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Everything posted by Hiacios

  1. I don't get the whole carny thing or what they are supposed to be other then fools. lol. Kailah was such a bad liar on the after show, trying to act like she didn't care about Dionne and what he does with his personal life. smh.
  2. I can't stand CeeJai and the way she always gets in Jenna's business, makes everything about race and yells all the damn time. smh. She is not going to make a good lawyer. lol.
  3. Exactly! But these people on here that are hating on Antonio just don't get it. lol.
  4. Ha, told you he wouldn't go home. lol.
  5. Yes!!! The right couple went home.
  6. God I hate Carrie Ann and her stupid stupid comments about Wanya. SMH.
  7. Antonio Brown & Sharna's dance was amazing!
  8. The first season of AYTO was the best, the 2nd one was good, but the 3rd season was just terrible.
  9. I don't think Bananas & Sarah will last long given that they hate each other and Bananas throwing the first challenge just to be an ass to Sarah. smh.
  10. I'm going with these 2 teams: KellyAnne and Jamie Briana and Brandon.
  11. Melissa was so detestable in this episode I don't even know where to start. SMH. I think Melissa is all about money and is going to pimp out her kids to get it, and that is the real reason she pulled her kids out of dance. All that crying she did was fake as hell!!!!!!!!!
  12. Paige will go home before Antonio does that is if he ever does go home. Paige is only better then the other female dancers because she is a dancer.
  13. The Team Beyonce dance wasn't good at all. lol.
  14. I know what there trying to pull by giving Team James Brown 2 9's. The judges did it because they want Team Beyonce to win so that Ginger and Paige have less of a chance to go home. SMH.
  15. That group dance was amazing!!!!!!! Team James Brown FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Even though I don't like Paige, I will admit that dance was the best of the night.
  17. I know right. smh. I guess Val is the new Derek. lol.
  18. I 100% agree with you. I guess that a lot of people on here don't watch football because if they did they would know that it is a team sport and you have to rely on your teammates a lot, and the same goes with dancing. Yes, they do reduce the amount of votes you get as each couple gets eliminated. I would know because I have been voting online for over 4 years. lol.
  19. I thought the same thing to. Last week when Sharna made that comment I immediately thought of how Antonio Brown would take it, and it turns out it made him want to take dancing more seriously and win that Mirror Ball trophy even more. :)
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