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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I spend a lot of time in Newark, near Darcy’s man. Im keeping a lookout for him
  2. So, my husband’s name is Ed and my first husband’s name was ALSO Ed... Because two Eds are better than one. There is a running joke that I collect Eds. I’m going to have to pass on this one though
  3. I do know some actors and production people on my FB have that many on their personal pages
  4. i have 1000. Mostly Doctor Whio convention friends. So does my husband. But we work and attend cons all over the USA and europe
  5. Im petty sure he is fro. Mauritius originally. i think they are British Subjects with the right to remain
  6. The UK , especially Manchester is full of people from other countries.
  7. Angela 2. I was in the military, We were tested for HIV. I thought i was safe.I have been HIV pos for 30 years. Get several tests before you decide this is safe.. and then ensure he is not sleeping around. This frustrates me so much.
  8. I have figured it out. Ed looks like the Goombas in the terrible Mario Brothers movie
  9. Mayo hair was a thing during the Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific era
  10. I bought a coat at a thrift store for $5 that I thought looked like it was good quality. I googled it when I got home. I was a rare coat from the 80s from a designer who designed coats for Jackie Kennedy. I sold it on ebay for $300. The women who got it said she couldnt believe i sold it so cheaply. I had no comps so I have no clue what it was really worth. There are good finds from thrifting.
  11. Well, i have told a couple of people to kiss my ass, but they had it coming. Most of the others are true for me
  12. None of these older women have heard of retin a
  13. Im going to be 50 soon and I dont look like that. I think. Maybe I am delusional
  14. Im about the right age to get me a Nigerian boy toy. My husband wont mind, right?
  15. What is with all of these men calling women their queen?
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