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Everything posted by forum4idiots

  1. interesting....remember the time they were moving the plant and parker disappeared and was bitching when he came back that it wasn't done.....i don't think i saw derek there too........hmmmmmmm. there is just something weird about the dnamic between parker and derek....just saying.
  2. why is everybody hating on my top chef husband (well, play thing) jeremy........what's wrong with his personality? yeah, he has none but who cares...look at that beautiful boy. he's not pretending to be anything...he is dumb as fuck and pretty as can be....which is fine with me, lmao. i'd smack that ass and lick that bald head every other thursday, lol. the magic cooking show: i guess the magic part in isaac's cooking was that it wasn't cajun....it's not cajun food...TADA! the magic in marjorie's dish is the missing french pronounciation of her dish...tada! judges may not admit it on camera, but i'm sure that had a part in deciding who not to move through the finals.......give the french even more reason tohate americans, lol....kidding......sort of. padma flinching at eggs on her face.....that's a first, lol. tom was very "dicky" during the quickfire.....always had to have an extra angst about the dishes......was like the arugula moment he had during the texas season. marjorie and the liquid nitrogen....oy vey.......like watching a child play with a sharp knife. no gloves, and immediately tasting it, lol. omfg. i'm surprised she still have both her hands after that fiasco. chicken skin in meat, chicken skin wrapping meat.......good god that sounds freaking amazing. grapes on chicken....that got me curious. since jeremy did not participate in the main challenge, i wish they would have shown some scenes of him in the jacuzzi ;)
  3. someone's gonna get fired for devising that very stupid challenge on extemely hot temperature.......and cbs will get sued if thsikeeps up.
  4. interesting..... this preemptive strike by rick's group, isn't this basically the justification of the terminus group? either them or us? get them first before we give them a chance to get us? seems like for every encounter the group has, it rubs off on them a little......proving once again that despite the zombie apocalypse, people are still the most dangerous things on the planet........ so with every bad encounter the group has, they become just a little bit twisted. so will the final end game be that the group will be the so called final villain? that they will become what they have been fighting all thsi time?
  5. god damn it. i knew that opening scene was a set up for carol...........i will cry a lot "when" they kill carol as the season finale.......glenn, not so much. to the producers...when you kill off carol, i will never, ever, ever, ever forgive u all, lol. --------------------------------------------------------------- "i thought you were the last woman on earth....you're not"........wow, talk about insult. "why are dingleberries brown? cause they're shit"......omfg, gota luv abraham. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. toast..... san fran lives up to its douchiest reputation.....no wonder hubert keller closed down his restaurant. i don't blame him one bit if the rave of the town is toast, lmfao.
  7. jeremy....how dare you hide that yummy ass with that untucked shirt....i mean, wtf? exposed chest but hidden booty? these quickfire eliminations are rather stupid. going through weeks of fighting to get to that point and be booted off before the main challenge? well, at least they had 3 judges.......(short criticism of last chance kitchen having only one biased judge) i knew carl was in trouble in the quickfire when he rambled on and on and on and on........and on....... marjorie, stop being a biatch.....telling isaac to shut up (though well deserved), still not nice.
  8. caleb is a magnet for creepy gay men....that troll from big brother and now Tai. he's used to the creepiness. that troll on big brother was way more aggressive. caleb is losing his appeal when skinny. dont get too skinny, caleb. debbie....oy vey.......
  9. Booooo to the directors for not showing some rick skin.......they show us some guts and blood and hacking the heads of human beings.....but no rick booty? WTF.......BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  10. haha....nathan fillion making a comment on jesus...."and he's clean"......spoliers....
  11. everything in the episode seemed appropriate...except the maggie scene......that seemed like filler and a "wtf" moment. plus, it came across to me like "enus, you lazy bitch" tone.
  12. i wonder if rick had a "second cumming"...........
  13. naked rick and michonne....as goerge takei would say "oh my"............them hooking up, that was a dead giveaway in the beginning of episode. that scene was so reminiscent of a couple waking up in the morning.....although in the middle of the episode, i really thought michone was gonna tap that cute little white boy son of deanna. gotta admit, this episode made my eyes a bit moist. jesus......badass. just badass. the rick music. hilarious.... nathan fillion.....yummy.
  14. i kind thought Phillip should be in this episode. Would have been funny to see him be the center of attention and attempt to rap .....that would have been funny.
  15. Wow. Todd is an idiot. Hey, Todd, I got a claim to sell you. So let me get this straight.....these guys were heavily marketing it and it just opened for lease.....hmmmmm. One red flag, they are marketing it. Understandable but still. Second......no overburden, at all, as the "marketers" claim........Really? No overburden. Hmmm. So it could be a blessing, OR, MAYBE, it was already mined and you are basically gonna mine scraps. Third.....the owners conveniently have "I have something to show you" nuggets ready to show you. WOW. Look at all those jewelry class nuggels that they show prospectors.........BIG RED FLAG. Fourth....the one "dirty nugget" they found (ON LAND WITH NO OVERBURDEN), just happen to be on this "discovered" on land easily detected by a metal detector and as stated by one of Todd's own men, NOT VERY DEEP.......BIG RED FLAG. If I was gonna market something for someone to lease really fast, Why not make it appealing by scattering a few "gold rocks" across the ground near the designated "meeting place" and get them all excited like dumbass TODD. See how giddy he got and was already willing to sign the lease because of that......PURE STUPIDITY. Thank goodness that other guy stopped him on his tracks. WOW. JUST WOW. Lazy fucker. Ready to sign the lease on his first venture without any real due diligence. Too good to be true? Probably. This may or may not be a gold rich place, but the way Todd went about it is just too funny. A freaking 8 year old can convince Todd to sign a lease cause he has the mental capacity of a 5 year old. ------------------------------------------- Ugh, Parker. Where did he go while his crew move the goldzilla? The guy who irresponsibly paid the royalties up front and recklessly put a 3000 ounce goal and was barking "we're running out of time" cause of winter coming.......leaves. Hey, Parker.....how about......while the crew move goldzilla, you make your ass useful and strip some paydirt an dpile it next to the future destination of goldzilla. You keep bitching about needing to beat winter and how you need more gold. Guess what, you lost about 6 hours of opportunity when the crew was moving the equipment...you could have been moving dirt. Loose dirt can be easily ran through goldzilla through the winter......But instead, you decided to disappear and when you come back, you bitch, bitch, bitch. You are becoming quite the new Todd. When you fuck up, you blame everyone else. Mitch.....you are a good man and a cutie. You da man.
  16. let's play a game....let's guess what the contestants will cook next week: jeremy, something crudo. marjorie......something that again, she hasn't made in such a long time but will attempt again, or bake something. amar.....something that reminds him of his ex gf, again. isaac...something "new orleans".....again..... carl...don't know. kwame....don't know.
  17. i'm starting to have a problem with last chance kitchen's "one judge panel"......no second opinion on your last chance dish? i'm sure blais or the eyebrows judge have nothing better to do.
  18. oh hell, no. that is not my baby jeremy, lol. that is carl with a drag queen rapper name, "soigne ploosh". padma....what the hell is with trying to get kwame to rap? is it because he's black? lmao. karen's quickfire, though it was one of the faves, looked like vomit....literally.
  19. love jack london square when i stayed at the hotel there when glen hansard played at the fox theatre a couple of years ago. if only the water was clean, that place would be even more incredible.
  20. not liking the seemingly obligatory "homage" by the other cheftestants to the ousted chef. so awkward and fake, from an already mostly fake reality show. anyways, here's my homage to phillip....did you get your culinary experience from online schools or youtube?...like how bloggers and twitter posters now consider themselves journalists? oh jeremy.."spicy j-rock 305".....you are hot as fuck but honey, bless your heart,, sugar......lol. soigne ploosh as a rapper name? sure, if you're a drag queen rapper........hey, jason. you might want to steal that one if you decide to go into the lucrative music of gay rapping.
  21. if i have to guess...i think it's more like red took on the real red, who is dead to hide teh fact he is lizzie's father....which seems to tie in to next week's ep. so i think this episode is nothing more than a prep to big reveal. the reddington graveyard on the painting most likely represents the graveyard of lizzie's father, but instead is the real reddington, not liz's dad. and apparently, the blacklister next week know this "buried" secret.
  22. i understand why red is against tom and liz......the real truth is, tom is too good for liz, lol. back off bitch, lol.
  23. horrible opening scene. "ok, i'm an idiot who doesn't pay attention to what's around me which is why i never noticed the door not closing it, yet i meticulously examine my wine glass and for some odd reason i became a detective and noticced someone through the glass...never mind that i never noticed the door shutting, and then while on the phone and know that my house has possiby been trespassed, i don't tell the guy i'm on the phone of this possible danger or for him to call back in a few minutes to check up on me or possbly call the police....but instead, hand up and grab a knife and deal with it himself....".......mmmmkay great, a rat software on steroids....let the conspiracy theory paranoia resume.
  24. awww, although i'm jason won, i felt bad for karen....... jason,....u are one ugly drag queen, lol. kind of a no brainer who would win. as soon as jason said wagyu beef and will cook second....done and done. hard to fuck up beef that is so so good to begin with.
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