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Everything posted by CattyTiger

  1. I lean toward Disney is just letting the show run its course and die. Kelly is long in the tooth, the show isn't funny or even good at this point. I do check in to see her hair, as somehow we've had the same style a few times, but I haven't watched a show in ages now and don't even check who the quests are since whoever is on will be better on someone else's show.
  2. I wanted to drop by to check out what y'all were thinking of The View nowadays. You've confirmed for me that my choice to quit watching last year is still a good one. No need for me to get pissed off every single day because of those women and their idiocy. That "As a Christian" crap from CCB and the arrogance it implies deserves the response it gets.
  3. I missed the first day of Jim Parson co-hosting, but I'm sure he'd have rather been on Dan Patrick's sports show if that had been an option - lol. He really likes it and was on a couple of weeks ago which was his third time I think. He's called in to Dan, and he's really fun with Dan & the Dannettes. No way was I going for round two with Carrie Ann. Been there, wasn't going to go again. I'm not sure who they could choose that would make me start watching Live again. I do still have last year's Halloween show un-watched on the DVR.
  4. Husband and I felt the same way about Anthony Anderson. My favorite role of his is Law & Order for sure, even though he was a lot heavier. We've been kinda turned off by his Black-ish character now. Almost seems like he and the character are too much the same. :(
  5. Last night on the game shows ABC brought back, Sherri was on the first episode of Pyramid, and Rosie was on the second. Rosie was also on the new Match Game. I've always loved Pyramid. Sherri was actually good, and of course Rosie loves these old game shows.
  6. Whoopi was on Fallon this past week and did an impression of Rosie Perez - can't remember why. She talked about all the shoes she has at The View to be fashionable since she didn't dress as well as the others. She brought Jimmy some liquor candies and talked about her pot products for women issues. Likable Whoopi, not View Whoopi.
  7. Also Nashville has WAY-FM - long time contemporary Christian station group. Most of their programming originates in Franklin, TN (suburb of Nashville.) Don't know how Bits feels about rock 'n roll Christian music - I guess however she's told to feel - hee!
  8. Bitsy is moving to Nashville. And only had to pay 2 mil for a new home. Curious what Tim will be doing.
  9. Well darn. I was going to watch DL cohost as I'm a fan. With Ali's passing though, and Kelly being a huge boxing fan, or at least she says, I did not want to hear her put herself into his life as she's done with other celebrities.
  10. I feel that her over-exaggerating everything emotionally has hit a new high since the co-hosting started. Could not agree with you more, Tosia. Feeling some 2nd hand embarrassment for Kelly even.
  11. The more time Kelly has to talk, the more "ums, uhs & ahs." I cannot listen to that inability to talk anymore. I had to do a double take to make sure David Muir wasn't some Disney show teenager - wow. I, too, loved how he handled the chat after Kelly interrupted him. Regis did not get to choose Kelly as his co-host, but Disney will probably let her choose simply to keep her from acting like an entitled idiot. How odd to see Fred Savage climbing out of his chair over to Kelly's, talking about that stupid Bachelor show - although back in the day, her recaps were funny.
  12. Since I went along through the last awful co-host search that was supposed to last longer than it did, except for those pesky ratings tanking. I'll pass this time unless Nathan Fillion or Jim Parson is filling in. I'll check the schedule, but I'd already quit watching with the exception of a few guests. Sometimes not even then if the guest was already booked on decent night interview shows.
  13. Our DVR was not going to record Live tomorrow since it's now Live w/Kelly. Just a heads up for anybody who wants to see Kimmel get them to commercial, and then see Kelly try on Tuesday - Hee!
  14. Of the co-hosts next week, at least Kimmel will be able to get them into a commercial break. Seems Kelly thinks she'll have a say in who her co-host will be. Regis didn't. I'm sure those honorable folks at Disney will handle her though.
  15. Kelly looked and acted medicated to me. Not our normal Kelly, except when she started rubbing her arms. Hope she doesn't start smoking again like she did after the sitcom was cancelled. She was medicated after that I believe also. I can't help but feel sorry for her mental state. Have to laugh about ABC caring about "Live." If Kelly believes that, she is choosing to. Yep, ABC cared about the soaps, too. Her Tuesday speech was embarrassing, but if it made her feel better, so be it. Harsh reality is in her future. She'll know what it felt like for Regis.
  16. Earlier I read that she paid $100,000.00 for LJ to exist. I hadn't seen an amount before. I'd love to know her attorney bills. Wow. How awkward it must be at those Christian events she does. Baffling.
  17. Need to rename this show The Vacuous View, although a few of the hosts might have to look up "vacuous."
  18. Sherri's desperation for a huzzbin' landed her in this current situation. Wonder what she'll do to get her next one?
  19. I totally believe you are speaking the truth here. I don't think they have a clue about women not being able to own property or having to have their husband's permission to have a hysterectomy. I helped my grandmother establish credit in her name. Yeah, Candace & Paula get the best of both worlds as long as their leaders permit them to work - at non-traditional female jobs. They have no effin' clue.
  20. Missed her on The Talk but did see her on Late, Late Show. She and James were hilarious!
  21. I don't know if a reality show with Sal in it would work, but with all the other crap on TV, if he can get somebody to pay him for a show while LJ is a baby, why not? At his age, not like he'll be remembering much if anything about it. No way LJ won't eventually know that he was bought and paid for by a woman who was supposed to be his mother who abandoned him. Sorry-ass Sherri's money can pay for all that therapy. More power to Sal and LJ for whatever they can get. Only in Sherri's crazy mind would Cam every have a thing to do with someone like her.
  22. No longer a fan of Whoopi either, but nothing will make me watch anymore. Well, I'd watch if Rosie O was on - Hee!
  23. Rosie was at her comedic best on the Late Late Show. We, too, don't watch Mom but have set the box to record it.
  24. Hmmm, apparently God isn't first in Sherri's life - as if that is much of a surprise.
  25. Made it back. But as said, the Ivory goes under the fitted sheet. For whatever reason it worked for her. When I get that inside my legs jumpy feeling, I massage my thighs or calves if necessary. But stretching my calves works really well, and sometimes I'll get out of bed, stand a bit away from the wall hand(s) on wall and lean into it. Doing one leg at a time - with one foot ahead of the other - is a better stretch. Also sitting on the edge of love seat with leg extended and foot flexed or not flexed, leaning forward. This one will get the calf and upper back of thigh. Always do these especially after riding a bike or going up & down stairs a lot. Helps prevent the charley horses.
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