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Posts posted by Drogo

  1. 6 minutes ago, Thalia said:

    A few minutes ago I listened to part of Taran Armstrong's BB Youtube podcast.  He played a video clip of the conversation between America and Hisam that is the basis of their dispute over the word "leftovers."  

    Hisam said that Reilly, et al had formed a group and everyone else in the house was "left over."  

    As they said on the podcast, this leaves Hisam with an argument, dammit.  He could, and probably say that while the word "leftovers" is subjective and has a negative* connotation, "left over" is more objective and simply stated a fact.  

    I see what he's saying buttttt.... an argument is only worth anything if people want to hear it. 

    And realistically, it's not the semantics that have him in trouble- it's that calling them 'the leftovers' OR 'what was left over from Reilly's alliance" gives the impression that he was not happy with the group he inadvertently found himself in (true), was willing to abandon them if a better/younger opportunity presented itself (true), and didn't hold any of them or their opinions in medium-to-high regard, not even the Survivor All-Star (true.)   

    As Ser Bronn of the Blackwater so eloquently put it, Hisam:  "There's no cure for being a ____." 

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  2. 42 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

    I thought the interpreter was a bit rude when she asked about the grunts etc. If she is fluent in ASL, which we know she is, I would expect she has spent time around deaf people.

    For that, she's a good interpreter - she's just supposed to translate and not put her two cents in.  Lots of interpreters (not just the family/friend kind either) fall short in this regard on 90DF; the subtitles tell us the direct translation and there they are giving a sugar-coated or consolidated version to the recipient.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

    Should I just refrain from reporting those conversations?

    Don't you dare.  We need this. 

    6 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

    I feel like I'm not being very helpful.

    Yes you are. 

    6 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

    I think it might be better to NOT say anything than to speculate.

    But that's what we DO that's what we LIVE FOR 



    I don't watch the feeds but I love catching up on them here so I can see hints of actual gameplay (what they discuss during the week) and not be completely blown away by how stupid their actual nom/POV/eviction actions are. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

    He is used to people looking at him as a god or something, being ready to do whatever they are told by him.

    Maybe our first clue that he was an egomaniac was his being a doctor moonlighting as a cabaret dancer.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Breedom said:

    I hope that she had/has a nurturing upbringing with her adoptive family. I don't remember what she said during her introduction.

    One of the only things I remember from Statler's intro was her saying that a lot of people think they have ADHD but she "REALLY has it." 

  6. In case you missed this week's episode because Mercury was in the microwave, here's a quick visual recap! 



















    VIOLET: 200.gif












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  7. 5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    After, Jared talks to Izzy. He wishes he had never started with Blue. He knows he should break it off, but she’s falling hard and he doesn’t want to hurt her. He also doesn’t want to hurt his person at home. (Too late for that, if she has any self esteem.) 

    Blue keeps pushing for more, and he doesn’t know what to do. Of course he won’t do anything, but… he just wishes it had never happened. But when you’re missing your person at home so much, and you find someone else you connect with, it’s so easy to fall into that.

    Izzy understands. Cirie is that person for her. WHAT? Have I been missing some Izzy/ Cirie hammock snuggling?

    This gives “your mom” comebacks a whole new flavor.

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