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Posts posted by RuntheTable

  1. Props! I have lots of props to give.

    First Hope, who was amazing as she read Thomas like a well worn novel. Annika was brilliant, she didn't miss a beat, hit all the right notes, and left nothing out.

    Second Steffy, who overcame her fear of the Disembodied Toe, and looked at it through the microscope to validate what Finn was telling her. 

    Third Finn, who apparently missed his calling, and should have been an ME or a detective. 

    Oh, and the funnies this week.

    Steffy closing the door on Thomas as they entered the communal office.

    Then we have Sheila, storming out of Deacon's bathroom, looking like The Great Gazoo, with her hair wrapped up in preparation for her wig. Then snarking to Deacon that he should have never threatened her. 

    And finally Thomas, who thought he could explain away his actions, as he simultaneously whines that no one would talk to him. Well, now you can add two more to the list, Hope and Douglas. 

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  2. If Steffy needs to believe that Ridge would have run to Aspen without the CPS call, well then, I guess that is what she needs to believe. It didn't bother me to hear her say that, because for once she sounded honest, and not like she needed to win.  I think they are definitely trying to take Steffy in a different direction; whenever a character starts sporting a new look it is usually an indicator of change. Steffy has been very toned down, and actually looks like a young woman who would be running a fashion house. I still don't like her, and don't really know if I can ever trust her 100%, but she is turning in the right direction. For now anyway. 

    Thomas on the other hand, is a wacko who doesn't know when to quit. Does he think his continued Brooke badgering is going to score him any points with his father, grandfather, son, or his obsession Hope? And I thought his position at Forrester was going to be reevaluated, yet there he is, roaming around still creating havoc. Ridge should have had that convo with Eric before getting out of town. Maybe Eric will step up to the plate and fire Thomas. That would seal it for Thomas, and his hatred of Brooke would only escalate, because he would not see it as consequences for his actions, but as his granddad protecting Brooke. I wouldn't be surprised if Thomas didn't do something really drastic and try to physically harm Brooke. Maybe that will be the reason that Ridge will come home? 

    Well, I am no ME, but even I would know that if a rampaging bear tore someone's toe off, it would be messy. So, if Finn has to use his medical knowledge to make the Po Po understand that this is Sheila Carter they are dealing with, and that she set this whole thing up, then I am down with that. TN is such a better actor around KB, when he is allowed to show emotions, and not just be his wife's lapdog. In any event, it will certainly be a nice break from dreary triangles and parent trapping. This could also be why they are toning Steffy down, making her more palatable, sympathetic even. With Steffy's recent actions, and her horrible behavior, talking about family wars, and who is better than who, and trying to break up marriages, I don't think she would get much sympathy if something major goes down with Finn, or if Sheila starts messing with her life again. Just a few weeks ago I was praying that Sheila would come up with some plan to fuck with Steffy, but now? Maybe not so much. 

    I am still waiting for the scene where Hope takes Thomas to task. 

    • Love 11
  3. Lots of nice things in that episode. 

    I have no problem what-so-ever with Brooke calling Taylor out. I guarantee you if the roles had been reversed, Taylor would not have hesitated to drag Brooke, something she does on a regular basis for far less, and more often, for her wild imaginings. What was especially nice about those scenes was watching each woman sort of grow up and realize how each had been played to the middle by a loser, waffling bastard. At first I was put out that Taylor was going into detail about Aspen, but I realized Brooke needed to hear that. She needed to hear that, just like Katie needed to hear Carter telling Bill he heard him declaring his undying love for Brooke, seconds before he did the same thing with Katie. Brooke realized she was under false impressions, thinking Taylor had known all along about Ridge believing she had made the call. It had to hurt, and be an eye opener, to hear what actually happened, and how Ridge played Taylor. And although she didn't acknowledge it, I think Taylor was surprised and impressed with Brooke's decision regarding her relationship with Ridge. 

    Steffy almost closing the door on Thomas had me giggling. I am so invested in this new dynamic between the Tot's. In reality, Steffy doesn't have much wiggle room here considering her history with Hope, Brooke, Ivy and Ally, but her stance about what Thomas did, and how he treated his son is spot on, so I will take it if it means a disintegration of their happy little family unit. 

    Douglas looked happy to be home; much more relaxed, with the shadow of fear and disappointment gone. 

    I understand that husbands would get upset about another man making moves on their wives, but really Liam? After HopequinnGate, you really don't have a leg to stand on in the outrage department. But it was nice that Hope finally came clean about it. 

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  4. So, I watched that about 5 10 times. 

    I began to understand when Brooke starting challenging Ridge on Taylor, and he admitted she knew, but was going to "tell me later." Yeah right, Brooke saw through that shit real quick and in a hurry, and ask Ridge "When? When was she going to tell you? After you slipped the ring on her finger, and she became your wife?" Ridge had no answer, so he just tried to shut Brooke's anger down with "the point is, I was played, and you were played" followed by "and I came here to apologize. I'm sorry." The look on Brooke's face though. For once, she looked undone by Ridge. I was so happy when she pointed out his infidelity, and how he just dumped her to drown in her pain, as he began a new life. What I liked most though, is that Brooke didn't make it about destiny, she made it about Ridge and his choices. I squeed like a little kid when she told him she couldn't do it for him and stepped aside so he could leave. I guess the only down side is we have had these "Ridge's choice" SL's before, at least three that I can recall, but the others were more about him choosing between Brooke and Taylor, where this time it seems to be more about Ridge figuring himself out. In any event, I will take what actually happened over what could have happened. 

    I guess this will be TK's long awaiting sabbatical from Show. 

    I think the Marone/Hayes family dynamic is going to be very interesting going forward. I also think Thomas will be gunning for Steffy now, but I also think he will have Brooke in his sights. I have no doubt Brooke will run directly to Hope to fill her in, particularly after Ridge admitted Thomas had been abusing Douglas. Hope might go full throttle on Thomas and seek sole custody, or she might just insist that Douglas come home. Either way, Thomas will blame Brooke for losing Hope and losing Douglas. I can also see Ridge going hard on Thomas, and Taylor fighting him, saying Thomas made a bad choice and that Ridge is being too hard on him. Taylor will justify her stance by saying that it was only Brooke that Thomas hurt, so no big deal, completely overlooking that it was an evil manipulation of her life and his father's life too, not to mention what he did to Douglas. I think Taylor's stance will have a great deal to do with Ridge's "decision". 

    Hopefully, Thomas will experience a full ex-communication from the family and the company and start receiving those long overdue consequences. I am not a big fan of Finn, but I like how he was protecting his wife; just another family dynamic that has changed. It is weird, but Steffy is the one shining brightest right now. She did the right thing, she stepped up for Douglas, and she hasn't backed down and continues to stand her ground with Thomas. I don't want to like her, but if they keep the character moving in this direction, I could get to a point of tolerating her. 

    Taylor is lost in her delusions. She knows why Ridge proposed. Anyone with a single friggin brain cell could connect the dots. Taylor has always lived in her fantasies about Ridge, always getting her confidence from other's, mainly Stephanie, that Ridge loves her above all others. As a doctor, you would think Taylor would know that anyone who needs that type of constant reassurance about her husband's commitment, is actually in a troubled marriage. She has continually put herself in this situation, and then has blamed Brooke for her sorrows. 

    I just don't know what to make of Bill. Why can't they let him move on with Li? I was enjoying a toned down Bill and I didn't like what I was seeing yesterday. 

    • Applause 2
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  5. Ridge knocked. That was so different, it actually gave me hope of an unexpected outcome. 

    So, Ridge is going to go deep with his disgust and disappointment with Thomas, talking about consequences, talking about his job, and his mental health. That is a good thing. But Ridge, ole boy, ole pal, there should be some consequences for you too. Your history of knee jerk reactions has reared its ugly head again, a history that has wreaked havoc on Brooke's life, on Taylor's life, on Rick and Bridget's life, and on the TayTot's lives. But even though all those people have suffered because your ego outweighs your sense of right and wrong, you have never paid a single dime. Of course, it was much worse when you mother was alive, a person who would find a way to blame Brooke for all of your actions. But you are on your own now, and it would be nice to see you get some comeuppance for not having any faith in the woman you have been involved with for nearly 40 years. 

    Now, Brooke didn't look all that in tune with what Ridge was saying. She looked a bit squinty about it all. Dare I hope that it will all be too much for her? After months of telling Ridge that Thomas wasn't right, and him pushing back that she needed to forgive and forget? That Thomas was all better, and was being a good boy now? After Ridge just walking out on her without explanation? Who cares what a mother fucker thought they knew. Ridge knows Brooke, and he knows she would not have lied about making that call, but he wouldn't even give her the opportunity to deny it. And really, if she had made it, what is the big deal? She would only have been doing it out of concern for Douglas, but of course Ridge would see it as an attack on his precious boy, and to hell with Douglas's well being. Well, a girl can hope for a better ending than a Bridge reunion. Right?

    I have no words for Taylor. And I have no sympathy for her either. She went into this mess with her eyes wide open, but as always:


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  6. Ridge has every right to be angry and disgusted with Thomas, but he also needs to realize that he also lied. He lied to Taylor in Aspen, maybe by omission or by sidestepping her questions, but all the same, he never fessed up about the CPS call. No, instead, he led the WRP to believe he had this pinecone epiphany, that told him he "couldn't do that anymore". Even after Taylor's very pointed questions he remained quiet. Somewhere inside all of that awfulness, he realized that Taylor might just say no if she had all the facts. 

    Having said that, it certainly doesn't get Taylor's sorry ass off the hook. She also lied, by not acknowledging the truth, and telling Ridge. And it really wasn't even so much about her and Ridge getting married. It was about their son, and how unstable he is. It was about their young grandson, who once again had to be the only adult in the bunch, and who was once again used to further his whack ass father's agenda. As a doctor, Taylor's first concern should have been for Douglas. This kid has been through a lot for someone so young. A qualified, ethical doctor would realize that someone needs to get a hold of Douglas's young mind right now, before any of his father's traits start seeming like the correct path to take. But Taylor isn't a qualified or ethical doctor, and this stunt proves it beyond all shadow of a doubt. Her first, and only concern, was saying the vows and getting the ring. Oh yes, and besting Brooke. 

    If Ridge was willing to throw his marriage away because he thought Brooke lied, then I don't see how he could marry Taylor when she lied for real. You can't hold one person to a certain standard, without holding everyone else to that same standard. Ridge should be just as disappointed in Taylor as he was with Brooke. Actually, he should be more disappointed. If Brooke had indeed called CPS on his boy, she would have done that out of concern for Douglas. Taylor OTOH, was only thinking of herself, her lie involved overlooking not only Thomas's, but Douglas's, mental health. 

    Katie's reveal was a nice change of pace and was a good segue into talking about her blossoming romance with Carter. 

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  7. I was thrilled, and pleasantly surprised, that Ridge was actually outraged with his son. Hearing him say Thomas wasn't "all better" and a "good kid" made my day. I really don't care what Ridge does as long as he holds Thomas accountable for his actions, and for being a horrible father. 

    OMG Taylor. Standing there as her world crashed around her, so desperate for Ridge that she would sacrifice the mental health of her young grandson as she conspires with her mentally unstable son. She talks about Brooke being obsessed, and of course she is, but Taylor is just as guilty. Is this how all WRP conduct their personal affairs? Throwing shade on others for doing the exact same things they are doing? Allowing their grown children to fight their battles? Allowing their grown children to lie and manipulate with impunity? Taylor is a sad, and very sick woman. They should call in her old colleague Dr. Warwick to sit her troubled ass down and have a heart to heart. After all, he was only about 100 steps from "curing" Sheila, so he should be able to get into Taylor's head. But my big question, is will Ridge hold Taylor accountable? I can't help but remember the way he treated Brooke after finding out Thomas was his son. As the mother, it was Taylor's responsibility to tell the father of the child, but Ridge didn't have much to say to her at all and focused all his anger on Brooke. Will he be upset with Taylor for knowing about the call, but not telling him, and moving forward with the wedding? 

    I wish this would all unravel in a truly unexpected way. I wish Brooke would be mad as hell, but instead, she will be weepy and falling on her knees to forgive that brute. 

    Show used to be able to give us satisfying endings, but that was before they turned all the females into Stepford Wives. 

    • Applause 8
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  8. The fact that Taylor had any decision to make says everything. Steffy, who is not a WRP, has surprised me by getting it. All of it. She expressed some outrage for Brooke, but her focus was on Thomas and his treatment of Douglas. Taylor can't be bothered with any of that. She knows her son is sick. She knows what he did was wrong on every level. She knows he was abusing Douglas by telling him to keep quiet, reinforcing that doing the right thing is not the right thing. She knows he put his son smack in the middle of a very adult situation. Maybe she doesn't know the full story just yet, but she knows enough to know that she should not be standing at any altars with Ridge. As always, Taylor has chosen to use her advanced psychiatric mind when it suits her, because I don't think she is going to say a damn thing. It will fall to Steffy, or God forbid, Douglas. 

    I agree about Taylor's makeup, she looked rather vampiresque, or like one of those sirens from an old Vincent Price film. I thought her dress was lovely, except for the bodice, which I did not like at all. She could have done something with her hair too. 

    Daddy Stephen came by what a nice surprise. And who is that actress with him? She is so familiar to me, but I can't place her. 

    • Love 15
  9. They are working overtime to make Bill look like a fool, or maybe a tool. That shit he was saying to Carter had me cringing. Why do these men think they can move on, sometimes not even waiting till they are free, but their exes are never to have another relationship for the whole rest of their lives? I'm glad Katie overheard Carter saying that Bill had just declared his undying love for Booke, so now she knows that Bill wasn't completely honest with her. Hopefully, this whole sordid mess was to set Bill up to move on, and forget about Brooke and Katie. I still want to see what he could have with Li, but I don't want her to be his third, or default, choice. Then again, I don't think Li would stand for that, she has too much pride and would know real quick that she was just a fill in. 

    I may be at my own table, but I think Steffy looked really nice. I loved that dress, and I thought her hair and makeup were nicely done and very toned down. I agree with other posters that her handling of Douglas was spot on. I was shocked by all of it. How can someone who has been so horrible turn on a dime and act decently? Do the right thing? If she does go on and tell Taylor, I will be team Steffy for a day, but she may cave under Thomas's pressure. I don't know that it will have any sway with Taylor, who is so caught up in her delirious happiness she probably won't even register what Steffy is saying, and if she does get it, I doubt it will have any effect on her. Taylor has always been the ostrich who buries her head in the sand about Ridge and Brooke. 

    I'm wondering if Carter is going to say anything to Ridge about his encounter with Bill. Ridge doesn't know that Carter and Katie have a blossoming romance, so he may only tell him about Bill and Brooke. 

    Will Katie come down and confront Bill? 

    • Love 16
  10. The only rational explanation for Bill's bizarre behavior is to let Carter hear Katie tell Bill no. At least that would let Carter know that no matter what Bill pitches to his ex-wife, she ain't having it, and it will give him the green light to propose to her next week. 

    Brooke, once again montaging about that worthless waffler. She is gonna fall to her knees and sing hail Mary's when Ridge comes back. I love Brooke, but at this point she deserves whatever she gets. People who love each other don't do shit like this. 

    It would be hella refreshing to see Steffy do the right thing, and I think she will, after the wedding ceremony. She isn't going to blow up all these months of hard interference and manipulation, and once Ridge puts a ring on it, he will be in a real pickle when he finds out how fucking stupid he is. 

    Then again, part of me doesn't want the truth to come out. As much as I want to see some cracking faces, is as much as I don't want to see a Bridge reunion. 

    • Love 10
  11. 10 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    I'm not counting them out, I just think that the way they've written Bill over the past few months is a deeply shitty lead-in to a romantic pairing. He asked Katie to take him back, she shot him down. Then he found out Ridge left Brooke, and he went tearing over to her house to profess his love. And he's continued to do so, practically begging her to give him a chance. If he goes right to Li after this, it's just going to feel like Bill is desperate for a relationship, and while he'd prefer Brooke, he'll take anyone else if she's not an option. 

    Also, I don't want to see Li as basically another Taylor - the woman a man rebounds to when the "love of his life" isn't an option for him. After finding out that almost her whole marriage was a lie, Li should be holding out for an uncomplicated relationship with someone who only wants her. 

    Don't forget that Bill also went straight to Deacon in that truly bizarre moment of alpha male superiority. Bill looked absolutely ridiculous. 

    They had something very unique, fresh, and interesting brewing with Bill and Li. Their dynamic was so different than any other couple, and they spoke to each other like real people, who just happen to have a lot in common. And Li just lit up when she was with Bill. 

    And Brooke needs to put the brakes on any type of romance, go seek some counseling, and be done with Destiny. Ridge is going to fully expect forgiveness when he runs to tell Logan that he left her based on a lie. Never mind that she was completely in the dark about all of it, and never mind that he chose an annulment over divorce, and never mind that he was shacking up and fucking Taylor before the papers were even served, and never mind that he proposed to Taylor before the ink was even dry. None of that matters, Ridge made a mistake and that is all there is to it. He said he was sorry, so now he and Logan can just pick up where they left off. It would be so nice to see her have the strength and the backbone to say that maybe she wasn't ready for that just yet. And when Ridge inevitably asks is she is seeing someone else, Brooke can say no, I just prefer to be on my own right now, and not because of a CPS call, but because of you, and the way you treat me. 

    We haven't seen Li in weeks; is she even still on? 

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  12. 9 hours ago, Artsda said:

    I think Carter being there to hear the declaration for Bill is probably more about Katie than Ridge. Maybe Ridge later but for now I think it's Katie/Carter push along. 

    Well damn, this didn't even cross my mind, but it makes absolute sense. I think I have been so beat over the head with Brooke/Ridge/Taylor, and of course knowing Ridge's history of jealousy, that I never even considered a different angle. 

    I like this one much, much better. 

    • Love 9
  13. 22 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    Brooke's upswept hair makes me wish she would go for a big chop like she did during the Throoke years.

    Indeed! One of her best looks eva!



    15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    What really pisses me off is how much they're teasing us with Bill and Brooke. Has the entire purpose of all of their scenes been leading up to Carter overhearing them so he can (I'm assuming) run back to Ridge and get him jealous? If I thought they had a shot at at least having a couple years together, I want Brooke and Bill, no question. But if all we're going to get is this, or maybe like five minutes of Brooke deciding to move on with him but then going back to Ridge, then what's the point of doing this to Bill's character?

    Yes to all of this. There is no doubt that Carter will relay what he overheard to Ridge, who will instantly get a Bill boner. I wouldn't even put it past him to go running over to Brooke's to mark his territory, just minutes before his nuptials are about to start. The sad thing about all of it is that Bill is so on point. He can see how terrible Ridge treats Brooke, and how she allows it because she is so caught up in destiny. Of course, other's see it too, but they are also caught up in destiny, and feel that because Brooke and Ridge "love each other", they can all excuse and explain away Ridge's actions. 

    If I thought there was any chance of a lasting romance between Bill and Brooke I would be on board. But Bill will just be another Bridge casualty. He will be used to get Ridge jealous, and Ridge will send Brooke mixed messages, leading her to believe they could still have a future, and Brooke will dump Bill real fast and in a hurry. It has happened time and again over the years. So, in essence, they don't give a flying fig about Bill's character; it is all about Bridge and keeping a long since dead relationship going. 

    15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    You've got to love how all of the Forresters recognize that something is up with Douglas, but none of them give a single fuck enough to actually take him aside and talk to him or to think it's odd how dismissive of it all Thomas is being. It's been two days of him acting really quiet and withdrawn, and nobody is talking to him beyond pushing him to get excited about the wedding?  After all the talk at dinner last night about the CPS call, Ridge sees him all down like this, and he doesn't pull him aside to check in and make sure he's OK? All so desperate to drag that kid away from his mother, but now that they have him, he's just another trophy on the shelf. A score over the evil Logans. 

    And a big, fat, hell yes to all of this! Douglas mentions that he wants to spend more time with his father, and it sends everyone into a feeding frenzy. Suddenly, Douglas's welfare is a stake. All the "Forrester's" must gang up and save him from his fate. He no longer wants to live with the family he has known for years. We must rescue him and bring him to live at his great grandfather's house so he can be with the father who loves him. Yeah, and within one day Douglas was a forgotten trophy.

    These idiots see a happy well adjusted child, and think he is in need of an intervention, but when they see him withdrawn and depressed, they plaster on their fake Forrester smiles, and tell him to buck up and be happy. 

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  14. 21 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    But yet she'll go through with this farce of a wedding. What a pathetic, sad woman. 

    Yes, she is, and what makes her more pathetic is that she has always blamed Brooke for her unhappiness. How many times has she married Ridge knowing his motivation for proposing was something he thought Brooke had done, or how he was trying to save his father or his mother? I would say EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 

    St. Thomas to save Eric

    Runway proposal, thought Brooke was having an affair with Grant

    After coming back from the dead round 1, Thomas

    After coming back from the dead round 2, Stephanie's faked heart attack

    And now, thinking Brooke called CPS

    I may have missed some, kind of get lost in all those marriages, but the theme runs the same through them all; Ridge has never organically proposed to Taylor. There has always been some other driving force, and nothing about his deep and committed love for her. And the dolt knows it! With every proposal comes the same questions. Is this really what you want? Am I really the woman you want? Are you angry with Brooke? And Taylor also knows that when Ridge gets a bug up his ass with Brooke, that his ego will not allow him to admit it, or back down from his knee jerk reactions, so he will placate her and tell her that she is the love of his life, and that he is fully committed to her. And Taylor laps it up, and revels in her false sense of security. She used to have Stephanie in her corner; someone she could express her fears to, who she knew would jump in and fight her battles for her. Taylor knew all she had to do was express some concern about Brooke, and Stephanie would go running to "talk" to Brooke and set her straight on what she was going to do, more importantly, she would set Brooke straight on what Ridge was going to do. But Taylor doesn't have that security blanket anymore, she is bare, and exposed as the desperate, needy, manipulator she has always been. Sure, she has her nasty ass daughter in her corner, but Steffy don't wear no pantsuits, and she sure doesn't have an ounce of OG Stephanie's panache. 

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  15. The core of the problem is Ridge's reaction to "someone" calling CPS on his son. Calling in the authorities because you believe a child is in danger is not a crime; just like animals, those that care and won't tolerate the abuse of children have to be the voice for the voiceless. Making it worse is that Ridge is the only person who knows the full story, including Emma and Sheila, so he knows that Brooke is right about Thomas, but his ego will not let him acknowledge it. Watching that buffoon slay Brooke in front of the invited guests was one of the worst things I have witnessed on Show. Watching Steffy and Taylor both catching a case of the vapors as they clutched their pearls was so over the top. How dare any fucking person do something like that to my innocent brother/son! I also have to include Finn in my rant, because he has clearly been fully immobilized as a Tridge Mafia henchman. Personally, I would like them all, sans Eric and Douglas, to reconvene over at Cliff House, and the weight of their superiority and egos would cause that cliff to just break off and fall into the ocean. 

    The CPS call alone would never be enough to make Brooke walk away from Ridge. When he comes running and tells her he left her based on a lie, that is all she will care about. She didn't know why he left her, and now she does, so okey dokey, we can just pick up like Ridge hasn't been living with and fucking Taylor for weeks. I don't even think finding out about Ridge conspiring with the rest of his clan about Sheila would be enough. Until Brooke learns, assimilates, and understands that love does not conquer all, and that sometimes loving someone is just not enough, she will forever be Ridge's soppy doormat. I hate Bridge, and I hate the thought of a Bridge reunion even more, at the same time, this may be the one time I will enjoy it. After all these months of watching Parent Trap, and Taylor glomming all over a married man, actively working to break up a marriage, as she simultaneously does the exact same things she accuses Brooke of doing? I think I might actually be rooting for Bridge just a little bit.

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  16. Thomas just sashays into Brooke's house? She should have thrown him out, but then we wouldn't get to watch him bash and slut shame her. I am just assuming that is what happened because I refused to watch any of it. 

    I also didn't watch any of the Ridge/Taylor foolishness. She is a clueless dumbass, who has been down this road before:

    And the show ends with us seeing Thomas starting to threaten Douglas once again. I cannot watch him abusing his son a second time. I just can't. The only saving grace I can see coming from this is maybe, maybe, Hope will see who and what Thomas is once and for all and be done with him. I would hope that she would press for full custody, with complete control over when Thomas see's Douglas. 

    Not liking anything with Show right now. 

    • Love 16
  17. Ahhh, how thoughtful and considerate of Ridge to hand Brooke the pen.....

    Brooke has no fight in her at all. She just rolls over and asks to be kicked. This neanderthal fucking ass brute has walked away from you for reasons unknown, as he screams at you about having humanity and compassion for his son, he was in a new romance with his ex-wife before you even had time to process his words, he has betrayed you and his wedding vows, he has committed adultery, and he treats you like an enemy and an outsider, completely forgetting that you are his wife and he also has a son with you. BE DONE WITH THIS SHIT! 

    I also will not be able to watch weeks turning into months of Brooke doing nothing but crying and moping and questioning. If Brooke doesn't muscle up and move the hell on, I don't know if I will be able to continue watching.

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  18. Calling Connor Davis......

    Where is a good, cutthroat attorney when you need him? 

    I cannot believe, or maybe I can, that waffling asshat came to Brooke's to check on her rub her nose in his fucking annulment papers. I wanted to punch him in the throat, and numerous other places. And again, with the stupid dialog. GAH! I guess the only silver lining is Brooke seems to be getting a little angry; I picked up on it at the office, and in yesterday's scenes. 

    Generally, I am not a fan of striking back; normally I would just want Brooke to sign those papers and be done with that worthless asshole. But I am so angry with the way this whole thing has unfolded; the clear agendas of Taylor, Steffy and Thomas, the constant interference, the Forrester Family Dinners, Monaco, Taylor glomming all over Ridge, the eye fucking and snuggling and canoodling. It is just all too much, so I feel like I did back when the Forrester's tried to steal Brooke's rights to BeLief. I want Brooke to get her due and give all those losers their rightful comeuppance. I don't care if she does it in a red power suit, a Forrester Original, one of Stehpanie's old pantsuits, one of Taylor's disco outfits, some lingerie from Brooke's Bedroom, or her birthday suit. I just want her to do it. Give us something we can sink out teeth into. Have Brooke tell Ridge to shove his annulment papers up his ass, and tell him she will sign divorce papers tomorrow, as long as she gets what she wants. Let the bastard stand there in disbelief, tilting his head in confusion. 

    This would be a good time for RJ to reappear, and be a nasty little bugger, who will take control of his mother's Destiny. 

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  19. I was quite relieved to see Hope firmly shut Thomas down, but I am not happy with her agreeing to keep his actions secret. That is the type of thing that will come back to bite you in the ass. Thomas is going to pull something for sure, as said above, he will probably once again use the voice app thing. I didn't miss how he was suddenly on his phone when Hope was talking to Liam during the celebration. Was he recording her voice? If Hope had come clean to Liam about what happened, then he might not fall for whatever stunt Thomas is going to pull. 

    Brooke needs to seek out a very good therapist. Someone who can make her understand that her idea of "Destiny", is nothing more than an obsession. Anyone who would continue to allow this pattern of behavior, not only allow it, but accept it and forgive it, is clearly not seeing the forest for the trees. When your husband, a man you have known for over 30 years, will not tell you why he suddenly left you to go play house with his ex-wife, there is a problem. When your husband says he is seeking an annulment, but he will always love you, and didn't mean to hurt you, there is a problem. This is not enjoyable to watch. It is enraging. It is embarrassing. It is insulting. And is sucks really, really, really big balls for us Brooke fans. Can our girl have a decent fucking SL? Can she find her own way, and regain her agency? Can she tell Ridge to go blow smoke up Taylor's ass, and leave her the hell alone? 

    So fucking tired of all of it........

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  20. Why give us the Sheila Halloween special, reminding us of her horrible past and what a monster she is, then give us stuff like yesterday? Sheila wasn't like this with Eric, and she wasn't like this with James, and since I am a viewer who believes that Sheila is incapable of change or growth, then I have to believe that she has real feelings for Deacon. All I know is SK and KB are totally selling themselves as a real deal couple and Show has me hooked on how she is going to wiggle out of this one. A few weeks ago, I was pushing hard for Sheila to cause Steffy and her feckless mother a world of hurt, but now? Maybe not. I would rather Sheila just keep being like she is being, because I can stomach this version of the character. 

    Stop it Bill! Don't make me start pining for a Brill reunion. I think Brooke needs to be on her own for a while. Let her fucking asshat, philandering, betraying, worthless waffling husband continue to sow his wild oats, but just let Brooke be for a bit. Let her breath and see how much better her life can be without that overbearing ass dictating her every move. 

    So, we have seen Wyatt twice now, with no mention of selling the beach house to Taylor, more importantly, there has been no mention of Flo. 

    Hope should never have let it get to that point. Not shutting Thomas down as he waxed on about Liam and was singing her praises? Drinking, patting each other's backs, curling up on the couch? Don't blame Thomas for getting the wrong idea. Let's see what happens now that you put the brakes on his kiss. 

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  21. Loved Hope and Donna's dresses at the celebration. 

    But that was all I loved about it. 

    Ridge's sudden sweetness to Hope scares me just a little bit. 

    Eric toasting them like they were a couple scares me more. 

    Hope, a person who is never pissy, being pissy with Liam is terrifying. 

    Where was Paris? Wasn't she doing something with the line? It's hard to keep track with all these job minglings we have at Forrester. But I didn't see her at the preview or at the celebration. You would think she would have been there as Zende's date if nothing else. 

    I wish MT was ugly as fuck, I really do. But he isn't, he is extremely attractive, and a good actor, with a natural charm and charisma. Too bad he didn't get to work with Ronn, who shares those traits; they would of made a banging father and son team. But if he was butt ugly, it would be so easy to root against him and Hope. I mean, his actions make it easy, but then he puts on that smile, and gets that glow in his eyes. 


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  22. I liked a few of those dresses, but I don't see what any of them have to do with HFTF. 

    I thought the showstopper was beautiful with its roaring 20's vibe. That era, with the flappers and the art deco, is one of my favorites. 

    While I don't hold Liam's preshow tirade against him, I do feel he should have been there to support his wife and her hard work. I mean, Hope stood my him when they were not sure if he was the father of Steffy's baby. And she stood by him when he wanted to play stand in husband when Steffy woke up. So, yeah, I think he owes her that much. Liam doesn't seem to realize what he did played right into Thomas's game plan. 

    And wasn't Thomas layering it on thick and heavy? Good heavens, that speech he gave to Hope before she went out on stage was something to behold. 

    I didn't like Hope waxing on about her co-CEO's, and how she loved them both so much. It made me feel like she has fully crossed over to the dark side. 

    I was very surprised that Taylor would miss this prime opportunity to prop her crazy pants son, while she could simultaneously rub her live in relationship with Brooke's husband in Brooke's face. 

    And I must reiterate that someone needs to shove something long, fat, and sticky down Steffy's throat. 

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  23. Well damn @CountryGirl, when you put it like that..........

    I know Liam has it coming, but it so hard to get excited about when it involves Thomas! And it won't go anywhere because the second Hope finds out about that CPS call, she will be giving Thomas the hard side eye again. And worst of all, them hooking up is going to lead to some twisted Brooke/Liam romance. 

    I'm just grousing because I am so over it all. If you are not a Marone or Hayes fan, then the show has nothing to offer you. Carter and Katie is a little something, not the best, but at least it is fresh and new. Unlike Brooke waiting for her philandering husband to come back to her. I am still watching 1996, they release a new episode each day, and have gotten to the point where Brooke proposed to Grant, and has given him a big new office, a new car, and has announced he will be joining the women's couture line. I don't agree with her tactics; proposing to Grant like that was a slap in Michael's face, but at least she did something. And it so much more enjoyable to watch than the shit we are getting today. 

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