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Posts posted by Matty

  1. Kudos to Tom and the TLC producer that came up with the idea of giving Darcy a key. Totally surprised me. I knew it wasn't an engagement ring in that box but I was thinking earrings or a bracelet. A key! Now that was good. Usually these events are so predictable. Tom looked like his left eye was red and swollen and covered up with make up. I'm looking forward to Jesse's appearance at the tell-all. We all know this show is fake and he'll, at least, bring some sparks and good tv drama. Shaun Robinson, the clueless host, needs to milk that drama to the max.

    Does anyone think Jeremy is really Ceasar's friend? He looks like he's right out of central casting playing "concerned, rational, good looking friend to dim-witted guy in love with a computerized robot/woman he's never met."

    Angela needs to wear African clothes all the time. She looked better covered up and not showing every inch of her wrinkled, leathery skin.

    Akinyi and Ben consummating the marriage. Shudder.

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  2. When Rebecca tearfully stated "If I lose Zied I'll never find anyone like him again" I laughed out loud. He looks and speaks like a cro-magnon man. A protruding belly and stringy pieces of greasy hair always falling in his face while he grunts out such charming comments as "You. Woman. Married. No." What is the appeal there? What am I missing? Please enlighten me.

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  3. Zied's nickname here, "The Blob", is so fitting. His huge belly sticking out, which he accentuates by wearing those tight little sweaters of his, is not appealing. Not to mention the lank, stringy, greasy hair. Of all the Tunisian/Moroccan love rats who have appeared on the various iterations of the 90 Day Fiance franchise, Zied, Mohammad, Azan, and Aladin, Aladin is definitely the gold standard. By that, I mean he is the best looking, smartest, and only financially solvent one of the group.

    How did Akinyi get so wasted on one watered down margarita? Manufactured drama perhaps?

    My opinion of Tom went up when I saw he owns that adorable bulldog, Boyce. Boyce didn't even want to hang out with sad sack Darcey. He put the brakes on when she tried to walk him and wouldn't budge until Tom came back and picked up his leash. Good judge of character, Boyce!

    Angela was her usual crass, crude and rude self with Michael's friends.

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  4. Don't forget Paul's seemingly sensible Mom raised Paul so that's a big strike against her.

    Tiffany doesn't want to stay in South Africa so she's using Daniel to get the hell out of there and come home.

    The verdict is in. Aladin - yes. Laura - no. Sumit - no. Jenny - no. Just my opinion.

    • Love 10
  5. Jaime's parents were giving Elizabeth the side eye. I don't think they think Elizabeth is the right one for their sonny boy. I agree with them.

    Amber and her twin sitting on the trampoline in the backyard discussing boys was so "like, you know, middle school." Insert giggling and vocal fry.

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  6. Deavon is twenty two years old and has two children (well, one on the way) from two different men, isn't married, and isn't capable of caring for herself or anyone else.  Make better choices. Keep your legs closed, for god's sake!  

    Aladin sensually removing the booties from Laura's smelly porky the pig feet was hilarious. Aladin, what's up? We're all dying to know. We can't figure it out. 

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  7. Now the two drunks can be together swigging straight out of the bottle in Coltee’s case and out of the “World’s Best Mom” coffee mug in Debbie’s case. They can pig out on Dinty Moore beef stew in their vinyl barcaloungers in front of the tv watching Wheel of Fortune together every night. They deserve each other and will live happily ever after with Debbie’s stupid slot machine in the living room. 

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  8. Here’s my short end of the stick list: Keith, Greg and Amber. In order: Keith is being nice and understanding with the virgin queen but her act is getting old. She didn’t just save her virginity for her future husband she appears to be frozen, stiff and uncomfortable about sex. She has a great looking guy who is cool and a gentleman and she has an iron clad chastity belt on and she won’t give Keith the key. I hope he moves on.

    Greg is a gem. He got stuck with prickly Miss Priss. Her comment about stop with all the compliments was annoying. He’s trying to be nice to you. Accept the compliment, say thanks and smile. That’s it. Don’t complain about everything and put Greg down every time he opens his mouth.

    Amber, Matt is one of those guys whose identity is wrapped up in the fact he’s been an athlete his whole life. He likes that image. He’s not going to give that up easily. Amber should move on and find someone who wants to be married to her. It’s not Matt.

    As far as Jamie and Elizabeth, neither got the short end of the stick. Neither one is a prize. She’s a self absorbed, daddy’s girl, drama queen and he likes her physical attributes that are always on full display. That’s about it for their connection.

    • Love 6
  9. I dozed off during last night's riveting episode. What is Sumit's big secret that he's been keeping from Jenny? I'll watch the rerun later, but if anyone doesn't mind filling me in now I'd appreciate it. The suspense is killing me. Of course, knowing the way the TLC teasers work it's probably nothing.

    • Love 1
  10. The scene with Jenny and Sumit shopping for Indian clothes was such a set up. Indian women don't wear outfits like the ones Jenny was trying on for their everyday wear. Those outfits were for weddings or special occasions. The clothes worn every day are lovely, comfortable and perfectly suited for the hot climate. The fabrics are beautiful and they breathe in the heat. Think cotton in light colors. Not polyester like Jenny's clothes. Producer shenanigans again. Big surprise.

    I have no sympathy for Corey at all but even I was surprised at the cold reception from Evelin when Corey arrived in Ecuador. Oooh. Ice runs through her veins. Of course, if the man-child wasn't such a clingy little mama's boy he would be able to take a bus ride to her town without getting anxious and having a panic attack about it. Evelin treating him coldly and being hard to get is what turns Corey on about her. He's one of those types of men. He wouldn't be as interested in Evelin if she treated him nicely. He's whipped and she can do or say anything to him and he falls more and more in love with her. She knows she has him wrapped around her finger. The fact he brought the engagement ring and is going to ask her to marry him a second time after her absolute refusal the last time he proposed shows how clueless Corey is about women and life in general.

    The timeline is off with Deaven's pregnancy. The South Korean guy was in this country hooking up with her for three weeks and she showed him her positive pregnancy test before he left and went back to South Korea. Huh? You don't know that soon. Between her sorry teeth and her bratty little daughter she is not anyone's dream girl.

    Did anyone else cringe when Deaven told her little brat that she was going to meet Grandma and Grandpa? It's bad enough Tiffany's son calls a gambling addict fresh out of rehab Daddy.

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  11. Elizabeth's "cute quirkiness" is not that at all. She even makes over the top Sam, with all the candles and  "cute quirkiness", seem somewhat normal.

    I agree with whoever said Jamie looks like Seinfeld. I was trying to figure out who he looked like so thanks. I think Jerry Seinfeld, with a fuller face and a bald head, is spot on. Same eyes and big teeth. I also agree with whoever said Elizabeth is pushing 40. She's looking worse for wear. She saw 30 about 10 years ago. Jamie is going to be the third wheel in the relationship between Elizabeth and Daddy. Good luck, Jamie.

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  12. Elizabeth has a "me, me, me" type personality. Some guys don't mind that. I don't think Jamie is one of those guys. Whenever they put the camera on Elizabeth's dad during the wedding ceremony he had such a creepy expression on his face. Their relationship seems weird.

    Keith and the virgin are a good looking couple. They both look like models.

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  13. Sumit lives in Delhi. Delhi is an enormous, cosmopolitan city and the capital of India. He doesn't live in a tiny, rural village. Since India was colonized by the British English is prevalent there. Many Indians speak English, as well as Hindi, very well. The airport in Delhi is just like an airport in any major city around the world. Think Heathrow, JFK or LAX. Jenny didn't arrive in some backwater locale.

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  14. Has anyone else noticed that Azan is never seen on the show any more? I don't think he has been seen once this season. Their story line consists of Nicole talking to her family about Azan, Grenada, Morocco, etc., but no Azan on Facetime. I think Azan is already out of the picture and the show is continuing the story line with Nicole and her family. Even when Nicole is on the telephone supposedly speaking with Azan we never hear his voice any more. Something fishy here. Producer shenanigans perhaps.

    • Love 11
  15. I think Evelin is pretty chill. She was honest with the parents. She told the family she’s not converting to Mormonism. Nope. Not happening. She told them she’s not having a zillion kids. She told them she’s not living in the woods on the family compound. Cory is whipped. She didn’t beg him to come back to Ecuador. She just said “if you want to be with me you have to move to Ecuador with me.” He looks at her like a little puppy dog. She speaks English pretty well unlike Karine and her translator app. Evelin isn’t scamming Corey. He knows what he’s getting into with her. He’s a grown man. He’s besotted with her. So far he’s more than willing to meet her demands.

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  16. Was anyone else skeeved out by Coltee and Larissa's session with the sex therapist? Just the thought of Coltee and sex is enough to make anyone queasy. When the sex therapist suggested they explore each other's bodies with ice cubes it was so revolting I had to hold in the sensation to retch. Larissa is paying too biggie a price for what she's getting out of this. A $30 wedding dress from Goodwill, a tin can, without air conditioning, for a car, and Debbie as a roommate.

    Debbie is one narcissistic, selfish lady. It's all about "me, me, me" with her. Don't move MY slot machine out of the living room. Don't move MY stuff (junk) off the top of the refrigerator. She's not as loving and caring a mother to Coltee as she tries to portray herself. If she was, she would want him to be an independent adult and live his own life. The relationship they have is unhealthy, but if anyone mentions that she pulls out her sad, little victim tears. Last week when Larissa told her about having kids she rushed in to the kitchen and said "I need a drink." She went and grabbed her coffee cup off the counter and started swigging it down. I'm sure she keeps vodka in the coffee cup and drinks it all day. It definitely isn't coffee or tea.  Why was she so upset with just Larissa? Coltee, her beloved son, knew about the kids, and he didn't tell her about them. Tell him off, Debbie. Oh, wait, I forgot, Coltee can do no wrong in Debbie's eyes.

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  17. I'll be succinct and to the point. Tessa's garment was ugly. Bye, girl. It was your time to go. Can't wait to see Sebastian and Bishme duke it out in the finale for the win. It's going to be one of them as the last man standing. As it should be.

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  18. Pedro looks like the old carefree, happy Pedro in the DR. Chantel and the family Chantel have sucked all the life out of him. I don't think his family is trying to "harvest the American dollar" if they are telling him to get a divorce and come home if he's unhappy. Chantel's parents look ridiculous and her mother can barely read the cue cards production provides her. 

    As soon as the money flow stops Azan will ghost Nicole. There will never be a romantic vacation in Grenada much less a wedding in Morocco. Move on. Save your money, Nicole, and build a life for you and Mae in Florida.

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  19. Either Bishme or Sebastian will win this season. They are miles ahead of the remaining designers in talent and taste.  Garo's design for the postal worker was so beautiful on her. She was glowing. That was great. I like Hester but she is a niche designer. Tessa. That hideous black thing the poor EMT gal had to wear down the runway was terrible. Please go. Soon. Christian's store and atelier were amazing.

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