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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I wonder how many taxes this new woman paid for her Nigerian man?
  2. He speaks Turkish. Maybe he speaks Arabic too, but his primary language is Turkish. I actually recognize a few words from watching the Turkish show about Sultan Suleiman's slave turned wife called Magnificent Century. Its an awesome show BTW.. Netflix
  3. There are so many things I want to say about Angela and Micheal's situation.... but it would be too political
  4. This is why you dont introduce kids to a new boyfriend until you know it will work,
  5. yeah, they have their own plane. Nicko McBrain can fly too, but not a jumbo jet. Ill post a pic in the small talk thread later
  6. Hello. I missed the last 2 weeks. I missed last week because I was having dinner with the Drummer from Iron Maiden. I dont even like Iron Maiden but that was still cool. Now I need snark
  7. I lived in Cross Lanes WVa for a year when I was 10.. 1979-80
  8. That is also state dependent, Some states require the international drivers license, other just a valid one in your home country
  9. I wonder if the bee lady is the Bee Girl from the Blind Melon song, all grown up?
  10. I’ve actually received $350 worth of checks from Rakuten/ebates
  11. Oh God no. And I hate it when people says whatever “years young”. Makes you sound old
  12. Hello everyone, I am ready for some snark. I wont be here next week as I will be on a cruise. I hope this is not a terrible blow that I have dealt you all.
  13. Agreed,I dont think a lot of people realize how conservative much of SoCal is. San Diego and Orange County have been historically very Republican until about 2016. The years I lived in San Diego, 1989 to 2004 the political spectrum was most definitely Conservative. Also, while the percentage of fundies may not be as high as the south, SoCAL is much more densely populated than most southern states. Arkansas has 3 million people in the whole state. Thats less than the population of San Diego county. San Diego, OC and LA county have almost 15 million people in total. Im sure that adds up to a significant Fundie community, I know that as a homeschooler is San Diego I had a heck of a time keeping away from the Fundies ETA, i went down a rabbit hole. According to Pew research 20% of the population of Californians identify themselves as evangelical. . That’s 20% of nearly 40 million people, so 8 Million Californians identity that way. As was pointed out though, not all evangelicals are Fundies . That still makes a good sized population of them.
  14. And yet, I was , in the 90s , very briefly a part of a very Duggar like Fundie group. There was a large community there. Luckily I came to my senses quickly
  15. I mean..... they are both exchanging sex for money.
  16. I think she would look great in the dress that Avery was forced to wear in Lebanon
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