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Posts posted by ohjoy

  1. I'm not convinced we won't find out that at some point during this episodes events Oliver did let Nyssa in on the plan. I mean, yes, she tried to knife him and he blocked it, but for all her "I would rather die than be subjected to this marriage" she didn't knife herself in the exchange. I think she is in on it.


    Of course, the rest of my crack!theory is that once Malcolm got thrown back in the cell with TA+ he let them know about the fake gas and they all put on a histrionic show for Ra's so he would believe that Oliver was truly leaving them there to die. That way everybody's at least remotely in on the plan again. I can even pretend that Diggle and Felicity's last exchange was because they weren't sure if this plan was actually working or not -- because it was such a huge gamble and they have never actually seen the effects of the virus firsthand.


    (But hey, at least the first part of my theory holds some water, right?)

    • Love 3
  2. AyChihuahua, I honestly couldn't even make it through that episode of Angel (I just... no), but if they did that to Oliver, I too will forgive EVERYTHING -- just on principle. (Mainly the principle of a felt bow and arrows that will do any damage to bad guys.)

  3. So, I just spent the better part of an hour laughing maniacally and shouting, "THIS SHOW IS SO DUUMMMBBB!!!!!!" at my tv. I'm guessing that's not the response they were going for. (But who knows -- the way the plot's been this season, maybe that's exactly the response they were going for.)

    • Love 13
  4. -- Gabriel

    -- Kevin

    ++ Ellen

    23 - Death

    21 - Castiel

    21 - Jody

    21 - Bobby

    21 - Rufus

    19 - Gabriel

    19 - Ellen

    17 - Kevin

    11 - Henriksen

    07 - Cain

    07 - Benny

    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters

  5. Count me in for Jaws, E.T., Dances With Wolves, Avatar, The Color Purple, Apocalypse Now and the Godfather series.

    I also skipped all the Harry Potter movies except for the last one (which I watched more as a joke with a friend than anything), and all the Fast & Furious movies (although I may break down and watch the last one for Paul Walker). Also, I don't do horror genre at all, so that's a non-factor for me.

    Some others:

    Man of Steel

    Pretty Woman

    Fight Club

    The Hobbit movies (I loved the LOTR trilogy, but no way was I getting tricked into a four-movie time-suck "based" on a book that was basically a short story compared to LOTR)

    Pulp Fiction

    12 Years a Slave (or most "Best Picture" winners/nominees of recent years -- too many to name)

    Breakfast at Tiffany's



    I'm sure there are more that'll come to me later.

    • Love 1
  6. ++ Castiel

    ++ Henriksen

    ++ Cain

    23 - Death

    21 - Bobby

    21 - Rufus

    21 - Ellen

    21 - Jody

    21 - Gabriel

    21 - Castiel

    19 - Kevin

    17 - Henriksen

    11 - Cain

    05 - Benny

    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters

  7. I did have issues connecting to the forms about twelve hours ago. Seems to be all better now.

    -- Jody

    ++ Ellen

    ++ Henriksen




    23 - Death

    21 - Castiel

    21 - Bobby

    21 - Rufus

    21 - Ellen

    19 - Jody

    19 - Gabriel

    19 - Kevin

    17 - Henriksen

    11 - Cain

    07 - Benny


    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters

  8. -- Death

    -- Rufus

    ++ Cain

    25 - Death

    23 - Castiel

    21 - Jody

    21 - Ellen

    21 - Bobby

    21 - Kevin

    19 - Henriksen

    19 - Cain

    17 - Rufus

    15 - Gabriel

    11 - Benny

    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters

  9. ++ Castiel

    ++ Cain

    ++ Henriksen


    21 - Ellen

    21 - Death

    21 - Rufus

    21 - Bobby

    21 - Gabriel

    21 - Kevin

    21 - Jody

    21 - Castiel

    19 - Cain

    17 - Henriksen

    13 - Benny



    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters

  10. I have no idea where I saw it now (I thought it was this thread, but I've missed it), but I saw someone recently throw out the idea that the reason Malcolm was so adamant that putting Thea in the LP was a bad, bad, bad, bad idea could be because he already tried that Tommy and it was a spectacular disaster (crazy zombie!Tommy disappeared into the wild, using the LP without permission was what set Ra's against him, etc.). I LOVE this idea, and it would explain a lot of Malcolm's motivation this season. PLUS, it would mean more (non-flashback) Tommy on my screen. Want. Need.

    • Love 4
  11. I've said it before elsewhere, but the "Wishful Thinking" scene with the boys meeting Audrey and the Teddy Bear owns my heart for bizarre cheerfulness. I went through a rough period when all I wanted to do was lay on my bed in a fetal position all the time, and every time I would do that I would watch that scene and it would make me feel better.


    The first half of "Mystery Spot" is another favorite, as well as Dean throughout most of "Fan Fiction".


    Some moments that are just oddly hilarious to me are:

    • the boys first scene in "Sam, Interrupted"
    • the convo that the boys have in "Plucky Pennywhistle's" that starts with the ballwasher joke and ends with Shark Tank
    • Castiel's appearance with the sandwiches of solidarity in "Survival of the Fittest"
    • Maeve's deadpan reaction to Sam's "strange noises" question in "Fan Fiction"


    These all hit my funny bone at just the right spot.

    • Love 3
  12. Any thoughts on why Felicity didn't look back at Oliver when she left?  

    My personal fanwank is that she knew she would not be able to keep walking if she looked back. She kept her left hand up near her neck/face as she walked away -- it seemed to me like she was covering her mouth to keep from sobbing out loud as she left. If she had glanced back and saw Oliver had turned around and was looking at her the way he was looking at her, I'm sure she would not have been able to handle it at all. She would have run right back to him.



    Or maybe I'm just imagining what I would be doing if Oliver looked at me like that. ;-)

    • Love 16
  13. ++ Bottom 3 (sorry not sorry)

    23 - Death

    21- Castiel

    21 - Bobby

    21 - Gabriel

    21 - Jody

    21 - Rufus

    17 - Kevin

    09 - Cain

    09 - Henriksen

    09 - Benny

    Cruelly Taken Too Early from the Show




    Meg Masters

  14. After spending several days in the last week deciding which new glasses frames to buy, you finally realize that narrowed your choices down to some familiar-looking rectangular frames -- one of which is the color of a certain pen you've seen a lot of lately, and the other which has the same ombre effect seen here: tumblr_nbrw92SIKI1qdlubpo5_500.jpg

    • Love 4
  15. ++ Cain

    -- Tessa

    -- Gadreel


    19 - Castiel

    19 - Rufus

    19 - Bobby

    19 - Ellen

    17 - Death

    17 - Jody

    17 - Henriksen

    17 - Kevin

    17 - Gabriel

    17 - Cain

    15 - Benny

    09 - Meg Masters

    09 - Azazel

    07 - Tessa

    07 - Gadreel

  16. This is IMPOSSIBLE! I've resorted to near-completely random votes.

    -- Gabriel

    ++ Benny

    ++ Azazel


    19 - Castiel

    19 - Rufus

    19 - Bobby

    19 - Ellen

    17 - Death

    17 - Jody

    17 - Cain

    17 - Henriksen

    17 - Kevin

    15 - Gabriel

    15 - Benny

    15 - Azazel

    11 - Tessa

    11 - Gadreel

    11 - Meg Masters

    • Love 1
  17. ++ Castiel

    ++ Cain

    ++ Henriksen


    19 - Castiel

    17 - Ellen

    17 - Death

    17 - Jody

    17 - Rufus

    17 - Cain

    17 - Henriksen

    15 - Gadreel

    15 - Benny

    15 - Bobby

    15 - Gabriel

    15 - Kevin

    13 - Tessa

    13 - Azazel

    13 - Meg Masters

  18. Single downvotes are allowed, right?

    Either way, this is probably my last chance to vote for him, so fight on Henriksen!

    - Jody

    + Henriksen

    + Kevin

    03 - Jody

    03 - Henriksen

    03 - Kevin

    Writer’s Cannon Fodder






    Karen Singer




    Henry Winchester








    Mrs Tran

    • Love 1
  19. + Henriksen

    -- Jody

    -- Kevin


    15 - Henriksen

    14 - Jody

    01 - Kevin



    Writer’s Cannon Fodder






    Karen Singer




    Henry Winchester








    Mrs Tran

  20. + Henriksen

    -- Jody

    -- Kevin

    20 - Henriksen

    18 - Jody

    10 - Kevin

    03 - Mrs Tran

    Writer’s Cannon Fodder






    Karen Singer




    Henry Winchester








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