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Posts posted by ABay

  1. To me, Clara and Amy were both examples of showrunners insisting the character is superspecialsnowflake by having all of the other characters say so over and over instead of showing the character doing something remarkable. The more it's told and not shown the more I distrust and dislike the character.


    As for companions, the only one I've really liked since Moffat took over was young Amelia Pond.

  2. I've read complaints that the end was predictable. That's not a problem in a finale, imo. I expected Neal would fake his own death to begin life somewhere else. To me, the path was set a long time ago and, as plot elements that have been foreshadowed should, it happened. To me, that's satisfying. And I'm happy that everyone lived somewhat happily ever after. I have seen more than enough endings that come out of nowhere so the showrunner can play gritty auteur and/or provide shock for the sake of shock.


    Thinking of USA shows in particular, I'm glad WC hewed closer to Psych than the fuckedupness of Burn Notice.

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  3. What happened onscreen is what happened, and our individual interpretations are valid. If Eastin intended something, he should have put it onscreen. Since he didn't it doesn't matter what he thinks.

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  4. There were two, I think. What struck me about it was that it looked like it was made on a dot matrix printer, like in ye olde dayes of computers.


    Speaking of taking it old school, I was thinking of how other shows would deal with Samaritan. If this was Star Trek, Spock would order it to calculate pi. If it was any Stargate, there would be a global EMP.

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  5. Is anyone else watching the marathon? I've just started, thanks to the miracle of DVR, am watching the very first episode ever, with Truthiness and Stone Phillips. I was sure this first threat down had bears but it didn't. What id did have is a prescient reference to Florida's gun laws. Not stand your ground, but using them in public places. I'd forgotten how much more O'Reillyish Stephen was at the beginning. Thank god he, unlike the real Papa Bear, has evolved.

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