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Posts posted by ABay

  1. The massacre in Paris this morning is probably going to show up on TDS tonight or tomorrow. I hope that the show addresses the difference in the reactions along party lines. The President's message was about France being our oldest ally, that we stand together, etc and Boehner is "we have to be vigilant" (because it's all about us) and one of the idiot republican senator I just heard interviewed used the killing to attack immigration reform.

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  2. I liked it, I especially liked Finch not liking chess--chess is an overused TV trope--and the parallel between the chess queen and Shaw.  I liked very much the "insert quip here" simulation. And Michael Emerson is god. So there's all that.


    However, the kiss was gratuitous and OOC, and the resolution was old school Star Trek--machines fail because they can't account for the unpredictable human element.


    The Machine's greater understanding of humanity, though, will probably help it defeat Samaritan.

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  3. Winning hearts and minds is another ongoing theme. It's explicit with Dominic--he uses the phrase in episode 4, Harold uses it about him in episode 7 (or 8...I'm losing count). Harold also uses it in reference to Samaritan in the previous episode where he makes the analogy to Castro building good schools when he took over Cuba so that the people would love him. Episode 2 with the nautilus game also ties in; the recruit was looking for meaning, which Samaritan seemed to offer.

  4. That, too. Or possibly The Machine's red darts were for immediate threats?


    Another recurring trope: women impressed by heroism from nerdy men.


    A couple of cross-tropes: Euler's equation or whatever that's called has popped up on a couple of shows lately, and gangs of jewel thieves based on the French gang that hit Cannes and several other places are also experiencing a wave of popularity.

  5. There isn't a general Season 4 thread, but this spans multiple episodes and I'm not sure where else to post it:


    With the show returning this Tuesday, I’m refreshing my memory by rewatching from the start. I’m in the middle of episode 5 right now.

    A few things I noticed or renoticed this time through:


    In the opening credits when we see Harold and John walking through the construction tunnel—the moment from the pilot when they’re on the way to the library—the squares around them are white and have lettering I can’t read. I think they used to be blank yellow squares?


    Samaritan’s data on Senator Garrison is hilarious: Attempts to subvert the Constitution, Bribes taken, Alcohol Abuse Incidents.


    It seemed to me the first time I watched episode 1 that the conversation between Greer and Samaritan re: whether it was time to kill Garrison was foreshadowing Samaritan eventually killing Greer. I think this is carried further in the many plots and subplots about seconds-in-command v. leaders.


    That and hubris are the major themes of the season, imo.


    Samaritan sees a lot more “deviants” than the Machine saw threats. It seems like every crowd or traffic scene has at least one red dotted box. That ties in, I guess, with the message in episode 3 that crime is on the rise.


    I really like the new captain and would like to see more with her.


    Michael Emerson and Amy Acker are at their bests in their scenes together.


    Episode 5’s flashbacks with Harold's 43 early AIs killing each other and the survivor trying to kill Harold calls back to episode 1 & 2 where Samaritan has been seeking out and killing rival projects, companies, and people who have guessed that something is going on (and it still seems like a massive waste of Frederick Weller). The laptop episode also calls back to that.

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  6. I gave up on something I was watching last night because I couldn't take seeing abused animals every commercial break. All of my pets have been rescue pets and I contribute to 2 local rescue groups. You know how USHS and SPCA could raise a mountain of money? Offer a Get Out of Seeing Our Ads card for a $100 donation.

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  7. Oh, thanks a bunch. Now I'm going to have Annie, Get Your Gun stuck in my head all night.


    Can you bake a pie?


    Neither can I.


    I once saw an amusing fan vid to this song featuring Picard and Ryker.

  8. And at least Six's nastiness had the excuse of coming through his regeneration to see.... Peri

    My very favorite thing about the Sixth Doctor is that the first thing he did was try to kill Peri. If only [sigh]. If he'd tried to kill Mel, too, he'd be my favorite Doctor ever.


    Peri is much more tolerable in the Big Finish audio plays. Granted, there was no way she could be worse.

  9. Since DuLac was introduced I've been waiting for someone in the show to mention Lancelot, so I like the theory that he was Lancelot and Jenkins was Arthur or one of the other knights. It doesn't mean they weren't lovers.


    I would be thrilled to bits and pieces if they'd lose both Cassandra and Ezekiel.

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