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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. 40 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

    The only truly fair way to have a Survivor player like Cirie on BB is to have the whole cast be former Survivor players, preferably on her level of skill. That, or a mix of Survivor players and BB vets. Putting a Cirie with full-stop newbies just isn't fair, even if the game is technically different.

    And just for good measure, they put her son in there too. With no other pairs. 

    • Like 13
  2. 4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    Hisam named his top 3 targets as Cameron, Matt, and Reilly. Also blah blah blah something about integrity in their HoH that really sounds like a blossoming case of HoH-itis.

    Not a tremendous shock from the person who highly/mightily said they couldn’t use the POV because they “could never choose between” two players they’d have to choose between two days later.

    • LOL 6
  3. 8 hours ago, T Summer said:

    I also provided the dialogue  from the scene that included  "lets just get it over with" and I explained where the addition of the word lets in that context makes a difference (to me anyway).

    Her three best friends (who have supported many horrible things she's said/done) didn't seem to think the addition of "let's" made a difference: 


    8 hours ago, T Summer said:

    Miranda made a major career change by going to a smaller law firm where she could have more flexibility in her schedule, so she could be a more involved mother.

    I have to disagree here that she left her firm because she wanted to be more involved with Brady. Getting to "be there" more was a side effect of her leaving her firm, but really she left because they were dismissive of her and even gave her big client away to a male colleague the day of Brady's science fair.  

    • Like 4
  4. Miranda bitched about Brooklyn a billion times, and she was far from a doting mother.  

    In the whole series, I can barely remember a time she was genuinely excited to have Brady.  Maybe the school competition that she blew off work to get to (late.)

    It wasn’t a nice thing for him to say, but he was more right than wrong. 

    On 7/25/2023 at 1:07 PM, T Summer said:

    No one EVER said Steve and Miranda hadn't had sex in a year. He said during his confession you and I hadn't had sex in a really long time.

    She tells the girls it was six months of no sex prior to the “Let’s just get it over with.”

    Then at the start of AJLT I believe she says it’s been a year, possibly “years.”  

    • Like 5
  5. On 8/7/2023 at 7:43 PM, MrBuhBye said:

    Supposedly she was in Romania for three weeks.

    Week 1 they couldn't have sex because they were fighting.  Week 2 they couldn't have sex because she didn't approve of blood on the sword, and because they were fighting.  Week 3 they couldn't have sex because he wants to come to America.  And they were fighting.  

    • LOL 6
  6. 18 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

    Love how this grown ass man who was perfectly capable of flying alone to Barbados during Covid lockdown needed to have not one, but two sisters come with him to Denver.

    Like his sisters would be willing to miss this excrapaganza!?

    20 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    I keep waiting for her face to melt.

    It may still.  I'm getting "Madame Tussaud's version of Megan Fox." 

    • LOL 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

    It looked like they were going into his checked bag. I mean, they sell pringles in Colorado, no need to stash them in the luggage like a Cali delicacy 🤪

    When he and Carmella are taking a breather from their passionate love affair, no one’s going to want to put their clothes on to go shopping. Amateurs.

    • LOL 7
  8. 6 hours ago, Chalby said:

    Remember in her TH she said Christian texted her right afterwards, and asked her what she told the producers. When she told him that she said they had sex, he admitted to saying they fooled around and he got to second base. When she asked him "Why would you do that? Why would you say that?" He mentioned keeping some stuff between them.

    So I think she's being very truthful and Christian, for whatever reason, doesn't want the world to know what happened when they were alone.

    I think I'll need to hear the other side of this story, since it's all according to Cleo right now and I just don't trust Cleo at all.  She's generally full of shit.   

    This is a person who talked about how she can't be in loud places and needs headphones and a lanyard to walk through the streets in her intro... but hasn't needed her headphones or lanyard since her intro.  A bar only became "too much" for her when her boyfriend started talking to the girls next to them.  She'll hit the busiest cafes in town to meet her extremely validating friends- or stand right on a busy corner waiting to be hugged and told to stop crying.  Not to worry Jane, there wasn't a tear in sight before during or after that hug.

    • Like 4
    • Applause 2
    • Useful 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Hellohappylife said:

    I seriously for the life of me can’t understand what exactly meisha see’s in Nicola.

    The thought process went something like "Must be on TV again! 40 Year Old Virgin Godbotherer is best chance at being cast. Primetimer people will hate him and love me.  A win is a win." 

    1 hour ago, Hellohappylife said:

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall to watch the reactions of Gino’s family,coworkers  etc when they have to suffer like us learning that information no one asked for or wanted. 

    Jasmine's playing the long game.  She knows cousin "Dana" will be won over once she hears there was ejaculation.

    • Like 2
    • LOL 4
  10. 42 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    Tyray doesn’t get it.  Cat fishers generally don’t use their own or someone they know’s pictures so there is no blow back if they get caught out.   The woman whose photos were used probably agreed to meet him to be on television and promote herself…if she is an escort, this is good advertising.  

    Not to mention what Sharp is probably paying her to appear.

    • Like 5
  11. 15 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    And somehow she thinks they made love-- or at least she said that, though her face and Christian's face and explanation didn't excude any sort of happiness. And Christain said they didn't have sex. I sort of feel like it is Cleo that is lying, but I'm not sure why. I'm also not sure why Cleo being trans is that big of a deal-- like excusing Christian because he hasn't been with a trans woman before. He knows Cleo, and what to expect. He needs to catch up and stop using it as an excuse to be weird and emotionally unavailable, IMO.

    First I need to say I find neither person in this couple likeable in the least.  Huge miss for me, casting wise.  

    And while they both strike me as wannabes/posers and completely inauthentic about nearly everything either of them says... I feel like they were both telling the truth here originally. 

    Sure one or both could have cleared this all up for production by flat out describing exactly what happened during sexytimes, but neither did.  I think that's fine?  Frankly if Christian were in the kitchen being sloppy with Cleo's not-nearly-enough-for-2 egg carton and spitting "Yeah I [action]ed her [body part] and she finished me off with a [object] in the [orifice], so you could say we hit a few bases" I would think he was a total dirtbag and tear him a new asshole today (via GIF, of course.)  And I wouldn't like Cleo much for doing the same if she had gone into the private details on camera. 

    I'm going to disagree with Cleo's assertion that Christian's a gaslighter (a word that gets thrown around a lot when two people disagree about something) or that he's trying to keep their relationship a secret and hide her because she's trans and disabled.  He's on fucking television, Cleo.  He'd have to be the Wile E. Coyote of transphobe ableists to drop this large of an anvil on himself. 


    • Like 9
  12. On 7/22/2023 at 11:57 AM, iMonrey said:

    There aren't any branches though so it's basically just a very tall pole. I don't think a bear could shimmy up something like that, hence the ladder. That said, yeah, birds and squirrels can definitely get up there.

    This- and they scrape the bark off  so there’s not a whole lot to grab onto (making the ladder the most reliable way to access it.)

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