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Posts posted by RuntheTable

  1. Apparently, it's been so long since Brooke has had hot ass sex she has forgotten what it looks like. 

    Your girl, my lovely, is getting her bell rung. And yes, she has firmly turned to the dark side and is experiencing what you experienced with Deacon. So you can shut it, because you know how that felt. 

    A blanket and a fire? In California? 

    And those bangs gotta go. 

    Where is Douglas when you need him? That boy would out that Steffy/Liam kiss in a Cliff House minute. 

    15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    Has Stuffy’s cheeks been augmented or is she holding nuts in them for Finn to find with his tongue?

    OMG! Steffy uses nuts and her dad uses pinecones. 

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  2. I think Hope's statement to Thomas about when she began having feelings for him sums it up for me. It tells me this has been building for a while, and she has been fighting it, not because Thomas is bad, but because she is good. As someone who outgrew a relationship, I totally understand how that can happen. It doesn't mean you don't love that person anymore; you just can't see yourself having a future with them. And I grew out of a relationship without having a third person in it like Hope has had to deal with. 

    I also think that having the ability to have that type of candid conversation says something about their comfort/trust levels. Hope, not shying away from discussing Liam says she is secure in her choice to pursue Thomas. It may have come across as desperation to some, but for me it was pent up tension and desire. I truly believe Hope is tired of being the "good" one, who always does the right thing. She has watched Steffy fuck up her own life, not to mention countless other people's lives, and is still loved and admired, and considered someone to look up to; a strong, independent woman, who has never been judged by her actions. 

    I think MA is a really good actor, and as the elder son of the Show's original leading man, he deserves something better than he has ever been given. If hooking up with Hope can do that, I will be ok with it. I have had to forgive other villains in soap history. 

    Having said that, I can say there is one I will never forgive; Sheila. This character's rap sheet is far too long. It is time she paid for her "mistakes", and I wish that Deacon would stay the hell away from her. I don't buy this star crossed lovers crap. Deacon has always loved one woman, and Sheila doesn't hold a candle to her on any level. 

    Now that they have actually given us something to watch outside of the same cyclical conversations every friggin day, how about we add some more fuel to the fire? Let's get it out in the open about Liam kissing Steffy so Hope can drag him for it. Let the fact that Steffy was not honest with Finn cause some issues with them, and Finn starts talking to Taylor trying to air out his feelings. In the meantime, Taylor has started going to lunch at Il Giardino's, and is getting closer to Deacon, which starts to annoy Finn. Oh, and bring back Li so she can comfort Bill in is loss of Katie. 

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  3. Well Holy Hell!

    Hope absolutely getting her throw down on! Now that is daytime porn as it should be, not behind a curtain or shadowed behind blinds, but in the buff and in full view. 

    Hope doesn't want to be her mother? Well, girlie, you certainly inherited your mom's knack for hot ass sex. That was the best bedroom scene we have had in decades, I would say all the way back to Brooke and Nick, maybe back to Brooke and Deacon. 

    Stupid ass Liam being all butt hurt and crying to his brother while his wife sets the fucking house on fire. 

    I don't think Thomas will ever be the same. 

    You could have kept Sheila off my screen for the next 20 years and I still wouldn't feel sorry for her. 

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  4. Who is writing this? The stand-ins or the real guys? Cause I am liking some of the dialogue; it is on point, and people are remembering shit, and people are getting tired of shit. 

    And I am not at all mad about it. 

    Actually, I think I watched that end scene with Thomas/Hope about 4 10 times. Something about it was just so........good. AN's voice modulation and enunciation was alluring and so fucking HOT! 

    I am absolutely gobsmacked with where my head is at with these two. I never saw that heat before, but maybe that is because Thomas was in the driver's seat. Hope giving in to her dark side and being the aggressor has completely changed the dynamic. Once again, I think this is AN, who is truly selling her conflict, and while you can clearly see she still loves Liam, you can also see she wants more. I particularly like how quickly she has decided to quit fighting for her marriage; realizing that Liam has once again turned to Steffy seeming to be the final nail in the coffin. And of course Liam's whiny, petulant, butt hurtness, is also adding some ammo. I didn't watch his scenes with Wyatt because I can't tolerate his weak mumbling about Hope's unforgivable sin, but it seems from some comments here that he was extolling on Steffy's virtues? Ah, a mother fucker knows how to make it so much worse for himself. That is what you don't do. You don't compare your loving, supportive wife, a woman who has tolerated, overlooked, and forgiven you so very much, with the woman who has caused her so much pain and anguish. A woman whose transgressions and misdeeds far outweigh anything your wife has ever done. Yeah, shit like that will make me root hard for Hope and Thomas. 

    I did catch some of the Steffy/Finn stuff. The way he was going on about his amazing wife tells me they are going to crash and burn. Maybe Finn should have realized Steffy had issues when she screwed Liam the day after telling him how much she loved him. 

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  5. Liar, liar, pants of fire!

    Liam said he hadn't given a thought to Steffy in weeks. Maybe not, but you sure have been giving her your lips. 

    I'm thinking Hope will catch on once Thomas tells her how he found out. Liam didn't mention seeing Steffy in Rome, and he didn't mention running to Cliff House clutching his pearls after talking to Hope. 

    Hope got a little backbone today and said some things that needed to be said. Of course, Hope as a lot more baggage she could throw at Liam, but I was happy that she at least pointed out how she has been in a three person marriage with her line about sharing the dinner table with Steffy. 

    I still don't want to see Hope and Thomas together, but at this point they are making Liam so distasteful and hateful, that I might want to see Hope go there. Maybe she is the one thing that would put Thomas on the straight and narrow. Just like Sally did it with PF's Thomas, maybe Hope can do it with this one. 

    It seems Steffy and Liam kissing must come out somehow; it is too impactful not to. Maybe Steffy's guilt will get the better of her and she will confess, and just like Liam, Finn won't be able to get past it. Heartbroken, he will seek out support and solace from his mother-in-law, who is also "helping" Liam, and we have the start of a whole new triangle...........

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  6. Brooke and Ridge's nonreaction? Wow, I expected so much more from them, but no, they were like shit happens. 

    Why did they do the close up when RJ was holding Hope's hand? 

    Steffy needs to let it go. Making a thing out of it with Thomas will only make it a bigger thing for him. And I feel a little bad for him right here. To want something so badly and then to finely get it, only to be told that it has to stay buried and can't be continued, is tough. And he really hasn't done anything since returning to LA, so I think Steffy was being just a little bit mean. 

    I refuse to watch the whiny, petulant, little ratman moaning to anyone, so I was pressing the FF'd button hard during his scenes with Wyatt. Unfortunately, I did watch Hope begging. That can stop anytime now. 

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  7. Not much more to add, since my fellow posters summed it up beautifully. I will say that I remain in shock with how things turned out, and that I was glad to hear Steffy say she shut Liam down in Paris as well. 

    Liam sure is one mopey ass. He can't forgive Hope for two kisses but was ready to hop the bones of a woman who got herself into a huff and screwed his father. Seriously, if a fucker can forgive that, they sure should be able to forgive a friggin kiss. Then, when Steffy states that she is in a loving relationship where she feels safe, this pathetic little ratman is going to start whining about how he hasn't felt that for a long, long, time. What? Didn't I just see you and Hope enjoying a romantic evening? One that you couldn't help but share with Wyatt? Furthermore, why should Hope make you feel safe? Have you ever made her feel that way? You did try during the Beth nightmare, but outside of that you have pretty much done everything to make her feel the opposite. So, I say let's level the playing field; if you cannot forgive Hope, and cannot except Thomas in her life, then how about you no longer have Steffy in yours since Steffy has been the one constant source of Hope's pain? And that goes way back before HopeQuinnGate. 

    Maybe Liam will go get some counseling from the WRP, and they will end up commiserating about how badly they have both been treated. 



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  8. All I can say is I am glad Hope attempted to remind Liam about his indiscretions. Last time I checked you couldn't make a baby by kissing someone. 

    Liam was so over the top; he can't trust Hope anymore, she doesn't have morals or integrity anymore. Liam should have just come out and told her that in his eyes she is now damaged goods. And in all honesty, I have to wonder how much of his vitriol is really because it was Thomas. I sort of think this is because Hope stepped out in general, and Liam's ego and pride are hurt because he didn't think Hope could ever desire another man since she has pledged herself to him and forgiven him all his transgressions. In Liam's mind, Hope was a lock, unlike Steffy, who got her panties in a pinch and screwed his father. When Liam was ranting and raving about how horrible Hope is, I was secretly hoping she would grab that suitcase and show his ass the door. 


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  9. For a minute there I thought we were going to be saddled with weeks of Liam moping and talking in riddles, but it seems not since Hope discovered the luggage. Was that left there for a reason? Is Liam that incapable of communicating? By the time Hope made the discovery, most spouses would have already moved onto the next round of questions and would be asking if the kiss progressed to anything else. Of course Liam will wail and point his finger at his wife, but he will never tell her he did the same thing just moments later. 

    Steffy also conveniently left that piece of information out of her dialog to Finn. 

    For fucks sake! Why not have a friggin parade to announce the reunion of Bridge. These people act like this is something new and fresh; something rootable. And Brooke, as much as I love her, is acting like a sixteen year old who got her boyfriend back, instead of a middle aged grandmother. It is so off putting. 

    And speaking of no growth.......Taylor. 

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  10. I know there is a writers strike, but who have they hired as replacements? Yesterday's episode was so out of joint it was painful to watch. 

    For me, two lines stand out:

    Hope saying what happens in Rome stays in Rome? Really? They really went there? 

    Steffy, daring to fix those magnificently jinormous lips to call Hope out about knowing about love and devotion. Yeah, Hope was naughty. Hope kissed a man not her husband. What is your record in that department Steffy? 

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  11. I never wanted to see Hope go there, but she did, and all I can say is thank God something actually happened. Now, the endless conversations about Thomas being obsessed, or being a changed man, will change to "how could Hope betray Liam?" 

    Hope looked happier than I have seen her in forever, demonstrating not one ounce of remorse, positively glowing in her betrayal. 

    I wanted to feel bad for Liam, and I did just a smidge, but he doesn't have a lot of wiggle room here. I don't believe in two wrongs making a right, and revenge or payback can be empty, but Hope has always forgiven, so now the ball is in Liam's court to stand up to something horrible and be willing to look the other way. Oh, but wait, he already did that! He looked right at Steffy and planted a kiss on her. 

    I am with my fellow posters, and would like to see Steffy push back, and tell Liam that she is happy with Finn. Then, have Finn find out about it somehow and go to Taylor to be consoled, and have them discover each other. Or, if they must resurrect the triangle, have Finn turn to a depressed Taylor for comfort, and let the chips fall. 

    And I am going to lay down my bets way ahead of the game. Once the news gets out about Hope and Thomas, I say we will see Bridge starting to implode in a matter of weeks. Brooke is gonna be horrified and will not be able to hold back on how she feels about Hope being with Thomas, and that will fire Ridge up, and he will start defending his son. And you all know the rest; we have seen it time and again. 

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  12. I also saw several hilarious scenarios playing out with the keyhole, but alas, it looks like it will be another round of Bridge. Maybe we should start the betting now on what will drive Ridge into the arms of another woman and how long it will take. 

    Well, Hope my girl, I have to say you didn't mince any words about that. You grabbed Thomas's face like you were starving and were gobbling him up with some serious pent up passion. Now, kissing Thomas isn't right on any level, but kissing is not fucking. What Liam needs to do is march is ass up there and confront them. He knows what he saw, and there is no way he can lay this on Thomas, no matter if Thomas wanted it and was all in, Hope was clearly the instigator. So, as a hurt and jealous husband, Liam needs to ask his wife what her intentions are, and what her feelings about him are, and what her feelings about Thomas are, and what her feelings are about their marriage. But he won't do that of course. He will run back in search of Steffy, and that big ugly straw bag will be disappearing. 

    And maybe twice will be too much for Finn, which will lay the groundwork for Hope to become the scarlet woman, the new SFTV. I can see Taylor and Steffy piling on in righteous indignation, telling all that will listen how Hope ruined Thomas and Steffy's lives. Of course the fact that Steffy had a choice will be overlooked. Just like her mother had an excuse to betray Ridge with James, Steffy will have an excuse to betray Finn with Liam, and it will all be Hope's fault for upsetting Liam. 

    I hope I am wrong about all of that, but it would fit right in with the history of Show, and how they never hold Taylor and Steffy accountable for their actions. 

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  13. Yes, why was Liam calling commercial airlines when his father has a private jet? And after discovering there were no flights available would he not ask Bill about using said jet? 

    Hope is not going to be happy until she scratches that itch. She has got the scent of "bad boy" blood now and won't be happy until she gets the full monty. Of course Liam will arrive at just the right moment, and will walk in on a HopeQuinn repeat, except this time it will be the real deal. I wonder who he will scuttle off to this time? Will he barge into Steffy's love life again? Will he go in search of some random Parisian woman? Cause we all know he won't do the right thing and confront Hope. 

    A sign Brooke? The sign is he doesn't call you Logan anymore. The sign is he isn't jumping at the bait. Honestly, don't you realize you have to pay for disrespecting Ridge's right to fuck with you and your emotions? Stupid woman, you know Ridge had every right to run to Aspen without a word of explanation. Just has he had every right to hop on Taylor's bones while still married to you. After all, didn't you learn you lesson with Shauna? Or Quinn? 

    I am wondering, never a good thing really, but I am wondering if this is why Katie didn't come to the most romantic city in the world, and now Bill is on his way. Could he be coming to once again pick up the pieces of Brooke's broken heart? I might be on board for that. I would rather her stay single actually, and in all honesty don't want to see her and Deacon because I think they are so much better as friends and co-parents. But if it meant the end of Bridge I would accept it all the same. A girl could certainly do worse. 

    13 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

     Wasn’t Brooke’s Bedroom a very successful line?  I’m not up to speed on those days, but I would be very surprised to learn that the designer, of Brooke’s Bedroom played a prominent roll as does Lurch. 

    Ah hell no! Brooke owned that enterprise completely, only acknowledging Ridge's contribution to piss Taylor off. 


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  14. This Show....

    I have not been watching with any regularity, but honestly has anything happened in the last two weeks? I mean, outside of the fact that Thomas is a changed man, and that Rome is a beautiful and romantic city, and that Liam doesn't want Hope around Thomas? 

    Dull, dull and duller I say. 

    Of course, we had Taylor changing the earth's axis with her astonishingly hypocritical statement about Ridge allowing Brooke to "continue her smear campaign." Somehow managing to forget her and her Tot's year long effort to break up Brooke's marriage by doing just that, but of course WRP are allowed to be hypocrites because they are smarter than the average bear. 

    I can also do without a whole new round of Brooke begging that smarmy loser to come back to her. It makes me doubly mad because right now I am nearing the end of season 7, and Ridge is once again manipulating Brooke, pretending to want to be her friend again, volunteering to design her new men's line, hanging out with her and the kids, all in an effort to get Forrester back for Eric. And now, as she stands there pleading her case, declaring her undying love, he looks lost and tilts his head. UGH!

    I see the rooftop gym is back in rotation, but with all these buff dudes on canvas I guess I can understand why. And what was the purpose of the bikini shoot? So much randomness. 

    Why isn't the publicity person on this trip instead of the COO? 

    Where is Bill?

    Where is Sheila?

    Hope has been looking especially lovely lately, while Steffy always looks like she is trying too hard, and Taylor, well..........

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  15. 14 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

     I don't care who "wins" and winds up with him. 

    The winner will be the one who walks away Ridgeless. 

    I have been taking a time out. My dumbed down senses just couldn't take it anymore. But after reading the comments hear I watched yesterday's episode. 

    This is the way Brooke has always been treated. Stephanie faked friended her all the time in the early years, and always to support her own agenda. Keeping Caroline away from Ridge, asking Brooke to move in with her while Brooke was engaged to Eric, demanding that Brooke become her friend in order to secure Stephanie's divorce from Eric, befriending her when Brooke and Eric were near the end of their marriage, going off to find Brooke after she married Nick and Ridge had his heart attack; the list just goes on and on. Constantly playing on Brooke's emotions, her goodness, and her generosity, and oftentimes downright gaslighting her. And this is the person that Taylor learned her tricks from, well, at least most of them. From the beginning Taylor was a manipulator and an opportunist, dancing all over Caroline's grave before the dirt was even over it. Then, after worming her way into Ridge's bed and his life, screwing over Storm and Blake simultaneously, she makes a career out of flapping her lips about how horrible Brooke is, and how she "wants my husband" and will do anything to get him. PFFT! Please, Brooke stayed away from Ridge after he chose Caroline, she was happily involved with Eric. And really, Taylor is the fool who married a man she knew had been heavily involved with someone else, someone he was planning on marrying. She knew Ridge's St. Thomas proposal was more about Eric's happiness than her, but she accepted anyway. 

    Outside of that, she is the one who betrayed Ridge and let him down by having sex with James Warwick and keeping that secret for decades. Brooke has never stepped out on Ridge, she has always been loyal to him, and has tried to do the right thing and have other relationships. So, what, Taylor thinks Brooke should have just been alone her whole adult life? That she should not have moved on from Ridge? The fact that Ridge would never allow it not withstanding, Taylor's arguments are hollow and groundless. It is not a question of who is the bigger whore, it is a question of who is the bigger hypocrite. 

    I also feel that a lot of Taylor's animosity has to do with Stephanie choosing to die in Brooke's arms and not hers. 

    Taylor has always been a horrible, self absorbed character. 

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  16. Yeah, Imma bout done with all this Brooke' history crap. Not only because most, if not all of it, is absolute nonsense, but because none of these people have a moral leg to stand on; well, except Hope. And just look at her piling on the Brooke hate train. Regardless of what anyone believes about Brooke and her past, she has been nothing but a loving and supportive mother to Hope. Actually, I would say Brooke has gone overboard with her mothering of Hope, largely to compensate her for her conception and her parentage, and she absolutely does not deserve this from Hope. And of all people Hope chooses Thomas to listen to her drag her mother.  I need her to explain her statement about "I grew up watching my mom doing...." Doing what? After the Deacon affair Brooke was involved with Nick who was a single, available man, and should have been her forever romance. Ridge's jealousy and his constant sniffing around Brooke was entirely on him, so I don't get Hope's statement. Bridget and Rick are the ones who grew up with Brooke's scandalous past, who watched her being a normal human being that, egad!, had relationships. But there are only certain people who are allowed to do that, and Brooke isn't one of them. 

    Finn, Finn, Finn. You can STFU about shit you know nothing about. Your perfect little wifey has a very one sided opinion about Brooke. If you had any sense in that empty head of yours you would realize that, but your Steffy worship blinds you to the truth. Here's what I need you to do, go take a nice long swim in a swamp full of alligators. 

    Steffy just couldn't help herself. She had to tell how Hope betrayed Liam by holding hands with Thomas. My God, but the horror of it. I find myself clutching my pearls and very near to having the vapors. And poor Steffy had to witness this horrible betrayal! She, the daughter of the family saint, the wife who has never screwed her father-in-law, or her married ex-husband. The woman who will not have to explain to two children why she needed paternity tests to determine who their fathers were. 

    Yeah, hypocrites need to shut their friggin pie holes. 

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  17. The show is over, their ready to go

    But are now stuck in San Francisco

    The Forrester jet is sick and cannot fly


    No commercial flights to be had

    And hope is stressin’ about being bad

    Wanting Thomas so bad she’s about to cry


    So trust me and pray for me

    Tell me Liam, you’ll still love me

    And please don’t tell me I told you so


    Cause Hope and Thomas have left on a jet plane

    Don’t know when they will be back again

    HFTF made them go


    Hope’s grousing about the times Liam has played around

    Talking about the times he’s let her down

    Trying to make what’s about to happen not mean a thing


    Every place I go, I think of Thomas

    Every sketch I see, brings new promise

    But when I come home, I’ll still be wearing your wedding ring


    So trust me and pray for me

    Tell me Liam, you’ll still love me

    And please don’t tell me I told you so


    Cause Hope and Thomas have left on a jet plane

    Don’t know when they will be back again

    HFTF made them go


    Hope is desperate and is dragging her mom too

    Saying hurtful things, and painting pictures that just aren’t true

    Hope will look back and regret those words one day


    So trust me and pray for me

    Tell me Liam, you’ll still love me

    And please don’t tell me I told you so


    Cause Hope and Thomas have left on a jet plane

    Don’t know when they will be back again

    HFTF made them go






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  18. Two words that start with F; flirting and fucking. 

    Hope knows a little about one and Steffy is an open encyclopedia on the other. Flirting is often quite harmless, can be cute, and generally doesn't lead to children of unknown parentage. Fucking, OTOH, can be very harmful, is not always cute, and can leave you in heaps of pregnancy trouble. Particularly if you are married and you weren't fucking your husband; here's looking at you Steffy. 

    So, yeah, Steffy can step the hell off with all her judgement. I don't want to see Hope become one of the girls; to date she is the only "wife" who hasn't stepped out. It is her only calling card to moral supremacy, if she is going to screw that up, let it be with someone worthy. 

    I understand where Taylor is coming from; as a mother she is desperate to believe her son is all better. As a psychiatrist, she should know Thomas wasn't in therapy long enough to overcome his demons. Taylor's long history of biased doctoring tells me her visit with Liam was just a mother's plea to give her baby a chance. 

    If I had to choose someone on this show to pattern myself after it would most definitely be Brooke. The character was labeled a manipulator, and a horrible person for taking Ridge's love letter to Caroline and it set the course of how Brooke would be seen by others. A crime so offensive and horrifying that it changed the axis of the show. No matter Brooke's conscious wouldn't allow her to go through with it and she gave the silly thing to Caroline, who chose to do knowing with it or about it. But ole Caroline never missed a chance to throw it in Brooke's face, and when she told Ridge about it, she conveniently left Thorn's participation out of the equation. From that point on Brooke could not win with the mean girls; Stephanie, Caroline and Taylor. 

    Give me Brooke any day of the week. 

    13 hours ago, Rye said:

    She wasn’t sure Rick was Eric’s, and she named Bridget after herself and Ridge and then found out Eric was her father.

    There was no doubt of Rick's paternity, Bridget's was the one in question, and of course Sheila and Mike screwed with the original paternity test. 

    9 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

    I still don't even get what the truth is supposed to be about Thomas. If he really is "all better," that is the fastest, least earned redemption ever.

    We got to witness Thomas being "healed" by that one session he had with his therapist in Eric's office. His mommy was along for the ride and was coaching his doctor. Thomas said all the right things, so of course he is all better now. 

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  19. Are all these random cameos supposed to be distracting Deacon? Keeping his mind off his lost love Sheila? I have no idea who most of these people are, but I know who Jimmie Walker is, and I have never been a fan. And a friggin wine expert? Whatever. 

    The little kid though, is awesome. 

    I too am growing tired of this daydreaming Hope. For God's sake just go on and fuck the guy! And stop hearing your mother's voice in your head, cause she didn't go after bad boys. UGH! It is all so tiresome and repetitive. 

    That dress channeled Pocahontas, Aphrodite, and Dottie West all at the same time. Are they telling us that is the fashion that is empowering and inspiring young women? 

    Ridge just kept badgering the boy until he was in tears. Get a clue my man, RJ does not want to follow in your footsteps. He does not want to be the prodigal son. Run RJ, run straight to Liam and start talking about being whatever it is you are so he can hire you to work at SP. 

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  20. I agree with @Cool Breeze on who that shadowy figure was, but my question is why? That would mean Sheila is going to be staying around, and what is the point? This character ran out of gas years ago and keeping her around to piss and moan about her son, and how she got stung by Bill is not what I consider entertaining. I am also fearful she will beeline straight to Deacon. There are so many things they could do with Deacon, and to bring Show's level up. Now that we have RJ back, how about we reintroduce Little D? This could add a whole new layer for Deacon and Hope.  I think bringing in Jack could really up the ante too, and maybe it is time we see a new Will. I wouldn't want to see them return as parent trappers, but as young adults who have conflicting emotions over their conceptions, their parentage, their histories, and their complex relations with the different families.  Bring Rick back as well; he is always good for stirring the pot, and he has a deep history with Little D and Deacon, and Jack is his half-brother. 

    Another thing they could do is refocus on fashion. It seems the only thing FC's produces now is HFTF. Watching the old episodes on YouTube has reminded me how much I loved those big fashion shows, the lavish productions, sharing the runway with Spectra. And there were so many designers who all had their own agendas; Eric, Ridge, Kristen, Clark, Margo and Felcia. 

    What I don't want to see is Bill begging Katie. Please, for heaven's sake, let Bill move on. Taylor and Li are both available, do something new and original. 

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  21. Well, I guess we know where RJ is going to land. They could not have been more obvious with Liam and Wyatt's new acquisition and all their talk about refreshing it, and a startup operation with "influencers." But I am down for it; let one Forrester child not be a designer or work in the business, and RJ working for Spencer might ruffle a few feathers. 

    Other than those Bill, Liam, Wyatt scenes Show was a positive snore. 

    I am so over people going to the jail to tell Sheila off. I can't stand Sheila, but it all seems so.........er..........juvenile and counterproductive. 

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  22. So, I am expected to believe that Sheila has usurped Brooke's place in Deacon's heart? Ah, nah, nah, nah. No way in hell will I ever believe that. They just cannot let Deacon be on the straight and narrow and will always find a way to screw him up. 


    And another round of Bill begging Katie. NO. NO. NO. 

    I did kind of like this new RJ. Maybe because he is new, but the kid seems to have some chops. 

    Outside of that, I thought Brooke looked lovely in her white and mint green. 

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