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Posts posted by ohjoy

  1. 45 minutes ago, CheetaraThunder said:

    You have Riley who is basically telling Maya that she won't land Lucas, that Lucas will fall for Jexica/Riley, high school itself, etc...I think Maya tries to be Riley, doesn't feel right, then goes back to season 1 "hope is for suckers" Maya. 

    This is weird, but I actually liked that Riley wasn't all "we both have equal chance with Lucas" in this episode, maybe because I feel the triangle is idiotic. I'd love for Maya to treat Riley the same way, if the show insists on dragging this thing out. Actually, I'd really love for Lucas to meet a new girl and end up dating her, and both Riley and Maya get over him quickly. It's just ridiculous for them to be demanding equal interaction with him. I actually like Lucas as just one of their close friends, but I abhor love triangles, and this "we're going to share him so no one gets hurts" version is even dumber than most. I want them to all go back to being friends again.

    Silliness of school-mandated social aside, I actually liked this episode (better than last week's, anyway). It might be that I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm watching a Disney Channel show (and thus has absolutely no basis in reality), but for a Disney Channel show this was pretty okay. My favorite part was Riley's, "I AM THE LEAST DRAMATIC PERSON ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!" Heh.

    • Love 3
  2. It just hit me how much extra shooting time is going to be needed to have even one character from each of the four shows be in every episode of the crossover,  much less the leads from three shows + a designated rep from LoT appear in all four episodes of the crossover. If they manage to pull this off with an enjoyable storyline that doesn't mess up any of the shows' fall arcs, I'll be truly impressed.

    • Love 3
  3. 1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

    My favorite part of that video is Oliver tugging Felicity's arm as he leads the way to the new lair. They were very boyfriend/girlfriend in that scene, especially with Felicity's "humor him, please" facial expressions while Oliver was telling them about his plans. 

    I love that moment too, but for a different reason: Oliver looked so confused and disappointed that his friends didn't immediately jump on board with his plan, and his expression as he turned to follow Felicity's suggestion to show them the other surprise was just adorable -- like, "Okay, I'll do it, but I hope they react better than they did about me running for mayor."

    • Love 9
  4. Quote

    But he said he told the director that Malcolm couldn't be there because if he was there, he would've helped her.  He noted that Malcolm had saved Laurel before at the end of season 2, when Laurel then turned and said to Malcolm, "Thank you for saving me, but I wouldn't do the same for you." 

    IIRC, that Laurel/Malcolm exchange is from season 3, when they were all trying to break into Nanda Parbat to go after Oliver and there was a fight with LOA (the same scene where Felicity threw her tablet and thought for a second she actually killed someone with it). (Why do I even remember that? UUGGHHH I hated season 3.)

    As for JB saying that Malcolm would have saved Laurel -- yeah, no. At least not for long. Probably only long enough to drug Thea to kill her for him.

    • Love 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Jediknight said:

    They're bringing in The Ring from Chuck?

    Didn't they already do that? They stole just about everything else from Brandon Routh's time on Chuck.

  6. Okay, counterpoint time: what if Rip didn't save his family, even with the "3rd" Savage dying in 2021 instead of 2166? Hear me out.

    So, Vandal Savage becomes a time traveler. He starts bouncing around different points in time. One of those points is the point at which he kills Rip's family. After that, he begins to implement his plan to "erase time" via the three specific points in history. The Savage that went back to 1958 (and 1975) to prep his younger selves on his grand plan had already killed Rip's family. Then that same Savage went forward to 2021 to be the "3rd" Savage that they had to kill. Someone mentioned earlier that the "3rd" Savage, the most recent one, was the one whose death actually stuck and resulted in Savage being dead, dead, dead. If that's the case, and that Savage is the one that's been bouncing around time, then he would have already bounced forward to 2166 and killed Rip's family before bouncing back to 2021 and being killed himself. Hence Rip's family still being dead.

    ETA: or what squidprincess already said. So yeah. :-)

    • Love 5
  7. 14 hours ago, Angel12d said:

    And that scene where Diggle and Felicity found him after he didn't show up to Moira's funeral, I remember thinking OMG he's gonna kiss her. He so wanted to kiss her.


    2 hours ago, kismet said:

    Right there with you... I actually found it more sexually charged than some of SA's actual kisses on the show. That was the type of tension, I absolutely loved with vintage Olicity. The moment still ranks high on my favs list.

    I remember I actually gasped at my tv in that moment. The three arrows to the Count's chest in 2x07 was the moment I knew he loved her, but that moment in the secondary lair was the first moment I actually believed he wanted her.

    • Love 4
  8. 34 minutes ago, TimetravellingBW said:

    I just wish the writers were realized Felicity and Olicity aren't indestructible and if they keep writing terrible melodrama, it will come back to bite them. And consider that Olicity was a fan-preferred couple because they were low-key and drama-free, rather than like angsty. Sure SA and EBR's chemistry helps a lot, but it can't save everything if the writers are stuck on writing Lauriver 2.0

    THIS, especially the bolded parts. I have only a couple of friends who watch this show, and but since they did not immediately see Felicity and Olicity the way I saw it, they've become increasingly annoyed with the relationship (and Felicity herself) due the increasing amount of manufactured angst where there used to be to be a refreshing reprieve from angst. I've basically had to start avoiding the show as a topic of discussion.

    I think the black hole of chemistry between SA/KC somewhat blinded the writers and showrunners to the fact that the manufactured angst they had planned for their main ship was not a good draw, and in fact was a deterrent, especially considering the personality of character they used to replace one of the key players in that plan.

  9. 16 hours ago, jhlipton said:

    At least this example of "an actor is not going to be available most of next season" didn't ruin his character or destroy what the show had been about unlike Sleepy Hollow.  The writers had to remove Snart from the plot, and this was a fairly decent way to do it.   The Prison Break movie did make Snart's sacrifice necessary, on a "meta" level at least.

    Having never watched Prison Break maybe there's something obvious I'm missing, but I've seen this line of thought several times and have to ask -- why Prison Break necessitate this plot twist for Snart only, when Dominic Purcell is the other brother, and therefore the other lead of the revival? They need both actors who play Snart and Mick, so why would LoT need to kill only one of them off for the sake of the revival?

  10. Nope. Bring Snart back now. This is the opposite of what I wanted for the season ender (or next season, for that matter). Recurring status is not good enough, especially if any part Hawk people storyline continues to exist on the show.

    That said, everything Mick/Ray was adorable. "Why would they want you dead?" "Have you ever listened to what comes out of his mouth?" Hah!

    • Love 4
  11. 19 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Honestly, though I liked it, I couldn't help but think of Justice League Unlimited's "Divided We Fall" where Wally's Flash goes supersonic and rips Brainiac away from Lex and is trapped in the Speed force? Or wherever he was, Shayera grabs his hand, and Lantern grabs her hand, Diana, Supes, J'onn, Bats, all form a human rope and pull him out. I know, I know, not the same thing, but that's what came to mind as i was watching it.

    Me too! I think I actually would have like everyone linking hands to pull Barry out -- and the "yay team - together we got him back!" reactions we got would have fit nicely with that visual.

  12. On May 6, 2016 at 4:06 AM, methodwriter85 said:

    Also, I love that Aunt May is basically a Gen Xer now. She's literally only 11 years older than Tobey Maguire. Seeing her with Tony jogged a very vague memory of a romantic comedy Marisa and Robert did called Only You, back in the 90's.

    I loved that movie as a kid! I'm totally going to have to watch it again.

    The movie was so well done -- but as a solid member of #TeamHugItOut I was kind of depressed by the end of it. The Empire Strikes Back comparisons are pretty accurate for the ending feel; there were glimmers of hope for the future, but almost nothing was wrapped up neatly or positively. The political issues that were brought up still remained, plus the physical and emotional traumas from the Avengers fracture. I'd be way more excited if I knew there was a Return of the Jedi - type film in the pipeline.

    Loved Natasha and basically all of her interactions, loved Clint, thought Spiderman was cute, wanted more buddy comedy with Falcon and Bucky, and Steve and Tony each completely broke my heart.

    • Love 4
  13. 9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

    Jax and Stein being out crossed my mind as well.  They might just be too expensive to keep.  (CGI)  I would miss Martin but I also want him to go home and be with his poor wife.  So I think I'd be ok saying goodbye.  Maybe they could make guest visit.  I worry that they will keep both Hawks and just have them a firm couple next year.  I would HATE it if we lost Rip.  I really need him to stick around. 

    It might be the accent.

    Unpopular Opinion (or maybe not) Time: I would not miss Jax or Stein if LoT loses Firestorm. They're both perfectly serviceable characters, and Jax's actor has gotten better, but I just have never really cared for them. I need the Hawks to be gone, but I also would HATE it if we lost Rip. (My love for Arthur Darvill apparently knows no bounds.)

    I want to keep Sara, Snart, Mick (did not expect to love him so), Rip, and Ray (who is just fine when not dragged down by idiotic pseudo love triangles). Then we can see about adding new characters.

    • Love 4
  14. 3 hours ago, bijoux said:

    You know who I want? I want a new Count. It feels like it's a title that would be snatched up just like it was in season 3 by Peter Stormare. Now, I didn't like him in the part, but it brings the crime fighting back to its basics which I liked. Plus it's an old threat that keeps growing and morphing. You get rid of one and another hurries to jump in the empty spot.

    I want a new Count as well, but for my own selfish reasons -- namely, that Count episodes seem to be weirdly tied to Olicity moments/developments (the syringe/sports bottle scene in S1, "there was no choice to make" in S2, almost all of the S3 premiere -- you get the idea). But while I didn't like Peter Stormare's turn in the role (I really enjoyed Seth Gabel though), I definitely wouldn't mind see a new Count turn up every season or two if I thought the writers were capable of good plot turns for each successive one.

    • Love 5
  15. 12 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

    Paul Black killed it, though I wish they would have shown his breakdown instead of giving us a closeup of Oliver watching it.

        ^^^ THIS.

    7 hours ago, bijoux said:

    I know people are focusing on her butt, but look at that thigh flexing. It really makes me want to work out.

       ^^^ And (shallowly) This. Her toned thighs are more impressive to me. Time to go back to squats and lunges.

    • Love 2
  16. _____________________________________________________________
    After final "flashback" scene, fade back to hospital scene with Oliver at Laurel's beside.

    LAUREL: So you see, Ollie, I had this crazy dream coming out of surgery just now, that you didn't leave immediately after Tommy's funeral, but instead stayed with me for a week before you realized you had to get away, and it made me realize that even as much as I loved you we were never going to work out, and nothing I could have done would change that. So I don't feel guilty anymore. And whatever happens, I don't want you to feel guilty either. That's what I want you to promise me."

    There. I fixed it.

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