responded favorably to them in the first place. We didn't because we don't. Stop rewriting characters for your stupid, toxic plot, people. They deserve better than that, and so do we.)

    • Love 13
  21. So we got 8 episodes of good, mature, happy Olicity (I'm including The Flash episode) before they fucked everything up. I have to be honest, considering the show is the show, that's 7 more episodes than I expected.

    It's funny -- a little over a year ago, I was saying that all I was hoping for was a short string of "pure, unadulterated Olicity" before they broke them up again and I dropped this show like a poison-secreting memory worm. So on that front I'm actually happy we made it this far.


    But, also from a little over a year ago (bolding and emphasis added):

    .... I maybe could have tolerated four years if they hadn't pulled the gun on crucial tidbits like "first non-fakeout non-dream-sequence kiss" already. Once you start that clock ticking, you've got approximately one season, and then I'm probably out. Unless you start that countdown, and then try to hit the pause button with obstacles like love triangles [season 3] or unexpected children [season 4]. Then I'm definitely out until those things are no longer factors. ... I'm preparing to willfully ignore even my favorite characters for the duration of any storyline that makes me want to put my fist through my tv screen. So they'd better find a really good hook if they want me to stay.


    SECRETS AND LIES about either of the above are the ultimate showkillers for me. (I'm not even a fan when these particular complications are properly communicated -- although that's probably because I've never seen them properly communicated in television before.) What's funny to me now is that I'm not mad at Felicity for OOC overreacting, and I'm not even mad at Oliver for being a level 1 to-the-moon scared witless idiot (though clearly there's a lot of SMH going on over here) -- I'm mad at the writers. This is STUPID, you guys. STUPID. Clearly they're writing backwards again: there's a point they want to get to, and to do that they had to have the babymama drama that was hanging out in the ether (that they put there in the first place) resolved in the most drawn out, dramatic way possible -- and to do that they have to give Oliver a reason to keep secrets from Felicity, and since "Babymama said I couldn't tell" obviously does not hold water in any reality (even the show's reality) it had to be combined with "universe-ending paradoxes would ensue" in Oliver's mind to get him to the point of secret-keeping. So Felicity had to act very uncharacteristically, and then Oliver had to hear about it third-hand (instead of remembering the context of what he had witnessed first-hand) so he would react desperately to the incomplete information and start this chain of secret-keeping events.

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