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Posts posted by Matty

  1. The scene of Coltee vomiting into the trash cans was the single most revolting thing I've seen on this series and that is saying a lot. Coltee is the most uncoordinated, bumbling, graceless, clumsy tub of mush that has ever graced my television. Hope this is his and Debbie's last season. Their story line is not interesting at all.  

    The Moldovan wedding was quite lovely. The church was gorgeous. Elizabeth's brother needs to get over it. If Daddy wants to spend his money on his daughter's wedding it's his choice not yours, Charlie.

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but Angela and Michael actually seemed happy and in love on their wedding day. Will wonders never cease? 


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  2. So is next week the finale? Is there going to be a Tell-All for this hot mess of a season? I suppose they can tie up all the loose ends next Monday and leave us hanging out to dry about what happened after filming stopped. Oh, well. Unsatisfying ending but that's my fault for getting sucked in I suppose. The only couple I want to see make it is Armando and Kenny.

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  3. All I can say about Henry is "there's no there there." Out of all the men in that hotel conference room applying to be on the show the experts pick this bland cardboard cutout to get married at first sight. The experts must really have it in for Christina. What is she supposed to do with what she's been given? She's pretty "special" so maybe they wanted to match her with the most dull, unimaginative, insipid man they could find for her and make her work for everything. The scenes with these two are painful to watch. Henry/Luke was friendzoned at the altar when she couldn't remember his name during the interview.

    Miles should cut out all the jokes about Karen being a cougar. It obviously irritates her. She's already selfconcious about the age difference and keeps bringing it up.

    Brett and Olivia - I'm waiting for the inevitable shoe to drop which we know is coming.

    Bennett and Amelia - love these two so far.

    Amani and Woody - good match so far. They seem very comfortable with each other.

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  4. I was watching with my daughter and son-in-law last night. My son-in-law is a good sport and got dragged into watching this with us without complaining. When Coltee appeared at the beach in the speedo I had to turn away because I couldn't watch that horrific image without becoming  ill. I asked them to tell me when the scene was over so that I could turn back around and start watching again. I do the same thing with the Dr. Pimple Popper commercials. Maybe I'm overly sensitive and squeamish but I can't watch stuff like that. The image of Coltee in speedos is enough to cause recurring nightmares.

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  5. Luke, Zach and Brett. The Three Musketeers. The Three Amigos. The three arrogant, misguided bros that think they're all that and definitely aren't. Welcome to the trio of shame, Brett. Hope he gets that smug smirk wiped off his face soon. The other grooms already don't like him.

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  6. I think Brittany brought the bottle of booze so that she would have her own private stash to tide her over in Jordan until she figures out how to procure alcohol there as a young, single woman from the west. That's easier said than done. Now that we've seen glimpses of Yazan's family we see how strict and conservative they are. Brittany will not fit in with his family unless she makes some serious concessions. At this point she seems like a good time party girl excited to be going to an "exotic" country and hanging out with her boyfriend. The family will never approve of her antics. Unless she is willing to tone down her big personality, wear hijab, cut out alcohol, and act and look a certain way it's over before it has even started. It will be her choice what to do but she shouldn't get upset with his family. She knows their beliefs going in to it. Why would Yazan even consider this relationship a serious possibility?

    • Love 14
  7. Once a scammer always a scammer. So the Canadian government deposits money in her account for a ticket back to Canada and she can’t book a ticket because the last flight out of Ecuador is fully booked. I hope the Canadian government asks her to return the money.  Tax payers don’t need to pay for the scammer to head back to Canada. 

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  8. I'm late on this, but I have to say that the defendant from 2 days ago in the $20.00 loan case had the worst wig in the history of JJ. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but it's definitely top 5 worst wigs in the history of JJ. In a show that is notorious for bad hair and bad fashion that was hall of fame/shame level. He had a bit of a sassy attitude wig and all. The case had to be phony. I think both the plaintiff and defendant were in on it and wanted a trip out to California and television time on JJ's dollar. How can the plaintiff not have $20 to pay the defendant back and stop the harassment? Not buying it. I have to give JJ and Byrd credit for keeping a straight face. I wouldn't have been able to to do it.

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  9. BGL needed major Spanx action to hold in her beer belly and one of the bras from Molly's shop to raise the boobs way up. They were sagging down to her waist. Now that she's gone back to the US and is going to start working on the K-1 visa Usman can chill and hang out with a pretty, young Nigerian woman that Mama will approve of and will provide her with grandchildren. 

    I shuddered for poor Lana whenever the leather coated Frankenstein, get a load of the black boots, size 15, he always wears, started pawing at her body and went in for the most unappetizing kisses imaginable. Lana scammed him out of his money for seven years but she paid it all back, and then some, having to put up with this leering pervert. Gag.

    Loved the line from Molly in Pillow talk "Baby Girl Visa." Good one, Molly.

    Disappointed in Varya crawling back to Geoffrey. Hope to never see Yolanda again. Hope to never see Darcy and Stacy again but I know that's not happening,  TPTB love having them on the show for some reason.

    Narcissist Stephanie sucks the life out of every room she's in.

    Hope Rose is happy with her girlfriend and cuts all contact with mean-spirited, selfish Ed. Block him, Rose. 


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  10. Of the people left I would like to see a Tony, Michelle, Natalie final three. Tony may be annoying to some but he is always hustling. He works hard at the game and never stops. He cracks me up spying on everyone in the secret tree house.

    Michelle has not been on my radar at all, but last night she seemed to be playing the game and going for broke. If she keeps up this way and wins more immunity challenges leading up to the final, she might just make it and that's after being at the bottom of the heap all season. I like when someone who is not in the cool clique wins.

    As for Natalie, she is tough. She's been on EofE island for a month and she hauled herself to that rock throne for the advantage ahead of everyone else. She really is resilient.

    If these three make it to the end I think I would be rooting for Michelle to win, as the underdog who kept scrapping to the end and never gave up. I don't think the jury would vote for her to win the two million though.

    I don't think this will be the final three. I can wish though. Just not Ben, or Sarah, or Denise! Please!



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  11. David and Yolanda are clueless seniors being catfished by fake Lana and fake Williams. They both live in Las Vegas. They should get together. They have a lot in common, are about the same age, are totally delusional and stubborn. But, no, that won't work because neither of them would think the other was "hot" enough for them or worth their time. Plus, they don't know how to deal with a real, live, "in-the-flesh" person. Two complete and utter fools!

    • Love 13
  12. I don't have any thing new to add to all of the prior comments but I want to chime in and agree with all the negative comments about Zach, the gaslighter extraordinare. I'm sure the narcissist, Zach, reads this forum just to see what people think of him so I want to add to the tally of "we can't stand Zach" posts.  This guy puts the guy, from the other season, that was loathed by everyone to shame. What was his name? I forgot it already. The expression on his face when he was saying he knew Mindy was a liar was creepy, evil and spiteful. He never said what the so-called secret was.

    Austin and Jessica give me a mommy and son vibe. Maybe Austin likes that since they characterized him as a mama's boy at the beginning of the season. I wish they would stop showing scenes of the couples brushing their teeth. We don't care nor do we want to see that.

    As someone mentioned earlier, Michael never looks Meka in the eye. He lies about everything. He will be cut loose for sure on decision day. Can't be trusted.

    Brandon and Taylor have been over for weeks. They are just going through the motions contractually.

    Katie is not in to Derek. Derek seems like an adolescent boy. Backwards baseball hat and all.

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  13. Silly me but I was way more excited than was necessary when I saw all these former Survivor champs on my screen. Who else loves Yul? Yul is one of my all time favorites that ever played Survivor. So good to see him playing again. No matter how you may feel about Sandra she is the only person to win this game twice. She is a hell of a competitor. I love her attitude. This season is going to be good. 

    • Love 11
  14. Tania always looks like she needs a shower. The adjective that comes to mind for her feminine scent is earthy or musky. Can you imagine the smell after working outside in the yard all afternoon setting up for the wedding and then putting her wedding dress on for the ceremony? Shudder. I'm so glad TLC doesn't have the budget for Smell-O-Vision ala John Waters. The stink emanating from Tania and her mother, after Mom smokes ciggies and swigs Jack Daniels all afternoon, would not be pleasant.

    Now Anna has four boys to take care of. Her two older sons seem more mature than Mursel. I would place Mursel's maturity level somewhere between Gino and Leo.  Closer to Leo. Mursel's IQ is probably borderline. He's not all there. I think he likes the sex with Anna like an adolescent boy would. When he paws at her it's like he's a thirteen year old boy in a forty-eight year old man's body. He's gross. 

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  15. Regarding Jasmin's personality someone on this forum, or another forum, I can't remember, was Finn and said that's the way Finnish people are. Not emotional, over the top, or highly expressive but more reserved and not demonstrative. I'm not saying her and Blake are a good match but I think her personality is representative of her culture.

    Same thing about Natalie. When she said she wasn't in love with Mike but that her feelings could grow into love, it reminded me of that woman, I think her name was Alla, from the Ukraine that was on the first season of 90 Day Fiance. She came here with her son and married the guy that had been married 2 or 3 times before. She also said that Russian people don't just say "I love you." She said she may fall in love but she was committed to marrying him and working it out. I'm paraphrasing what she said but it reminded me of Natalie. I just think in their culture they don't say "I love you" that easily. Not judging them in any way just stating that it seems like that. I don't think Natalie was stringing Mike along I think that's a cultural difference coming out. I think the biggest deal breaker for those two is their very different religious beliefs. 

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  16. Someone remarked that Mike only served Bojangles one pancake at breakfast. Maybe since Bojangles only has four teeth that’s about all he can handle while gumming it down. 

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  17. Showing us superior Americans scenes of the shabby, dark, grim maternity wards in other countries like Russia and Brazil is another TLC created story line. The populations of Russia and Brazil are quite sizeable and the women birth their babies in those hospitals every day and, surprise, the babies and moms survive and are fine. Give me a break, TLC. Do you think we're stupid?

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  18. Anna needs to stop being a doormat. She was so pathetic in that scene in the backyard with Mursel and the boys. The minute Mursel told her he was keeping her boys a secret from his family she should have ended it right there. Who accepts that in a potential partner? A desperate, middle aged lady who can't fathom she can find anything better that that man-child, beekeeper from Turkey. Not only does he straight up say they are a secret, but they both have the entire sickening conversation in front of her three sweet boys. How do you think that makes them feel about their Mother? Anna is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this idiot. Send him back on the next plane to Turkey. He won't be missed.

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  19. The defendant whose daughter went to school smelling like pot is another candidate for the Judge Judy Weird Hair Hall of Fame. I couldn't take my eyes off of her hair. It was orange. Orange. Not red, titian, auburn, but Halloween pumpkin orange. Who, in their right mind, thinks that is an attractive hair color? Maybe she did a self dye job at home while on a hazy pot infused high. The boyfriend had the strangest eyes. His eyes would be normal and then all of sudden they would bug out and get really wide. He seemed high to me. They deserve each other. Poor kid. Dad is in prison and Mom smokes pot all day and colors her hair bright orange.   

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  20. A new crop of desperate souls searching for love.

    The Turkish beekeeper seems simple. It's not the language barrier. It's the way he carries himself and his demeanor. Omar, the young Syrian guy on the other show, also comes from a conservative Muslim background and had never kissed a woman or held a woman's hand before Avery but he seemed to have a better sense of himself than Mursel. Mursel is middle aged and has never been married or with a woman, I'm assuming. He seemed really over eager and naive. He hasn't told his parents that Anna has kids because he's afraid. At his age shouldn't he be a bit more independent and not so worried about his parent's reaction?

    Those poor kids of Michael. They're sweet kids too. Do you really think Juliana wants to come to America to be a step mother in any way, shape or form? She has one thing on her mind and it ain't kids.

    Robert and Anny's relationship is strictly transactional. She wants his money. He wants the sex and the baby sitting. She' ll have a rude awakening when she arrives in America and finds out he has no money and is barely living pay check to pay check.

    Tania is a pain in the ass. Everything is a huge deal in her world and she loves hearing the sound of her own voice. Syngin seems pretty laid back. I think he'll tire of the drama pretty quickly.

    Third wife/baby mama in Russia. "This time will be different." Uh huh.

    Angela is back. Was Michael breaking up with her while sobbing dramatically on the video chat? I hope for his sake he was and that he is moving on.

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