52 -
86 Excellent-
If this had happened on screen instead of what we got I would have been happy. Actually I would have laughed hysterically for an hour and then started writing fan fiction. As it is I mourned for two hours ranting and raving about how horrible JF is at writing and then started writing and reading fan fiction.
Thank you for this, I really needed a good laugh at the moment. That photo is really weird even if they are just trying to show how Talbot feels isolated or unable to fit in. They could have positioned him on Mary's left, even with the parasol IMO.
Maybe it's just my Brary goggles but I think Tom and Mary look good together, maybe not in a they are so gorgeous together, but in a they make a nice respectable couple. Also at this point, after so many scenes together, I just can't imagine them without the other.
So true. I chocked on my drink when I read that. LOL
IMO Tom is her Carey Grant even if his love is only platonic. And this is why I love Mary even if she is a nasty scheming jealous b**** And this is why I don't think that Mary's wedding was a 'happy ending'
I agree! I got the same feeling as well. I was ROFL at this comment. It really does look like that in the picture, you described it perfectly.
I agree that Downton is an ensemble. I think the problem is that JF started adding characters who don't really serve a purpose other than comic relief. (Spratt and Denker) And IMO if JF showed how Talbot was good and right for Mary instead of having everyone tell her (and the audience) how perfect he was and how in luurve they were and gave him more character development than "I love CARS and Mary" and/or actually stuck with what we saw in S5 CS (I saw that he was observant when he asked Mary all those questions about Sinderby's mistress and little boy and that he could keep up with her but then JF has him make that gold digger comment to Mary on the stairs which had me yelling at the screen "It's the CARS you daft [and IMO creepy] man) I could have swallowed their romance. Because even though I am a Brary shipper at the beginning of series 6 I was resigned to the fact that Talbot was endgame and so I was hoping that JF would get me invested into their romance or at least happy for them as he did with Rose/Atticus and as he has with Edith/Bertie. As it is I felt as if it was shoved down my throat and I can either keep it down or not. I also agree that JF should have just stuck to his guns instead of being so indecisive about who Mary should end up with in series 4 and 5 and then throwing shaving cream on half the fandom this series. Because IMO he really did. He threw it on the Evelyn fans with that 10 second clip, he threw it on the Thomas fans when he barely dealt with his suicide attempt, he threw it on the Mary fans who feel that she is better than that, he threw it on the Tom fans when he gave him no storyline outside of Mary, and he threw it on the Edith Fans since he hasn't given her a happy ending (Although she really did come out better than Mary in that episode.). I do have to say that the actors (especially AL, MD, and LC) really did shine this series with what they were given. Thank you for sharing your opinion Eolivet.
I would have loved to see this!
I know that we still have the CS but I want to know how you would have ended the show. Please post your ideas. I don't care if it is a crackfic idea (like Robert getting eaten by a T-Rex) or even if Mary still gets with Henry at the end because I know, from what I have seen, that you guys would actually make it believable.
I agree!
I would have loved to see that but that just goes to show how much potential JF just left there by the wayside.
But did Mary really ruin Marigold's future? All she did was tell Bertie (which in no way justifies any of Mary's actions but as I said in a previous post they were all taken over by aliens IMO in this episode, except for Bertie actually. I think he was the only one who didn't tell Mary to marry Talbot or express his opinion on the matter.) who I don't think is going to announce to the whole world that Marigold was born out of wedlock wether he marries Edith or not. Mary didn't tell Talbot about Pamuk and Gillingham because she is not really in love with him. She only married Talbot because Aliens brainwashed her and Tom told her too.
And here I was thinking that some of the blame would fall on the executive producers and editing crew. Actually IMO the actors were splendid with the dialogue they were given it was the storyline that was shaving cream.
I am wondering how they let those scenes between Mary and Talbot be filmed and edited that way? Are they all blinded by JF's "genius" or do they all just think it was romantic? I just realized Talbot has three things working against him being alive longer than a year. (not that I want him dead, just away from Mary) 1. Tom being his best man 2. CARS 3. Being married to Mary and all that entails.
One of my favorite Brary scenes this episode was when Tom and Mary come out of the shop. They went shopping. together. How much more like a couple can you get.