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  1. After watching the preview to tonight's show my bet is on it all being show. TLC has really screwed us over!
  2. TLC: "You must honor your Queen Bee on her birthday!" That is written on The TLC Commandment Plate!"
  3. Apologise for that. Just proves again: you should only believe about 25% of what you read on the Internet. *gg*
  4. As long as this show is running, the Browns will be jumping through TLC's hoops, and if those hoops are burning, so be it. The show saved them from further bankruptcy, it was the best thing that could happen to them. Christine had filed for bankruptcy in 2010, a "mysterious" companion was paying her rent and she was on food stamps before filming began. Kody had driven his 2 companies against the wall and declared bankruptcy in 2005, Janelle in 1997. The 5 year interval was coming up again. I've had the impression for a pretty long time now that Robyn was behind the show idea. She had tried to live her ambitions in the film world several years before with no success. She probably still had some ties to one or the other in show-bizz. Her wedding reception, with all the trimmings, was paid for by TLC. After all, it was the main theme in season one right from the beginning. The Browns spent money (that didn't belong to them, by the way) like it was going out of style. All of their bankruptcies were for credit card bills, among them for Sears and Target. Hardly any of their debts were for health insurance and treatment (with 12 kids at the time before the show started!!). They had to pay for Maddie's emergency appendectomy in monthly installments for over a year because there was no money for health insurance. Janelle was supposedly working at that time (although we still don't know where) and she didn't put her kid's health insurance first? I'm pretty sure none of Christine's kids (because she was not working) had any kind of health insurance at all at that time. I think Mykelti wore braces at one time, but that was after TLC showed up. Robyn probably never declared bankruptcy. She simply "inherited" almost $32,400 in debt by her divorce from Jessop in 2008. Credit card debts and the infamous 1,000 credit card bucks at Victoria'sSecret. So she came into the Brown family with debt. Kody and his Kodettes are financially responsible for the wellbeing of their children, but in the past they spent lots of money that didn't belong to them - and never paid it back. Kody (and perhaps Robyn) was the super mastermind (again) and found someone who has been doing it for them for the last 5-6 years: TLC. Maybe not all of it (Janelle's job?), but I believe it's the largest share. We can forget the non-starter MSWC! Does anyone remember those god-awful episodes when they were looking for creditors and actually really believed they only needed to sit down at their table and honour them with their attendance, and: bang! - presto, presto, here you go: $2.5million bucks at your service ladies and gentlemen! I'm sure Kody was convinced that a new idiot gets up every morning and he's for Kody's having. He forgot one tiny little detail: those people are intelligent, Kody, they could see right through your bullshit. They don't do business in the "Practical Pig" manner you're aquainted to. Go sell your snake oil somewhere else! Kody has the opposite gift of King Midas's touch. Everything Kody touches turns to crap. So, why does Kody want to adopt and create even more children when he can't support the ones he already has and lets a TV production company do it for him? A needy dude creating more needy kids. Guess that must be the famous polygamist life style, right? You make the bill and other idiots will pay for it (if necessary the tax payers, meaning us). The simplest explanation: he's a chauvinist pig, plain & simple and he doesn't give a flying fish about others. He must be a member of that new money church called "Screw You". Does he really believe this "reality" cock-up will go on until all of his kids have finished their education? Or will there then be another bankruptcy? Is that plan B? Or does he just not care about it? Thinking he'll have 4 concubines who'll do the job then? The painful reality is: the law can't force him to pay. You can't take money out of a man's empty pocket. He'll then probably be the neediest of them all with all kind of ailments preventing him from taking a job. They have become totally dependant on TLC for money. Practically sold their souls to the devil. They've certainly all signed an obligation of confidentiality (as all participents in "reality" shows do) so we will never find out what's behind that phoney divorce/adoption plot. Meri can look like a stupid jackass for the rest of her life; she'll never be able to tell the truth. I'd be very surprised if they kept the houses should the show be cancelled prematurely. I'm convinced TLC's spin doctors are trying to find a storyline that will explain the whole Meri/Catfish crap right now at this minute. Because If the rates go down, the Browns are done, literally. I really don't know what to wish them because I'm hurting for those kids and the life style that has been forced upon them. But if those mothers would kick his and Robyn's sorry ass to the curb, they could take care of their kids. I'm sure of that. But I know one thing for sure: There is absolutely nothing positive about polygamy, absolutely nothing.
  5. She's probably only seen a college from the outside. When did she go there? After her husband stole her purity from her? Guess she was in the fast forward semester.
  6. Oh, good to know that's what they call it nowadays.
  7. Boy oh boy. Robyn really has him by the balls (even if they've shrunk to raisin-size in the meantime).
  8. I think Aurora's "loving" mother has been manipulating and teaching that girl how to behave towards her "step-dad" and his "family" from day one. She has been crawling into Kodostrophy's behind right from the beginning. The Browns have absolutely no shame and no morals. Lying, cheating and deceiving; constantly dodging questions regarding jobs and income, insurance, loans, religious belonging, mortgages, affairs, divorce and adoption, etc. They are immune to any logical conclusions, stubbornly forcing their fairytale perspectives as the only "real", supposedly "Mormon" life-syle and "culture" on the spectators. I really don't care if they try to manipulate the viewers. Most of us are adults and most of us can handle being lied to. We're lied to umpteen times every day (advertisement, politics, news, religion, etc.) and it's our responsibility to take care that our children don't buy it. The really horrible crime is what they are doing to their kids. As children of polygamous relationships they were all raised to keep their mouths shut about this part of their lives (nicely worded, more truly worded however: they were educated to blatantly lie; meaning lying is a part of their conduct), the adults and the kids. Then they moved to Nevada and now the children have to continue lying. Not because of their polygamous life-style. Granted, the authorities in Nevada don't give a flying fish about their rabbit-similar way of life as long as they don't commit any fraud (which, I guess, will probably be revealed sooner or later and will then also be explained to the public with blatant lies and strictures). Now the kids have to live the Hollywoodl-scripted life the adults and TLC have forced upon them. (Remember Truely's air quotes? Wonder who of her older siblings or how often the grown-ups have been using them.) The manipulative raising and the forceful lying are the most despicable felony all of them are guilty of. This "adoption" story is the violation of 3 children's rights and belongs in front of the Geneva Convention for twisting the minds of dependant, innocent children's souls! But I'm convinced this conduct comes with a price, namely with the price of disturbed relationships between parents and adult children. I have a gut feeling they'll be trying to make us believe next that Maddie's religious communion is forcing her to break all ties to the poor family. I have such a gut feeling... That way, they won't have to explain why they haven't been invited to her wedding. One day in the future the aged Kody and his Kodettes will be seen complaining about their estranged children and how these ungrateful brats have distanced themselves from their antisocial origins. Way to go, Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn! But you're getting there! Give them time.
  9. My mental cinema keeps working on this one. If the polygamous thing doesn't work out any more, how about a soapy soft porn series about The Douche and his Master Craftswoman? Just imagine being in a hotel in Dubai and switching through the channels..... Yikes!
  10. You can always tell when she's lying so shutting up is definitely the better alternative. Everytime she talks I imagine her dressed in black leather and swinging a six-plait whip over douchebag's head, a big piece of tape across his big mouth, and she's demanding: "Make me the Nr. 1, Slave!"
  11. Nah, almost as exciting as watching wet paint dry...
  12. Great. Now I have to turn off the mental cinema in my head. Darn! That film starts every time I close my eyes.
  13. I don't think there will be a season 7 anymore. What should it be about? Maddie's wedding? Two episodes. Another home birth with the same actors? Seen one, seen them all. A blossoming new business? A fashion line called "Frumpy and Dumpy"? Designed for the sad, droopy, eternally pregnant and pooped out polygamous woman of today? Produced by some poor textile workers in Bangladesh who believe they're sewing tents together for some travelling circus because of the gigantic amount of fabric they are handling? Who wants to see four female main actresses constantly whining, crying and snotting (always without a tissue) about their miserable life, suffering from PMS if not from premenopause already? And a gigantic egomanic ringmaster who is desperately trying to win first prize in the Joseph Smith lookalike contest 2016? These new episodes (2 out of 5 containing stuff that's been regurgitated for the umpteenth time) are nothing really really new because of the constant marriage-, pregnancy-, adoption-reports diligently released by all kinds of media. Oh yeah, I forgot! Coming Sunday fans can watch them building cardboard boats for a pirate festival regatta (including a whole lot of bitching, moaning, groaning and complaining) and then see 'em rowing around in circles. (!! bruhahaha!!) because The Dope didn't contemplate practising how to row a boat before the competition takes place - and none of his prize-winning sons is there to support His Royal Dumbass in this competition. That'll be a new one! I can see Christine doing the "paddy-cake" clap a hundred times in this delightful one hour coverage of "Polygamists flying over the Cookoo's Nest in a cul-de-sac". Sorry folks, the preview gave that all away already. I shudder when I imagine how the dreadful catfish affair could be rehashed into some poppycock tell-all live report by TLC with some bubble-head journalist asking humdrum questions about Meri's assumed affair with a hermaphrodite which actually wasn't an affair at all; it was Meri's new show "The Cesspool Cleaner" or "Fooled yah! - How a polygamous sister wife digs deep into Internet cesspools to unmask ugly, evil big-mouth catfish and their treacherous strategies." So, really, why should this "reality" television series be continued? I just don't get it.
  14. Oh Meri, Meri, had you only saved the money for that stupid wet bar, cut the numbers of bedrooms in half, taken a trip to Europe with all the money saved, visited Hungary (booming with successful, good value clinics for single women wishing to become pregnant even at advanced age), had an IVF done and had come back to Vegas expecting twins. RobChin and Joseph Smith Risen could still be bonking each others brains out and you wouldn't care one little bit. Now, that's what I call a great storyline!
  15. ... wait a minute. Now Grandma's chinny-chin-chin is considering her ex's feelings? Now she doesn't want him to appear to be a negligent father? Can I have some of that stuff that she's been secretly smoking? Wasn't he the bad guy? Not paying child support? War? She's been throwing mud at him on nationwide television since day One. That woman and her flea-ridden scumbag are so disgusting.
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