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Posts posted by Matty

  1. I got distracted by something else and missed the end where they show the votes. What were the final vote counts? Who voted for who? Also, another question for you all. Are there going to be two or three people going up before the jury at the end? Thanks! By the way, loving this season.

    • Love 2
  2. I'm losing the desire to snark on this show. I know we watch it for "entertainment" but there wasn't that much that was entertaining last night.

    Olga looks wan, frail, beat down and just plain exhausted and sad. Steven is a selfish, vile human being. He continually berates her while she's nursing the baby. He's whining and constantly complaining about his needs and his pain. He's so messed up. I feel sorry for Olga and the sweet little baby who did nothing to deserve living in this toxic environment. Before the baby was born he claimed he was coming to Russia to be a good father to his son and to be there for Olga. He claimed he wanted the baby to have only the best life unlike his terrible childhood. Now that the baby is here he can't stand the fact that taking care of an infant is pretty much a 24/7 job. He wants to be the center of attention and for Olga to put his needs over the baby's needs. What a worthless sack of shit and poor excuse for a father. Watching this story play out is no longer entertaining.

    The other disturbing and sad scenario last night was the racist trolling directed at Jay. He looked so hurt by it. In his case, it's not worth leaving everything and everyone he cares about in Jamaica to come here and be subjected to this viciousness. Ashley certainly can't shield him from it and she doesn't seem like the strongest, most capable person in the world. He should cut his losses, leave provincial Mechanicsburg behind, and head back to sunny Jamaica.

    Anyway. That's my two cents. Back to the the snark, folks.

    • Love 23
  3. Sad sack Eric is the worst. Treating his daughter that way is pathetic. He's a poor excuse for a father. He brings in the new soon-to-be wife from Indonesia and lets her call the shots regarding his child. What a complete door mat.  His grayish pallor and greasy, messy hair make my skin crawl. The doughy, pasty arms in the sleeveless gray t-shirt from Walmart were all kinds of bad. Have some self respect, Eric. Well, I guess that's water under the bridge since you're a 50, I mean 40, year old POS taking money from your 19 year old daughter to cover the bills. Why don't you speak up for Tasha when Leida is speaking to her like that, Eric? Those three living together in that dingy apartment in Baraboo are depressing.

    What can I say about Steven? The way he treats Olga scares me. Olga is a lovely young woman who is now trapped with this self centered idiot who thinks the world revolves around him. Olga just had a c-section and this dolt doesn't even assist or comfort her when she gets home. He's yelling at her about every perceived slight he is feeling and never once asks how she's feeling or if he can get her anything. I fear that if Olga tries to leave him with the baby he will stalk her and it won't go well. I feel so bad for Olga.

    Kelani and her brother are two huge, and I do mean huge, assholes. Asuelo picked up the bike riding quickly and took off riding all over the park enjoying physical activity while the two lumps of lard sat there making fun of him. They're terrible. Good luck, Asuelo. He's another one, like poor Olga, that's stuck with a loser because of the child they have together.

    • Love 20
  4. I was on the edge of my seat watching to see how TC would play out. That was pretty much perfect play by the Davids and absolutely strategic use of two of their advantages. I hope Mike gets voted out soon. He comes across as thinking he's smarter than everyone else. I liked him at the beginning of the season but now he's become insufferable with all of his Goliath strong BS. I hope the Davids screw him sooner rather than later. His surprised expression at Tribal Council was so damn enjoyable to behold because he thought he knew exactly what was going to happen. I know the Davids will have to start picking each other off soon but I really like them working as a team. They're smart and scrappy.

    • Love 6
  5. Mama Debbie is really good at playing the poor victim role. She immediately takes offense at everything Larissa says. Get your own life, Mama Debbie. Don't depend on Coltee for your social life and don't expect Larissa to be your cheerleader and to fall into that role. Why should she? Mama Debbie opens up a can of Dinty Moore Beef stew, adds salt and pepper, pours it into a melamine bowl, and acts like she has created a gourmet meal from scratch. So sad. The house looks terrible with the slot machine, the 4 foot tall stuffed snowmen in the bare living room, the clutter on the kitchen counters, the horrible bedding on the beds. Did you get a load of that brownish gray blanket on the bed in the "master suite"? The whole place is depressing. I think Mama Debbie thought she would live out the rest of her days with her and Coltee eating Beef Stew a la Debbie alone in that house and sharing scintillating conversation. She isn't happy about anyone coming in and breaking up the couple.  

    • Love 8
  6. Where to begin? There is always so much to comment on after every episode. I'll edit my thoughts down to just a few key points or things I've observed that make no sense.

    It bugs me every time Eric says Leida is from a "wealthy family in Indonesia." I guess he doesn't know that in many foreign countries a lot of folks have cooks, drivers and housekeepers, not just wealthy people. It's quite common. When they showed the family apartment in Jakarta it looked fine but by no means "wealthy" or grand. I guess it's all relative since Eric's house is a small, dumpy apartment in Podunk, Wisconsin, he shares with his 19 year old daughter who helps him pay the bills. Sad. If Leida's family is wealthy and if she has a medical degree what in the hell would she be doing with sad sack Eric? Is he 40? No way. NO way. He's lucky if he's pushing 50.

    I agree with Larissa. What a terrible situation she's found herself in now. That beige, ticky-tacky, suburban, tract house in that boring neighborhood outside Las Vegas is awful. I would hate it too. Coltee, Mommy Debbie and the cats are Larissa's worst nightmare. The meals Mommy Debbie serves look like their straight out of a processed American food cookbook. Flavored with lots of salt and no spices. The food on the plate is beige and brown. Nothing green and healthy in sight. That's why Coltee is so pasty, pudgy, and soft. Larissa is going to miss the Brazilian food in about two days. Who doesn't have air conditioning in their car in Las Vegas?

    • Love 12
  7. I didn't even know who Alec was until last night. I like him now that he made a move. Not sure if it was the best move for him down the road but it was satisfying to see Natalia's bitter reaction to being voted off. I think Kara was in on the vote. Pretending she didn't know when Natalia turned around and pointedly asked her. I think she wanted to stay in Natalia's good graces. I don't know why since Natalia won't be on the jury. Maybe so she can stay in the Goliath's good graces when they merge into one tribe. She can tell them she was loyal to Goliath throughout the game and voted for Davey when Natalia got the boot. Natalia was paranoid and unpleasant. Another instance of someone thinking they're smarter than everyone else and the tribe members she treats condescendingly vote her out. Glad she's gone. Still like Christian and Gabby.

    • Love 1
  8. Lazaro seemed like a wonderful young man. His adoptive family was very loving and sweet. The contrast between the two moms temperaments was striking. Lazaro's biological mom was very emotional, dramatic, high strung, and his adoptive mother was calm, sweet, steady. I thought it was so touching when the two moms were hugging it out. Nice outcome for everyone. 

    The other story of Sean and his mom was a good one too. It was nice that through Sean she was able to find out about her birth parents and meet her half brother and aunt.

    I can't be cynical or snarky about any of the people from last night's happy reunions. I thought both stories were well done.

    • Love 7
  9. Does Rachel have nothing else in her wardrobe but those old, frumpy looking jeans she wears to every occasion including the pre-wedding dinner? We get it. She's self-concious about her appearance and mentioned that she doesn't look anything like any of Jon's past girlfriends. He has her believing he only dated models before her. Who thinks that's true? Yep. Me neither. She looks like such a plain Jane and she doesn't even try. When Jon said "You look beautiful" last night it made me realize beauty really is in the eye of the beholder which is a nice thing for Rachel. They're living in fantasy land though. They have no money. The visa process is expensive. His record probably means he'll never be allowed to come to the U.S. Maybe she can move to England when her oldest daughter turns eighteen and is able to decide where she wants to live. In the meantime, Rachel can go visit Jon in England a couple times a year. Great life.

    Paul is still creepy. Demanding a DNA test on television is just callous and cruel. I think this guy may be on the Asperger spectrum. Misses social cues. Lacks social graces. Even his mother said he is a challenge to deal with. His mother is odd too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Karine should find a guy in Brazil and forget about Paul.

    Angela came in gunning for a fight. I think pulling her stunt of removing the engagement ring and storming off the set when she heard Michael describe her as his elder to his friends was an excuse for her to break up with him. She's over it. Michael should move on. Guess Michael won't be meeting his idol, Donald Trump, after all.

    • Love 5
  10. Jeff, last night's vote wasn't a blindside. Jeremy was going and the editing the entire episode made that pretty clear. He knew he was on the chopping block and that's why he was being so evil at tribal council. A true blindside is when the person voted out has no idea their name has even been mentioned and they go to tribal council with a smug look on their face and one or more immunity idols in their pocket because they are sure it will be someone else. A bonus is when their confessional has them saying how they're in charge of the game right now and calling the shots on who's being voted out. That's a true blindside and they're delicious to watch. Last night's vote not so much.

    • Love 11
  11. This show would not be the same without Byrd. No BS with him. He stands there and listens to what's being said, does his crossword, saunters over to the table when JJ asks him to pick up a document or photos. Doesn't act or put on a show. Keeps order in the courtroom. At the end of a case I like to watch how he goes to the gate and lets the litigants exit one by one. I notice that if it's been a particularly contentious case he stands between the plaintiff and defendants and has them leave separately so as not to engage in any verbal back and forth. I like his no nonsense attitude and JJ does too. I'm sure she hand picked him as her baileff.

    • Love 13
  12. Tristan and Mia's body language around each other is so awkward. Every time they're talking about anything she leans in to hug him and he doesn't hug back. He stands there and allows her to hug him and he eventually will lift his arms for a feeble hug back but not at first. She always ducks her head into his chest and never looks up at him directly. They're always sitting in Tristan's apartment wrapped in blankets or curled up in weird clothing like the huge blue sweater/nightgown thing on Mia. What an odd couple. They don't seem they're "in like" much less "in love." Their interactions are cringeworthy. Three weeks to go and than it's bye bye, have a nice life.

    • Love 8
  13. Learned a new Yiddish word yesterday thanks to JJ. The case was a rerun. A good samaritan's cat was killed by a neighbor's dog. When JJ asked the dolt who owned the dog a question and he started hemming and hawing JJ stopped him cold and said "This is a yes or no question. Don't give me a geschikte for an answer." Looked the word up immediately. Yiddish words are so richly expressive.      

    • Love 2
  14. In that short introductory segment where the couple stands together posing with their names, ages and hometowns listed, Angela is wearing a colorful, blue and white Nigerian dress. She looks so much better in that than in her trashy, low cut, tight, double knit, slashed, and ripped t-shirts and leggings.  I know. It's still Angela, but that dress does enhance her appearance. Why does she bitch and moan constantly about the Nigerian clothes, the food, the culture? If and when Michael gets to Georgia and sees Angela's mobile home I think he's in for a big surprise. That's not what he is expecting at all.

    Ricky has to be one of the biggest, if not the biggest, fools that has appeared on any season of this show. He was madly in love with Melissa but had never met her in the flesh. He arrives in Colombia and she ghosts him after meeting him for dinner the first night. Now he's falling in love with Ximena, his Plan B, who he has already sent $1,500 to before arriving in Colombia and while still professing his undying love for Melissa. Huh? In my opinion, Ximena is prettier and less plastic than Melissa. When Ricky said Ximena had a nose job I thought there sure is a lot of plastic surgery going on with these women and Ricky is funding it. He wants to be in love so badly it doesn't matter who it is or how they are playing him.

    By marrying Paul, Karine is entering the House of Doom. Will she ever escape?

    I used to think Darcy was being gaslighted by Jesse. Now  I think she is gaslighting him. They're both driving each other crazy. Her poor kids. They don't deserve any of this. Darcy, think about your daughters. It can't be good for them to see you acting like this.

    Tarik is being played by Hazel but he's not entirely blameless in this situation. Tarik continues to make bad fashion choices.

    Could Rachel's engagement ring be any more fake? Cubic zirconia, moissanite, glass?

    • Love 8
  15. I like when JJ uses Yiddish terms. Some of them I know and some I don't. When she uses a Yiddish word that I haven't heard before I immediately look up the meaning. I now have a whole new vocabulary. Smutz, meshugganah, mensch, schlep, kvetch, etc. I'm not Jewish, well, I am, way back in the ancestry line of Sephardic Jews from Spain that came to the New World but that's another story and not for this forum. 

    • Love 12
  16. I'm convinced the experts cast Mia for the drama she would bring fully aware she is a hot mess. Lying is like breathing for her. It comes so easily and naturally. 

    I think Dave is gaslighting Amber. It was just a set up question from Pastor Cal for the sake of discussion. Why rate Amber only 7.5 and than tell her that? Boost it .5 to an 8, Dave. That just sounds better. He says things that play on Amber's insecurities. Of course, someone with higher self esteem wouldn't worry about this stuff so much but that's not Amber. Dave knows that and he's playing off that.

    Sweet that Bobby rated Danielle a ten. When is the other shoe going to drop? Is this it for their story? They lived happily after.

    • Love 2
  17. Did anyone watch last night's two hour episode about the foundlings? Shocking that the Mom abandoned not one, but three babies. Nice that the three siblings are reunited and will have each other. Something is not right about the mother. Obviously, the fact that she abandoned three infants, but that was cold that she met her daughter and didn't tell her who she was until the DNA test revealed it several years later. That's one cold woman.

    As for the second case, it was heartbreaking that the biological mother wanted nothing to do with meeting her son. That's harsh. I'm thinking since it was a one night stand she didn't want to dredge up any of the memories of that period in her life after all these years. Of course, it's not my place to judge anyone and their choices. His biological father seemed like a nice man.

    The mother that gave birth five times without her husband even knowing she was pregnant! How does that happen? The whole thing was so strange. This entire episode left me shaking my head.

    • Love 4
  18. Here's a thought, Dave. Close the bathroom door so Paisley doesn't unroll your toilet paper. The four animals are the best thing on the show right now. Henry, Ellie, Paisley and the darling little foster are adorable. When Henry and Ellie were standing together at the door with their tails wagging like crazy I couldn't stand the cuteness.

    Mia was so awkward and embarrassing to watch at the couple's dinner. Her phony laugh and constant fake smiling are so annoying. The way she evades the questions about what happened proves how deceptive a person she is. Tristan is out of there. I think he's setting up the moving to Houston story as his exit strategy. Hope so. For his sake.

    • Love 8
  19. Mia's decorating choices are pretty questionable. Tacky. Tristan wasn't feeling the Texas longhorn horns, the Texas map wall art and the Texas cutting board. The letters hanging on the wall spelling out G O D were the final straw. An overt, over the top, display like that shows she's trying way too hard. I'm a stalker. I committed fraud with my ex- boyfriend's credit card, but I believe in G O D so I'm a really good person. Give me a break, Mia.

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