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Everything posted by SoupThrower

  1. I don't know why but when Kelly tells Brandon that she loves him and he's just like "Yeah ummm...bye" it was glorious. She dumped him and tried to back with him twice. Valerie, really? I mean I like Val but all of this blowing up on her face to make Kelly like her in the first place. You deserve it for a stupid plan in the first place and then just giving a shit later on. Even David didn't care and I think he got shit stolen. I just think that pimping him out was the last straw. Dealing with her fascination with Colin, her getting arrest and then secretive. Probably sick of her shit. Then she moves on next episode, so whatever. Did he actually tell people? But hey get single white female from rehab next episode. Glorious.
  2. Oh Donna...Why? Did David give back the tray? I feel that's important.
  3. Well it won't make a difference for like everyone but Brandon and David and the former would bray but then get over it quickly and the latter as shown in the next episode really didn't give a shit.
  4. Ginger has always been her. I also remember her in Sabrina the Teenaged Witch too.
  5. Ooooh Brandon, Steve and Jonathan....Oh boy. I mean Brandon did get a lot better at the end but geez. All the guys were bad except for David who basically didn't believe Kellys bullshit and been working out I guess? Also to be fair on Kelly. When I was in college they did do attendance. In some classes at least. Lol Colin and talent. The episode was really cringy. Bring on Ginger.
  6. Arnold Arnold. Oh boy. Colin's paintings suuuuuck so baaaaad. Like couldn't they hire a competent artist to paint and just pretend it's Colin's? David got them muscles.
  7. While Steve, Claire and David was like no story lines. "Internet in a box" - Top tier line. Also Brandon sucks sooooo bad. And it sucks that David is like 2nd choice to Colin. Like he is a better choice by far. Come on Val. I didn't know there were several types of traffic schools.
  8. Mont Blanc pens are pretty decent to right with but damn bird works since having to keep it safe and stuff. Never had one though, so idk
  9. Ta-ta like bye for now type of stuff. Kellys dad is the worst. Like wow. Brandon leaving the note like sneaking I in is something I would do. I mean Susan's ex is being a jerk. I found Claire more judgey than David. Though he is right about Kellys choice in guys. So there's that. Kelly with her father is freaky. Both don't behave like the dynamic should be.
  10. Joe with a cane seems right? He looks too old to be a college quarterback
  11. I feel like Brandon while a dumbass, somehow gets the whole "We're connected in ways you don't understand" quite a lot. Also Susan, surely he (Jonathan) has issues if he can't find a date or find someone to go with to be more subtle. Susan enabling and Brandon is a dumbass too. Kelly is the worst. Steve's brothers are bad, David playing 2nd fiddle to Colin when it comes to Valerie and geez Kelly. Like you knew he takes drugs and questioned him several times about this while he had a cougar giving him art supplies or something. Why? Why is Colin important? Why? But we get Coke Kelly. Yay!!!
  12. Joe's gift to Donna sucks. Valerie's gift to David sucks. How does Kelly not notice that her bf is high especially when he had this problem before. Some psych major and didn't even learn from her mother and her brother. Seriously what the hell does David do? I mean other than noticing someone's high, what does he do?
  13. Guess Brandon slept on the couch. Brandon's got the parents room and Strawberry got Brandon's old room
  14. That's why it was so good. It was so normal. I'm surprised they didn't go with Donna being jealous or Kelly hating that her brother and enemy are together
  15. Kelly being cheated on while makes me laugh but cause it is Kelly, Brandon gets shit thrown at him while nothing happened while Kelly cheats.
  16. A guy that you kissed and have a close relationship and she bidded $600 for time with him? Don't blame him at all. Also what a shitty Christmas present. As someone who is of black heritage. this pissed me off. Donna pissed me off so much. Joe not so much because considering what we know about him it is part for him being ignorant. But god damn Donna.... Also Brandon's gambling. I'm cool with it. It sucks how over the top Nat went. The money is going to charity. Let him waste his. Also Brian and Kathleen doing their thing. I like David and Val but alwayws felt David was second rung to Colin. At least David and Clare tougether weren't like that for the most of it.
  17. We have one of those letter cutters thingies at home.
  18. Wait. How would Steve Young know about Joe's court case stuff?
  19. To be fair on David being a pill. What story lines does BAG get? I would be moody like if I have to do basically nothing and have shitty story lines. Plus I get with Dylan gone, so one has to be moodyish. All he even did this episode was tell Valerie that she did a great job, sleep with Valerie and ordered cans. Kelly is the worst. Who at age 20ish rides on a trolley like that? Basically warps her cheating on Brandon so not to ruin Dylan and Brandon's friendship and basically lecturing Donna about sex and those awkward questions to Brandon. She was keen to move towards Brandon with Colin out of town. I can give any of the main characters a pass except for her. Donna's "Heeeng" is worse than Baby voice Kelly. Just a tad though. Also it has to be that Joe is a virgin, so we can continue with Donna is a virgin for another whole season....yay....
  20. Of course manufactured drama with Val and David cause stuff. Condor stuff was boring, and I can buy Brandon being a little depressed. His friend left after his wife got murdered and Brandon saw the body, so I don't know.
  21. I mean the fake tan adds to the worseness. She kind of looks like an Oompa Loompa
  22. I would prefer David going with Valerie to Buffalo but you're works too. Cause I really don't like David and Donna. Eh.
  23. Lol I do that sometimes.... Not much to say about the episode but kind of crazy that this was the last time Brandon and Dylan shared screentime. Also Joe is dull. Broke up with his fiancee cause she was wild? What? Dammit Joe. You're too short to be a proper quarterback.
  24. I thought that Susan would have at least heard of Andrea. I saw it as him just bummed out that his house and friends have moved away rather than him complaining that she left. Val and David basically weren't involved in this episode I guess because of next. This is the last episode where we see Brandon and Dylan together. Geez
  25. Yeah but aliens at least there is some scientific basis that someone like her could believe but tarot cards? Just seems like a shift.
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