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Everything posted by Danag

  1. WOW. Religions are evil. If I were "Joe", I would play the game and visit the FAMILY at the compound PRETENDING to be making up my mind whether I want to come back.... I would try to persuade a couple of my siblings to run away with me so I could have some family with me. I can understand the loneliness Joe feels being in the outside world by himself. He's having a difficult time deciding whether he wants to go back and live the "misery loves company" world just so that he can live with his family, or stay outside, because he knows his father does NOT love him. It would be his siblings that would provide the emotional support that he desires. He knows the outside world is treating him better..... Joe CANNOT trust his father. He threw him out once, he'll do it again, but this time he'll take all of his money. I hope he stays strong
  2. WOW. This actually goes on in our country.... I noticed that these FDLS people have this "possessed" look in their eyes. They are totally brainwashed, by MEN who are physically stronger than they are. The life of abuse will go on with the daughter. Right now she feels "special" because she belongs to the higher order. Wait until she gets a 90 yo geezer for a husband and gets to be wife #8. At 13-14 she's old enough to be a mother?....What about school, career....life? WHERE are our authorities to break up this sick, abusive cult? I didn't know if I wanted to hug or slap these 2 women (Lizzy & Julie).
  3. You know. if you live near Mark, you can go to the courthouse and LOOK at the divorce file. The documents must be on file where they got divorced, and I'm assuming it was where Mark lives. I'll bet there is a lot of good stuff between him and his Filipino Ex. It's all public record. I looked up a couple myself....being nosy and all ;) You'd be surprised what juicy things you find in the divorce/marriage binders....lol
  4. This is the first time that I've read the Instagram from Elise. It must have been traumatic for her to realize that her father is so wacked and selfish; He chose a woman over his kids. Although Mark didn't need anyone's approval, he should have considered his kids feelings, too. Once you have children, you are a family. Elise is wise beyond her years. It's not fair that she had to endure all the ridicule on social media, about her sicko father. When Mark speaks about his children , it's almost with derision. He sounds resentful, and like they were a burden. Somehow, he didn't feel that the kids were his responsibility, too....physically or financially. There is an implication that it's a woman's job. WHY do I get this suspicion that his EX wife couldn't take it anymore, and left with the clothes on her back because EVERYTHING was HIS? And that is how he ended up with 4 kids. She may have thought that she had no rights being from another country....He sounds too bitter about taking care of the children (Elise has to hear it all the time, and she must feel terrible), and says that his Ex changed....well how long did he expect her to stay oppressed? I would really love to hear her side of the story.
  5. It was obvious that Mark, the PERV, was uncomfortable during the Tell All because he couldn't control all the situations.... Mark is definitely an emotional abuser. My guess is that ALL those 50 women that he dated, ran from him as soon as he opened his mouth. Unfortunately, Nikki doesn't have much choice now. She may as well take the FREE room and board until she gets her green card. Because that is all he's providing for her. She's in jail with a repulsive, sicko. After hearing that her father had legitimate concerns that Mark may not treat her right....He was right on the money. He had a gut feeling, so he wanted some reassurance from Mark. It sounds as though Mark promised to "take care" of her, but Nikki's father's definition was different than Marks. I don't think that Nikki's father would have approved the PRENUP. He probably thought that Mark would treat her like a trophy wife, with all the perks. Mark is an O-L-D goat, and knew how to manipulate a child, and a family in poverty....Nikki found herself in a tough spot and she couldn't go home at any cost, because her father would say "I told you so".... BTW- I believe that he bought that sports car to show off his eye candy, because HE loved that car, and HE and Nikki would look good in it. It's ALL about HIS feelings. Nikki cannot drive for a long time. He's FOS, and was trying to make himself look good on TV, as though he did it for Nikki....Oh, it is HIS car. He's a manipulative, controlling , cheapskate. Nikki gets zero.
  6. Mark is a PEVERT. Period. A few observations: 1. I wonder where the engagement came from. Did he rip it off his Ex's hand? Because you know EVERTHING is HIS. TLC did not show him shopping for it, and the camera follows them 24/7. That scene in the ocean with the two of them was vomit inducing. Ewww! He looked like a dirty old man with a child. 2. The fifty women he dated had issues, NOT HIM. Yeah, I'm buying that one (sarcasm)......I have this saying-it cannot always be the roommate! Meaning that when people share an apartment and go through several roommates, always claiming that the roommate was bad, they do not take ownership of their ISSUES, and their shortcomings. I have met people like that, and quickly surmised that it was THEM, not the roommates... I had 3 roommates for 12 years and we got along just fine, and couple of them were random people. WE parted because I was moving. 3. Nikki invested a lot of time here already. She moved away from her family and friends, and hopefully she'll be able to find her way around in the next few months so she can dump him once she has friends and a job. 4. The way he spoke of American women was very disrespectful....and so it goes back to the argument that he was looking to rob the cradle, and MOLD a young girl to be subservient. His actions are that of an emotional abuser. Period.
  7. I like both of them for different reasons. Josh is a nice kid, but I'm getting the feeling that his religion is very strict, to the point where he may snap and have a hidden dark side. Nobody can be a goody-two shoes all the time. Many "religious" people have an outside appearance, and another personality inside.... Aleks is too young to be married. I suspect that she always dreamt of marrying an American and to live in the US. Many Russian women want to do this. I know a few. Many complain the Russian men drink too much... They find American men more appealing and easy going, and they think US men have money. Aleks met Josh too soon, and I'm afraid she'll regret this marriage. No matter how well Josh will treat her, she may get tired of being tied down, and may find Mormonism too oppressive. Give her time to mature, and plant her feet firmly in the US, see the country..... She was not done sowing her oats, imo. When she says that she was bad, it doesn't mean the same as in America. She's referring to being out at night, and dancing, sort of partying. I know some Slavic women (Polish, Ukrainian, Russian...) and they talk that way. They use phrases that are kind of oxymoronic (it's like being a good person but appearing badly). It's difficult to explain. Aleks is using a simple translation of the word partying and enjoying herself, but she doesn't mean that she slept around, or did something immoral... But I guess once she met Josh, she had to stop everything because Mormons condemn many behaviors.
  8. Well, Mark isn't in love with Nikki. Me thinks that he's trying to relive his youth with a Filipino wife, but without children-HIS WAY. Sick. Most older men cherish the ground their younger girlfriends walk on. If he were, he wouldn't treat her the way he does. That is why all the people in the last episode couldn't believe that he wouldn't buy her the dress, or make her sign the one sided prenup, If you love someone, you care about their welfare. Mark doesn't. He's what I would call a personal sex trafficker. He has a thing for Filipino women....and she happens to be one of THEM. She had no clue that he's a user and an abuser....and it is for those reasons that I hope she sticks it out a little longer (K-1 stipulation time)until she can leave. Being 19, she may not know how to cook. I'm sure he's working on training her.... He must have been selling himself hard online to her over the past couple of years. He reeled her in. She probably thought that he would be her prince charming, but once she got here she saw the controlling, selfish *rick that he is, and now it's too late. She left her country, her family, friends, and has no one to talk to. I would be more than sullen....Yep, men accuse women of nagging, being bitchy.... BUT what is their part IN IT?
  9. I feel badly for Nikki and Aleks. Those two girls are too young to be married. They haven't experienced life. I won't be surprised if we see divorces within 2 years. Aleks thought that she was too young to get married. Somehow I think she'll wake up from the Mormon clutches....it's just a matter of time. I think that Nikki is in a desperate situation. She already invested several months with this creep. IMO, Mark is an emotional abuser. He cares about HIS needs to be met, on his terms, and on his schedule. He is trying to have Nikki pay for what happened with his EX. My suspicion is that he treated his Ex the same way and she had no recourse, but to leave him, because we know the house was HIS. She was probably a stay at home mom with no income. Abusers go hot and cold, and that would explain giving her a the red car one day, and controlling her the next...Can't change the stripes on a Zebra (Mark). He is breaking Nikki's spirit. I hope she can hang in there, until she can leave and have a decent life. God knows she's paying for it. You never know, an opportunity can come of being on TLC TV. As for signing the prenup....it looked to me as though it was signed under duress. He threatened to send her back. It's blackmail. She's completely dependent on him, she cannot work, drive, or anything until this K-1 Visa time passes. The douche knows this and he's taking advantage of timing. I got news for him. It's only a matter of time that Nikki will find the strength, rebel and leave him. Just like his EX...
  10. Why is Mark not interested in American women? Is it perhaps because typically Filipino women are known for being submissive, caretakers, and housekeepers? I have known a couple of women like that, and men loved that about them. American women were too outspoken, and independent for them. I cannot believe that in the entire US , a 58 yo man could not find a woman good enough, but had to steal a "child" from Philippines . He wants to mold her to be his slave? Me thinks the Ex had to leave "his" house, and not that she left him with children. She probably had no choice. I'd like to hear her story. The other thing is that WHY does he think that it wasn't his job to raise the children? Was it only hers? You can read between the lines what type of creep he really is. I'm sure that Nikki has her agenda, but I don't find her particularly materialistic. She should be demanding a huge diamond by now. He probably charmed her at first just to get her interested , and once she took the bait, he switched. The sports car was probably just for TV. She doesn't have a license. As for her dirty hair....when I was 19, my hair would get greasy 8 hours after I washed it. Besides, the camera is rolling 24 hours a day, so TLC is trying to show us the juicy moments, and if they happen before she showers, she may have greasy hair. Just sayin.
  11. 1. Nikki is a child. She made a bad choice, and now she has to "finish the job". I'm guessing that she will be with Mark until the necessary time will be up. I believe they have to be married for 2 years before she will earn the right to stay in the US. She can get divorced then, and in the meantime she can be doing her homework on how to get away from a PIG and how to make it on her own.....so she's ready when the time comes. The way Mark treats her is despicable. He's controlling, cheap, narcissistic.... Women should take notice, because he will be single real soon. Mark is delusional thinking that Nikki wants him. His stiff o-l-d bones, and low hanging testicles make me want to puke. 2. As nice as Josh is, I think Aleksandra will get tired of Rexburg married life. She feels old already. Yep, that type of lifestyle can do that to you. It can get boring and depressing. I hope she doesn't think that "Rexburg" represents USA. She needs to go to NYC, or some larger city and DANCE. She needs to leave live a little before she gets preggers. I think she likes Josh, but she's way too young to be playing house. I don't see them together in the long run, UNLESS Josh moves Aleksandra to a better place, closer resembling a larger European city, so she can live and not wither away in some God forsaken hole. 3. Maybe Kyle and Noon will make it. The other couples will NOT.
  12. Radiologists don't have nice personalities that is why they go into Radiology. They love to have the Radiology Techs doing everything for them. They actually do not like people. This is the least "patient friendly" doctor career. Poor Meghan. She's in for a tough life. It's going to be all about HIM.
  13. Me thinks Aleksandra will get tired of "religion". I mean there IS life other than obsessing with religion. You can pray to God and still have a great, normal, fun life. Living like this Mormon family is like being in jail. She's waking up to the fact that she's too young to get married. The reason why some of these CULTS make people marry early in life is because they want them to be pure. What a crock!
  14. I watch some of these shows for the shock value, because I'm shocked how the "subjugation of women" continues into the 21Century.... Where are the shows that show strong, educated, independent women? -we have "Arranged" where women are 2nd class citizens. -we have 90 Day Fiance where mostly MEN go to foreign countries to get themselves a subservient woman. They are showing that IF American women won't comply they will be easily replaced by a sweet, obedient, sex kitten.... -then we get angry, spoiled "Housewives of.....in America" where all the women do is sit around, fight, get Botox, nails, hair, makeup and NO brain cells to rub together.... -oh, let's not forget when a NH voter asked Hillary Clinton to iron his shirt (2008 Election). Seriously?
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