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Posts posted by ABay

  1. Apologizing even more to Alfie: the Grinch found the strength of *ten* Grinches, plus two! Also, some say his heart grew 3 sizes that day. But Samaritan is more Grinchian than the Machine and Our Heroes, even though they have Max/Bear...


    Yeah, I'm stepping away from the eggnog now.

    • Love 1
  2. Santa being a total dick is the thing I love best about the original. (And Rudolph's dad is no better. And up yours, Fireball). I do want the ending changed, though, so that Rudolph and HermyHerby tell Santa to fuck off, depose King Moonraker, and live happily ever after on the Island of Misfit Toys with Yukon Cornelius, his sled dogs, and the Bumble.


    I may have given this more thought than it deserves.

    • Love 7
  3. Yes, I agree. Either Naylet or David could've gone based on presentation, but the flavor of the filling is what saved Naylet and doomed David. Was this the second time Terra had something go horribly wrong and turned it around to produce something really good?


    Re: the question above about how she decorated the rosemary and berries. I figured she dipped them in simple syrup and then rolled them in decorating sugar (which is a thing, right? Icing sugar?).

  4. I thought Viktor and his sidekick got to the right result--Kelly has the baby--for wrong reasons. I think what they were saying was: Kelly changed the original Resistance plan by going to Portland instead of Brazil, therefore the people to whom Viktor handed off the baby could not have been Resistance but part of a plan by Kelly to get the baby? But Kelly could easily have alerted the Resistance that she was taking the baby to Portland rather than Brazil and they should come get her there. Or the Resistance could've had people in Portland just because there's a Grimm, half royal, and a booming Wesen community there.

  5. Local channels have been unavailable on Directv since about 6:30 this morning. There's an onscreen message saying more or less: don't call, we know there's a problem. But nothing on their website or Facebook page, other than consumer complaints. Everything else is working, just not the local channels. This is the longest satellite outage I've experienced since subscribing about 4 years ago. Is Dish having the same issue? Did the alien invasion finally begin by knocking out the satellites?

    • Love 1
  6. I assumed 103074 was a birthday, too, but couldn't think of anyone significant to Elias who would be 40--that's too old to be his child, too young to be his mother, and his backstory doesn't indicate a sibling. But the Rumble in the Jungle makes metaphorical sense. I guess. Does this mean Dominic will have sons and name all of them Dominic and start shilling a grill?




    Wouldn't Samaritan also key in on Elias and Dominic, since it uses the same algorithms as the Machine?  Elias, at least, seems to spend an awful lot of time out in the open and visible to all the cameras.

    Samaritan is looking for terrorist threats and whoever Greer wants found. The Machine also categorized Elias as Irrelevant, that's why it sent his number to Finch the first time and not the government.

  7. So now The Brotherhood and Samaritan are actively hunting our guys. How in the hell are Nolan and Plageman going to get them out of this box?
    I don't care, I just want it over. I'm very tired of them being hunted and having to work around the limitations that have been put in place. Bored now.


    Also, Anthony Scarface was adorable and the very least they could've done was choose someone equally cute for Bruce.

    • Love 1
  8. I'm watching the show because I visited Oak Island in the 1970s and am curious to see if they find anything. The ridiculous BS about Solomon, the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, etc. is just annoying and I'd love it if they'd lay off the sensationalist shenanigans. Ditto the alleged curse, which I'd never heard about until this show started.

    • Love 3
  9. If I had to be around Erin in person for the length of the competition, I would hate her. But during a short-run TV show I can fast forward through, I can deal. I really don't dislike any of the contestants and was sorry any of them had to be eliminated.


    The recipes using ready-made pie crust would be really useful to have on the website.

  10. This past week has reinforced my appreciation of comics who have the talent and originality to avoid the vulgar. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, I curse all the time, I snicker at maps that seem to emphasize Florida's flaccidity...but, to paraphrase the immortal Madeline "Lily von Schtupp" Kahn: I'm tired. Tired of jokes inspired. It's just so damned lazy and predictable. Whatever the set-up, you know at least 2 of the 3 comedians are going to go for the obvious ball or dick joke and I'm ridiculously pleased when they throw a screw-ball, so to speak, and come up with something totally unexpected.


    I'd like more Aimee Mann and Neko Case types, naturally funny, witty people who do something else for a living but can bring the fun.


    Also, last night's audience was having a great time.

    • Love 1
  11. It's just the first stage of the U.S. take-over of Canada. Next, there'll be some staged threat to our new oil supply and we'll have to respond with drones and then soldiers to secure the oil...um...help our friendly neighbors to the north, like we do our buddies in the middle east. Because the only way to be independent of foreign oil is make the foreign country American.

    • Love 1
  12. Locke: "How do you have electricity, anyway?"

    Ben: "We have two big hamsters running around in this giant wheel in our secret underground lair."


    Ben: "You couldn't find the anthuriums, could you?"

    Locke: "I don't know what they look like!"

    Ben shakes plant at him.


    Locke: "Is he talking about what I think he's talking about?"

    Ben: "If you mean time-traveling bunnies, then yes."

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