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Everything posted by SoupThrower

  1. How does a club go from the Flaming Lips to failure without Ray? Makes no sense.
  2. I kind of disagree with that. If it were my friend, I would help them as much as possible. Helping friends are important especially with something as big as that and I would take it as my problem/my responsibility. Anyway David gets his own storyline for the first time in a long time and Donna gets most of the shots. Poor Brian. But he solves stuff with 'Squash it' so it works out in the end. Did they skip the scene where David tells Donna that if Ray does anything to hurt her, she should tell him or something. I think they would have cause music rights.
  3. I guess she didn't trust Donna. I mean who could blame her. Donna tried to rescue a deer in the middle of the road. Felice liked David when he wasn't dating Donna, at least I recall.
  4. To be fair he didn't know they were roommates and didn't go for it until they had the okay. Donna can't be jealous apparently. I mean how does she not care that her ex-boyfriend that the cheated on her was dating her roommate and then dated the girl who slept with Donna's boyfriend. How do you not get annoyed or jealous on that? Anyway shows like that will have interdating cause of the obvious I guess.
  5. There wasn't any PPAD stuff in those episodes, right? So it would be there. They were a good chunk of episodes, you had Susan in her love triangle, Valerie getting blackmailed which basically destroyed her relationship, and you had Coke up Kelly. Good chunk.
  6. I agree on the Priestley thing. This is the period when we get funny Brandon or at least not as annoying jerk like Brandon. Especially when he gets drunk and is banter with Ziering in Palm Springs. It's like after Kelly ditches him, he has a new lease on life. Plus it is funny to see what happens when he loses the election.
  7. I mean how would anyone care about Clare and David breaking up if we never got to see much of it. I feel like all these episodes lead to the amazing episode where we get 'Squash It". Also Kelly cheated on Dylan with John Sears and cheated on Dylan with Brandon and then later cheats on Brandon with Dylan. She needs more coke. Also Donna's hair....Geez.
  8. Even Donna said Clare would be "soon to be my ex-roommate." She's really been annoying with this Ray thing. He's not going to grow playing at one little club the whole time. I did snicker when David calls her out. It is kind of true even if it was major harsh.
  9. Oh Donna and Clare's hair. Oh Ray's mom is gross on several levels. David's hair looks like the most normal college look. When I was in college like not too long ago, that hairstyle was frequent in a way. At least when he was talking to Lenny and had that joke and he did get rid of the earrings.
  10. So basically Brandon admitted that his role is kind of useless. About time. Also is this the first time that David and Valerie actually talked to each other on screen?
  11. Yep. But she stuffed that up. Is this the start of the Dylan Kelly soulmates crap?
  12. And to add. Val told the plan to David and he really didn't care about her looking like a hero. It was either $50000 or sleeping with David who was confused why Ginger would want to doink him. So in short Val stuffed up and really stuffed up. Yeah. She has some weird fantasies. Also how the hell did Floofy even get through to her at the telethon?
  13. Val made some eyes at Ray in the scenes that have been cut. So if they weren't cut they would make some sense. But they cut those scenes, so yeah. Valerie and her 'evil' plans are like one of the best absurd things on the show until the 2nd Ginger incident.
  14. Dad Sweater Guy dancing to Jade was hilarious. Also the best part was that Walter Chang was in this episode. Him and Silverado grooving to Jade. David Silver and Walter Chang should have been a couple of episodes like Lois Lane and Jimmy Olson. Wasn't a nice sight seeing Donna and Ray in bed. It was pretty gross.
  15. The only thing I remember from this episode is David telling Steve basically that Ariel gave him an STD and was like "It's your body." and Steve was like "Yes, it is." That's really all I remember. Oh and Clare sounding disappointed when she knew there was history between Ariel and David. I'm surprised that she knew that David cheated on Donna but didn't know it was with Ariel or the details about it. Too bad we don't get to see Jonesy until later when Valerie dates David. Also shut up Kelly and Dylan.
  16. To be fair. Kevin and Suzanne would have known Donna and Kelly especially Kelly. The only characters that could have been used would have been like David, Clare and Steve.
  17. I got Brandon and I'm sadly not surprised. Brandon is a jerk then again so am I. Yeah, could be worse. Just counting the moments until we have Brandon free from Kelly. I would have expected out of all the characters to have Donna or Dylan in a cult especially if you go by early seasons. I would have felt that Erica would have probably turn up a good place if Dylan didn't 'rescue' her and dump at Iris.
  18. I think this is the point where Kelly passes Brandon as the worst. Brandon was on song correctly but shouldn't have called Val's mother and just told Kelly that he did. He proved how petty Kelly actually was correctly.
  19. I love how when it is Kelly v. Val it is always Brandon taking Val's side most of the time. The worst thing she did was like string Steve along. That's it. Also yeah Donna has heard Ray play in a cut scene with the fire episodes. But David and Clare haven't. Donna and Kelly irked bad this episode. The latter especially.
  20. David and Clare are like the most normal couple on the show, I think ever. I'm going by the idea that everyone is drunk doing these roles to make them get through it. So that's why they aren't drinking more, I guess.
  21. Ahhh Wings. Too bad he isn't in many episodes. Donna's crying face like is just too funny. Also those bangs. Shut up Jesse. I would take David playing the piano than David rapping by a long, long, long margin.
  22. We are so close. Looked at the episodes and Priestley directed the one she got into the cult. I think she wears the bandages until Dylan has those crappy Western dreams.
  23. David and Clare are supposed to be the youngest. Donna and Dylan I think are supposed to be the oldest two. So somethingetching about Donna being able to vote when the whole Sue Gil thing happened 2 seasons ago.
  24. Steve, Brandon, Donna, Ray, Andrea and Jackie. Geez really. Really really really bad. Also add in Erica cause Erica. Jesse's glorious moment but his point still sadly rings 100% today. And with that David is now a supporting character. Congrats Brian Austin Green. You've gone from being a main character involved in storylines to basically having none at all. Get that $$$ for a couple of lines. Living the dream. Best part is that the next episode cuts half of what he does cause music rights for Christmas music.
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