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Everything posted by rags

  1. So, Carly is dating Wyatt Halliwell. Interesting. JPS & MS reactions to GF's overacting are priceless. And JPS & MS are the worst overacting hams around.
  2. Was so happy when Serena was at the door, I yelled out YAY! Haven't done that since Emma ran into Robin's arms at the church. .
  3. Joss is 14? Wasn't Emma born before Joss? I know, it's a soap opera.
  4. I have sympathy for Aisha's replacement. Sharon & Julie are going to put her through hell.
  5. Good for Aisha. And I will miss her on the show. But I also think she has outgrown the show. This was the only time I've seen Sharon so caring and happy towards Aisha. Of course, we all know it's because she is elated Aisha is leaving. Criminal Minds must be paying her more.
  6. All caught up. This is why I love Kimberly McC. She was on for a minute, pre taped, and still was the shining moment of this year's NB debacle.
  7. I am still having faith that Robin surprises everyone and shows up to make her speech at the NB.
  8. Horrible choice. Get ready for the parade of kardashians to fill in for Kelly when she's on vacation.
  9. I don't even think The Bunny Return was Kim's idea. Someone in her camp probably thought it would be a " tv moment" for her. Or, Brandi probably gave her the idea. I still find it hard to look at LVP's face. Just too much of everything. Looks painful.
  10. So is Robin back in CA? Maybe I missed the mention through my fast forwarding. And I just cringed watching Anna asking for Dr. O's assistance in ANYTHING. I mean, Dr. O assisted in Robin's torturous captivity and stabbed Robert into a coma. I mean c'mon writers! FH & KG are interesting to watch together but never in this scenario.
  11. Anna, you don't owe Jason one. He owed Robin. And I hope he tells that to Sam after all this.
  12. Anna wishing Robin had a sibling scene. Then enter Griffin next scene. We get it already, writers. Even though I thought the MC & KMc scenes were sweet, I still want Robin to be Anna's only living child.
  13. Oy Robin kidnapped...AGAIN! I love Robin. But, you would think after all her abductions( and having super spy parents), she would keep a taser in her purse!
  14. Watching MB reacting & cheerleading behind Carly, I just about expected him to start shouting, " You go gurrrrrrrl, u tell her sistafriend, amen & hallelooo hunty!!!" And then triple snap. Those scenes should be on his next Emmy consideration reel.
  15. Yeah, the Carnie sighting was all types of desperate. I was expecting Chynna & Wendy to pop out and the trio would start singing, 'Hold On', to Kim.
  16. Speaking of Camille, this scene with her always makes me lmao.
  17. Kim R. was really ranting on twitter last night. She really needs to stay away from social media & off TV.
  18. I agree with that the LVP gloating is a negative look. She is just as a manipulative, shit stirrer as the rest of the ladies. Funny thing is, she thinks she's getting the good edit this season.
  19. Kyle's vicious cujo moment to LVP to pick a lane spoke volumes and reminded me of good ole first season Kyle.
  20. So glad KMc is back. Anna & Robin scenes are always strong no matter the material. Loved the blatantly positioned water pitcher to hide Kimberly's pregnancy. Interesting to see if they let OJ and Robin interact at all given their history. Hopefully the writers will acknowledge that Dr. Robin has created a cure for plutonium poisoning AND brought people back from the dead.....so what's the reason she can't try to create a cure for her mother.
  21. Kenya, of course, was provoking Porsha. Just like all the ladies provoke each other. Nothing new there. But when Kenya asked Porsha if she got a certificate for completing anger management, I damn well spit out my sweet tea LOL.
  22. OMG, that was ridiculous! But, I really liked the way KMc played that scene. Her expression's were like, "Lady, don't touch me or my daughter!" And you know that wasn't on the page. That was all Kimberly. I am still waiting for Robin to have an interaction with Valentin.
  23. Nancy Lee Grahn must be desperate for a paycheck. Her storyline is just embarrassing. And I guess Robin and Emma took their invisible plane back to California. It probably will be a while before we see KMc again on the show. She probably wants to concentrate on her pregnancy.
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