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Everything posted by RuntheTable

  1. They actually gave Wyatt an exit, I am pleased and very surprised. It made me so sad though, because it reminded me of how much I love Wyatt's witty repartee with his father and brother. As said above, they should keep Wyatt and let Liam go. However, given that RJ is now seeking to move out on his own, I am sure it was tied to him taking over the beach house. Or maybe Luna taking it over once Bill finds out he has a daughter.
  2. So I don't really know who I am supposed to be mad at. Thomas shouldn't have been listening at PCD, but then again status quos. At the same time, I can't find fault with Thomas defending his relationship and telling Finn to stay out of it. OTOH, Finn may be right about Thomas, but he is way, way, way outta his lane on Hope. He should not be picking up the mantel of protection; Hope has a father, and a mother, and a brother, and a sometimes stepdad. Finn has a wife who he has only just reconciled with, of course that doesn't mean he can't have his own opinions about Thomas, but it does mean that he should not be donning his Superman cape to rescue other woman from Thomas's clutches. Show really needs to stop it. I am old, and not nearly as nimble of foot as I used to be, and it is getting hella hard to avoid the fucking anvils. There is a reason that Xander randomly picked Steffy's husband as a doctor. There is further reason why Finn is suddenly so overly protective of Hope. I don't think I am happy about it. We have been going along fine with no triangles, but it seems our writers are suffering severe withdrawals, and have to start that up again. I don't have to spell it out. My fellow posters are smart enough to read between the anvils, and many have already posted the very same thing. I don't see any romantic sparks between Hope and Finn. As much as I had to say it, she has those in spades with Thomas though. And dear God, Steffy and Liam again? There is just not enough UGH in the world for that concept. Idiots should never have let Wyatt go! He would be the perfect spoil for the whole mess.
  3. So, Steffy can be all up in arms about Finn's crazy pants mom, but he can't be the same about her crazy pants brother? Steffy laid the law down though; Finn isn't to think about it or talk about it. The police, who of course never make mistakes, said it was an accident. Zander is out for revenge. This isn't going to end well. Steffy can't stand anyone questioning her family's ethics. They are Forrester's, and above reproach. She will somehow find out that Finn texted Hope to warn her and express his concern for her. The fighting is bound to escalate, and once Thomas derails, I can see Finn coming to Hope's rescue. Maybe even battling Liam for the honor. Bill seems to have dallied his dick all over the place with random women. Women he had sex with and forgot about and who all turned up pregnant. At this point he just needs to open up a home for the wayward kids of Bill Spencer. Will someone contact Wyatt and let him know he has a sister?
  4. A music festival 20 years ago? A night to remember? Luna lamenting having no father figure in her life? Don't even have to try to connect the dots or put any kind of strain on your brain. But for fucks sake, you better be stepping lively to avoid the anvils. Yes, they are definitely setting something up with Thomas. And it isn't looking like anything good.
  5. Not sure they were going for levity, but I giggled a little bit when Thorne said: "That could be a good sign.....or a bad one." "Well, in terms of signs, that can't be a good one." (As the nurses rush past them) And then we have the clueless Donna: "Why is it taking so long?" Hmmm.....let's see; blood transfusions and transplants. And the abhorrent Ridge: "Wait and see, that's all you got for us?" What an ungrateful, short-sighted fuck you are. Bridget is also Eric's child, and no matter the myriad of violations involved, she was just in the operating room trying to save her dad. She is the one that had the panic and fear as he started to hemorrhage, and his vitals were falling. She was the one racing with Finn to find the spot where Eric was bleeding. They were the ones with the pressure and the stress, as you paced and pontificated. I wish Bridget had punched him in the throat.
  6. Please Ridge...STOP YELLING AT EVERYONE! Like the little girl said in Sixth Sense; I feel much better now. Thank you Thorne, for reminding your brother that he is not the only child of Eric Forrester.
  7. At the least, Ridge could have called Thorne and Bridget and told them what was going on. As a doctor herself, maybe Bridget would have some knowledge of what Finn was talking about. Or, maybe she could have explained it a different way. In any event, they should have both been called to the hospital to say goodbye to their father. And Eric's other three children should have been called and told as well; don't cell phones work on safari? But Ridge is too busy making it all about him.
  8. Why would Eric give Ridge medical power of attorney and not Donna? Having asked that question I will also say that I have been in Ridge's position with my own father. Having to make that decision is horrible. My dad did not have the options that are on the table for Eric, but I don't know if it would have changed things. I guess my feelings are, there is no harm in trying, and if you end up in the same place you are no worse off. And you can move on knowing you did everything you could. I couldn't agree more. This whole Eric dying SL has been more about Ridge than Eric. I actually feel bad for Thorne, who is Eric's oldest bio son, but wasn't even a consideration, and is not even allowed to go to hospital. Me too. Hope does seem to be turning that corner. I never thought I could support them, but they just look so good together, and have such chemistry, it is hard to root against them.
  9. So, I would assume Finn was late because he was feverishly searching for the Soap Opera cancer cure? Too bad Bridget only just found out; she could have thrown in an assist with Google.
  10. Katie's dress! Va Va Va Voom! I absolutely loved it. Actually, I thought everyone looked really nice. I love Zende's bald head; I have always had a thing about bald men. One of my earliest crushes was Geoffrey Holder (Punjab and The Uncola Man), who I found fascinating and terrifying at the same time. But there were glaring omissions; no Finn, Hayes, Kelly, Douglas, Beth, or Taylor. I would even include Liam, who may be the most hated guy in Bell LA right now, but he was still Steffy and Hope's husband and is the father of two of Eric's grandkids. I might even say Bill, that would have added some intrigue to the party for sure. Pam and Charlie too. So, it looks like Soap Opera cancer has gotten ahold of Eric. They have certainly taken great pains to make him look haggard and ill. I would guess that Finn is absent because he will be the attending physician when Eric is rushed to the hospital.
  11. If this Eric is dying SL is for real, then I would have expected much more from Show. How can they send one of two remaining originals and a core character away without a proper goodbye to all of his family? Kristin, Felicia and Rick are off on Safari? WTF? These actors should have been contacted months before a SL like this was started to make sure of their availability. I guess if they didn't want to return that would be one thing, but my gut tells me this is Show's usual ham-fisted writing style, and little or no thought was given to how wrong it is to have the family Patriarch dying with half his family on board. And what about Bridget? No mention of her at all. Ronn Moss should have been contacted too; even if he came back as LDG; he at least would have been able to say his farewells. It was nice to see Windsor though. And it was nice to have some Eric flashbacks for a change, although there were not nearly enough, and much of Eric's 36 years were not covered. I am glad they allowed someone to remind Brooke about her deep history with Eric and allowed her to grieve for her ex-husband and friend without having to support her manchild husband. But I am going to call bunk on all of it. I haven't read anything about JM leaving. I think he will collapse at the party and will be transported to the hospital where Finn will save the day.
  12. Ok, so Eric dying is a really big deal, but three straight days of everyone standing around talking about it was a bit of overkill. At least break it up with some other SL here and there. I said way back in the beginning that Eric would somehow be saved, and Ridge would be regretting his decision to "let" Eric win the showdown. As some fellow posters have speculated; Finn will no doubt come to the rescue, maybe with an assist from Bridget. And speaking of Bridget, shouldn't she and Rick be told about this? Not to mention Thorne, Felicia and Kristin. Sometimes Show is so shortsighted and insular that they can't see the forest for the trees. Maybe the upcoming party will see a return of the full Forrester clan? I guess all we can do is hope.
  13. Reign was also in The Wilds (Prime Video), a series that had me on the edge of my seat throughout. She played the older, driven sister, and did a really good job.
  14. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow B&B'ers! They left out so much Bridge history, but what choice do you have when the bulk of the history was played out with a different actor. They did try though, but there were no feels there for me. I don't know what has happened to Brooke, or when it happened, but she has morphed into this vapid, clinging, needy, love smitten Stepford Wife. All she ever does is paw on Ridge and tell him how wonderful he is, and how lucky she is to have him in her life. It is gut wrenchingly horrible to watch.
  15. So, if Bill turns out to be Luna's dad, what happened to the child Poppy had with the doctor? I found on fire Zende all kinds of HAUGHT! And from his seat it does look like blatant nepotism. Doesn't stupid Ridge not realize that keeping Zende out of the loop about Eric is only going to make him feel like more of an outsider? My hope is that Zende mentioning his mother means we will have a return of Kristin. If so, I wish it would be Teri Ann Linn; nothing against Tracy Melchoir, but I was a big fan of original recipe Kristin. Surprisingly, I found Sheila quite humorous with Bill. I guess they realize that if Sheila is going to stay on canvas, then they have to do something different with the character.
  16. Holy hot ass lingerie Batman! Hope just ran over Liam like a ten ton freight train! I don't care what Hope meant with the "I love you for it", all I care about is that Liam heard it. Punk ass bitch dumped Hope and ran straight to Steffy, declaring his love, and is now urging her to leave her husband for him. No way does he get to just show up at Hope's trying to dictate her life and her future. Although, this shifty eyed Liam that talks to pictures is giving me stalker creeps. Not unpopular with me. I think they are both cute as buttons, if a little rough around the edges. But that is always the case; if you go back to the beginning and watch the episodes from season 1, they were all a bit stilted. These two are babies, and need to learn how to act, and flesh out these characters. What I also like about Luna is her mom. I think Poppy could be a good addition to the case. I would love to see her replace Sheila in Deacon's life, or maybe meet Bill and give him a purpose.
  17. It is called reality Liam. The reality that your wonderful, loving, forgiving, beautiful, soon to be ex-wife has no fucks to give about you or what you think. "It's called lingerie".......snerk! Brooke, you sound more like Stephanie every day. Of all people you should know how it feels to be told to back off by your lover's mother. Let Hope have her fun, the girl has certainly earned her right to experiment with life. It will flame out eventually, but that doesn't mean she will go running back to Waffle man. At least, I hope it doesn't.
  18. Well, lookey there, they remembered that Eric has some other kids besides Ridge! Imma bout sick to death of watching Brooke grieve for Ridge and not Eric. It seems her role is not only to be his doormat, but his sounding board, and his supporter, always there telling him he isn't alone. While Ridge, not one fucking single time, has asked Brooke how she is doing with this? She is Eric's longest running friend, they share a deep bond that has weathered many storms over the years, but it is like she can't feel a thing for Eric because her manboy is the only one allowed to grieve. So, I am liking Poppy. She is fresh and sweet. As someone who does have an older sister who is a bully, I can feel Poppy's pain. It is hard to get that backbone. And it seems that this feud goes way deeper than an affair; Li's remarks made it seem like she has held jealousy for her sister since they were young. My take was the sister who tried too hard to be perfect, and is driven, cold, and largely unlikable, and the sister who takes life as it comes, who is friendly and warm, and liked by everyone. Li has no say in what Luna does or where she works. Luna is in a hot little romance with the prodigal son. If she keeps this up, she will only hurt herself as everyone will be side eyeing her hatred of a young girl who has never done a fucking thing to her.
  19. So, in Li's narrow mind, a person is not even allowed to have a nickname? Geez, isn't that what makes a family unique? All the little "family" things? But, wait.....isn't "Finn" short for Finnegan? Wouldn't that be a nickname? Poppy only has one option; take a page out of her daughter's book and stop allowing Li to bully her. Whatever happened, happened a long time ago, and Li seems to have overcome whatever temporary setback it caused her. Moreover, Poppy needs to let Li know that Luna has never done a thing to deserve Li's hatred, and she needs to step way, way, away from her daughter. One thing that hasn't been made clear, and I do want to know, is if Luna was the child born from that affair? From Poppy's reaction, I would guess there is much, much more to the story. I have a feeling that Poppy was a victim far more that the "dignified" doctor. Well, Liam is just gonna make everyone's decisions then? How could Ridge sit there and listen to that? My dad would have smacked the taste right out of Liam's mouth for daring to assume his daughter would leave her husband. And can someone, ANYONE, please ask Liam how he is going to keep Steffy safe? You were terrified of Quinn, who was admittedly a bit off, but who doesn't even come close to Sheila in the world of crazy. Oh, and if there is any doubt about that, I have the receipts: And if it weren't enough to say such things to Steffy's father, you then have the temerity to take your ass over to Steffy and Finn's home and tell her to leave her husband for you. Now, I don't like Steffy, but she could win some major brownie points with me if she shuts Liam's shit down once and for all. Tell him straight up that there is no way she if walking away from her husband to resume a life with a waffling little wussy. This is one time I wish Sheila had been lurking at the sliding door. Hope's smack down of Steffy was a wonder to behold. Hope is in charge and in control, and no one is going to rain on her parade. As much as Steffy wants to believe it; Brooke was never with a guy just for sex. Her relationships were always very real, maybe inappropriate, but there were always feelings there. I have no problem with Hope getting her groove on, and I actually like that it is Thomas because it puts a bee in Steffy and Taylor's bonnets. I would be far more concerned if Hope was telling Thomas she loved him, but it is clear what Hope wants and needs from Thomas, and I find it refreshing that someone is being allowed to have a non-committed relationship, with no talk of marriage or the altar. If Steffy and Taylor want or need to slut shame Hope for stepping out of her safe zone one time in her life? Then fuck both of them because their respective closets are full of slutty little skeletons.
  20. The glint in Hope's eyes as she was preparing for battle was a thing of beauty; much preferable to the looks of fear and dread she used to get when confronted with Steffy's shit. Taylor, I have but one request: If Hope were playing Thomas, which I don't believe she is, it would be just a small fraction of the pain Thomas has caused her. Funny thing is, I don't remember you be all that worried about Hope's mental state, or her pain, when Thomas was rampaging and fucking up everyone's lives. OH! Wait, I forgot, you were out there saving the world from itself, doing great things as the WRP, and couldn't be bothered to mother your children. The fact that your delusions, jealousies, and vindictiveness about Brooke is what kept you away makes it all the more unforgivable.
  21. I am always down for a good old fashioned round of fist-de-cuffs........however......... That stuff with Steffy and Sheila came off very cartoonish to me. Big, bad ass Steffy is gonna be throwing her weight around I tell ya! Because we all know the best way to deal with a psychopath is to taunt and inflame them. Then again, Sheila is not just your garden variety psychopath either, and she doesn't fight back with shoves and sucker punches to the eye; she much prefers bees, mercury, guns and kidnapping. The whole thing felt like some weak sauce WWE shit, what with Finn standing in the background, watching his woman take charge and beat the baddies ass. Good luck with all that bravado there Steffy. Thank you! These were my thoughts exactly, except I was going to include Eric's three other children Thorne, Kristin and Felica, all of whom seem to have never existed.
  22. I liked a lot about that showdown; I thought the models were all quite beautiful, as was the jewelry. And I wasn't all that put off with the dresses and liked a lot of them. The one I absolutely hated though, was the red puffy one, with the giant bow on its side. What I liked the most though, was the voice over, telling us about the fabric, cut and design; very reminiscent of classic B&B when they did that regularly; it always made Show seem more genuine. They should have skipped Marie and her rendition of Countess WhoTheFuckEver, and used this opportunity for a proper introduction to Poppy. What better platform to bring in an artist, than a fashion show that her daughter contributed to? Only one line sold out? Right. I lay bets it was Ridge's, but once Brooke spills the beans about Eric's health, Ridge decides to say it was Eric's instead, thinking his dad only has a few months to live so what harm could it do. So, Eric will win the show down and will take over FC's, and next month they will find The Magical Soap Opera Disease Cure, and Ridge will be hating life.
  23. When I was a kid and someone was dying on a soap from a mysterious disease, my mom always told me it was "Soap Opera Disease", so I am holding with that as Eric's official diagnosis. It had to be Katie to find out first. It is only a matter of time before she spills to Carter, who will then spill to Ridge, and on and on. Ridge and Brooke appear to be on to Liam. Good. Not to forget Stephanie kept fake Angela alive for years, and she also brought Felicia back from the dead. However, looping her into a group test would prove challenging.
  24. Boundaries: A limit of a subject or sphere of activity Someone needs to educate Liam on this. The absolute nerve of that punk ass little bitch. What was he yammering about that Sheila being with Deacon makes things worse and puts Steffy in more danger? Ummm........seems to me that since Deacon is Hope's dad, it would logically put Hope in more danger. But Liam is so desperate to spin it his way, that he will use anything to make Finn look bad. Andplusalso, what exactly is Finn supposed to do to break them up? How is he supposed to handle two consenting adults love lives? And how is he supposed to get rid of Sheila outside of killing her? She is a free woman, she can live wherever she wants, and she can fuck whoever she wants. She is not breaking any laws living in LA or with Deacon. I also don't understand the importance of Steffy knowing about Sheila's new arrangements. It doesn't effect her in any way, as she has very little interaction with Deacon. Liam was careful though, to make it look like Finn was "withholding" evidence in order to protect his birth mother. I hope Finn jacks his ass up good and proper.
  25. Well Show, you can fuck the hell right off; how dare you make me feel sorry for Sheila! Li has every reason to hate Sheila, she has every reason to want her "behind bars", but she was so out of line with her antics at IL Giardino. How does Li think she would win? Dropping her glass on the floor, shoving Sheila's face into a plate of yummy looking Bolognese? Does she not realize that everyone witnessed her actions? That she will be seen as the aggressor and attacker? Does she not realize that she physically assaulted Sheila, and could have charges pressed against her? I guess we will see how Sheila handles it, so far she hasn't fallen for Li's bullshit, if she makes it past her pasta face I will be impressed. I am really sad to hear that Darin has left the show.
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