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Posts posted by Matty

  1. I couldn't stop staring at Angie's gray teeth. They aren't yellow. They're gray. Can you imagine her breath from all the booze and cigarettes? The Nigerian prince/scammer will plead Ramadan as soon as she arrives as the reason he can't touch her or kiss her. Shades of Mo and Azan using their religion as the reason for no physical contact. 

    The baby is really cute. I felt sorry for her as she was getting packed off to England with her crazy Mommy. Poor little thing. She didn't ask for any of this.

    The blow-up doll in Columbia is a catfish for sure. It will be interesting to see who shows up to meet Ricky.

    • Love 9
  2. Poor Pedro. He looks totally beat down by the Family Chantel. His eyes look so sad. If their daughter was involved with Azan they would have a reason to be upset. I'd like to see the Family Chantel deal with Azan and his scam. Pedro hasn't pulled anything like that. He works two jobs, married their daughter twice, loves Chantel, and they're upset about him sending $150 dollars home to his Mom and sister. Give me a break, Family Chantel.

    • Love 19
  3. Dave is just a broey bro. Starting with inviting his bros to the wedding brunch instead of his family. He may have issues with his parents but he seems like the type that only wants to hang with the bros. He hangs out at the gym and discusses other bros sexual exploits with chicks, man. Hence he knew about Amber and this other bro from a couple years ago and what went down with them. That he can't take. It's a real blow to his ego. He doesn't seem fun or like he is able to laugh at himself. He's tense and on edge. He hated the salsa dancing because it wasn't a manly activity. He's done. He's just going through the motions. Sorry, Amber. You're going to have to find someone else to have babies with.

    What to say about Mia? She's a lying liar and fakey fake to boot. The stalking and credit card fraud are bad enough but she's still lying. When she told Tristan that she didn't know who the guy was and that her stuff was stolen she lied with such ease. Didn't faze her at all. She's a pathological liar. I'm sure she's enabled by her Daddy who spoils her, bails her out of jams, and tells her she is special. The religious act is fake too. She's a hot mess. I hope Tristan is happy with his fifteen minutes of fame by choosing to stay on the remainder of this season's train wreck and opts for divorce at the end of the eight weeks. 

    Bobby and Danielle. Danielle is going to get bored with him as soon as the show ends. The marriage may last a few months at that.

    • Love 5
  4. I have a "way out there" theory about Azan and his "family". Bear with me but it seems to me that the sister is an actress and not his sibling. She looks nothing like Azan. Nothing. I know that siblings don't always look alike and don't have to closely resemble each other but that woman has not one characteristic that would place her as Azan's sister. She's very fair and he's dark. Azan has kinky black hair that he colors and straightens. We don't see her hair since it's covered. Total speculation. His eyes are brown/black, and small and beady. Her eyes are large and I think they are light brown/hazel. He has a thin, narrow face and hers is more round and soft. He has a slight build and she does not have that type of frame. There is zero resemblance between these two. I don't think a devout Muslim woman would go on an American television reality show. It just seems fake to me. I really think TLC hired an actress who speaks Arabic to play his sister and keep to the script following the story line. Sounds far fetched but I wouldn't put it past them. I don't know about the mother and how real she is but the sister just seems fake to me. Not buying it. Regarding the other family members resemblance on this show Nicole is the spitting image of Pedro. Looks just like him with a wig and makeup on. Ashley is the spitting image of David channeling Amy Winehouse. 

    • Love 3
  5. TLC really springs the cash for the talent on this show. The sad lunch in the green room consisting of pizza in cardboard boxes, sorry little side salads served on paper plates with plastic flatware. It brought back images of Danielle slinking out the stage door with a thin paper plate and a single greasy slice of pepperoni pizza on her season's tell all episode. 

    I agree with everyone else. The host is terrible. I can't think of who would be better right now but almost anyone else would be an improvement. One requirement for getting the hosting gig should be you have to have watched the show.

    George, if you were 100% sure you weren't the father you would take the paternity test. You can clear up all the speculation now. You think there is a possibility. Quit lying.

    David's ugly cry face is pathetic. I did notice he and Annie were holding hands during the entire show. I guess she can stand to touch him. Shudder.

    Russ is Pao's lapdog. He follows her around like a little kid and pipes in when she makes her mean girl comments.

    • Love 7
  6. Mia is going to be the crazy, high maintenance character this season. I haven't read any spoilers but there's something weird behind the story of her being detained at the airport. I thought they did background checks on the people they cast on this show. Did they let Mia get through the screening process to provide amped up drama this season? Her family had beyond the normal, concerned reaction when she told them she was getting married to a complete stranger. Her sister was in tears. Her dad was cringing. What is she hiding about her past? It seemed weird when she was covering her face with the veil and practically hyperventilating before she entered the venue to walk down the aisle. Her father's chat with Tristan was strange too. He's too involved with his 29 year old daughter's choices and sex life. Creepy. She's not 18. She gives off weird vibes. They cast her for the drama. I guess.

    • Love 5
  7. Nearing fifty and all you have to show for it is a lousy room above a storage facility office that has a public restroom sign outside the door of your bathroom and an empty Pepsi vending machine inside the bathroom. A few things that may hint at the fact you need to reevaluate the choices you've made. I'm speaking to you, David.

    • Love 5
  8. David blubbering in the interview segment with Annie was revolting. He's the worst. He still hasn't found a job. A job was handed to him by Chris and he still wasn't sure he would take it or not. Are you kidding me? Once again, Chris hands him a place to live and a job to go with it and the guy is blubbering all over Annie that it's so hard and he's under so much pressure. Unbelievable. Pedro has two jobs as a dishwasher and working at a warehouse. He earns enough to pay rent on an apartment and send money home to his family. I know that is a bone of contention but I'm just pointing out that there's something wrong with this picture. David, get off your blubbering ass, prepare a resume, send it out, go on interviews, and GET A JOB! Yeah, we know, the storage facility job is beneath you and your effin Master's degree, as you informed us. But it's not beneath you if you have no money. Chris handed it to you on a silver platter. So you have to sweep out empty storage units. Boo hoo.

    • Love 5
  9. If there is a wedding in Morocco, and that's a big if, and Nicole wears the strapless wedding dress I think Azan's entire Muslim family will faint on the spot and his sweet mother will need to be revived with smelling salts. It's not done. I've traveled in Morocco and you dress modestly. It's a lovely place. I would like to visit again. Chefchaouen, the blue city, is a magical place.

    • Love 2
  10. The lawyer and the PI are actors. Actually, I think all of the 90 Day Fiance lawyers that we've seen are actors. Have to be. They don't seem professional, intelligent, or articulate enough to be practicing in their fields. The clothes and hairdos are so bad. The offices look like sets with tacky, cardboard, rental office furniture. They are really bad actors too. They read the lines written for them in a monotone voice and sound like student actors in a high school play. The PI tonight jumping on the bandwagon with Chantal's parents was clearly seeing dollar signs and a few trips to the Dominican Republic on the family Chantal's dime. She was ridiculous. Maybe I'm wrong, but would you hire any of them? 

    • Love 5
  11. That converted motel room that Nicole lives in is depressing, dirty and disgusting. It's not an apartment. It's a room. Does she have a vacuum cleaner? It looks like May and Nicole lay around all day on the bed eating fast food and drinking soda. I feel sorry for May. Her toys are piled on the floor that isn't even clean. What stimulation does this little girl get? Does she play outside, look at books, listen to music, eat healthy meals? Why don't Nicole and May live with her mother? The mother's house looks big enough for all of them. Does Nicole live alone in that dumpy room to collect some kind of public assistance?  Nicole looks so unhealthy. Girl, get off the burgers and fries and start moving or you won't be around for your little girl when she grows up. Azan was denied the visa. As soon as I heard that tidbit I thought something major was up. Come on, even Mohammed got a visa! I thought maybe he was already married in Morocco. The preview mentioned something about drug trafficking. I guess we'll see. This pair is pushing it to be on the show. Azan doesn't have a k1 visa and isn't here in the US. Isn't that the premise of the show? If Azan comes to  Florida at some point he's in for a big surprise when he sees the motel room he'll be living in with 2 other people. Good times. I'm sure he's expecting a nice suburban house. Nope.

    • Love 6
  12. The birth mother on This is Life - Live that would have been 57 or 58 must have had an extremely hard life. She looked to be at least 70 years old and that's being generous. She also seemed off to me. A little slow maybe. One sweeping generalization I can make from watching Long Lost Family is that the biological mothers did the right thing by putting their babies up for adoption to give them a better life. Not in every case, but in most of the cases shown, the birth mothers have had hard lives. They seem to be a bit strange, cold, some of them had problems with alcohol, drugs, dysfunctional families, etc. It's great that they gave their kids the opportunity to be adopted and live, for the most part, with a loving family. Again, not in every case. There were a few exceptions, but for the most part this is my observation from watching this show.

    • Love 5
  13. I couldn't believe it when Wendell didn't play his immunity idol. I thought he was going to be just another sad sack that leaves with an immunity idol sitting in his pocket. Of course, to my surprise, he didn't need it after all. I like Wendell and hope he makes it to the final tribal council but for Laurel and Donathan's game I think it was a bad move not to eliminate him last night. Dom had immunity so he couldn't be voted out. Wendell is left and is part of the power couple. I really think that when push comes to shove Laurel just couldn't vote Wendell and go with the girls. She has every right to be leery of Kellen after she put two votes on her. Wendell hasn't betrayed her yet and she just couldn't vote against him. I'm surprised about Donathan but I think he votes with Laurel so that's why he voted that way. Still hoping for a Dom, Wendell, Laurel, Donathan final four and watching them battle it out against each other for the win. Should be interesting. The others can go anytime.

    • Love 1
  14. Now I'm watching and waiting for them to vote out all the nonentities and get down to the final five of Dom, Wendell, Laurel, Donathan and Michael. That's who I'm hoping for final five. Once we get to them, if they are the final five, it should get really interesting as they're all strong players in different ways. I know it most likely won't happen that way but one can hope. 

    • Love 7
  15. One of the most telling comments Ryan made was "If we split up I wouldn't be that upset." I'm paraphrasing, but when I heard him say that to the other guys I thought that summed it all up in one sentence. He doesn't care about Jaclyn in the slightest. She wants to make it work and is trying too hard. She needs to break ties. He's not into her and doesn't really care at all. Jaclyn looks so sad. Find someone who loves you, Jaclyn.

    When the counselor/expert asked Molly and Jon what percentage they were still in trying to make this work and Molly said 2% and Jon said 1% I was incredulous and found the answers totally disingenuous. Jon, if the person you're married to says you touching her makes her skin crawl you should be -100% into trying to make the marriage work. Marriage is over. She said you were disgusting over and over again. How you even remain civil to her is beyond me. Must be for the sake of the show.

    Jephte and Shawniece seem ok together, not the romance of the century or anything, but just ok. Compared to the other couples they look like a great couple. When they were in the maize and Jephte said something about "how can you even ruin this?" That pretty much summed it up. Have fun, enjoy yourself, and stop trying to always force the togetherness and whining "but we're married" over and over again. It's exhausting.

    • Love 3
  16. Once again another fool gets booted off Survivor with an immunity idol burning a hole in their pocket. This time the fool was Chris. Chris was so arrogant he didn't think anyone was voting for him after his trip to the well. This was worse than James who had two immunity idols when he was voted off. Chris knew he was a target and still didn't play his idol. Thank you, Dom and Wendell, for orchestrating this glorious boot. At least Chris is on the jury so we'll be entertained at final tribal council with another clueless, useless monologue about the amazing brilliance of Chris. A legend in his own mind.

    • Love 3
  17. Last night's blindside was classic Survivor and one of the reasons I still watch after all these years. Seeing that obnoxious twerp, Bradley, get voted off when he thought he was smarter than everyone else was beautiful. I didn't care for Dom at the beginning of the season but after last night I'm on board and think he's playing a great game. We'll see what happens after the merge. I hope he doesn't get sidetracked by his loathing of Chris and lose focus. He could go to the end. We'll see.

    • Love 7
  18. After watching this last night I think the unanswered questions in this case are still unsettling. The detectives are convinced that Wagner did it but they don't have the evidence to prove it. It's terrible that Wagner, Davern and Walken were drinking on that boat that night after Natalie disappeared and they did nothing to look for her and didn't call for help for hours. When Davern told Wagner they should turn on the search lights and look for Natalie and Wagner said not to do it that speaks volumes. He knew Natalie was dead already no need  to look for her in the water and call attention to the boat. My theory  is that Natalie and Wagner were fighting, both were drunk and she fell into the water, either he pushed her, or he accidentally killed her on board while they were fighting and pushed her limp body over and untied the dinghy to make it look like she tried to get off the boat. Wagner goes back inside starts drinking again and tried to get everyone on board with the same story they were all going to tell the police. My theory only. Wagner is not telling the truth but he'll never speak to the police again.

    • Love 8
  19. Add to the list of folks on this show, like Nikkie, who speak the truth and share some much needed common sense with these people, Nicole's brother, Josh's stepfather and Nicole's stepfather. Now if they'd only listen and heed their advice, but I'm afraid that's not going to happen.

    • Love 1
  20. A question on the topic of the extremely basic, boring bachelorette party in Miami. Who was the random woman in red that was constantly on the screen but never said a word? Doesn't Libby have any friends? The entourage consisted of her sisters, sister-in-law and random woman with severe black hair extensions, bad makeup and Frederick's of Hollywood attire not speaking the entire evening. My daughter thought she was a man in drag but I told her no self-respecting drag queen would ever leave the house looking that bad. Just asking in case any of you astute viewers have a clue who she was and why she was there.

    Other random observations of general weirdness that made me say WTF: David Poor's shirt; David Poor's son looking nothing like his dad or his sister; Molly's very visible white bra band; Luis' creepy eyes when he accused Molly of practicing santeria.

    • Love 18
  21. Nikki for the win! She's the only person with a clue on this show this season. It would be great if she sat down with each of these couples with her straight shooter attitude. I'm sure she'd have some choice comments for Nicole and Azan, Evelyn and David Spain, and all the other couples too. Now that I 'd like to see!

    • Love 6
  22. David Spain stuck in podunksville New Hampshire in the middle of a New England winter living five minutes away from Evelyn's fundy parents should be the spark he needs to head back to beautiful Granada, Spain. Evelyn's so-called singing last night at the old geezer producer's recording studio was so bad even David Spain couldn't mask it! Not good. At all. 

    Elizabeth asking how they are going to pay for the huge wedding she wants to have is so ridiculous. Let's see. She works part-time for her Dad's business. Andrei can't work for three months. If this was about love and not a little girl's romantic dream of a wedding they would head for the courthouse and get married simply with a few friends and family. Have a big party later when they can pay for it themselves and not depend on Daddy.

    Both Evelyn and Elizabeth are little girls when it comes to their ideas of love and romance and playing house.

    Josh is such a loser. Leave him, Aika. He'll never make you happy. Never.

    Nicole sleeps until 4:00 pm. Eats burgers and fries all day, every day. Hmmm, those are attractive qualities. The come hither look she gives Azan while sprawling on the bed looks like a beached whale waiting for the tiny seahorse. The size difference!

    David Poor is fat again! I wouldn't fault him for that if he had any other socially redeeming qualities. I don't see any. Hope Annie sees it for what it is and understands what her life is going be like in Louisville, Kentucky.

    • Love 5
  23. The two stories that kicked off the new season last night were real downers. Lorraine looked like she has had a hard life. Her daughter was forgiving and kind and it appears that she bears no ill feelings or resentment towards Lorraine for abandoning her. Lorraine has a mental disability and suffers from depression and doesn't seem like a maternal person. The whole story was so sad. The sister probably wanted nothing to do with the search. Since she was dropped off at her biological grandparents' house and was accepted by them she may not have the same emptiness and yearning for a mother that Lori has. Just speculation, but that may be the reason she wasn't there or wasn't mentioned at all.

    Old Darby was unbelievable. When he saw the yearbook photo of Sharon he had no recollection of this person at all. It appears to have been a high school one night stand that produced Priscilla. That's pretty sad for Priscilla. No fond memories of Sharon from good time Darby. Maybe the guy that was with Sharon during the pregnancy was her boyfriend and he thought the baby was his and he stayed with Sharon until she gave birth and the baby was given up for adoption. Again, Sharon may have lied and told him the baby was his. Pure speculation on my part. It just seemed we didn't get all the facts in either of these stories. Unsatisfying conclusions and incomplete stories. Sad.

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