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Everything posted by Phantomizer

  1. I may be wrong, but I thought I heard Miranda say Alex was the first one in YEARS to figure it out, not the first one ever. Meaning that it was completed before, just very rarely has it happened.
  2. I swear, there better be a third season or there will be no closure for me. At least with last season's finale, the ending was sorta left in the eyes of the viewer, in case of a them not getting renewed . Did Alex join Gabriel? Did Alex kill Gabriel, you decide. I really thought Noma was going to stab Alex after kissing him and revealed she made a deal with Lucifer. Noma making a deal with the Devil makes for a good "OMG" moment, but story-wise, it makes little sense. Noma has been one of the most loyal through out the show. She was awesome, a savior and the rock Alex needed. Now all of a sudden she turns around and betrays both Micheal and Alex? There's just so many questions. When did she do this deal? She knew all along that Lucifer was alive? Are those loyal to Luficer given white wings? This is why I personally need a season 3. I hate having a story told and not having a good clean ending. I do like the way Lucifer's body looks coming out of the water. Lucifer's soldier guy also has very nice teeth. Very white and clean. RIP Claire. With her gone, who's next in line to lead Vega? Alex?
  3. I checked out this show on a whim and I'm pretty interested.....so far. It has a Nikita-esque feel to it with a hint of "Pretty Little Liars." Solid story, acting and characters. Not only is Priyanka Chopra really pretty, but she's pretty believable as an FBI agent. I love her spunk and her confidence in the beginning of the episode and her interaction with Booth. She's a woman on a mission with a dark history. Did anyone catch what was in that Ziploc bag? I thought it may have been her father's agent badge but I could be wrong. I'm surprised they killed off an agent that quick but it was a good twist. Hopefully the other episodes' get just as twisty. I think Liam is a red herring. The show made him too obvious. Overall good diverse characters. You have the tough confident MC (Alex), the lover interest (Ryan), the comic relief (Simon), the pretty boy (Caleb), the secretive one (Nimah) and the friendnemy (Shelby).
  4. I noticed that too! Micheal didn't apologize at all for almost killing Noma! He just stood there and flew away. I'm surprised Claire and the other survivors didn't ask what happened to him. Michael's just a man on a mission.
  5. Another intense episode. I'm glad they finally showed HOW the war started. That means they're in the year 2041-2042 since the war started in 2016. Noma must be pretty high up if she's able to just hang with Gabriel and Michael like that. Perhaps she was once Gabriel's' lover, which is why Gabriel's mind dreamed about her when he was in New Delphi. What I dislike is that they totally forgot about Risen. Risen became a Dyad who's angel fully took over... and then he disappeared. I think I did see him in the preview for the finale. I assume he's leading the army against Vega. Also, you can actually see the look in Noma's face when Alex and Claire were talking about their hypothetical future of going beyond the wall She looks devastated. I would be too after Alex gave her the "You're MY Nomes, forever" speech last week. She even said she swore an oath (to Micheal, I'm assuming) to protect Alex no matter what. I'm also giddy about Lucifer and his return. Circling back to Malory, it all makes sense. I'm glad the writers left the idea of bringing him into the series next season. I feel if Dominion gets renewed (fingers crossed), the next season will be about rebuilding Vega and tackling Lucifer. Speaking of Archangels, did they explain what happened to Raphael? All I know is that she is Uriel's twin as Gabriel is Micheal's. I guess it's assumed that she died?
  6. Are you asking me from the past 3 years who have gotten farther then Brent? Well, my post was made before the finals was aired, but when I posted it only Brian Arnold went further. Joe Moravsky tied Brent by going out on the Hang Climb. Right now only 5 other ninjas went further then Brent- Dory, Caldiero, Arnold, Dreschel and Britten.
  7. Intense episode. I liked it. We haven't had such an intense starter episode since season 4 after Beckett was shot. I'm glad they're going back to the roots of the main Castle story and adding onto the Bracken story line. I was kinda wondering what story line they would follow now after finishing Bracken and 3XK but I feel like this Becket story line will be halted until midway into the season like last year. I do kinda feel like this is out of Becket's character. She's usually not one to be secretive about this stuff and after getting promoted to Captain. Talk about setting a good example. This is only the first episode though. Can't really make my judgment on how I like this season just yet.
  8. U right, they both have the title. I guess winning the show =/= "total victory" as I read more into it.
  9. IIRC (and I could be wrong), I believe Iseman said that both Britten and Caldiero attempted ANW 3 times so they are both relatively newcomers; Caldiero was just showcased more because of his association with the wolfpack. I do believe that Caldiero is eligible to compete again. If it's anything like Sasuke, they'll let him defend his title. Although I do feel that they will amp it up. Too many people got through stage 1.
  10. I was at the edge of my seat all night! What a great episode! I was thoroughly surprised that 8 ninjas made it to stage 3. A new record which seemed to be the theme the entire season. I figured that inexperienced ninjas like Drew Dreschel, Kevin Bull and Abel Gonzalez wouldn't get pass stage 3 but I was really impressed by Ian Dory. It was really heartbreaking when he fell right about where Brian fell 2 years ago. Nonetheless, Ian Dory is one to watch out for next year. I was really disappointed with Steffenson's run tonight, though. He's my favorite ninja next to Brian Arnold. Ever since beating the Ultimate Cliffhanger, he's just never been able to duplicate that success. Brian Arnold really saddened me too; he was one of my picks to win it all. I think if Morvasky would have just turned around during the Ultimate Cliffhanger, he would have been joining Britten and Cladiero in stage 4. Oh well. He said he's done it many times during practice so it probably felt natural to him. A huge congrats are in order though. Isaac Caldiero is the very first American Ninja Warrior. Until next season.
  11. First, I think you mean Brian Arnold. Secondly, Caldiero has the right to be cocky. He can be cocky all he wants as long as its backed up. Its confidence and sends a message to the other competitors to watch out for him and they should rightfully so after this season. As with the ANW title, I think the title should stay with Cladiero. Although, Britten has cemented his spot in ANW history, he doesn't have the title in my book. He's a phenomenal athlete for sure. Sure he might have been the first one up, but he only went up first cause Caldiero let him. Plus, ANW has always been about going farthest the fastest (except for stage 3). In the end, its a competition. Competition's generally only have one winner and officially that goes to Isaac Caldiero.
  12. There was only 5 cities last year....This was the first time it was in 6 different cities.If we're counting from season 4, where they took out the boot camp thing, 18 finishers is a record low. If we're talking overall ninja warrior, it's not a record anything...
  13. ... Kacy a household name? Not even... Maybe if everyone in the household is a fan of Ninja Warrior... She maybe the name people think of when "Ninja Warrior" is mentioned, but Ninja Warrior isn't THAT popular where people instantly know who she is. Also, the show was renewed for an 8th season, so it will not be cancelled (yet).
  14. What an intense episode. I expected Gates was going to go and this episode confirmed my suspicion. It's pretty sad since i was growing on the character. I'm glad he never swayed from who he was. I feel bad for Claire. She had to endure so much through the season. First she thought Alex died, then the whole Zoe and civil war situation, losing her baby and now losing Gates. I wonder how she's going to feel when she finds out General Risen became a Dyad and is leading the army to take down Vega. I'm also glad they're introducing Lucifer. Was he mentioned at all during the series? I don't recall them mentioning him in season 1. Since we're talking about archangels, I think the way they wrote off Uriel was dumb....but that's none of my business.
  15. He wasn't mentioned at all after the city finals. He just totally fell off the map. I would think a veteran like him would have gotten more exposure.
  16. Brent WAS the best ninja 3 years ago, going farther than anyone until Brian Arnold dethroned him. Brent has one of the best records in competition so he can be cocky all he wants; he can back it up. There are very few athletes who are better then Brent, so I don't know where the statement "there are far better competitors" comes from
  17. Can anyone tell me what happened to Lorin Ball? I know he made it to Vegas, but then disappeared...
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