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Posts posted by Matty

  1. Regarding the Survivor "showmances" it always grosses me out when the couples hug each other tightly and snuggle together. I'm in my living room thinking how bad they must smell and how bad their breath must be. Yuck.  

    I think what the editing is showing us regarding Carolyn is that the other folks are underestimating her. They think she's this spacey, annoying, older lady that can't possibly have a read on what's happening. It's a bit of misogyny, ageism and condescension all rolled into one. Yam Yam and Carson actually listen to Carolyn when she speaks and don't talk over her and cut her off.


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  2. The moment when Josh pulled out the fake immunity idol he made with tree mail beads and showed it to Yam Yam and Yam Yam knowing instantly it was fake was hilarious. That little giggle in the confessional was hysterical. Yam Yam and Carolyn are still a team. Don't let them fool you. Thank you to the producers that put these two together on the same team. I really like that they are not muscular, athletic "bro" types but are playing with other skills than physical ones. They have smarts and they are amusing to watch. 

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  3. Liking this season. I wasn't able to get into last season, as much as I tried, so I'm glad this group is drawing me in. I like Carolyn and Yam Yam. The edit that they're getting makes me think they are going far in the game. There has been a focus on them since the first episode.

  4. This is the second week in a row that I've dozed off during the second hour of this snoozefest. San Diego is my hometown and I had high hopes for this season. But, no. I'll be succinct and to the point. Mitch is annoying and I can't stand his "environmental champion" act. Without going into details, part of my job entails working with some of the leading climate scientists at a major research university in San Diego. They are the real deal about sounding the alarm regarding climate change and the environment and the science behind it. Mitch is an annoying poser and after seeing his apartment all I see is a total loser with a filthy stove. The other couples are just as bad in different ways. So much for high hopes for this season.

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  5. I'm a dog lover and my dog is a member of my family. It's our job as owners to protect them from threatening situations. I felt so bad for poor, little, unsuspecting Newton being brought into an unsafe situation like that. Justin knew his dog had problems with other dogs and he just hoped everything would be ok. How stupid. I wonder how he'd feel getting attacked and bitten in the face and the eye. Alexis had every right to be shaken up by that. It was upsetting. Then I felt bad for Maya when Justin walked away from her after he dropped her off at the board and train. Justin promising Alexis that he will re-home Maya if the training doesn't work out is so sad. That dog has been with Justin since she was a puppy and now she's going to get unceremoniously dumped if things don't work out. I agree that Maya needs training. Some dogs are reactive around other dogs. Why did Justin let her get close enough to Newton so that she was close enough to attack him? The whole incident was upsetting and Justin was to blame.

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  6. Weighing in on student loan debt. As someone stated earlier, academic PhD students are fully funded and typically don't have any student loans. Also, in certain fields, MFA for example, masters are fully funded as well so no student loan debt after you complete the degree. Being fully funded means that your tuition and all fees are paid in full by the program and you receive a small stipend to live on. By no means will you live extravagantly with the amount of stipend you receive but you will not have any student loan debt when you finish. My daughter is currently in a PhD program and is fully funded. I finished my MFA with zero debt. Students that do have a huge amount of student loan debt when they graduate are medical students and law students or what are called "professional" degrees. Historically, it was considered ok to take out student loans for these types of graduate degree programs because when you finished you would have a high-paying job and would be able to pay the loans back.  

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  7. Lindy's creepy brother butting in and asking if Miguel believed in a higher power and what his religious beliefs are was irritating. What business is it of his? Shouldn't that discussion happen between Miguel and Lindy? Butt out. You're too involved and it's just been a couple of hours.

    Mitch should just stay single. He's uptight, totally rigid and too into himself with his "my way or the highway" attitude. He didn't say one positive thing to or about Kristin. He knew he was not into her as soon as she got to the alter. Kristin, don't bother with him. It's a waste of time.

    Here's some free advice. Slow down, Justin. You are falling too soon and too hard. Take it down a notch or two. You're way too clingy.

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  8. San Diego is my hometown. I enjoyed seeing the background scenery and figuring out which beach and which pier they were at when they were walking on the beach. I saw South Mission, Del Mar, Coronado, Pacific Beach, Black's Beach, La Jolla Cove. I'm disappointed none of the folks are from San Diego or have lived here awhile, at least. They are all recent transplants. Yes. People are physically active here. It's part of the lifestyle and the perfect weather lends itself to participating in outdoor activities.  Beautiful city. As for the couples, doesn't look promising this season. So what's new?

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  9. I don't understand why Yve and other women on this show date and want to marry Muslim men and then constantly complain about them and their "rules" about dressing modestly and not drinking alcohol, etc. Those are tenets of the religion. If you don't like them there are plenty of Christian, Jewish, Atheist, name your religion, men you can date and marry. It's annoying hearing them bitching and whining about the same thing every season from Memphis to Laura and on and on.

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  10. I agree with others here who are saying this was bogus. The last few seasons have been a disaster, so production decided we'll get all four couple to say yes on decision day and if they divorce in a few months who cares. We can say we had a grand slam on decision day this season. I hope they paid Katina an extra big bonus to stay with O. How demeaning to sit there and listen to him spew his misogynistic views. Katina's eyes looked wounded as he went on and on about her cooking skills, or lack thereof, and her various other failings. I hope she gets the hell away from him very soon. There's no way Jasmina stays with Michael unless it's part of the script. She can't even kiss Michael after eight weeks of being married. Mark and Lindsey staying together was another sham. He's the little boy and she's his mother in the relationship. Maybe that's what they want but I doubt it. Finally, Steve and Noi. Steve is the only guy who showed a hint of romance or caring for his partner of the four guys this season. After all is said and done, Steve is the only one of the guys I liked this season. That being said, I'm sure they'll break up shortly after decision day. Noi likes to complain and whine about everything. Wish them luck though. Looking forward to the upcoming San Diego season. My hometown. 

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  11. So much to say about this new batch of delusional lovebirds. Hey Emily, birth control, have you heard of it? Off she goes to China, meets an "international underwear model", sleeps with him and gets pregnant all in a matter of weeks. Not a care in the world. Emily, you created a living, breathing human being with someone you just met. Are you thinking about the gravity of the situation? Of course not. Just go home to Mom and Dad in Kansas, live with them, have the baby, bring the "international underwear model" over to the US and decide what to do then. Wow. Amazing. I can't even.

    Miona, you will not live the "Kardashian lifestyle" in South Dakota. Google it. It's time to ditch Jibri and find a new sucker to bring you over. You' ll have to find one who hails from LA not Rapid City.

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  12. Taku was so far behind in that challenge thanks to Omar's inept moves with the ropes and key. As soon as Jonathan got a hold of the key slashed the sandbags down with the machete and tossed the one two punch at the targets they were able to finish in second place after being so far behind. I love watching Jonathan compete. I can't wait until the merge when Jonathan goes on a major challenge run for individual immunity and doesn't have to be slowed down by all of the dead weight. Maryanne's voice is beginning to sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. Jonathan's going to have take many more solo walks to get away from her constant babbling about nothing.

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  13. My daughter is getting married soon and she is wearing a dress from Leeanne Marshall. The dress is gorgeous. Simple, classic, elegant, beautiful fabric. I love it. Last week Leeanne sent an email to all of her brides and said it was an honor to create dresses for such beautiful moments in people’s lives and that she is closing down her bridal business and relocating from NYC to Paris. She also said she will have some exciting news very soon. I told my daughter I was so happy she got her dress before Leeanne stopped designing bridal gowns. My daughter agreed with that sentiment. Wishing Leeanne the best of luck in her new endeavors. 

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  14. As several people have mentioned, the math doesn't add up for Memphis being pregnant with Hamza's baby. How long has she been there? Two or three weeks? Did she get pregnant the first night? I thought you had to be further along for the pregnancy test to show a positive reading. Crazy. Memphis is really pulling a whopper on Hamza and his family. Sad. I like Hamza's mother and sister.

    Mike is an entitled, angry little mole. Ximena is done with you, creep. Since he's given her money and paid her rent he thinks he can call all the shots. Sorry, Mikey, it doesn't work that way. If you were desperate enough to pay for everything and she took your money that makes you stupid. Just leave and don't try to buy women to sleep with you in the future and call it a relationship and "true love." What a joke. 

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  15. Jonathan reminded me of Hercules from the Disney film. Huge, enormous muscles, brute strength, tough yet affable, humble, likeable, helpful, supportive to his team in every way. He's a hero.

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  16. I just read a story that Shannon Beador asked Bones to create a dress for her for the RHOC reunion and the dress he created was a hot mess. Unflattering, poorly made, cheap fabric, impossible to wear at the reunion. Shannon made a connection with Bones when she appeared on PR and they worked together. She commissioned the reunion dress, flew him out, put him up in a hotel room, etc., on her own dime. She wanted to give him exposure and a chance since they really hit it off on PR. Apparently, the dress was so bad production had to go shopping and purchase a dress off the rack and taping of the reunion was delayed while everything played out. Sounds like it was a total disaster.

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  17. Can you imagine being Jasmine's mother and having your daughter bring Gino home to meet you? What a let down and utter disappointment. Before anyone says that's the best Jasmine can do I'm looking at it from her mother's perspective. She thinks her daughter is smart, beautiful and a great catch. Actually, I give Jasmine credit. She speaks English really well and doesn't need a translator app like so many of the others do on this show. So many men shave their heads now. Why won't Gino take his hat off? Who cares if he's bald? It's the beady eyes, bad teeth, and the death like pallor of his face that he should be self conscious about.  He gives me the creeps.

    Ximena told Mike exactly how she feels. No beating around the bush. Mike should call it a day, cut his losses, go home and find a nice girl who will accept him for who he is. Farts, dog poop and all. 

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  18. Ben's MUA must have had a left over stash of glitter bronzer from Claire's and dumped it off on "fitness model" Ben. Remember that tween girl's store in shopping malls in the 90s - early 00s? My daughter used to shop there for glitter pens, nail polish and little charms when she was in middle school.  Ben has such a lofty, totally unwarrented, opinion of himself. "Ketchup is the spiciest thing I eat" Yuck. What a yokel.

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  19. I can't get over Shayne's piano keys teeth. They're huge and bright, bright white and that's all I see when he is talking. Did he go to the dentist before the show filmed and get a full set of new teeth. They look terrible. Why are several of the women attracted to his "broey" voice and vocabulary?  I don't get it.

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  20. When Benjamin was hugging Mahagony it was creepy. It was like he was hugging his teenage daughter or one of her friends. What a lecherous, disgusting pervert. 

    Ella telling Johnny she bought a ticket to Dubai and he better be there when she gets there or else reminds me of Benjamin and the other creepy guy that went to Ukraine completely uninvited or encouraged by the object of their desires. It's the same vibe. Demanding and unwilling to accept the answer or what Johnny's trying to tell her. She's a controlling witch. Johnny is in no hurry to meet up with her. Don't blame him.  

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  21. Well, that was awesome. Thank you, Chris, for shutting this farce down. What was up with Alyssa's denim cut-off overalls? That's how she dresses for a meeting with Chris and Pastor Cal? She looked so childish without a hint of style or self-awareness about how utterly foolish she looked. I stopped counting how many times she said "like" after I reached 19 in under two minutes. And just for good times she left with the tag line for her experience "I'm a really Fu**#$ing good person." Dream on.

    Now that she's mercifully out of the way and not taking up any more space I thought the other couples are starting to show some real glimpses into where their relationships are headed. K & O and S & N are the couples that seem to feel comfortable around each other. I think the 2 vs 3 kids drama is made a bigger deal for the show's narrative as is the other supposed conflict "my wife has to make home cooked meals everyday or else."

    Mark and Lindsay do not respect each other and don't seem to even like each other. Michael and Jazmina do not like each other at all. They are biding their time, paying their dues until the 8 weeks are up. They never laugh with each other or seem to have any fun at all. We'll see, but it seems right now that two couples will say yes on decision day and two will not. A lot can happen from now until that point but that's what my gut is telling me after last night's episode.

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  22. The producers can't stand Alyssa either. The way they edit her scenes is hilarious. How many times did she say "I'm a nice person." last night? I agree with Lindsay when she said if you have to keep saying you're a nice person you're probably not. How many times does Alyssa say "like"? Every other word. Chris is wearing out his welcome too. How can he keep putting up with her and her antics? It's demeaning. Show a little self-respect, Chris. Leave now with your head held up high. Don't stay there and be Alyssa's whipping boy. It's a really bad look. Call it a day and walk. Then Alyssa won't get to stay in the apartment on her own and hang out with the girls. Beat her at her own game.  

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