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Posts posted by ABay

  1. Directv also gives you directions about how to record on a DVD recorder.


    Back in early November, I posted about my trouble with upgrading to the Genie. It turned out it really was because my wireless router was on the point of death. With the new one (I'm renting from xfinity until I figure what to buy), everything is lovely and I do enjoy not having to worry about recording more than 2 things at a time. Not that it happens often, but there are times when 3 things I want to see overlap.

  2. It's as I've always known: little kids, like clowns and ventriloquists' dummies, are inherently creepy.


    Perhaps hubris will be Samaritan's downfall.


    LOVED the Get Smart vending machine. Now if John gets a shoe phone and the others start calling Harry "Chief"...

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  3. It's a small change in the lyrics from Garland's "next year" to Sinatra's "from now on" and using "hang a shining star upon the highest bough" twice instead of using it once and using Garland's "until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow" the second time.  I've heard Sinatra requested the changes for the reason legaleagle mentions. I like both versions but prefer Sinatra's voice.

  4. I have decided I detest the Kohl's "Strange Magic" commercial where the little boy ignores his father in the car and then gets all giddy when he sees the reindeer. I don't know why I hate it so much, but I find myself wishing that the dad would have just walked off into the woods and left the snotty little S.O.B. to be trampled or eaten by the reindeer.

    For me, it's a depressed to the point of suicide dad. He seems like he's about to pull the car over and hang himself from the nearest branch. Get some perspective, man.

    • Love 4
  5. With you on the Cassandra business, lordonia. I am tired of the cutesie, womangirl waif type that I puke all over their childish clothes and general preciousness.


    I laughed at all of the law books, shapeshifter. So immediately recognizable to anyone who works in a library. I wonder why TV libraries are always so well stocked with U.S. Reports and all of the West series. I laughed out loud at the state code of Rhode Island behind Noah Wiley in the pilot.

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  6. I'm perfectly OK with Erin winning, and would've been equally fine with either of the others...Bill more than Naylet because her design in this challenge was kind of repellant to me. I also have no problem with Erin's perkiness--it's less than an hour a week, on TV where I have a choice to watch or not, or fast forward or not, so I don't see what the big deal is.


    Duff's perceived favoritism for Erin was more than off-set, I thought, by Lauren's obvious dislike of her. And Lauren's fondness for Bill was off-set by Nancy's not-so-fondness. That's how it looked to me.

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  7. The biggest surprise to me was It Takes A Thief.  I remember loving the show, loving Wagner, and losing my mind over Fred Astaire, but I tried to re-watch recently and I just couldn't.
    That happened to me as well. Loved it when I was growing up, cannot watch it now. When White Collar began, I was annoyed they didn't acknowledge that it was essentially an ITAT reboot. But given the unwatchability of ITAT now, it was probably just as well.
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  8. The writing was pretty bad, definitely not as sharp as I expected from the guys behind Leverage. Yes on the Buffy one-librarian-in-all-the-world and slaying of potential slayers, and on the very Warehouse 13-like library. What I wouldn't have given for Pete, Myka, Claudia, and Artie to show these rookies how it's done.


    Christian Kane was also on Angel, so those new to him might want to check out the episodes with Lindsay in addition to Leverage.

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  9. Looking at the onscreen guide description of the final challenge, I'm glad Erin got to stay. It seems like the kind of thing she'll have fun with (cutesie wootsie fun, but it's only one more episode, I can cope) and I'm interested in seeing what she comes up with, mostly based on the yule log challenge.


    I wish all of the contestants got to stay through the whole show and that there were running scores throughout, with the final winners and runners-up based on cumulative scores plus the final showpiece.

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