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  1. You can tell it’s scripted...when the Italian mom and daughter follow the sister on her date. They are at a bowling alley and they are the only ones there....plus the sister doesn’t see the camera crew up there?!?
  2. So Bam decides to go find a wife on a journey in the lower 48. At least they are acknowledging that if Ami wants grand babies...she better hope her kids go off and find spouses. One thing...if they have to do all this stuff just to pay for a small skiff. Where is Bam getting money to travel the lower 48? (Yes...I know the answer.)
  3. I wonder if they could use the landing ship to go to the head of the bay...pick up the cows and then drop them off by the beach near the farm.
  4. So they had the finale tonight. A couple of things.. -so Shane and his wife go to see the doctor and ask how long does she have if she gets sick...the doc says hours to days. They get all concerned that they are so in the bush that they might not be able to get to a hospital in time. Really?!? I think the whole moving to the homestead was BS. -Just can't imagine Atz Lee wanting to move to this cabin...where is his family going to stay? He has at least two kids...that cabin is too small. -Regarding the cattle drive....really nobody can help Otto and Charlotte? Where was everyone?
  5. I heard somewhere that Bam is married....Anyone else hear that?
  6. Had a couple of questions for anyone that lives or has been to Alaska. In the show last night Atz was complaining how when he was a little kid you opened your door and their were moose, bear and deer right there. Now with global warming they have to go to some of the distant islands to hunt. My question is this. Could it more likely be that this game was over hunted and that since they live 10-15 min from Homer, AK and that their are so many people living in the area? This is not a dispute about whether Global Warming exists....Just the fact that I don't buy it's the reason wildlife is not that available anymore near them. Also, that boat Eiven built could not have been cheap.
  7. Why is Ashleigh on this show? She is a former drug addict...now in a prison filled with drug users. Also leaving her baby.
  8. How did she move to Italy? I know immigration to European countries are very stringint.
  9. Going back a few weeks to the girl going to vet school in Scotland. I watched the episode with my daughter who just spent a semester abroad in London. She was dying watching the episode. She wants to move back to the UK. So seeing this girl in Scotland and showing her being so blaise about it..just pissed my daughter off. Lol
  10. With regards to the Broome episode. Thanks for explaining she married an Australian. Was trying to figure out how an American with no job to sponsor her was able to move and find a job to Australia. Their immigration laws are very tough.
  11. Finally saw the episode where the London episode where the women wanted a Virginia Woolf home. The Virginia Woolf experience can be attained just by living in the UK.
  12. Glad I am not the only one who was creeped out by the mom and son in Ecuador. Graphic designer...musician...looked liked he is unemployed and mooching off mom.
  13. Thought the same thing about the two houses. They were way below budget. How much could it be to connect the houses?
  14. Did anyone catch Tiny House Hunters the other night? It was about a couple from Florida with two kids who want to downsize. So they end up getting a shipping container. Just cannot see how a family of four could sleep or even fit in the container. The two beds are single or twin size. They put the container in their backyard of their house which is up for sale. They say they don't use the house...just seems too small for a family of four. Never mind...just read the previous post showing he owned the business with the containers. Calling BS on the whole episode. Cannot believe the producers allowed this. It also explains why they didn't show his last name...but, showed hers.
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