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Everything posted by WindyNights

  1. It's semi-believable in the books considering GRRM's proclivities as an author. It would just be a weird weird twist on the show.
  2. Bran's final fate is to be the villain that's not in the books? Yeah, that's believable. People need to get more creative with Bran's endgame. We already have a villainous Bran in the books (Euron).
  3. Just gonna point out that the email doesn't confirm that Daenerys dies early on. That's their speculation which is why they say "probably" because they don't know Also yeah, now that Cersei knows that it was the Queen of Thorns that killed Joffrey, she doesn't care about Sansa anymore. Sansa cites her as a mentor figure though but....that's about it.
  4. Trust me. Corporate executives write like shit. I would know. I work with them. The old Sony hack had people writing the same way. D & D still have GRRM check over their scripts so he has to have some influence. And they're also making new deals with GRRM so he has a little leverage left. And that person is speculating that it'll probably happen early not that it will.
  5. Oh and here's another supposed leak: Supposedly a hacked email. Basically: Daenerys doesn't make it to the end. The hadn't talks to have Bran killed off instead but GRRM surprisingly insisted that it had to be Daenerys. They're hoping to make it as shocking as Ned's death or Sansa & Bolton (guessing the rape) Ned's death was a great wave to ride but was never matched later in the series. etc.
  6. Take into account that Tyrion and Varys have also questioned Dany's sanity and the script points out that Tyrion believes Dany is her father's daughter after all. Daeneys is meant to be a controversial figure for the audience. I just don't think the show is doing a good job of it. The showrunners and directors have also mentioned that there's something frightening about Daenerys. She's not turning evil but you're supposed to be a little scared of her at least.
  7. He was made king on the basis that he's Ned's son. He's not. And he's not a Stark at all even if he has Stark blood. He's a Targaryen and many in the North still don't like Targs because Aerys burned their families. But it was. Arya doesn't trust Sansa because she thinks that Sansa wants to overthrow Jon. It's explicitly said over and over again.
  8. It matters because it means they're trying to build to something even if the execution is bad.
  9. That wasn't a non-event. Read the scripts. It's the driver behind Arya and Sansa's conflict. Sansa v Jon is just manifesting as Sansa v Dany now but the root is Sansa's conflict with Jon
  10. Funnily enough, Jon probably signed Ned Umber's death warrant by letting him keep the land and we know the WW are going to destroy the Last Hearth.
  11. D & D are definitely misogynists but in a 90's male liberal kind of way. Arya: "Most girls are stupid". The show writes as one type of female being better than another rather than saying it's okay to be girly.
  12. That doesn't really make sense for GRRM's Sansa who is actually charming warm and courteous even when she doesn't like the other person.
  13. I don't believe TKE. But this makes Friki look like he knows even less than I thought.
  14. None of this will be on the show, don't worry, and I never expected it to be. The show won't even explain what the weirwoods are when that's kind of vital.
  15. Technically, you're not changing the past. It's a time-loop. Whatever you change was destined for you to change. And then you have to factor in what was tweaked by Bloodraven. And as we saw with Melisandre, Bloodraven can communicate with Fire priests.
  16. This also depends on that actually being a criteria and not something Bloodraven created and communicated through magical channels.
  17. TPTWP might not even be a Targaryen. The Ghost of High Heart got that TPWp would be born from Aerys and Rhaella's line from the Old Gods aka Bloodraven who may have just told her that so Daeneys could be born to bring dragons back into the world.
  18. But they are important. The heroes are the ones most sympathetic to the smallfolk and while the main characters are all nobles, they are surrounded by smallfolk-type characters. AFFC is one long book on how much they've suffered under the War of Five Kings.
  19. To be fair, you actually are meant to root for the smallfolk within the books and show. Martin does put a lot of emphasis on the people not caring who sits the throne as long as they're left alone which they never are. A goid chunk of the books are devoted to the smallfolk' suffering.
  20. Drogon is the big death at Winterfell so Dany's kidnapping happens after that. Jon doesn't die in the Dragonpit. He kills Jon out of jealousy before that. his "spoilers" are amusing to read
  21. Well there's a leaker talking about the ending and he makes it sound pretty damn grim: The fate of the characters at the Dragonpit: "He admits to his crimes and then delivers a passionate monologue about how the ones judging him are as guilty as him because they or their families have all participated in the wars and think their reasons are more justified than his. He calls them hypocrites and then brings up Tywin's speech about why is it noble to kill 10000 men in battle than a few at dinner. He says he finally understands his father and regrets not putting his family first. Everyone else did but he always supported other families instead of his own and now he is all alone and being judged by those very people. He brings up Daenarys and Jon and how he did everything for her to get her the throne but she dismissed him and his advice and his love once she had Jon. He talks about how no matter what he does he will never belong anywhere but he doesn't care anymore. He says he has accepted his fate but the others don't get to continue when they are as guilty as him for the destruction that had happened to westeros since the war of the five kings began. There is a huge moment in the end when he pauses and says this wasn't his trial alone but their trial as well and he pronounces all of them guilty. That is when the rumbling starts under the dragonpit and Tyrion smiles and closes his eyes. There will be a split second shot of characters looking at each other slightly confused except for Bran who looks straight ahead at all times with no expression. The dragonpit will then explode by wildfire." Why it happens: "No. The clues are for showing that all wars are bad. There are clues for Tyrion betrayal as well. He won't be shown as a monster. His monologue will make people question if they had been supporting wars just because their favorite starks and targaryens were waging it. The end result is only commoners suffering. Tyrion brings down the system in his own way in the end." "That is the point. The audience should root for the smallfolk. They are the smallfolk equivalent. Even in the wars fought in our modern world, the only people who suffer are the commoners. The ending is not nihilistic at all. It has a very inspiring message for the real world with innocent commoners surviving and getting to live in peace. World peace is all common people want, while leaders of countries want wars for power. A nihilistic ending would be Martin adopting a science fiction ending and blowing up the planet which he didn't do." "That is not my interpretation. That is what everyone from the show will tell the audience once the final episode airs. Some actors like Sophie and Nikolaj love the ending and anti-war message and are already excited to talk about it after the final episode airs. This story isn't only high fantasy fiction." Concerning Jon and Dany: "They are already dead before the dragonpit scene. Tyrion kidnaps pregnant Daenarys but Jon thinks it is Cersei and goes to kings landing to save her. She takes him to the dungeon where Daenarys is chained and then Tyrion walks in and stabs Jon. Daenarys is already bleeding to death and she and Jon die beside each other. Their last scene is a shot of their hands reaching out to each other. It is a very heartbreaking scene." "Jon doesn't ride Rhaegal. Ghost dies in winterfell battle. The baby dies before being born." "Certaindish is wrong. Friki is right but he only knows half leak. The third WTF is Tyrion blowing up the dragonpit after his trial. He knows about the wildfire stored under the dragonpit and asks for his trial to be there. Bronn helps him. Everyone in the dragonpit dies. It is martin's scouring of shire. Jon, daenarys and their baby are dead before the trial. Tyrion betrays and kills them. Only commoners are alive in the end. There will be no more broken men in westeros." Concerning the survivor: "Your uncle is right. All nobles dying and commoners rebuilding their lives and living in peace with no more wars on the horizon is the revolutionary ending. No one has predicted it because people can't imagine anyone having the courage to kill all the main characters. But Martin did. He was very happy after seeing the rough cut and is very proud of his ending. Tyrion is the character who no one thought would die but he dies and kills everyone else too. The character who survives and was on show from first episode of first season is Theon." On why Friki doesn't know: "If I am full of shit, why are you messaging me. I stopped by here because someone told me that friki leaked half of the ending here and HBO was panicking. I told the part Friki doesn't know yet about Tyrion blowing up the pit with wildfire after the trial. It is in CGI and no death scenes were shot so he doesn't know. I don't know what proof friki gave." Who sits the throne: "No one sits on the throne. It is martin's anti-war message. All nobles die because they fight meaningless wars. Only commoners survive. Tyrion dies in the blast too. He doesn't care."
  22. But even stuff like that was built up prior to her speech in the show. You think Daenrys is going to end feudalism? That's.....probably impossible. That's a gradual thing not something you can do at a whim. The French Revolution and Russian Revolution transitioned a monarchy into a republic because they had the necessary ingredients for it. You need to build the people up and educate them to get there. You could definitely say that Daenrys is breaking chains by beating the Others but....that's not a societal rework of Westeros which is what the show is promising. The succession talk is about Daenerys needing an heir to continue her works if she dies because if she dies then it was all for naught. So say Daenerys dies and Jon hasn't revealed his parentage yet because he wanted her to rule but Jon knows what she wanted to do. All he has to do is reveal his true parentage and he becomes king to continue her work. There ya go. Daeneys then has an heir to inherit the throne from her.
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