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Oinky Boinky

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Everything posted by Oinky Boinky

  1. I started thinking that ugly pig wasn't doing me any favours so I went from boar to more.I'm T, he's A, mine is me vs that is not his ass.
  2. You know the boudoir MuuuMuuu,just when you think you are out... Bourbon me. Ah thanks Biz?
  3. Shaking yes... with excitement for the new day.
  4. If it turns out to be the protector we can probably DL whichever one we want. Not sure if it matters which one.
  5. That is great news. I would love to be protected again tonight but I understand if I can't be. Thank you so much (to whoever, I don't know) for protecting Smitty and URL or however you kept us in the game. Some thought it was arrogant to what they called 'demand' protection but with people running with the Full House = Jesse clue and then me typically being killed first night it would have been very bad. As it stands we have a lot of information and if this is the end of me the trust list is solid as long as there has not been role switching. good news - HBot is waiting in the boudoir on the other side.
  6. That is where I am exactly. Can I possibly ask how you vouch for Firearcher? He has been cryptic to say the least. I was thinking you are Amy & Kif but someone else is Amy. Dougal I am trusting more after my re-read today.
  7. Yes I think there is one more at least.
  8. No I meant Smitty & URL were unlimited - that is a lot. HBOT was limited. Usually only one investigator in game but maybe this one is because getting the info is easy but using it is hard. We even had a night where I was blocked and we still got our investigation because Jesse wasn't. I can investigate every night. Soarise. No I thought you were Leela working with the dummy. But I have it now.
  9. You know, in my reading back just now, I realized you did and that you have a very close relationship with your grampa. Is that right?
  10. And you told us to vote for one of the others which is what we did but not because of what you said - sorry. I've just re-read Drogo's very good notes on all of the actions. Re-read all the votes - they are on pages 148, 152, 154 & 156 if anyone else wants to. I saw something on the pg 156 vote that was interesting. I have to go out and run through swamps again -back in a few hours with my final trust list. Might the last thing I can impart.
  11. A1 - we had Smitty and URL and HBOT had limited investigation. You think we have more? A1 the fact that you said Firearcher is trustworthy really helped. Not sure what you base that on. Drogo admitted Caprice into his boudoir on my say so after my investigation. I know her ID but she hasn't hinted so I'm not sharing.
  12. Oh OK good catch. I know I have a long list of who I trust and not many left after that. Just really would like to see if anyone comes up with the same most suspicious that I have after that. Also someone someone is doubting might in fact be known good and they missed it. Due to behaviour there is someone I investigated that I now feel iffy on.
  13. Anyone who thinks Mark joining our vote means he is not Lrrr needs to read the night 5 story again. Any thoughts on the clue in our last story? Not sure if I will be protected again tonight but I am open to suggestions on who to investigate tonight? Also while I am seeking input, why Drogo was not listed as hero?
  14. It was funny. Wondering if I am still wearing body armour and 12 layers of bubble wrap?
  15. Very funny. Don't let them split the vote. Is this Muuu Muuuuu waving over here, over here, do not look at the man behind the curtain?
  16. Mark we DL'd and it was the same as the DL on Biz. Drogo went after Mark that night and it failed also - he said he didn't know why it was not reflected in the story but maybe because he was in jail and Lrrr was in space. So there were two kills on him. Maybe the 'jail' thing was him being blocked or stymied somehow. We lost one blocker (can't remember who) maybe there are two or someone with one shot at blocking because we haven't seen any blocks since early days. I was blocked the first night.
  17. We need other opinions. I am basing my opinion on them being the least ready for us to go after MMCS
  18. Read it. Thinking It would be nice if her buddies came out and said something. Mark won't. MMCS might. Exactly what Biz is saying has been agreed on by the whole pack. I am leaning towards MMCS thinking he is in the protection racket and they would be thinking we would go after Biz or Mark today. Is what Biz said intended to rile us enough to go against her again?
  19. Biz is Nixon Mark is Lrrr MMCS is Don bot Biz survived one DL and worked to avoid another Mark survived a vigilante kill followed by a DL survival MMCS hasn't even has her hair mussed yet. had
  20. Crazed - MuuMuuChainsmoker is the Don bot. All 3 are known. We just can't figure out how the protection is working
  21. Nobody knows the wood I have seen.
  22. It may very well be that the protection can't be either repeated or consecutive. Biz has had hers, Mark has had his. MMCS gets it today??
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