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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. 1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

    He told me not to say…He’s going to be so mad…He’s the only one I have left.

    You see this as playing a victim, I see it as being a victim.  This is how a narcissist makes their supply feel.

    1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

    It couldn’t have been that bad for her since she sent him a letter, and then a postcard, and then spoke to him at least twice on the phone.

    Lots of women who it was “that bad” and worse for continued to reach out to and stay with men who abused them. Trauma bonding. 

    I’m just never going to believe Raquel wasn’t led like a lamb to slaughter here by a raging narc who knew she was too fragile for the backlash.  I hate him.


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  2. 15 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I have no problem laughing at these people and even at myself for watching them but this video is sad to me. I’m sure she’ll suffer more than him. She was wrong doing her friend like that but as an older man he should have had the balls to break up with Ariana first. I believe he enjoyed the sneaking around and now that he’s been busted, he’s already not as into Raquel if at all.

    And has no issue throwing her right under a bus.  While they’re both guilty of the affair-

    She’s Pinky, he’s Brain.  He’s Scar, she’s Ed the hyena.



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  3. 7 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Sandoval is a delusional predator. I truly don’t believe he was always THIS bad. 

    I think Raquel’s parents should have supervised and should be supervising her much more. If she is in fact developmentally delayed, someone needs to protect her. 

    I feel like her parents do try to do that (ie her Dad picking her up from reunions instead of hopping into a T&LC like everyone else) but we're not going to see much of it- and without a guardianship which is really hard to qualify for if someone's not an imminent danger to themselves/others their hands are going to be tied. For all intents and purposes, she's an adult.    

    Ariana and Scheana (her two "friends") both refer to her as someone they took care of, took in, etc.  When have we ever heard them say "Raquel was really there for me when _____ happened" or "Raquel got me through some tough times", never) I genuinely believe that Scheana/Ariana/James wanted to take care of her and knew her limitations, (James even stopped drinking for her, wanted to marry her and take care of her like he couldn't take care of his mom...) but now their feelings of betrayal and their anger have blinded them to what they knew about her all along. 

    She's a person who needs to be taken care of.  It seems like everyone knows this (even though Lala and Katie have both hated her from the jump, they are both quick to announce that nothing is going on upstairs at any opportunity because they're two evil hags.) 

    Tom Sandoval decided "This is a great person for me to fuck behind Ariana's back.  Then I'll tell her to lie about it to the whole world and everyone she knows, because if she ever turns on me she doesn't have the bandwidth to defend herself, and everyone else who would have defended her will be directly hurt and hate her." 

    There isn't a cliff short enough for Tom to talk a long walk off of, for me.  

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  4. 2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Watching some old seasons over the last few weeks and leading up to this reunion makes me chuckle at the outrage of these people. To sum it up cheating is okay as long as you aren’t a close friend.

    The most frustrating thing about Scandoval for me is the way Lala/Scheana/Katie/James/Ariana think they're good people now with the sole explanation "I'm not Tom or Raquel."

    They are literally all the worst.

    23 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    The woman these two destroyed was laughing it up with her sex partner afterwards. 

    She was getting rewarded from her narcissist boyfriend directly afterwards.  Then she had a mental breakdown in a solo confessional where she confirmed she will be all alone if Tom leaves her and she hates that he makes her lie (but not like a woman who realizes her boyfriend is evil hates it, more like a child whose dad makes her lie about him drinking hates it.) Then she went to a mental health facility for what's going on three months while said boyfriend sings "Stacy can't you see Raquel is not the girl for me" with his shitty band and finds his next supply/victim while everyone doubts she's even there. 

    Sad to say but I think Raquel's on her way to being a real tragedy.   


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  5. 26 minutes ago, Quof said:

    You may want to have a look at the internet sleuthing

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    at just how short that time period was.

    Considering how my anecdote was about the doctor who tells my wife I died taking her out for coffee, that doesn't change much for me personally :)  


    Not only was he really most sincerely dead, there's some other sleuthing that tells me


    Jason was the kind of guy who moved on from relationships quickly, too.



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